
执业药师药学专业知识一 第20讲 药物递送系统(DDS)与临床应用-靶向制剂-课堂视频-搜狐课堂
执业药师药学专业知识一 第20讲 药物递送系统(DDS)与临床应用-靶向制剂
执业药师药学专业知识一 第20讲 药物递送系统(DDS)与临床应用-靶向制剂当前位置: &
中文翻译短语和例子B.M. =1.Bachelor of Medicine 医学士。2.British Museum 不列颠博物馆(旧称大英博物馆)。3.bowel movement 〔口语〕大便。4.Bachelor of Music 音乐学士。&&&&水准点&&&&电池刻度器(软件名,用于笔记本电脑电池的测试)&&&&船梁; 横梁(船舶型宽)&&&&百慕大(域名)&&&&的图形文件格式; 位图&&&&凹凸(纹理)贴图; 凹凸贴图&&&&免疫记忆b细胞&&&&bm米雅&&&&浅水重炮舰&&&&bm螺杆&&&&拜尚&&&&混合碎茶&&&&竹餐垫&&&&bm screw&&&&bm miya&&&&米雅bm&&&&铁甲舰&&&&弹道导弹&&&&水准点&&&&水准点&&&&材料表&&&&材料表&&&&定倾半径&&&&战争磨房&&&&shōnen-ai&&&&布吕歇尔
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英文解释a euph "he had a bowel movement"同义词:, ,
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英文翻译chinese materia medica preparationpreparation of chinese traditional medicine&&&&traditional Chinese medicine&&&&preparation&&&&tcm preparation room&&&&analysising drug form of chinese materia medica&&&&herbal preparations&&&&p pesticide preparations&&&&pharmaceutical preparation&&&&liquid herbal extracts&&&&preservatives for pharmaceutical preparations&&&&chinese traditional medicinal anesthetics&&&&pharma - project manager&&&&owning pharmaceutical r&d projects&&&&traditional chinese medicine◇中药材 ch 中药厂 pharmaceutical fa ...&&&&arochlor&&&&division of traditional chinese drugs&&&&[药理学] preparation
制剂机械 pharmaceutical machine ...&&&&herbs beer&&&&ammunition production section&&&&dispensing practices&&&&candy medicated&&&&olea medicata&&&&traditional chinese prepared medicines&&&&division of traditional chinese drugs&&&& chi traditional chin ...&&&&chin traditional chinese medicine plant
例句与用法Progress of traditional chinese medicine preparations中药制剂研究进展Effect on biochemical index of serum in dairy cows by taking复方中药制剂对奶牛血液生化指标的影响Application of nanotechnique to modern preparation of chinese materia medica纳米技术在现代中药制剂中的应用Analysis on 68 cases of allergic shock caused by chinese traditional preparation中药制剂致过敏性休克68例浅析Cases of burn wound treated by different dosage forms of chinese drugs preparation选择不同剂型中药制剂处理烧伤创面875例875 The clinical analyses of 116 cases of drug eruption caused by chinese traditional medicines中药制剂致药物性皮炎116例临床分析Exploration in offering designable experiment in the specialty of traditional chinese medical preparation中药制剂课开设设计性实验的探索Study on aluminum toxicity and preventive and therapeutic effects of two traditional chinese medicines铝的毒性及两种中药制剂的防治效果研究A control study on effect of ligustrazine and other tcm herb on hypertrophic scar in rabbit ears川芎嗪等多种中药制剂对兔耳增生性瘢痕作用的对比研究Causes of hygienic superscale of traditional chinese medicines prepared by hospital and preventive strategies医院中药制剂卫生学超标的原因和防范措施更多例句:&&1&&&&&&
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