PS4怎么验证input email 验证

TA的每日心情慵懒 12:29签到天数: 6 天[LV.2]偶尔看看I
本帖最后由 ZAB 于
02:34 编辑
Hello 大家好 ZAB。
我的老账号已经找回 ;),好人一生平安。
1. 你需要联系到ea客服:
2. 找到可以chat now的国家,不管是美国,UK,澳洲,印度 等等,需要你能点chat now那个按钮而不是call me。
3. 找到了客服,那么跟他聊天,询问他你的账号怎么回事儿,如果你是被ban了或者suspend(挂起,暂停停止使用的意思)。
他会让你联系dispute 那个email。
4. 我尝试过用正规手段联系dispute,非常麻烦,等很久
写了大概1000字左右,一片文章都出来,他们不予受理!!!或者等很久很久~ 都没有回复。
所以,我尝试其他办法, 不过这样比较非常规:
1. 所以我从 还是联系EA
2. 还是按照普通步骤,选择Fifa15,选择平台,pc或者ps或者xbox
3. 最重要的一步:
account hacked(看下面上的图)
然后再跟EA 客服说,你被ban的账号是被hacked,不是你亲自所为!!!!
他会继续让你发email 给dispute那个email去申诉,其实就是专门申诉EA的email。
这里还有一点要注意,不要complete(完成)这个case(文案),要留着,比如你搞定到这里,然后直接关了就行,EA那个客服会自动给给他的email地址发一个邮件的, 题目是这样的类似:
题目:&&Thank you for contacting EA help ************(这里是一串数字)
发给: 这个email地址。
Banned/Suspended Account - FIFA 15(ultimate team)&&-xxxxxxxxxxxx(Origin account) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(PSN ID)
Your Information:
First Name & Last Name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(你的名字,用拼音英文)
Game/Product Name: FIFA15
Persona Name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(Origin 的ID )xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(PSN的 ID)
Where your game or product was purchased: PS4 的FIFA游戏如何买的(我写的是purchased online在线买的。或者你写买的实体盘bought the FIFA game disc)
Banned or Suspended: Banned
Error/Notification Message received (if any):
Details of your dispute:
1. I didn't do any gold/coin farm.
2. My account got hacked few times previously.
Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting us regarding your inability to access your Origin account.
We have now completed our investigation into your query and upon review of your case, we can see that your game was disabled due to Exploitation in FIFA 15.
In order to be able to recover control of the account you will need to contact
using chat or phone. Once they have confirmed you are the correct owner of the account your account will be reactivated. Please understand that doing this will ensure the security of your account which is a priority to us.
For further information on how to recover your account please see the following link:
Thank you for your diligence in bringing this matter to our attention. As a valued customer, your feedback is very important to us.
Yours sincerely,
EA Terms of Service
再次回到你 然后按照之前的步骤,进入resume(继续完成)你的case(文案)!
就是刚才ea客服给你发的email里面有case 的字号还有你的key,可以再回去,当然,你用自己那个登陆账号,按道理是应该可以看到以前的case,可以直接resume(继续)审核你的账号。
然后你复制这个email告诉他,dispute team has replied me, that my account is able to re-activiated.
只有他就可以给你解锁(Unlock)了, 会问你一些安全问题,security questions!!!
祝贺 祝贺 zab老师给广大被误伤群众带了希望
封的原因 ? 是买金3次 ?&&按理说2次应该清空才对啊。 1次么只是警告
封的原因 ? 是买金3次 ?&&按理说2次应该清空才对啊。 1次么只是警告
不管如何,先恭喜楼主 ...
祝贺 祝贺 zab老师给广大被误伤群众带了希望
哎哟,我调侃一句,还认真起来了在PC上玩PS4 通过Remote Play PC实现流媒体传输_产品_电脑爱好者
在PC上玩PS4 通过Remote Play PC实现流媒体传输
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PlayStation 4这款游戏机在下一代游戏玩家当中大受欢迎,不过它缺少Xbox One提供的一项关键特性:通过PC玩游戏机的功能。Windows 10版的Xbox应用程序是款很出色的应用程序,因为设置它可以让你将游戏从Xbox One流媒体传输到PC,只要PC与游戏机在同一个网络上几乎没有滞后。但现在,在PS4上这种体验也已经成为一种可能。
索尼的Remote Play功能
索尼为PS Vita用户提供了远程游戏(RemotePlay)功能,可使用Vita的触摸屏向后控制按钮来取代R2和L2并不好,而且拥有PS Vita的用户并不多(图5)。在Windows 10中通过PC玩Xbox One游戏的功能要归功于Xbox应用程序(图6),索尼官方的Remote Play应用程序可能还有一段时日才会问世,目前没有为PC用户提供任何类似功能。
第三方程序开发商Twisted基于Remote Play推出了Remote PC Play,可以进入其官方网站下载。而目前这个非官方应用程序Remote PC Play就是在不购买视频采集卡前提下最好的解决方案,让用户可以通过PC用流媒体信号传输的方式玩PS4。
Remote PC Play设置
我们在去年曾经介绍过在Windows 10中的Xbox应用程序流式传输Xbox One游戏的设置方法,RemotePC Play设置过程不如Xbox官方程序来得简单,不过整个过程仍很顺利。主要过程包括四个部分,安装激活、注册PS4、连接PS4、通过网络来连接。
先从这里(/forum/files/file/2-remote-play-pc-alpha/)下载和安装Remote PC Play,Windows 10用户首次试图打开Remote PC Play时,可能会遇到&Windows保护你的PC&提醒信息,这是由于该软件是新的,Windows还无法识别它(图7)。只要点击忽视提醒,应用程序会正常打开。
进入到Remote Play Connect菜单待机,准备开始注册。注册PS4前需要注意在注册这一步时必须保证PS4和对应的PC在同一个网络环境内。注意这只限于注册,而之后的使用是可以通过远程互联网的。
打开PlayStation 4进入到设置、RemotePlay连接设置中选择添加设备,添加设备设置中记下屏幕上显示的数字,这个数字代表着我们的PS4游戏机的身份,PC程序就是通过数字来识别PS4的(图8)。
在Remote PC Play应用程序中,将刚才记下的数字输入到PIN栏,并且还需要输入你目前登录到PS4上的那个帐户的在线ID(图9),也就是玩家们常说的PSN ID。这个ID区分大小写(图10),如果用户没有把握可以进入到PSN 网站,拷贝粘贴Online ID确保信息输入正确,正确输入并且确定后就可以开始完成注册了。点击&Register&按钮几秒钟后,应该会显示一条消息告诉你PS4已注册成功,一旦显示该消息只要点击OK就可以继续下一步了。
如果使用Remote PC Play,有两种方法可以连接到PS4:直接连接(Direct Connect)或搜索和连接(Searchand Connect)。如果你对网络和端口转发不是太了解,就选择&搜索和连接&方法。如果你知道PS4的公共IP地址只要将地址输入到顶部字段,点击&直接连接&即可。搞不清楚什么叫公共IP地址的可以通过找到你PS4的地址,请注意不论哪种方法进行时PS4都要完全通电(待机和休眠状态不行),才能通过直接连接使用Remote Play,不过想通过互联网玩PS4就需要这种连接类型。
之后就是配置控制器(图11)。Remote PC Play不像使用Xbox的官方Xbox应用程序那么方便,Remote PC Play需要你手动配置控制器,只要配置一次即可以后都会长时间生效。点击Settings(设置)&Controller(控制器),从下拉菜单中选择控制器类型,然后逐个映射按键(图12)。比较特殊的是这个程序除了游戏控制器之外还支持键盘鼠标,完成后只要关闭窗口你的设置就会保存起来。
前两个步骤都正确设置好后就可以试玩游戏了,玩游戏之前还可以调整分辨率和刷新率(图13),但目前Remote PC Play支持比较好的只有720P下才能实现60fps,如果放大至1080P的话你会发现游戏画面细节会有一定发虚的现象(图14)。如果你正确遵照步骤说明,应该会看到在应用程序窗口中央显示的一段视频流。想控制PS4开始玩游戏,只要确保主窗口已选中就可以玩游戏了(图15)。
想通过互联网连接到PS4,你先要在主路由器上进行端口转发。如果你不确信如何在路由器上进行端口转发,可以在此(查看具体型号获得相关的操作说明。在路由器设置中,下列端口UDP 987、TCP 9295和UDP 9296需要保持打开状态。
确保路由器端口已经打开后就开启PS4,在Remote PC Play应用程序中,输入你PS4的公共IP地址。从PS4浏览器进入到就能找到该地址。点击Direct Connect,要是一切顺利你应该连接到PS4,应该可以通过互联网玩游戏了。
目前使用家用游戏机来进行录制和直播的用户越来越多,PS4官方的视频录制功能已经足够方便了,但是在我们上传至国内优酷等网站时仍需要从PS4中拷贝出来至电脑上才比较方便。而虽然PS4官方提供了直播功能,但只支持欧美直播网站Twitch和日本niconico生放送,这与国内斗鱼TV、熊猫TV等等使用的直播方法和环境格格不入。本次提供的Remote PC Play方法是在购买视频采集卡之外最佳的软件实现直播的方法,有了Remote PC Play就可以像Xbox One那样在不通过视频采集卡的方式使用流媒体传输方式在局域网内任意PC上进行游戏直播或者录制。
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The DualShock 4 is
Let us take a look at how both of these controllers have evolved from their predecessors, and then we will compare them to each other to see which might be the best controller.
. Wouldn&t it be nice if you could use it for Steam&games, emulation, or PS Now&streaming? You can!&And while you used to have to download drivers and mapping software, the process is much simpler now. Let&s take a look at how it works on Mac and PC.
Connecting a DualShock 4 to Your Mac
Plug it into the USB port. That&s all there is to it.
Okay, there are a few more steps if you want to use Bluetooth. In that case, you&ll need to press and hold the PS and Share buttons until the light bar flashes. Once you&ve done that, the controller is in pairing mode. Open up&System Preferences & Bluetooth and select&Pair next to the controller in the device menu.
Now your controller is synced up via Bluetooth and you can do away with the USB cord. Though it is nice to have your controller charging every time you plug it into your computer.
So what can you do with the PS4 controller on your Mac? OpenEmu, the
Organize your favorite retro games in style & then play them. OpenEmu is a long-awaited Mac exclusive that combines emulation for a dozen systems into a single, slick program. It makes browsing your ROMs a...
, supports the DualShock 4 natively, so all you have to do is plug it in and start playing. It might take a minute to figure out how it maps to an NES or Genesis controller, but after a few minutes of pressing buttons, you&ll have it down. You can also use it for some computer-only games, making it easier to
PCs and consoles may be closer than ever -- after all, the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 are basically just gaming PCs -- but there are still huge differences.
And at the end of 2016, Steam added support for the PS4 controller. So now it has just as many mapping options as the
Every decade there's a revolution in game controller design. In 1983 Nintendo released the first directional pad. In 1997 we received the ergonomic DualShock. In 2006 the Wii Remote brought motion controls. Now we have...
. You can map it to joystick or keyboard movements, set up action sets, touch menus, and other customizations.
To access these customizations, open up Steam and&enable Big Picture Mode by clicking on the controller in the top-right corner of the window or hitting View & Big Picture Mode. Then click the gear to access settings, and select&Controller & PS4 Controller. From there, you can adjust mappings and other settings.
Unfortunately, there&s no PlayStation Now app for the Mac, so you&ll need to stick with your PlayStation or a Windows PC for game streaming.&You can use the PS4 remote streaming capability to play your PS4 games through your Mac, but the app doesn&t support Bluetooth-connected DualShock controllers. You&ll either need to stay plugged in or purchase the wireless USB adapter (see below).
Connecting a DualShock 4 to Your PC
While it&s not quite as simple as it is on a Mac, connecting your DualShock 4 to a PC is still pretty easy. First, you&ll need to , a free app that allows you to emulate an Xbox 360 controller (which is supported by Windows) with your DualShock. Some games support the PS4 controller without DS4Windows, but downloading the app will give you more customization options as well as wider compatibility.
Unzip the file and launch DS4Windows. Connect the DualShock 4 with the USB cable or pair it via Bluetooth (hold the PS and Share buttons until the light bar flashes, then pair it using the&Start & Settings & Devices & Bluetooth you may need to enter &0000& as the pairing code). From there, just follow the instructions in the DS4Windows app. It will walk you through setting up the controller.
DS4Windows is pretty simple, but if you&re having trouble with it or aren&t getting the results you expected, the website has the
you may have.
As with the Mac, once you have the controller paired, you can use it for a wide variety of games. Emulators and Steam both work similarly (to customize how your controller works with Steam, go to Big Picture Mode and access the settings as detailed above).
And because PlayStation Now allows you to
Sony's PS Now game streaming service is available for Windows PCs! But is it worth the subscription price for PC gamers? Here's what you'll get!
, you can use the DualShock 4 to play those games as well. However, PS Now doesn&t support Bluetooth-connected DualShock controllers. You can always connect it via USB cable, or if you want to use PS Now wirelessly, you&ll need to get the wireless USB adapter (see below).
And, like the Mac, you can use PS4 remote streaming to play your PS4 games on your PC. But again, you&ll need to stay plugged in or use the adapter.
The DualShock 4 Wireless USB Adapter
If you&re willing to shell out for an extra accessory, the
is a great way to use your controller on a computer that doesn&t have Bluetooth or for some other reason isn&t using the controller very well. It&s a small USB dongle that enables all of the DualShock&s features in any app that supports them. That means you&ll get full rumble, light bar, and even audio through the headphone jack.
Using this is as simple as buying it (it&s only ) and plugging it in. With the dongle, you can use your DualShock wirelessly for PS Now and PS4 remote streaming. It&s possible that with other software you could achieve the same effect, but this is the only method that&s officially supported.
The dongle has middling reviews, with many people saying it works as expected, and others saying they have some lag issues. And using the adapter in conjunction with DS4Windows to play other games can be a bit finicky. Still, the fact that PlayStation offers official wireless support for just over $20 isn&t bad.
A Great Controller, Now More Versatile
With plug-and-play compatibility on Mac, the easy-to-use DS4Windows on PC, and an official wireless USB adapter, you have quite a few ways to use the DualShock 4 with a wide variety of games on your computer. There&s no reason to keep using sub-par PC controllers! The Dualshock 4 is almost as essential&on PC as it is
Fear not next-gen console owner, because there are some pretty solid accessories available for console right now, and some of definitely worth owning. We will save you the effort of looking around. This list of...
What do you use your PlayStation controller for on your computer? Have you had any issues with using it? Share your tips and thoughts in the comments below!
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