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从Toury的翻译规范看旅游资... 2页 免费 外宣旅游资料汉英翻译的特... 2页...二、旅游宣传资料翻译的方法 1、重复法:在英语和汉语中,词的重复都是存在的。...中英旅游宣传资料翻译策略... 4页 1财富值 chapter 8 企业宣传材料的... 20页 10财富值 从Toury的翻译规范看旅游资... 2页 免费 外宣旅游资料汉英翻译的特...图里_翻译规范论 (2)_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。Chapter 7 Gideon Toury ...Gideon Toury is Professor of Poetics, Comparative Literature and Translation ...翻译规范及其研究途径_廖七一_哲学/历史_人文社科_专业资料。2009 年 1 月 外语...图里 ( Gideon Toury) 借鉴了列维和波波维奇的观 点 ,从行为主义的角度来探讨...从Toury翻译规范理论看林纾翻译_专业资料。翻译是一种语言活动,亦是一种社会文化活动,必然会受到社会文化规范的束缚,林纾的翻译也不例外。本文在扼要概述图里翻译规范...本文拟从翻译规范的角度来探讨制约旅游文本翻 译的...21。而图瑞(Toury)则对翻译规范(Tram.1ationnOIT[...对译语滨者的选择则主要是以英语为主要语言、有 ...图里翻译规范 Toury translational norms_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。介绍了图里...从Toury的翻译规范看旅游... 2页 免费 Gideon和Toury翻译规范论... 6页 1下...一、引言吉 蒂昂?图里(Gideon Toury )是当今世界著名的翻译理论家,是特拉维夫...其中 ,模版规范(matricial norms )决定代替源语材料出现的译 语材料的形式和它...北语15秋《英汉汉英翻译》作业3满分答案_教育学_高等教育_教育专区。北语15秋《英汉/汉英翻译》作业3满分答案 一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 50 分。) 1. He...翻译规范 wl_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。翻译规范理论英语1211班 王林 翻译规范理论观点 代表人物: Toury, Hermans, Chesterman 分类 应用 ? 初步规范 ? 操作规范...功能理论在旅游宣传材料汉英翻译中的运用_文学研究_人文...并从中 获得艺术享受; 而在外国游客看来 , 这些简直...它与其原语文本保持的联系将 根据译文预期或所...翻译规范论_教育学/心理学_人文社科_专业资料。图里 规范论 A B C 图里...? ――Toury ? 译者可以选择遵循原文(原语文化)或译文(译语文化)的规范,若...湖北经济学院外国语学院& 湖北 武汉& 430205
  Abstract:This paper is a comparison of Giles& version and Wang Baotong&s version of The Three-Character Classic from the perspective of Gideon Toury&s Translational Norms. Under the framework of preliminary norms and initial norms, factors influenced the selection of source text are discussed. Giles translates the book in order to help western missionaries learn Chinese and Chinese culture, while Wang Baotong&s translation is the outcome of his interest in poetry translation and the current hot tides of learning Chinese in the world. Then, reasons are found about Giles& adequate translation strategy and Wang&s acceptable strategy. According to operational norms, the tendency of Giles& literal translation and Wang&s liberal translation is observed at following aspects, which are translation of phrases, translation of historical stories and reproduction of Rhyme.
  Key words: comparison, The Three-Character Classic, preliminary norms, initial norms, operational norms
  摘 要:本文在图里的翻译规范下对比分析翟理斯和王宝童两人的《三字经》英译本。在预备规范和初始规范下,分析影响翟理斯和王宝童把《三字经》作为翻译对象的因素,以及两位翻译家各自在翻译时对相关翻译策略偏好。得出翟理斯主要是为了给当时的西方传教士提供学习汉语的资料而翻译;王宝童则是因为自身对诗歌翻译的喜爱和当今世界学汉语热而翻译《三字经》。翟理斯倾向于充足性的翻译;王宝童倾向于可接受性的翻译。在操作规范下,对比两本译作对《三字经》原文中专有名词、历史典故和韵律等方面的翻译处理方式,得出翟理斯倾向直译,而王宝童倾向意译。
  关键词:对比分析; 《三字经》; 预备规范; 初始规范; 操作规范
  Gideon Toury is an Israeli scholar in Tel Aviv University. He put forward his well-known theory named as translational norms. He holds that these translation activities in different cultures have been influenced not only by systematic difference between languages on traditional meaning, cognitive ability of translators and actual translation level, but also by a lot of social and cultural factors, such as economic conditions, politic regimes and so forth, which play an important role in& the whole translation process from the selection of source text to selection of translational strategies to the actual practice of translation. Many scholars have exerted great efforts on studying and practicing Gideon Toury&s translational norms.
  The Three-Character Classic gains great position in Chinese history and China&s traditional culture. It is the abundant Chinese cultural nutrients which are embodied in The Three-Character Classic that occur the idea of comparing different English versions of The Three-Character Classic under Toury&s translation norms, that is to say, from a perspective of a theory relating to social and cultural factors, like Toury&s translational norms. Therefore, this paper is a comparison of Giles& version and Wang Baotong&s version of The Three-Character Classic from the perspective of Gideon Toury&s Translational Norms.
  2.A Review of Gideon Toury&s Translational Norms
  Norm is defined as, as sociologists and psychologists have long regarded, the translation of general values or ideas by a community&as to what is right or wrong, adequate or inadequate&to performance instructions appropriate for and applicable to particular situations, specifying what is prescribed and forbidden as well as what is tolerated and permitted in a certain behavioral dimension (Toury, ).Toury introduced this concept of &norm& into translation and put it into a social-cultural dimension. In his opinion, translation can be described as subject to constrains of several types and varying degree. In general, social-cultural constrains have been described along a scale anchored between two extremes: general, relatively absolute rules on the one hand, and pure idiosyncrasies on the other. Between these two poles lies a vast middle-ground occupied by inter-subjective factors commonly designated &norms&. The norms themselves form a graded continuum along the scale: some are stronger, and hence more rule-like, others are weaker, and hence almost idiosyncratic (Toury, 2001: 54).
  Toury distinguishes three kinds of translation norms that operate at different stages of translation process: preliminary, initial and operational. The initial norms are regarded as the basic choice which the translator made at the very beginning of the translation process. It reflects a translator&s overall tendency of translating whether to adhere to source norms or target norms or something between them. Preliminary norms have to do with two main sets of considerations: translation policy and directness of translation. Translation policy refers to those factors that govern the choice of text types, or even of individual texts, to be imported through translation into a particular culture/ language at a particular point in time (Toury, 2001: 58). Directness of translation means whether the translating work is done by the reference from the origin language of the text or the other language version of the text. Operational norms are those directing actual decisions made during the act of translation itself. Operational norms include matricial norms and textual-linguistic norms. Metrical norms may govern the very existence of the target language material intended as a substitute for the corresponding source-language material, its location in the text, as well as the textual segmentation. The extent to which omissions, additions, are all referred to this. Textual linguistic norms govern the selection of material to formulate the target text in, or replace original textual and linguistic material with (Toury, 2001: 59).
  3.English Versions of The Three-Character Classic
  There are mainly two high tides of translating The Three-Character Classic into its English version. One is at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the other one is at present, the 21st century. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, many western missionaries came to China with the purpose of preaching their religion. They were proficient in Chinese and knew the importance of learning China&s culture. Therefore, they translated many Chinese literary works, among which The Three-Character was included. Robert Morrison, the first western missionary to China, completed his English version of The Three-Character Classic in 1812. At the 21st century, with the increasing of China&s comprehensive country power, cultural communication and spread to the world, the translation of Chinese literary work again become important and prosperous. Several China&s presses have published English versions of The Three-Character Classic, which are translated by modern Chinese scholars or translators like Meng Fanjun (2007) and Wang Baotong (2008). This paper is going to choose Herbert A Giles& version and Wang Baotong&s version and compare them under Gideon Toury&s Translational Norms.
  3.1. Translators& Selection of Source Text
  Herbert A Giles published his translational work called Two Chinese Poems, which contained San Tzu Ching: Elementary Chinese in 1873. His intention to translate it was influenced under the social background at that time of the early nineteenth century. After the War of 1840, China& door was enforced to be open to the outside world. Many western missionaries from different countries with the pursuit of spreading their religious beliefs came to China. These missionaries were also known as sinologists because of their proficiency in Chinese and Chinese culture as a by-product of spreading their religions. According to Herbert A Giles himself, his motivation to translate San Zi Jing was that a missionary thought it was almost impossible to translate San Zi Jing into its English version with rhymes. But in my opinion, unconscious of the social background which has been mentioned above influenced Herbert A Giles& selection of translation of San Zi Jing. It proved exact. Thirty seven years later when it was in 1910, he re-translated his San Tzu Ching. In the preface, he noted that San Zi Jing as elementary book was pretty stable. He introduced the status of San Zi Jing on China&s education. He pointed out that San Zi Jing, as the elementary book for Chinese children, was required to recite and remembered in mind. For those Chinese learners who wanted to write in formal Chinese style and to think in Chinese way, the importance of this book was self-evident. If foreign students had imitated Chinese children&s method of reciting this book, they would have learned perfect Chinese and knowledge of Chinese culture. And he also said that many foreign translators did not really understand the deep meaning in San Zi Jing because of concise expression of San Zi Jing.
  From what has been discussed above, factors like social culture background in the early 19th century when missionaries preached their religions, important position of San Zi Jing used to master Chinese for foreign students and rectification of its English version rendered by former translators let Giles choose San Zi Jing as a source text to translate.
  On the Foreword page of The Triword Primer, the third reason for Professor Wang&s choice of source text can be observed. It is the misunderstanding of source text during the process of translation made by former translators that make Professor Wang create a better English version. A case in point is Herbert Giles& translation and a nonsensical translation can be found on the Internet, according to Wang Rongpei, the author of the foreword.
  3.2. Translators& Selection of Translation Strategies
  In initial norms, a translator may either comply with source norms or with target culture norms, which corresponds with adequate translation and acceptable translation from the perspective of meeting readers& requirements. Adequate translation means the translator tends to be faithful to the original work by reserving the arrangements and linguistic distinctions and features of original work. Acceptable translation tends to consider more about its readers by using information familiar to readers.
  Generally speaking, the readers of Giles& version and Mr. Wang&s version are both foreigners who want to know much more knowledge about China at their time, the specific readers and their needs are different. At Giles& times, western missionaries were the main readers of his English version of The Three-Character Classic and they used this book as a textbook or reference to learn Chinese characters and Chinese culture, which they were required to learn more (张西平, ). Therefore, Giles tended to bring an adequate translation to his readers. However, the choice of one translation strategy is not complete. As literary translation is a complex task, it&s hard for a translator only to use a strategy during his translating process. The only thing is sure that a translator has tendency of using which strategy frequently, unavoidable of using others sometimes. According to Gideon Toury&s translational theory, the Operational norms affect the actual process of translating. It should be noted that the initial norms and the preliminary norms are the bases of the operational norms.
  3.2.1 Translation of Phrases
  In the original text, there are a lot of typical characters and phrases from Chinese culture, such as names of famous people, Chinese traditional classical works and Chinese cultural phrases.
  a. People&s Names
  When it comes to the translation of People&s names, we tend to use the method of transliteration, which has been adopted by Herbert A Giles as well. He has improved an influencing phonetic notation system&Wades System, which has been a far-reaching phonetic notation system at the end of the Qing Dynasty. In his English version, for example, &Hsiang& for &黄香&, &Jung& for &孔融&, &Tseng& for &曾子&, &Hsun& for &荀子&, &Lao Tzu& for &老子&, &Chuang Tzu& for &庄子&,&Fu His& for &伏羲&,&Shen Nung& for &神农& and so on. Word-for-word translation can also be observed through Herbert A Giles& translation of people&s names, like &The Elder and the Younger Tai& for &大小戴& and &The Yellow Emperor& for &黄帝&. However, translating &Tou of Swallow Hills& into &窦燕山& is too literal to rise misunderstanding of its actual meaning.
  Compared to Herbert A Giles&s work, Wang Baotong has adopted transliterating method--Pinyin, which has been officially designated as Chinese Phonetic System in 1958. And some names have been simplified in his English version, such as &Rong& for &孔融&, &Xiang& for &黄香&, &Zhuang& for &庄子&, &Xi& for &伏羲&and &Nong& for &神农&. Mr. Wang prefers to free translation, like &Dais& for &大小戴&and &Mr. Dou Yanshan& for &窦燕山&.
  b. Chinese Classical Works
  In The Three-Character Classic, many Chinese classics are introduced to readers.
  Herbert A Giles has used many methods to translate these titles of Chinese classical works. The first method: transliteration. e.g. &Lun Yu& for &《论语》&, &Chung Yung& for &《中庸》&, & Kuo feng& for& &《国风》&, &Ya& for &《雅》& and &Sung& for &《颂》&. The second method: free translation. e.g. &The Great Learning& for &《大学》&, &The Classic of Filial Piety& for &《孝经》&, &The Book of History& for &《书》&and so forth. The third method: word-for-word translation. e.g. &The Little Learning& for &《小学》&.
  Wang Baotong has not used phonetic notation in his version any more. Some titles are an outcome of free translation. e.g. &Lesser Learning& for &《小学》&. Others are translated by borrowing the names of similar things in English. e.g. &Epics& for &《国风》&,&Odes& for &《雅》&, &Hymns& for &《书》& and so forth.
  When Giles
  C. Chinese Cultural Phrases
  translated Chinese cultural phrases in The Three-Character Classic, he obviously misunderstood the meaning of &义& and &仁义& by narrowing down it to mean duty towards one&s neighbor. A Chinese scholar Wang Yu (2011) criticizes on Giles in her paper, thinking that words like &Nine agnates& for &九族&and &Way and the exemplification& for &道德&used by Giles are not simple for children. Indeed, from the perspective of children, her statement seems true, but at Giles& time, his version was served for missionaries rather than for kids.
  On the other hand, Mr. Wang&s words are much simpler than that of Giles&, such as &Nine levels of the human race& for &九族& and &Moral values& for &道德&.
  3.2.2 Translation of Historical Stories
  The Three-Character Classic contains historical stories, in which several good examples are set for children to learn and encourage children to study hard and behave well in daily life. It&s difficult to translate historical stories in a few words. By a comparison between Giles& version and Mr. Wang&s version, we can find that Giles mainly uses literal translation, while Wang Baotong prefers to liberal translation with footnotes explaining background information about those historical stories.
  Giles& Version:
  Jung, at four years of age,
  Could yield the bigger pears.
  To behave as a younger brother towards elders,
  Is one of the first things to know.
  Wang Baotong&s Version:
  And Rong, only four,
  Picked the smallest pear
  To leave his elders
  The lion&s share.
  Giles& version is very faithful to the content and organization of the original text. The last two clauses also reflect the educational function that the writer wants to tell readers. Wang Baotong&s version looks pretty like telling a story in an eased way. His English version rearranges the content of the original text. The moral teaching part is omitted in order to create a rest atmosphere to learn the story, which is a much western learning style. &The lion&s share&, a proverb in English used by Wang, shows his consideration of foreign readers& acceptability of the story. Both translators give footnotes to help readers understand the background information deeply.
  Giles& Version:
  Then there was Liang Hao,
  Who at the age of eighty-two,
  Made his replies in the great hall,
  And came out first among Court Examination.
  Wang Baotong&s Version:
  That candidate Liang
  At eighty-two
  In the highest Exam
  Came top on the few.
  The analysis of the second example is similar to the first one. Giles& version is more faithful to the original book than that of Wang&s, clearly showing by different translation of some words like &大廷& and &魁&. Giles translates &大廷& into the &great hall&, while Wang omits the word. &魁& corresponds to &came out first& or &came top&. &魁& which indicates a special event is added to take place in the &Court Examination& or &highest Exam&. And the figure Liang Hao is introduced as footnotes by both translators.
  3.2.3 Reproduction of Rhyme
  In The Three-Character Classic, three characters are to form a clause and four of them are to form a passage, which sounds in rhyme. Therefore representation of its rhyme is an important aspect that translators pay attention to.
  As we&ve learned in former part, Wang Baotong does well in rhyme translation. He uses many different kinds of devices to reproduce the beauty of rhythm. Many examples are presented and analyzed by Ma Lijuan (2010). Wang Baotong tries his best to make sure each passage has an end rhyme. Examples are shown as follows. The following example is about Wang&s version and Giles& version.
  Wang&s Version:
  Fowl, dog, pig,
  And horse, cow, sheep,
  Such are the animals
  We breed and keep.
  Giles& Version:
  The horse, the ox, the sheep,
  the fowl, the dog, the pig.
  These six animals
  are those which men keep.
  The words &sheep& and &keep& form a pattern of rhyme scheme, which is used to make up with the rhythm created by Chinese characters, which makes the English version&s language more vivid and easy to recite and remember.
  Wang&s Version:
  Count one to ten,
  To a hundred, and then
  A thousand, um,
  Ten thousand come!
  The words &ten& and &then& form one pat and &um& and &come& the other one to imitate the rhythm of counting numbers from one to ten thousand. &um& is to present a vivid scene in which a kid counts numbers.
  Giles& version has fewer numbers of rhyming patterns than those of Wang&s.
  In a word, the beauty of rhythm in The Three-Character Classics is an essential part in the procedure of translating this book. Professor Wang pays much more attention to it than that of Giles, making Wang&s version display many vivid Chinese stories and intrigue readers in enjoying them.
  This paper is a comparison of Giles& version and Wang Baotong&s version of The Three-Character Classic from the perspective of Gideon Toury&s Translational Norms. Under the framework of preliminary norms and initial norms, factors influenced the selection of source text are discussed. Giles translates the book in order to help western missionaries learn Chinese and Chinese culture, while Wang Baotong&s translation is the outcome of his interest in poetry translation and the current hot tides of learning Chinese in the world. Then, reasons are found about Giles& adequate translation strategy and Wang&s acceptable strategy. According to operational norms, the tendency of Giles& literal translation and Wang&s liberal translation is observed at following aspects, which are translation of phrases, translation of historical stories and reproduction of Rhyme.
  Although Toury&s translational norms are descriptive ones, we can still have some subjective judgments of the two English versions of The Three-Character Classics. Wang&s version is popular with his readers at the present time because of his proficiency in English, his understanding in Chinese and Chinese culture and his love and prefer in rhythm translation. Giles& version has made great progress at the late 19th century for his readers& need. However, limitations are obvious in his version like the less reproduction of beautiful rhythm because of the time when he was, his readers& actual need and his language-mastering level.
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