
  最近笔者常在论坛看到摄友把自己所拍摄的原图和后期制作过的图片放上网去做对比,笔者看了这位网友的创作心里有种说不出的滋味,因为后期这个东西吧应该是越修越好,不过这位网友的作品就。。。此处省略几十字。打个比方一张优秀的原片就好比一个美女的脸,PS等后期处理就是化妆品,以笔者的认知来每张照片P过肯定是要比不P的好看的,哪怕一点点调整呢。但是我们经常看到很多作品P了之后还没之前好看呢,这就好比你对一个少女说,你化妆了范儿显老,还是不化妆清纯,所以身为一名摄友你要学会基本的后期处理技巧,就像一个妹子学会如何化妆一样重要。液化绝对是一把双刃剑&&  如果一个妹纸的身材不够傲人,我们可以&“液化”一下。如果一个妹纸的脸有些大,我们也可以“液化”一下,但是关于液化这个东西还是有很多技巧的,我看很多网友在修图的时候,过分的追求“蛇精脸”和“苍井胸”,其实这样是不对滴,后期创作绝度不能脱离摄影本身,所以我们在修图的时候一定要考虑大局观,所谓大局观就是比例。话不多说让我们来看看通过液化是如何毁掉一张照片的吧!一个很漂亮的妹纸没被液化摧残之前摧残一:笔刷太小,很难控制,导致左右不对称。摧残二:液化得有点狠,瞬间变蛇精脸了。放过这位可怜的妹纸吧:这样张片笔者对模特的脸部进行的适当的液化笔刷要比脸大  简单总结一下液化的基本方法,首先我们要将画笔的尺寸调节到比脸部更大的尺寸,将笔尖的中心部位对准在脸部的右边将整个脸部由左边朝右移动,你可以看到整个的部位跟着向左边移动了一些。要注意脸部周围其他地方,不要被笔刷给拖动变形,如果有问题那么就需要将笔刷尺寸调节小一点,再用相同的方式对另外一边脸进行调节,当然胸部的液化也是相同的道理!&
产品类型 传感器尺寸
4¥157995¥154996¥88997¥62998¥98999¥4299910¥4199Imaging Software
Our powerful, free image processing software, which already delivers the best quality RAW file processing, has been updated and expanded with new features that work seamlessly with the H6D.
A new graphical user interface offers a clean and uncluttered workflow, making it easier for users to find their way around more quickly and simpler than before. The flatter design helps you concentrate on the job in hand and makes for simpler navigation. We’ve also added some new tools to enable finer control of the editing process and ensure the very highest quality output from your files.
Phocus Mobile for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch
Phocus Mobile is an extension of the current Phocus software that allows iPad, iPhone and iPod touch users to connect wirelessly to Hasselblad’s image processing software Phocus. Phocus provides browsing, zooming, and rating of images in addition to advanced camera control options, such as remote capture, for your Hasselblad camera. Phocus Mobile is free of charge and available for download from the Apple App store.
Phocus Quick
If you’re looking for a fast and easy way to get from captured image to final print, there is Phocus Quick. Phocus Quick offers automatic import and processing of your Hasselblad files, directly into your preferred imaging software.
The Hasselblad RAW file & Metadata Hasselblad 3F RAW files provide lossless image compression, which reduces the file size and required storage space by over 33%. 3F files include all raw pixel data, all metadata created by the camera or the photographer, and the full history log of your image adjustments, without the creation of a sidecar file structure.
RAW workflow with Adobe and Apple – Freedom of choice
With a Hasselblad camera you’ll never be locked into a closed world of proprietary RAW files, since Hasselblad RAW files open directly in Apple’s or Adobe’s imaging environments. This seamless workflow and program compatibility is constantly evolving and improving and those of you working in Adobe Lightroom or Camera Raw have just received the added support for Hasselblad enhanced colours and lens corrections.
3rd party file support
All Hasselblad digital camera products are supported by Phocus. In addition to supporting Hasselblad’s own files, Phocus on the Mac platform also supports RAW files from close to 200 other digital camera RAW formats, as well as supporting the most common file formats such as TIFF, JPEG, DNG, and PNG. This added file support results in a single, comprehensive – and free – solution that enables all Hasselblad photographers to streamline their work process and to work with both Hasselblad images and those captured with their 35mm DSLRs in one and the same application.
Operations Manual
To complement the release of the Hasselblad H6D camera system, our raw conversion software has been enhanced with additional tools to allow more precise application of corrections.
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