吃鸡trench coat 风衣coat怎么获得

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日 来源:游迅网 编辑:小花妹妹
& &你要是问身边很少玩游戏的妹子当前国内最火的游戏是啥,她也会一口回答你是王者荣耀!,啊不对,是大逃杀~俗称吃鸡,简写为PUBG
& &先抛开游戏性不说,吃鸡中的饰品衣服倒是不少,搭配起来也是很丰富,看下图中间的人物饰品搭配 如果现在玩家想要进行封面人物Cos的话,如果私人收一套花销将是非常大的呢,
& &两件饰品分别被人称为黑大衣与红面巾,目前黑大衣在C5GAME上的最低价格为3080+,而红面巾的价格则为5380+,
& &C5GAME每周五晚7点也会推出半价抢购的活动,如果预算不是很足的朋友们可以等待下C5GAME周五的抢购活动
& &黑大衣最低价格查看页面:
& &红面巾最低价格查看地址:
& &先说说黑大衣,黑大衣这种衣服在现实中也是属于相当拉风的穿着,比较著名的黑大衣穿着者就是刀剑神域中的 桐人了,而刀剑粉也是称这件黑大衣为装逼大衣~2333,
& &而且吃鸡中的黑大衣附带兜帽炫酷的不得了,上一个 玩家操作兜帽大衣到处杀人的游戏叫则叫:刺客信条
黑大衣搭配红面巾 ,日服限定的不可交易武士服打底
& &而红面巾则遮挡住了吃鸡游戏蛋疼的人物脸部设计,戴帽子的情况下,活脱脱就是一个刺客的基本搭配,神秘感与美感共存
& &红面巾与黑大衣来自吃鸡的豪华预购版的赠品,目前已经绝版,起初价格还算是稳定,在H1Z1禁播过后,吃鸡人气起飞,绝版五件套的价格也是火速上升,
& &绝版五件套除了黑披风与红面巾以外其余的三件分别为 红鞋,沾血衬衣,与黄裤,而在科隆PUBG比赛过后推出了黑白裙子后,红鞋+面巾+黑大衣 也是成为了吃鸡顶配
& &如果喜欢绝地求生大逃杀的玩家想以超低的价格进行吃鸡饰品的选购,想了解更多吃鸡的资讯,欢迎来到国内最前沿的吃鸡饰品交易网站:C5GAME
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Product Description
Gently fitted trenchcoat in woven fabric. Buttons at front, shoulder tabs with decorative button, and side pockets. Tab and button at cuffs, tie belt at waist, and vent at back. Lined.
Machine wash coldFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Trenchcoat is a 1983 American
This article needs an improved . (June 2015)
The aspiring mystery writer Mickey Raymond () travels to
to research her first novel and falls in love with a handsome, mysterious American (). She is drawn into a conspiracy both fuelled by her vivid imagination and real-world drama.
plays a local police official who seemingly is one step behind events. Raymond's odd luck leads her to become embroiled in an international plutonium smuggling ring and comedic chaos ensues.
as Mickey Raymond
as Terry Leonard
as Eva Werner
as Nino Tenucci
as Princess Aida
as Marquis De Pena
as Esteban Ortega
The film was produced by
but not promoted as such, due to its adult themes. Trenchcoat,
are widely regarded as the films that led to the launch of
on February 15, 1984.
The film was released on March 11, 1983 at movie theatres. It was released on VHS and
in 1983 and was released on DVD on January 31, 2012.
As of March 22, 2011, Trenchcoat was available on
for digital rental, with the Walt Disney logo being attached to the film for the first time since its theatrical release.
The film was a box office failure, earning a total of $4,304,286 domestically.
named it one of the "Stinkers of 1983". It garnered a 3% fresh rating on .
Films directed by
This film article about a 1980s comedy is a . You can help Wikipedia by .
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