
&Accept what was and what is, and you&ll have more positive energy to pursue what will be.
Enrich your life today,. yesterday is history.tomorrow is mystery.
The secret of success is constancy to purpose.
Between two stools one falls to the ground.
Success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work.
There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.
Keep trying no matter how hard it seems. it will get easier.
True mastery of any skill takes a lifetime.
I love the people I love. 我爱爱我的人。
Smile like you have never been hurt. 微笑吧,像从没受过伤一样。
We are together.我们在一起吧
I have been have all the time 【我一直都在】
Be the best version of you. 做最好版本的你。
Finally understand,I really do not。(终于明白,原来我真的什么都不是。)
Time always save the best for last.(时间总是把最好的人留到最后。)
You and I separatend is inevilable 你我的走散是必然的
- ゛ Can you feel my world 不可控制的小情绪、也许只是种习惯。
My love was deep warm your heart 我的爱很深,温暖你的心
The one who&s good in taking care of other people is the same person who needs someone to take care of them&&喜欢照顾别人的人,其实也同样需要别人的关心。
Be the best version to you.做最好版本的自己。
Thank you for friendship!谢谢你的友谊!
Taech me love,boy!教我爱,男孩!
I love you, the ends of the earth, to does not abandon!我爱你,天涯海角,不离不弃!
Take me into your future you.带我到你的未来
I love you, but you silent.我爱你,你却沉默。
A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情
If we the dream everything will be ok.敢于梦想,一切将成为可能。
Where cold,where to stay.哪儿凉快哪呆去
Far from eyes,far from heart 眼不见,心不念
Give me your sad,I want you happy. 把你难过给我,我要你快乐
Eternity is not a distance.永远不是一种距离。
Tears are no color of blood.眼泪是没有颜色的血.
I would like to meet a warmyou wander.我愿颠沛流离再遇见温暖的你
Not to pay, to know not overdo sth.得不到的付出,要懂得适可而止。
Love is a carefully designed lie. 愛情 是壹個精心設計的謊言。
The most known person,the warmest partner 最懂的人,最暖的伴。
You can smile, but not empathy 可以微笑,却无法感同身受
you were my dream. 曾经你是我的梦
You are all that i want. 我只想要你
I thought youd always be mine 。我还以为你会永远属于我
Know that I will live in my heart 深知我者才久居我心
A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终
everybody wants to rule the world 每个人都想统治世界
闺蜜是我的一切 sister are my all will .
you can you up,no can no bb 你行你上啊,不行别嚷嚷
I love you, more than loving myself.我爱你胜过爱自己
I would rather a person.我宁愿一个人
Live like sunflower whom forever follow sun像向日葵一样向着太阳生活
Every noble work is at first impossible.每一个伟大的工程最初看起来都是不可能做到的!
Labour is often the father of pleasure.勤劳常为快乐之源。
It is the first step that costs.万事开头难
Great oaks from little acorns grow.万丈高楼平地起。
Adversity is a good discipline.苦难是磨练人的好机会
Take control of your own desting.命运掌握在自己手上。
Faith will move mountains.精诚所至,金石为开。
All time is no time when it is past.
Think great thoughts and you will be great!
People dramatically cross very thin line between life and death人的生死就在一线间
I love you a whole had我爱你整整一个曾经
A silent hug means a thousand words to the unhappy heart.对一颗不快乐的心来说,一个拥抱就是千言万语
There&s nothing more beautiful than a smile that struggles through tears.世上最美的,莫过于从泪水中挣脱出来的那个微笑。
There is no paradise on earth equal to the union of love and innocence .人间最大的幸福莫如既有爱情又清白无暇。
Some people were supposed to walk into your life, teach you a lesson, and then walk away.很多人闯进你的生活,只是为了给你上一课,然后转身离开。
Love is photogenic. It needs darkness to develop.爱情就像照片,需要大量的暗房时间来培养.
In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.要想让自己无可替代,你必须总是与众不同。
Since the break up, do not together.既然分手了,就不要在一起
You love or not love me, know the time你爱不爱我,时光它知道
A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed患难之交才是真正的朋友
Not crave forever,because too far不奢求永远 因为太远
I will be strong enough to make you feel bad.我会坚强到让你们心疼。
I love you more than you will veer know.我比你想象中的更爱你。
I will always be there for you我会永远在你身边
To unmb the pain to laugh off my . 痛到麻木 才能笑得畅快淋漓。
I had to thousands of words in your heart.我只得千言万语放在你心
I am your lucky the exdusive!我是你心目中的幸运女神
I love you she loves you, too(我爱你她也爱你)
I want a not my hand hug. 我想要一个不用我伸出手的拥抱。
Time urged me to go against your life.时间怂恿我背离你生存。
I still remember, I remember love 记得我还在,记得我还爱
Are you still in you is not love.你还在你却不爱
These things can never die 这些美好不会消失
Jmuped.Then I changed my mind.纵身一跃后,我改变了主意。
I will accompany you to eternity. 我将伴你到永恒
Our story begins. 我们故事的开始
Let me have been always love you 让我一直一直爱你
I do yes i do, 心相印。
Do not surrender to this dark woeld. 别向这个混蛋的世界投降。
I love you, not just words 我爱你,不是说说而已
Bad excuses are worse than none. 狡辩比不解释更糟。
This book bores me. 这本书让我感到乏味。
you will never be able to see me.(你永远也看不懂我)
I hope you are my one and only。我希望你是我的唯一
Life sucks, but worth fighting for. 有时失去是让你更懂得珍惜。
请把我留在最好的时光里 Please send me to stay in the best time
Used to be mine. Now is the others 以前是我的。现在是别人的
You see what you believe. 一个人相信什么,就会看见什么。
Life is funny if you know how to laugh at it 【若懂得笑看人生,生活其实很有趣。】
Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass Alexander Dumas.生活没有目标就像航海没有指南针。
There are 7 billion people in this world, yet my heart chose you.世界上有七十亿人口,但我的心选择了你。
Wild and intractable woman to win 。(桀骜不驯的女人才能称王)
You jump,I jump. 生死相随
For you, I can put aside all the.为了你,我可以放下所有
It's only funny until gets hurt !
My attitude is based on how you treat me. 我对你的态度取决于你怎么对待我。
There&s nothing more beautiful than a smile that struggles through tears.世上最美的,莫过于从泪水中挣脱出来的那个微笑。
Love it or not , we have became the passer .不管你爱或不爱,我们已成路人。
I love the people in the far future我爱的人他在多远的未来
你是我的整个世界 You are my whole world
Your eyes are any hint of warm not for me.你眼里的任何一丝温暖都不是为我而来的。
Live your life and forget your age.过你的日子,别去想你过了的日子
Prison birds do not know the sea[囚鸟不知海]
Only the sun can give me warm enough 只有太阳才能够给我足够的温暖
First impression of you is most lasting. 对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。
If love is just passing through, why should a visit.如果爱情只是路过,何必到此一游。
I never stopped waiting. 我从未放弃过等待
The time that you are my most fatal.时光深知你是我最致命的爱人
I love you a whole had 我爱你整整一个曾经
A silent hug means a thousand words to the unhappy heart. 对一颗不快乐的心来说,一个拥抱就是千言万语
you are my god(你是我男神)
I love you more than you'll veer know . 我比你想象中的更爱你。.
The one who wants to wear a crown must bear the weight. 欲戴王冠,必承其重。
You are the only one.{你是我的唯一。}
Cause you are my everything 因为你是我的全部
I love you I love you I love you I love you 我爱你你不爱我你不爱我谁爱我
Time cut scar is called growth.时间划破的伤疤叫做成长
Love has you only then to be perfect. 爱要有你才完美。
You let me lose a lot.你让我失去了好多
I have a stubborn will be siring 我有多倔强就有多坚强
{I think--I think too much.} &qqjay 我想,是我想太多了。
If love, please cherish.若相爱,请珍惜
- Put you in my heart. (把你放在我心里)
Love is putting someone else's needs before yours. 爱就是把某个人看得比你自己重要
I am a lonely people.【我是一个孤独的人。】
Be the best version of you. 做最好版本的你。
I miss you but i miss you (我想你,但是我错过了你)
See how much I love you?(知道我多爱你吗?)
I really want to he is visible and can't see 我好想他可见又不能见
Love can last forever.【爱能持续到永运】
Envy has no holidays. 忌妒之人无宁日。
No news is good news.没有消息就是好消息。
A boy can do everthing for girl &&一个男孩可以为女孩做任何事
Love is never without jealousy .(没有妒忌就没有爱情)
You are in my life the most warm moved.你是我生命中最温暖的
My Guess Is That It's Naive 我的猜是这是天真
I love you because of your love for me.【我爱的是你爱我】
You are my sunshine.你是我的太阳
&I think I fall in love with you(我好像喜欢上你了)
I never told you, I wanna hold you。(我从未告诉你,我想拥抱你)
个性签名:Time cures all things (时间是医治一切创伤的良药)
I Care about you a great deal (我很在乎你)
Be strong, also hurt[再坚强 也会伤]
The most known person,the warmest partner.&&最懂的人,最暖的伴。
heard that it is very easy to be happy, as could be diluted with time going on. 听说幸福很简单。简单
You love me you will die. 你喜欢我你会死啊?
I just want to cherish now.[我只想珍惜好现在。]
Crowded I always not see you 人潮拥挤我始终不见你
I left because you never asked me to stay. 我离开是因为你从未叫我留下
Place allow me to smal proud,because like you depend on.请容许我小小的骄傲,因为有你这样的依靠
Meet each other, don't waste this lifetime【遇见彼此,不枉此生。】
&&Smile can be used to hide cry笑可以用来掩饰哭。
I just want to use I this lifetime to love you&&我只想用我这一辈子去爱你。
wen you live for love.当你为爱而活。
I could be everything you need say,what you wanna hear(我可以变成你想要的任何东西说你想听的任何话)
&&Do you know when you need I will break my neck to summer。 [你知道当你需要的夏天我会拼了命努力]
Of all the lies I've heard ,&I love U &was my favourite.听过所有谎言中,我最喜欢那句&I love U&
You are the air, is my life.你是空气,是我的命。
I love you none of your business [我喜欢你 关你什么事.]
I have been, never left 。 (我一直在,从没离开。)
非主流个性签名:The less you give a damn, the happier you will be. 你越不在乎,你就越快乐。
You are a remote control my mood, (你是我心情的遥控器,)
Hold hand. and marriage.执子之手.与子偕老
Some people are worth melting for. 有些人值得我融化
When I am silent to say all in the eyes【当我沉默时 想说的话全在眼里】
A man is not old until his regrets take place of his dreams .[只有当遗憾取代了梦想,人才算老]
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow 只有在开始下雪时才会想念阳光。
Softhearted is sick, but you are life 『心软是病,可你是命』
You must know, in my world, you are the king. 你必须知道,在我的世界,你是我的王。
Girls do not lose loving you 姑娘别输给爱
I forget that you're just a false impression. 我忘了,你只是一个假象。
I love you, the ends of the earth, to does not abandon! 我爱你,天涯海角,不离不弃!
People dramatically cross very thin line between life and death 人的生死就在一线间
You don't have much good, I like it [ 你不用多好 俄喜欢就好 ]
Don't see my existence。 【不要看不到我的存在】
Ⅱ╮Retain green last a attentive. (保留迩最后的一丝温存)
A riot of colours to wait.五彩缤纷的等待。
A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. 只有当遗憾取代了梦想,人才会变老
Tears are the words which the heart can't say. 眼泪是心无法诉说的话语。
Don&t cry because it is over, smille because it happened.不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有
Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.   任何值得做的事就值得把它做好.
In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different. 要想让自己无可替代,你必须总是与众不同。
Pain is only aware of their own has not changed only you know痛不痛只有自己知道,变没变只有你知道。
Destroy the torture you.毁掉那些折磨你的东西
You are not my lover How to know my deep.【 你非我良人 怎知我情深。 】
Give me endless summer 给我无尽的夏天
I will be strong enough to make you feel bad. 我会坚强到让你们心疼。
Not crave forever,because too far 不奢求永远 因为太远
The most known person,the warmest partner. 最懂的人,最暖的伴。
I am a does not contain any additives lunatic .我是一个不含任何添加剂的疯子。
You've got to learn to let go. 你得学会放手。
Buried city, to shut all lights。埋葬整座城市,熄灭所有的灯。
I will cherish every good to me 我会珍惜身边每一个对我好的人
I want you nothing else,just you. 我对什么都无所谓,除了你
Memories so heavy.How do you move back.回忆那么重,我怎么背
I believe you, but don't believe love我相信你,但不相信爱情
Don't surrender to this dark woeld. 别向这个混蛋的世界投降。
I heard the sea sob to yesterday's d听说海也哽咽着昨天的梦.
We are the tender love in the world.我们都在被这个世界温柔的爱着
When it has is lost, brave to give up.当拥有已经是失去,就勇敢
When we lose, just know oneself 当我们失去的时候,才知道自己曾经拥有
You and I separatend is inevilable 你我的走散是必然的。
A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed [患难之交才是真正的朋友]
Everything&s gonna be alright(一切都会别好的)
You are a grand dream wake up I c 你是一场盛大的梦 梦醒了我能怪谁
I am willing to bet all the time only love you .我愿堵上所有时光只爱你一个。
Baby l can fell your halo. qqjay 宝贝我能感受到你光环。
We are too young to talk about forever.我们太年轻,谈不起永远
You are all of my life 你是我生命的全部
I want to love like Sunday。 我想要周日一样的爱情。
Perfection is not just about control.It's also about letting go.完美不是控制出来的,是爆发出来的。
If you love me, please treat me good yao 如果你爱我,请你善待我好么
You are my most adventure youth dream. 你是我年少时最冒险的梦.
Each youth will be old[每段青春都会苍老]
At the beginning blazing heart Long silence 当初炽热的心早已沉默。
I can spoil you also can change for you.我可以惯着你 也可以换了你。
Tears are the words which the heart can't say. 眼泪是心无法诉说的话语。
The time that you are my most fatal.时光深知你是我最致命的爱人
A silent hug means a thousand words to the unhappy heart. 对一颗不快乐的心来说,一个拥抱就是千言万语
Just give me your hand now I really wanna make you mine 只要现在把你的手伸给我,我真的想要拥有你
For how long was buried beside you is enough 久伴是多久 葬你身旁够不够
t is not because we become indifferent ,but we have grown up. 不是我们变得冷漠了,只是我们真的长大
Hold hand. and marriage.执子之手.与子偕老
Something is a knot when you reserve it,a scar when it's opened.~ 有些事情,不谈是个结,谈开了是个疤
A word of goodbye, two of the world. 一句再见,两个世界。
I love you more than you'll veer know 我比你想象中的更爱你。
I'm not when you want to take. 我不在的时候你要好好的。
Deep love person hide the heart does not hang mouth.深愛的人藏心不掛嘴。
I was his world traveler, but I like life love him.(我是他世界的过客,却如命爱他。)
New wine in old bottles.旧瓶装新酒
You are all of my life 你是我生命的全部
No news is good news.没有消息就是好消息。
Take me to your heart(让我靠近你的心)。
No rose without a thorn.没有不带刺的玫瑰
If a process, a road{惟愿有一程,一路终老}
I have been here all the time 我一直都在
Be the best version of you. 做最好版本的你。
Smile when it hurts most. 最痛苦的时候,请微笑。
I Wanna Be With You 爱你好幸福想要和你建造一个爱的小屋。
I am ordinary yet unique. &&我很平凡,但我独一无二
个性签名:I miss you but without a trace我好想你 却不露痕迹
I'm very well, you just gone. 我很好,只是你不在了。
I love you for my life past. 我爱你,爱了整整一个曾经。
Time cut scar is called growth.时间划破的伤疤叫做成长。
Love is making you go bananas. 恋爱把你变得疯疯癫癫的。
I don't like your smile to others.我不喜欢你对别人笑
Nobody could ever replace you. 从来就没有人能代替的了你。
Don't belong to me, I will leave不属于我的,我会离开。
I could be everything you need。我可以变成你需要的任何东西。
Buried city, to shut all lights。埋葬整座城市,熄灭所有的灯
May the force be with you.~ 不是一个人好好活,而是两个人好好过,
Love has you only then to be perfect. 爱要有你才完美。
You are in my heart.你在我心里
Shout it from the sea 来自深海的呼喊
Reality is reality too 是现实太现实
Love me little, love me long. 爱不贵亲密,而贵长久。
.Nobody could ever replace you.从来没有人可以取代你
I thought I got rid of you. ( 我以为我把你放下了。)
No man cool call back yesterday 个性签名:时光流逝 不可复得
Lost to marry me, marry you win. 输了嫁给我,赢了娶你。
Never stop believing in yourself. 永远不要停止相信自己
I love you not because I need you。我爱你并不是我需要你
I'm fine, thanks for not asking.我很好,谢谢你的不在乎。
Love is a carefully designed lie.爱情是一个精心设计的谎言
Perhaps love is a wrong choice{或许爱你就是一个错误的选择}
Refused to ambiguous,I have a man (拒绝暧昧,我有男人。)
f you're not. I would never abandon.你若不离.我则不弃.qqjay
I love your heart is not your face 我爱的是你的心不是你的脸
Does not belong to me,I will let go,不属于我的 我会离开。
The leaves fall and winter street{落叶飘零的街边转眼是冬天}
I will cherish every good to me, 我会珍惜身边每一个对我好的人。
Don't surrender to this dark woeld(别向这个混蛋的世界投降)
If you're not. I would never abandon.你若不离.我则不弃.
Don't surrender to this dark woeld(别向这个混蛋的世界投降)
I love you not because I need you cjx。我爱你并不是我需要你
?He misses her, but he missed her.错过只在一瞬,思念却是一世。
I will cherish every good to me, 我会珍惜身边每一个对我好的人。
Distance makes the hearts grow fonder. 距离使两颗心靠得更近
Very love hurts us to each other 很爱过 很痛过 我们为了彼此而活
I never told you, I wanna hold you。(我从未告诉你,我想拥抱你)
Recall the broken then do not put toge回忆碎了便拼凑不回来了
Miss a persontwo people of the picture 一个人想念两个人画面
I pretended to be indifferent to it 我假装无所谓才看不到心被拧碎
You love or not love me, know the time 你爱不爱我,时光它知道
?Sometimes goodbye is the only way.有时候,除了说再见,无路可走。
You make my heart smile我的心因你而笑
Be strong , also hurt[再坚强 也会伤]
If love, please cherish.若相爱,请珍惜
You do not belong to me(你已不属于我.)
Won the world to lose you。赢了世界输了你
Hold hand. and marriage.执子之手.与子偕老
I only care about you ------我只在乎你
Eternity is not a distance永远不是一种距离
Don't judge by appearancer! 别以貌取人!
We share so much together我们分享生命中的每一天
We just met not to start (我们只是相遇未曾开始)
I hope you understand what I.我希望你能懂我。
Prefer loss to unjust gain.宁可吃亏,不贪便宜。
I have been sleeping all alone我一直孤独入眠
Love must need our patience(爱情需要付出耐心)
&I am ordinary yet unique&&我很平凡,但我独一无二
Sorry, I do not love you.对不起,我长不出你爱的模样
Everything&s gonna be alright(一切都会别好的)
.You&re my Achilles heel . 你是我无法抗拒的弱点。
The last love is letting go 。最后旳疼爱是手放开。
I'm just a prisoner of love(我只是做了爱情的奴隶)
Tears are no color of blood.(眼泪是没有颜色的血.)
I'm just a prisoner of love(我只是做了爱情的奴隶)
Dram,as if you never wake up(做梦吧,好像未曾醒来)
And to the whole day through每一分每一秒直到一天结束
I don&t want to be sad anymore(我不想再这么悲伤)
Delay is the deadliest form of denial.拖延其实就是最彻底的拒绝
Since the break up, do not together.既然分手了,就不要在一起{}
The Most Beautiful Thing is Loving You. 暗恋是一种幸福的寂寞。
I had a dream , i was a king. I woke up , still king
I think the brainwashing我想洗脑
Faded memories, painful reality.淡了回忆,痛了现实。
C. Brief is life, but love is long.(命虽短,爱却绵长)
If I am the girl in your dreams.如果我是你梦里的女孩
And forever has no end.永永远远,永无止境.
We are all stories in the end. &&&最终,我们都只是故事。
Ever of lover, now the passers-by 【曾经的恋人,如今的路人】
Know, how again recover also just air.明知道,再怎么挽回也只是空气。
Love is making you go bananas. 恋爱把你变得疯疯癫癫的。
It is good if you begin crying, that is the sign of cure.能够哭就好,哭是开始痊愈的象征!
Time is we do not come loose.时光不老我们不散好么
With malice towards none,with charity for all!勿以怨恨对待任何人,应以慈爱加给所有的人!
I wanna be with you.我想要和你在一起
Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing. 没有痛苦,没有牺牲,我们将一无所有。
Meet each other, do not waste this lifetime【遇见彼此,不枉此生。】
we are never ever getting back together.我们在也无法回到曾经。
How can I hide away, the whim of fate.我要怎样才能躲掉,命运的心血来潮。
And missing you is like fighting a war. 想念你像是一场争战。
I will give you all my love.&我将给你全部的爱。
Some people still do not know the name, it has become a worry .(有的人还不知名字,就已经成了心事)
Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street.爱他就像开着崭新的玛莎拉蒂冲向绝路
Wish one day, you will suddenly told me that you still love me.多希望有一天,你会突然告诉我你还喜欢我
Down enough to let go 失望攒够了就放手吧
Everything Has Changed 一切都变了
I get by . 我还过得去
Being on sea, being on land, settle.随遇而安。
A man is not old until his regrets take place of his dreams .[只有当遗憾取代了梦想,人才算老]
North of the city to the north is not to miss .北城以北思念不归
It will hurt but I will survive[伤会痛 但我还要生存]
I see it all, I see it now 一切都已了然
Do not waste time with regret. 别把时间都浪费在后悔上了。
Memory abstruse eyes.(记忆中深邃的眼眸)
Where there is great love, there are always miracles. 哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。
Better by far you should forget and smile than that you should remember and be sad. 与其伤心回忆,不如微笑遗忘。
Tokyo Sakura covered with Paris street。东京樱花落满了巴黎街道
Dear that is not love that is on a whim. 亲爱的 那不是爱情 那是一时兴起。
Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing. 没有痛苦,没有牺牲,我们将一无所有。
个性签名:Wrinkles merely indicate where smiles have been.皱纹是曾经微笑的痕迹。
I will loveyou with every beat of my heart. [ 我会爱你,在我的心的每一分钟 ]
You are a thorn in my throat out hurts to swallow will die(你是我喉咙里的刺拔出来会痛咽下去会死)
I want to have a male friend。。。我想要一个蓝颜知己
Sometimes goodbye is the only way.有的时候说再见是唯一的一条路
I can feel you forgetting me. 我能感觉到你在忘记我。qqjay
One is easily fooled by that which one love. 人容易被所愛的人愚弄。
Every boring hour in life is unique. 在生命中,再无聊的时光也是限量版。
we put in the darkness of the heart is called the moon dancing 我们把在黑暗中跳舞的心脏叫做月亮.
Stars can not shine without darkness&&如果没有黑暗,星星就无法闪耀。
My sky is bright because of you [我的星空因你而明亮]
I also want to know what I think。我也想知道我想怎样。
Love me love my dog!爱吾及屋
I never back 我永远不会回来
see you my love 再见,我的爱人
I am about to lose my mind,You have been gone for so long 我快要疯了你离开了太久。
You are very important 你是非常重要的
No matter how far we will be very good 无论多远,我们会很好的
I see it all, I see it now 一切都已了然
Faking a smile is so much easier than explaining why you are sad&&假装微笑比解释为何伤心简单多了。
[ If one day I leave you will not want me ]如果有一天我走了你会不会想我
They have a loving person, password and my password only my own.他们密码里都有爱的人,我的密码只有我。
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