
像我这样喜欢看美国队长的女生好像不多啊……但自从看了美2后就心潮澎湃,美国队长和黑寡妇真的好配啊,!(ps 弱弱的问一句,他们在现实中是男女朋友吗?『我记得简介上说是』)
同lz…没有寡姐我肯定萌冬盾 但是现在是冬寡赛高ww
当初看the danny diaries就炒鸡萌他们!!
原配党低调路过 喜欢佩姬和队长的好少啊TUT
其实是为了看Sharon 去的
寡妇姐和鹰眼是一对…美队和那个他家邻居13号特工是一对 那个13号特工还是佩姬的外甥女-.-
罗杰斯还是和佩姬比较好   --来自LG G2 想法不同 选择相同贴吧客户端
有 在美国队长执行了一大堆任务 准备去执行最后任务的时候
早期神盾局的地下基地 去找人 黑寡妇 坐在旁边看报纸(我觉得是伪装的)没注意到是美队
后来注意到了 就搂着美队 拉到书架旁边 舌吻了
然后卡特刚好走过来 被看到了黑寡妇也是 被改造的
那时候是 苏联间谍
鹰眼给浩克打了个电话&博士,我被绿巨人了&来自秒天秒地秒爱疯的米三客户端,看毛看,不服跑个分。。。r/images/client/image_emoticon2.png" >雨中别样情c_type="0" width="560" height="315">
我觉得冬兵不错啊 萌帅萌帅的
从妇联之后就饭CE和我斯cp了 这次kiss剧照一粗整个人都不好了 结果是形势所迫是有多失望…约毛护士啊约寡妇啊
原配党哭瞎 还是喜欢卡特
登录百度帐号推荐应用【Scarl】151203 EW采访【斯嘉丽谈对黑寡妇与美队3的看法】【斯嘉丽·约翰逊吧】_百度贴吧
【Scarl】151203 EW采访【斯嘉丽谈对黑寡妇与美队3的看法】收藏
Captain America: Civil War star ScarlettJohansson on the scrutiny of Black Widow《美国队长:内战》的主演斯嘉丽·约翰逊谈对黑寡妇的观察和看法作者:Anthony Breznican翻译:安风 字母 小卡 校对:ChiiChi This scene is set an an internationalintelligence operations center, with Sharon Carter (Emily VanCamp), in thebackground with Anthony Mackie's Falcon and Chris Evans' Captain America, andBlack Widow (Scarlett Johansson) on opposite sides of the glass. Carter, whoserelation to his World War II flame Peggy Carter hasn't been established yet inthe films, became a love interest for Cap in the comics. &I think he'slooking,& Evan says. &You know, I think he's certainly open to it.Sharon is obviously relevant, but ... we don’t have to tie it up in one movie. So they have time.&图中的场景是在一个国际情报行动中心,背景里是艾米丽·万凯普饰演的莎伦·卡特、安东尼·麦凯饰演的猎鹰和克里斯·埃文斯饰演的美国队长,而斯嘉丽·约翰逊饰演的黑寡妇站在玻璃墙的另一边。莎伦和二战中美国队长的爱人佩姬·卡特的关系至今还没有在电影里展现,但漫画中她也是美国队长的恋人。“我想他正在观察,”埃文斯说,“他对莎伦是愿意接受的,莎伦毫无疑问有重大意义,但……我们不需要在这一部电影里就将两人绑在一起。他们还有时间。”Black Widow never has it easy. Onscreen, Natasha Romanov has an agonizingbackstory and is working like hell to do enough good to erase the red from hermoral ledger, redeeming a history of bad deeds that we are only allowed toimagine with acts of heroism that defy belief. 黑寡妇一直都活得很不容易。 在银幕上,娜塔莎·罗曼诺夫有着一个极度痛苦的过去。她拼命工作,只为尽可能多做好事,多到可以清洗掉她道德账本上的血债,多到可以弥补我们只能靠想象的和她英雄身份完全不符的行为所犯下的过错。 Offscreen, much of what Scarlett Johansson’s character does is scrutinized through the lens of gender politics.As one of the few female protagonists in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (untilrecently), some view her not just as an individual character but as arepresentative for all womankind. That’s heavy lifting even for a superhero.画面之外,娜塔莎·罗曼诺夫做的大多事都在性别政治的镜头下被审视着。作为漫威电影宇宙中为数不多的女性主角之一(目前),有的人已经不仅仅把她看做是一个独立的角色,而是全世界女性的代表。即使对于一位超级英雄而言,这也是一个极大的提升。 Amid accusations that her story arc inAvengers: Age of Ultron was stereotyped and offensive — because, like Tony Stark, she expressed a desire to step back fromsaving the world (and maybe find someone in it to love, and love her back) — Black Widow became a lightning rod.在《复仇者联盟:奥创纪元》中,有关黑寡妇的故事情节受到指责,例如千篇一律、令人反感——这是因为,像托尼·史塔克,她表现出了想从拯救世界的任务中退出的愿望(也许还找到了一个人去爱,并且对方也爱她)——黑寡妇变成了一根避雷针。 Some accused writer-director Joss Whedon ofsexism for a storyline that involved Widow developing romantic feelings forMark Ruffalo’s Bruce Banner in thecomic-book version of the Beauty and the Beast folktale. Others were outragedthat Widow expressed regret over the juvenile assassin program that forced herto be sterilized. Still others took offense at that complaint, saying thedesire to have a family doesn’t mean a womancan’t have a career (beating the hell out ofevildoers, or otherwise).有些人指责编剧兼导演乔斯·韦登有性别歧视的问题,因为他写的一条剧情线中黑寡妇对马克·鲁法洛扮演的布鲁斯·班纳产生了爱情,像是漫画书版本的童话故事《美女与野兽》。另一些人被激怒,在电影中黑寡妇表现出了对过去痛悔的一面,但却是因为少年时期的暗杀训练迫使她绝育这件事。还有一些人被这些抱怨惹怒,认为一个女人渴望有一个家庭并不意味着她不能有自己的事业(把坏人打得屁滚尿流,或者别的事业)。 NPR’s pop culture critic Linda Holmes astutely noted that even if youswapped out Widow’s story in Ultron withthe arcs of any of her male co-Avengers, each would still “raise questions of whether the story was influenced by genderstereotypes.” If she was Iron Man,she’d be the problem-causer. If she was CaptainAmerica, she’d be the uptight one.If she was Hulk, she’d haveout-of-control emotions. And so on …美国国家公共电台的流行文化评论家琳达·贺姆斯敏锐地指出,即使把黑寡妇在《复联2》里的故事和任何一个复仇者联盟里男性成员的情节交换,他们还是会“引发这个故事是不是受到了性别的刻板成见影响的讨论”。如果她是钢铁侠,她就会成为问题的制造者。如果她是美国队长,她就是态度最为保守的那一个。如果她是浩克,她就会存在情绪不受控制的问题,等等。
Add to that the scarcity of Black Widowtoys, which caused universal uproar, even from Ruffalo, who tweeted about theneed for Marvel merchandising to do a better job of inviting young girls toplay in this universe, and Natasha Romanov starts to emerge not just as awarrior but a battlefield. Which brings us to Captain America: CivilWar. Where does Natasha’s fifthappearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe find her?另外,黑寡妇周边产品的缺乏造成了很大的骚动,甚至鲁法洛也参与进来,在推特上说漫威的销售规划应包括努力吸引年轻女孩对漫威宇宙产生兴趣,而娜塔莎·罗曼诺夫的身份也开始不再仅仅是一个战士,她的每次出现都成为了人们争论的话题中心。 这带领着我们看向了《美国队长:内战》。作为娜塔莎在漫威电影宇宙的第五次亮相,我们应该注意到什么呢? This time, she’s on the side of order, aligning — at least for a while — with RobertDowney Jr.’s Iron Man in trying toget Captain America to honor the global Sokovia Accords that force “enhanced individuals” to operateunder government control. In one scene EW watched being filmed thissummer, she and Tony Stark have a quiet moment after being given an ultimatumto bring down the rogue Cap — or else theU.S. government will do it in permanent fashion.这一次,她选择了内战的一边,支持(至少有一阵儿是这样)小罗伯特·唐尼饰演的钢铁侠,努力想让美国队长也同意并支持迫使“超能力人”受政府控制的索科维亚协议。 这个夏天,娱乐周刊在拍摄现场观看了一场戏,黑寡妇和托尼·史塔克在收到击败反抗的美国队长的最后通牒之后,沉默了半晌——如果他们不做到,美国政府就会以永久的方式解决这个问题。 Stark rubs at the center of his chest,where his ARC reactor was once embedded. “You know the problem with a fully functional heart…? It’s stressful,” he tells Natasha. She’s all business: “We are painfullyunderstaffed.” “It’d be pretty awesome if we had a Hulk,” he tells her. 史塔克轻抚着他胸口的中央,曾经的电弧反应堆嵌入的地方。“你知道有着一个完全机械的心的感觉……?压力太大了。”他告诉娜塔莎。 她的注意力都在工作:“我们现在人手非常不足。” “如果浩克在,那就太棒了。”他告诉她。 But they don’t. And Widow, still harboring feelings for Bruce Banner, who waslast seen venturing off into self-imposed isolation in the Avengers’ Quinjet — knows thatbetter than anyone. During a break in filming, we caught upwith Johansson, and asked what she thinks of the tug-of-war over her character. 但是浩克不在。而黑寡妇仍然对布鲁斯·班纳有着感情,他最后一次露面是驾驶着复联的昆式战斗机逃离到了自我孤立的地方——黑寡妇比任何人都明白这点。 在拍摄的间隙,我们采访到了斯嘉丽,问了她对她角色的看法,有关她角色上拔河一般纠结复杂的剧情和心理斗争。
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Where is Natasha’s head these days? In what state do we find her after the events ofAge of Ultron?SCARLET JOHANSSON: My gosh, this is like atherapy session! When we last saw her I think the stakes were astronomical. Andshe basically had to make this choice between [duty] and what she probablydeserves. I think up until this point, she has put the hours in and is readyfor…娱乐周刊:这些日子娜塔莎都在做什么?她在《复联2》之后是什么样的状态?斯嘉丽·约翰逊:我的天,这就像是一段疗伤期!我们上次看到她的时候,我觉得她的赌注是极大的。她基本上是不得不在[责任]与她应得的生活之间做抉择。而到此时此刻,我想她已经花了很长时间去思考并且准备好了…… To be, or not to be, an Avenger?[Laughs] You know, I don’t think she’s ever aspiredto become an Avenger. That’s not really achoice that she made. It’s kind of likethe events in her life led her to that point and when we see her [in CivilWar], she’s finally capable ofmaking a choice for herself. Which is kind of a milestone in someone’s life when they’ve not reallyparticipated in the decisions that were made for them. She’s finally at a place where she’s going, “Okay, Iactually kind of know what I want. And I think I kind of deserve it.”当,还是不当复仇者?[笑]你懂的,我觉得她从来没渴求要当一名复仇者。那实际上不是她自己下的决定,有点像是她生命里发生的事情把她引导到那个位置的。而当我们在《内战》里再见她时,她终于能够为自己做决定了。对从来没有真正做过自己人生决定的人而言,这是里程碑式的。她终于处在了这样的一种状态,“好啦,我确实知道自己要什么了,而且我想这是自己应得的。” But she’s still in the fight. So is that what she wants?Unfortunately the events that took place … she has this kind of greater calling and this huge pull towardsdoing what’s right for the greatergood. And she chooses that, and it’s a really heroic thing that she does, I think.但她仍在战斗。所以那就是她想要的?不幸的是事情恰好就发生了……她受到更伟大的感召,这种使命是为了大善做正确的事。我认为她这样选择是真真正正的英雄所为。 Widow appeared to be leading the team ofnew Avengers we saw at the end of Ultron, gathered at their headquarters.Yeah, I don’t know if she’s leading thisteam but she’s certainly, she’s — I think Natasha’s a very strategic thinker and that’s her strongpoint. Her superpowers, if you want to call them that,are her experience, her ability to make usually the right decision in a quickmoment, in a tight minute. And she’s not personally invested. I mean, that’s what she tells herself anyway. And so that keeps her head kind oflevel and clear.在《复联2》结尾他们一起聚在总部那里,我们看到黑寡妇似乎在领导新的复仇者队伍。我不知道她是否在领导他们,但她的确是——我想娜塔莎是个非常有战略思维的人,这是她的强项。她的超能力,如果你要这么称呼的话,是她的经验。她的能力在于经常能在十分紧急的时刻迅速做出正确的决定。而且她从不夹杂个人感情。我的意思是,这就是她这么告诉自己的。所以她能保持头脑清醒冷静。 She seems to be leaning strongly towardIron Man’s side of things.I think when you find her in Civil War, she’s looking to strategize her position, putting herself in a placewhere she is able to let the powers that be fight it out or whatever amongstthemselves. She’s always a little biton the perimeter so she can have a better perspective of what’s really going on.她好像更倒向于钢铁侠那边。在《内战》中你会发现,她一直在试图制定战略,筹划自己的位置,希望在无论发生了什么的情况下,自己都可以处于一个能控制那些力量斗争的状态。她一直都有一点“踩着边界”干活,因而她可以对当下真实的情况有一个更好的角度。 Divide and conquer?She’s never been one to divide and conquer. I don’t think that’s her. She’s seen that and it never works. She would see this as a kind of, it’s more complicated than picking sides, you know?(这是)分而治之?她从来都不是那个分而治之的人,要这样那就不是她了。她看到了这种可能,但她知道这样做绝不会有效果。这可比只是挑边站队复杂多了。 In the scenes you shot today, is she angryat Cap over what he’s done, the wayTony is?You know, I think she understands whereeveryone is coming from. And none of it really matters to her, you know? There’s a bigger problem at hand and she’s, I think, strangely, kind of the mediator. Which is not exactlyhow you would imagine her to be. But I think she really does see both sides ofthe coin and I think her strength is that she’s not personally involved.在你今天拍的这场戏里,她是在生气队长对托尼做的太过分吗?我想她明白每一个人的来龙去脉,但没有一点能真正影响到她。面前有更重大的问题即将发生,说来也怪,她变成了一个中间人、调停者。这是一种你无法想象的她会扮演的角色。我觉得她可以看到硬币的两面,她拥有可以不掺杂个人感情涉入其中的能力。 Kind of like that party scene in Ultronwhere she doesn’t feel the need todemonstrate strength or purity by trying to lift Thor’s hammer? She’s not out toprove anything to others?[Laughs] Yeah, I think she knows what herstrengths are, and I think she has the ability to be a leader of sorts, but sheworks well in a team.是不是有点像《复联2》里聚会那一幕,她不觉得自己有必要通过举起托尔之锤来证明自己的力量与品德?她不向其他人证明自己?[笑]是呀,我想她知道自己的力量在哪里,她有能力成为各种各样人的领袖,但她在团队里合作得游刃有余。
How did Bruce Banner going away at the endof the last movie leave her feeling, after she reached out to him and he turnedher away — then ran away?班纳在上一部电影的最后拒绝了她,甚至离开了她,她的感觉是怎么样的? I imagine that there are a couple of waysyou could respond to that. Maybe you want to call it abandonment or whatever itis, exactly. Vulnerability, rejection. I think that you can turn inward and bevery hurt and bitter and that would have been an easier choice. But sheunderstands that Banner did what he had to do. Certainly she’s not going to be the person to chastise someone who’s not ready to open up. I don’t think she’s taking itpersonally. 我觉得可以有很多不同想法,可以说班纳离弃了她,令她心里受了伤,这其实是比较容易理解的选择,但她明白班纳,班纳只是做了该做的事情,所以她不会因为班纳还没愿意接受她而责怪他,我认为她并没有觉得班纳的反应是针对她个人的。 Is she kind of like, “Hey, your loss?”她是不是觉得,反正是班纳的损失? I don’t think even it’s that. I thinkshe’s just, it’s not the right time. It’s one of those things where you think of the person with a lot offondness. You keep that in a warm place in your heart for them. It would havebeen very easy for us to take that and turn it into bitterness in this film andhave her be reactive. But that would be out of character, I think.我不认为是那样子,她大概只是觉得,两人时机不对,打个比喻就是你很宠爱那个人,所以那个人在你心目中一直都会有特别的位置,其实对我们而言,很容易联想到这两人的发展会有点苦涩,她也可以就这发展有很大的反应,但要是朝这方向,就不太贴近角色了。Will that storyline continue?绿寡的感情线会继续吗? I don’t know. There is little room for romance in Civil W I thinkthere is a lot going on that doesn’t really involve big heart-to-hearts. I mean it’s certainly in there and there’s references to it. But this is not the opportunity for us toexplore the Widow’s deep, personalbackstory.我不知道,在内战中实在不太有空间发展浪漫,很多故事发展都是没有爱情,当然在电影中偶尔会有点隐喻,但在内战中并没有太多探索黑寡妇个人故事的机会。 What do you hope for the character as theMarvel Cinematic Universe keeps expanding?随着漫威宇宙愈来愈大,你自己怎么看黑寡妇角色的走向?My hope for the Widow is, we’ve certainly grown from film to film. We’re building these different layers of her character. And seeing her,I think we’ve kind of growntogether. She’s very capable — and I think she’s emotionallycapable. I think you’ll see hercoming into her own in this story.我的希望是,漫威让她从电影与电影中,建立其很多特色,观众都可以看到她的成长,她十分能干,情感上也很能处理,我相信很快你可以看到她自己的故事。 Do you get much input into what she doesand what she says?你有没有就她的发展跟走向提意见? Of course. And what her motivation is formaking the decisions that she does. I had a lot of conversations with Jossabout what she sees in Banner. Or why is she, at this point in her life,able to be open in this way? We both followed that storyline with a lot ofconfidence that it was the right arc for my character up until that point.当然有,特别是为什么她会有那个决定,她的目的是什么。当发展绿寡时,我跟导演谈了很多次,想了解她喜欢班纳什么,或是为什么突然在这时机她会想要有爱情,我们两个都相信这感情线,是她这角色正确的发展方向。 What are your feelings about the scrutinyWidow’s stories get?对于大家都很喜欢细理黑寡妇故事发展的前文后理,你自己是怎么想的? You know, I’m happy that people scrutinize the Widow’s storylines and care about it and are invested. I’d much rather it be like that than have a kind of “meh” reaction. For meto have people say that would be, ouch, you know? Everything that I’ve done with the Widow, to me makes sense. It’s in line with active decisions that I’ve made for the character. I’ve been able to develop this character very closely with Joss and[Civil War directors Joe and Anthony Russo].我其实很开心大家那么在意黑寡妇的发展,我情愿大家有反应,都不想大家只是“哦这样子”,对我来说,目前黑寡妇的一切都是讲得通的。她的走向和发展也包含了我的决定。我很荣幸能和乔斯威登以及罗素兄弟一起密切参与到角色的塑造中。 So when people get fired up, you’re like, all right, we pushed some buttons?所以当外界很生气反应很大时,你会觉得太过了吗? Yes, of course! That’s better than the mediocre reaction, definitely. We expect that. Thecharacter is so beloved. You can only hope that people are going haveopinions about it, you know? She somehow ends up always on top, even if you’re not always in agreement with how she gets there. 是的,但有反应总比中庸的反应好,当然因为黑寡妇那么受欢迎,我们早有心理准备,我们希望大家能有意见。她不知怎的总能在最高处,即使你并不一定对她如何到达那儿的方式全盘同意。 ====================END=====================
对了~话说看到寡姐感情线那段我忽然想起了一首歌Carly Rae Jepsen的《Your Type》歌的意境太贴切了
汤包开心就好... 只是身为寡队党的我.........
我相信寡队 我心中只有寡队
我相信寡队 我心中只有寡队
愿意 用一支黑色的铅笔 画一出沉默舞台剧 灯光再亮也抱住你。


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