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Rhythm, Notation, Play by Ear
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Billed $119.88 the first yearBilled $9.99/month thereafter
Includes Bootcamp - A $300 VALUE(Music Theory Lessons)
Hours of Video Tutorials
Hundreds of Interactive Lessons
Rhythm, Notation, Play by Ear
Rookie, Intermediate, Advanced levels
Expanded content every month
Membership Savings on Song Purchases
Songs only $3.99 (save up to $4)
Save 20% on Interactive sheet music
Free video tutorial lessons
Free printable sheet music
Free Background Tracks
World's Most Powerful Piano Gaming Features
Scores, Progress Charts, Badges Leaderboards, Social Features
Free Software Updates
Off-line Mode
Includes Bootcamp - A $300 VALUE(Music Theory Lessons)
Hours of Video Tutorials
Hundreds of Interactive Lessons
Rhythm, Notation, Play by Ear
Rookie, Intermediate, Advanced levels
Expanded content every month
Membership Savings on Song Purchases
Songs only $3.99 (save up to $4)
Save 20% on Interactive sheet music
Free video tutorial lessons
Free printable sheet music
Free Background Tracks
World's Most Powerful Piano Gaming Features
Scores, Progress Charts, Badges Leaderboards, Social Features
Free Software Updates
Off-line Mode
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Playground Sessions guarantees complete satisfaction with your experience. If you decide Playground is not for you, and you notify us within 30 days of your purchase, we will refund your money.
Please contact us at
if you have any questions about the billing or status of your order.
Nik Rush Miami Florida
I am absolutely satisfied. The videos are engaging, the practices are challenging, and the navigation is charming.
Joseph Belcher
Kansas City, MO
I've tried a few music programs and Playground is light years ahead of any software I've ever tried.
Tory Heinrick
Lora Silagy, Colorado
The lessons are broken down into small digestible chunks that can even keep a child's attention. It's an amazing format!Connecting to %s
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Now on Hackaday.io钢琴曲_lora歌单 - 虾米音乐
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关注虾米:香港物联网初步现形!首个 LoRaWAN 网络日前正式部署香港物联网初步现形!首个 LoRaWAN 网络日前正式部署协成智慧无线百家号物联网(IoT)已说了很多年,在中国以及台湾地区,物联网已出现很多实际的应用,然而香港要实现物联网的部署工作,却只有极少数的公司能有能力应付!不过近日 Cisco 便开始与 Actility 及 Pixel Networks 公司合作,并成功在香港部署第一个低功耗广域网络 (LPWA) 从而提供物联网连接服务。香港作为一个人口稠密却充满活力的城市,高度超过 300 米的摩天大楼的数量远超世界其他城市,智能建筑与应用整合的案例已多不胜数。在众多应用中,首选部署包括:办公室温度监测、节电型智能照明方案、灯泡预防性维护、电动车辆停放和充电管理,以及办公桌共享系统等。此外,LoRaWAN 亦可以建成虚拟私人网络以满足需求,该技术不仅可利用 Pixel Networks 的公众网络基础设施,还可使用用户自有户外或室内网关进行扩展。网络则采用 Actility 的 ThingPark Wireless 平台,该平台与 Cisco 的物联网解决方案以及 LoRaWAN (低功耗,远程) 网关技术整合,满足了公众及私有托管网络的需求,简化了端到端物联网解决方案的部署。目前,相对于NB-IoT,LoRa是当前最成熟、稳定的窄带物联网通讯技术,其自由组网的私有网络远优于运营商持续不断收费的NB网络,且LoRa一次组网终身不需缴费。但是应用LoRa进行物联网通讯开发难度大、周期长、进入门槛高。据了解,为降低物联网行业创业者进入门槛,协成智慧提供了一整套成熟LoRaWAN源代码+LoRa Gateway网关定制方案,极大缩减了创业者在物联网链路调通上所耗费的半年周期与巨额开发代价,便于快速切入物联网具体应用,打造属于自己的独立物联网运营品牌。本文仅代表作者观点,不代表百度立场。系作者授权百家号发表,未经许可不得转载。协成智慧无线百家号最近更新:简介:协成智慧无线:WiFi科技与发展垂直媒体作者最新文章相关文章


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