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亚裔名厨黄颐铭的多面人生 毒舌+嘻哈+写作 0602
A few years ago, after Eddie Huang submitted themanuscript of his memoir “Fresh Off the Boat,”which made ample use of footnotes, his editor, ChrisJackson, asked him if he’d read fellow footnoter JunotDíaz. He had not.
几年前,黄颐铭(Eddie Huang)交出了自己的回忆录《初来乍到》(Fresh Off the Boat)的草稿,里面有大量脚注,他的编辑克里斯·杰克逊(Chris Jackson)问他是不是读过另一位爱加脚注的作家朱诺·迪亚斯(Junot Díaz)的书,黄颐铭说没有。
“I have real gaps in my literary history,” Mr. Huang said recently, with his signature blend ofself-deprecation and upstart bravado. “Number 1, I’m Chinese, and Number 2, I’m fromOrlando. So help me, fam!”
He began Mr. Díaz’s “The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao,” but stopped after 100 pages,wowed and flummoxed: “I didn’t want to steal his moves.” He didn’t return to it until he hadcompleted the first draft of his new memoir, “Double Cup Love: On the Trail of Family, Food,and Broken Hearts in China” (Spiegel & Grau), which will be released on Tuesday.
于是他读了迪亚斯的《奥斯卡·瓦奥奇妙而短暂的一生》(The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao),但是看了100页就不敢往下看了,他感到惊叹、困惑:“我根本没想过偷他的点子。”后来他没有再看这本书,直到写完最新回忆录《双杯的爱:追溯家庭、食物与中国的伤心事(Double Cup Love: On the Trail of Family,Food, and Broken Hearts in China,Spiegel & Grau出版社)的初稿,这本书将于周二出版发行。
“I was chasing him through the last eight revisions, asking myself, ‘Does this give you feelingson that level that “Oscar Wao” gave you?’” Mr. Huang said. “I got as close as I could.”
It was coming up on midnight in Chelsea when he said this, and he was wearing a jubilantlyloud J. W. Anderson coat with fat horizontal stripes in varying shades of brown. It was coldout, and a few feet away was the Gilded Lily, the club where he was about to host a party withthe fashion designer Maxwell Osborne, of the au courant duo Public School.
他在切尔西说这番话的时候,时间已经将近午夜,他穿着一件鲜艳喜庆的J·W·安德森(J. W. Anderson)牌外套,宽宽的棕色横条纹呈现深浅不一的色调。外面的天气很冷,几英尺外便是“镀金百合”(Gilded Lily),他即将在这家夜店和“公立学校”(Public School)品牌目前的双人设计师之一——马克斯韦尔·奥斯本(MaxwellOsborne)合作主持派对。
But before that, one last point. “People always want to compare me to Tony,” Mr. Huang added,referring to Anthony Bourdain, the modern prototype of chef turned acidic socialcommentator. “But I never read ‘Kitchen Confidential.’ I read ‘Oscar Wao.’”
Food is, as ever, a Trojan horse for Mr. Huang, who in the past five years has parlayed fame(and a little bit of infamy) as a chef into a career of pining, bomb-tossing and taunting —sometimes good-naturedly, sometimes bad-naturedly, sometimes both.
In addition to his two memoirs (his first was turned into an ABC sitcom), he’s given amemorable TED talk (then had his TED fellowship rescinded over disagreements with thefoundation); written the occasional scath been featured in a S and hosted an Internet show about global food culture, which has morphed intothe television show “Huang’s World,” on Viceland.
Throughout, hip-hop has been his framework and organizing narrative. On the differencebetween his first memoir and the new one: “‘Fresh Off the Boat’ is a mixtape — the Cam’ronmixtape before ‘Purple Haze’; ‘Double Cup Love’ is the album. I smoothed things out, I mixedit, I was surgical about it.”
总的来说,嘻哈乐是他的整体构架,以及组织叙事的方式。他谈起自己两本回忆录之间的不同:“上一本《初来乍到》犹如混录磁带——录的都是Cam’ron在推出《紫雾》(Purple Haze)之前唱的歌;而《双杯的爱》则已成为一张正式专辑。我把事情整理好,混在一起,再给它来个手术。”
On the bridge-burning article he wrote for New York Magazine about how ABC’s “Fresh Off theBoat” sanitized his childhood: “That’s Kendrick, ‘Control.’ Me just beefing.”
在他给《纽约杂志》(New York Magazine)写的那篇关于ABC台的电视剧《初来乍到》的评论里,他毫不留情面地批评这部剧美化了自己的童年:“就像是肯德里克(Kendrick)的《控制》(Control),我只是在抱怨。”
And on the relatively fallow period between his two books and his public falling out with ABC: “I feel like Future right now after ‘Pluto’ — people definitely left me for dead.”
In “Double Cup Love,” Mr. Huang, 34, who was born in Falls Church, Va., near Washington, toTaiwanese immigrants, and raised in Orlando, Fla., details his parallel quests for acceptance:by China, and by a woman he fell for and eventually proposed to. “I don’t think I was everable to be as close with someone as I was with her, and I don’t think I was ever as able to becomfortable with being Chinese as I was with Chengdu,” he said.
黄颐铭现年34岁,出生于华盛顿附近弗吉尼亚州福尔斯彻奇(Falls Church)的一个台湾移民家庭,在佛罗里达州的奥兰多长大;在《双杯的爱》中,他详尽地叙述了自己寻求接受的两条平行线索:期望被中国认同的过程,以及期待心爱的女人接受自己的过程,最后他向她求婚了。“我觉得同她在一起比同任何人在一起都亲密;我也觉得自己只有在成都才能轻松自在地当个中国人,”他说。
Exclusion is a continuing theme of Mr. Huang’s work, and he often finds himself at odds, hesaid, with Asian-Americans who feel his story isn’t appropriately representative. “A lot ofpeople are trying to actively contain my voice, like, ‘He doesn’t speak for us,’ and I’m like, ‘Iwon’t argue with you.’” Often, he said, he speaks at colleges where the main question he’sasked is, in essence, “How did you learn to love yourself?”
Mr. Huang’s writ he regards the world with an understanding of itsabsurdities and injustices and with a willingness to be surprised. The dark edge of “Fresh Offthe Boat” is mostly gone in the new book, replaced with an acceptance of calm in his life.
“Double Cup Love” was originally proposed as a book in which Mr. Huang would travel to Chinato try cooking for locals, but it turned into a memoir about love. Neither of his books is reallyabout food — “it’s all window dressing,” he said.
He added: “When you live in a place where you are not the dominant culture, you have toplay fools against themselves. You’re going to assume I can kung fu, you’re going to assume Ican cook food, and I’m going to play this against you.”
Still, even if food is only the costume, it occupies a central role in Mr. Huang’s life. Before theparty at the Gilded Lily, Mr. Huang had begun his evening cooking a private dinner for a musiclawyer and some associates, including Florence Welch (of Florence and the Machine) and thesongwriter-producer Emile Haynie. After that, it was on to Sushi Yasuda in Midtown, for a seatat the counter and some fawning over the omakase, with running commentary after hepopped each piece into his mouth with his hands.
然而,就算美食只是一种道具,它仍然在黄颐铭的生活里扮演了核心角色。在“镀金百合”的派对之前,黄颐铭还在一家私厨烹制晚餐,出席的是一位音乐界的律师和他的若干朋友,包括“佛罗伦斯与机器”(Florence andthe Machine)乐队的佛罗伦斯·韦尔奇(Florence Welch),以及作曲家兼制作人艾米丽·海尼(EmileHaynie)。后来,在中城的安田寿司(Sushi Yasuda),他坐在柜台前的座位上,奉承了几句面前的主厨定制菜,用手把一样样事物塞进嘴里,就开始滔滔不绝地高谈阔论起来。
In between the kinmedai and the cherrystone clam, he remembered how Dena, the woman atthe center of his new book, comforted him early in their relationship during a bumpy time inthe bedroom. “I was soft as a piece of kinmedai,” he said. “She was like: ‘It’s all right. We’regoing to fix you,’ and my heart literally dropped.”
But the relationship ended after Mr. Huang wrote the first draft, giving the book anuncomfortable coda — an elaborate story of love and self-discovery that ends with the cruelrealization that love isn’t always eternal.
Mr. Huang began writing during high school as a reaction to hearing other students disparagehip-hop. It was “a call to arms,” he said. “I decided I’ll write about anything unfair.” Rightinginjustices remains a crux of his work: He devoted much of a recent “Huang’s World” episodeabout Jamaica to the “new colonialism” caused by that nation’s crippling debt, and said that hehoped to go to Kenya to learn more about one organization’s attempt to support a universalbaseline income — a policy he described as “reparations for those who don’t fit in.”
Even though Mr. Huang has rabbis who’ve smoothed his path toward the mainstream — hiseditor, Mr. J Shane Smith of V Michael Lombardo, HBO’s president of programming,who is stepping down — the defining throughline of his public life has, until now, been a tug ofwar with authority.
在进军主流世界的道路上,黄颐铭有不少导师——他的编辑杰克逊、Vice的沙恩·史密斯(Shane Smith),以及HBO退休的节目总监迈克尔·隆巴尔多(Michael Lombardo),但是,迄今为止,他的公众生活的主线仍然是与权威进行斗争。
But lately he’s been wondering if his bomb-throwing days are coming to an end. “I’m not asmuch of an outsider now,” he conceded. “People can make money off of me — I’m a provencommodity.”
He’s also putting less of himself on the line, beginning to trade ax-grinding and self-revealingmemoir for fiction and screenplays.
A seat at the table has its costs, though, and Mr. Huang is trying to remain awake to them,remaining vigilant about falling “in love with the seat and not what you’re saying.”
For now, though, he’s open to the options being thrown his way. “I’m able to say, ‘This is what Iwant, this is what it’s worth to me, how much is it worth to you?’ If the value ever doesn’tmatch, I’m back to selling things off the truck, and I’m O.K. with that.”
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原标题:冯小刚将拍嘻哈电影 吴亦凡表态率众rapper参演
  9月9日晚,万众瞩目的超级网综《中国有嘻哈》总决赛上线,全国四强PG ONE、GAI、JONY J和艾福杰尼使出浑身解数,争夺中国rapper至高荣誉的冠军宝座。现场气氛远超躁、炸的嘻哈live标准。不仅于此,冠军之夜并非年轻人狂欢的烟花之夜,由爱奇艺缔造的潮流文化生态生生不息,将从此刻此地绵延,打通行业区格,重磅嘉宾著名导演冯小刚在“冠军之夜”现场宣布,将亲自执导一部取材自嘻哈文化的喜剧音乐故事片。这也是继爱奇艺影业参与出品青春战争题材大片《芳华》之后的又一深度合作。刚刚担任爱奇艺首席会员非凡体验官的吴亦凡兴奋表态,愿意“带一帮兄弟”参演助阵,争夺冠亚军两席的选手PG ONE GAI也用最嘻哈的方式freestyle致敬与年轻人无代沟的“六爷”冯小刚。这一新片计划的宣布别开生面,垂直正击年轻受众娱乐需求靶心,被众多媒体点评,以喜剧的形式在大银幕上再现嘻哈音乐精神,承上启下《芳华》的青春主题,是real的时代精神。
  real六爷real炸 新解嘻哈是当代年轻人的“芳华”
  冯小刚曾多次透露,拍摄电影《芳华》是自己数十年的情结,希望通过影像手段再现文工团生涯里出现过的“那些花儿”,通过她们的歌舞青春以及历经的战火硝烟,提炼出超越年代局限有关爱与美的价值取向。在他看来,青春的本质具有一致性,具有延续性。他欣然接受爱奇艺邀请亲临《中国有嘻哈》的冠军之夜现场,也是一次与当今年轻人直接、真诚的沟通。在舞台现场,他出人意料地宣布新片计划,将以喜剧的形式去拍摄一部有关“嘻哈音乐”题材的院线电影。区别于以往众多的音乐电影,该大银幕作品将突出叙事性和人物塑造,深入展现rapper身上折射的群体意义乃至时代精神。“我学到一个特别传神,特别有意义的词,就是real。”冯小刚认为艺术创作者不应该自我设限,尊重可贵的灵感冲击,舞台现场宣布该计划,堪称“老炮儿”冯小刚的real精神,无所畏惧,敢于尝试。冯小刚从自己的人生阅历出发,对嘻哈精神进行新解,认为它是年轻一代人的“芳华”,音乐形式上较之文工团时代的歌舞更有律动性,更有煽动力量,但本质上却是承上启下,都是年轻人积极向上,敢爱敢恨敢于表达的内心需求,因为对于自己来说,并没有所谓的代沟存在。明星制作人吴亦凡现场也表示冯小刚通过六爷一角已经在全国年轻人心中展示了自己的real一面,并且愿意“带一帮兄弟”参演。冠军争夺者PG ONE 和 GAI用嘻哈的freestyle形式致敬六爷,前者调侃自己想参演,只是没有吴亦凡皮肤白;后者则点评:如果你不用力生活,只能在家里祷告。
  冯氏喜剧与时俱进 与爱奇艺影业联手打造华语首部嘻哈音乐喜剧


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