
作者:何佩欣,新加坡翻译:白承成,中国到昨天晚间时候,数以百万的观众,特别是在亚洲的观众,可能都已经历了一种交织着悲伤、焦虑和烦躁的复杂情绪,且让我亲切地称之为“‘太后’完结综合征”。对于不明所以的朋友来说,原因在这儿:近来超人气韩剧《太阳的后裔》(以下简称“太后”)于昨晚(4月14日)拉下帷幕。简单说来,“太后”讲述了勇敢的陆军上尉(宋仲基饰)和美丽的白衣天使(宋慧乔饰)之间的爱情故事,由此俘获了全世界观众的心。从二月开播以来,这部16集的电视剧便刷新了在韩国国内收视历史的最高记录,并在中国多媒体视频网站爱奇艺播放量突破 20亿次。该剧火到32个国家,其中包括美国、英国、法国、俄罗斯等国家的非亚洲广播公司都已经购买。就连政客们也十分推崇。泰国总理Prayut Chan-o-cha积极鼓励国民观看,赞许该剧展现了牺牲、服从命令以及承担责任等主题。韩国总统朴槿惠说,该剧在韩国年轻人中起到了“传扬爱国主义”的作用。该剧还激发了影迷文化、网络爆红以及一系列的商业衍生品:运动鞋、帆布袋、毛绒玩具。还有你可能不会相信,就连冥币上面也画着宋仲基的脸。很显然,该剧的拍摄地——韩国江原道太白市,已经计划将电影中的场景进行复原,并将其变成旅游景点。那么是什么让这部剧表现如此出众呢?很多人认为它受欢迎的原因主要有三:精彩的剧情、高颜值的明星阵容,以及中韩同步播放。该剧积极瞄准中国市场,让中国观众可以与韩国同步收看剧情播出。但如果问影迷们为什么会喜欢这部剧,答案十有八九是:因为大家都想看“老大”——阿尔法队大队长柳时镇是怎样追求姜暮烟医生的呀。的确,这彻头彻尾就是一个爱情故事。我敢肯定大多数人都会尽量避免从虚构的爱情故事中汲取经验教训,因为里面所宣扬的多半是浪漫、不切实际的爱情观。这或许是明智之举,以免让我们在实际的恋爱关系中感到太过失望。话虽这么说,但我还是想挑战一下不可能。毕竟,假如我们还有一段时间会陷在“‘太后’完结综合症”里,或许可以思考一些更有用的事情,而不仅仅是宋仲基那张帅气的脸。预警:前方有剧透(想看还没看原剧的朋友请慎入)1、学会付出虽然高超的撩妹技能和帅气的外表加身,柳大尉也有让他身不由己的部分——他的工作。当任务(常常是高风险甚至危及生命的任务)来临之时,他必须放下手头的一切,马上离开。更糟糕的是,他不能告诉姜暮烟具体原因。起初,这给他们之间的关系带来很大的张力,因为姜暮烟不能接受柳时镇总是在他们约会进行一半的时候离开,还不能给出一个有力的解释,并且,他还有可能一去不回。但随着时间的推移,姜暮烟也意识到,如果想和柳时镇谈恋爱,这是她必须去习惯去适应的。所以对于他的工作,她再也不发问,还学着去支持他。后来,当姜暮烟不得不在半夜赶回医院给病人做手术时,柳时镇也感受到了那种被人放鸽子的感觉,所以人生是公平的。让我们学习在恋爱中去付出和给予吧。把对方的需要放在自己的需要之上,也不去因我们所遇到的不便而大发牢骚。(罗马书12章10节)2、经常肯定和赞美对方在这方面,没有人比柳时镇做得更好了。在整部剧中,他不断称赞女主,不只是因为她的美貌,更因为她的勇敢和能力,特别是在她成功应对了那场毁灭性的地震和另一次传染病爆发之后。姜暮烟也是一样,告诉柳时镇她喜欢他,因为他从不胆怯,总是光明磊落,当然还有,每时每刻都那么帅气。随着剧情的进展,这对恋人也在彼此欣赏中渐渐成长,学着去肯定对方的长处,向对方道歉以及表达感谢。让我们学习用话语去肯定、鼓励和建立彼此吧。(以弗所书4章29节;帖撒罗尼迦前书5章11节)3、鞭策彼此成为更好的人柳时镇是一个光明磊落的男人,他不畏压力,哪怕这种压力来源于他的上司。在颇具代表性的一幕中,阿拉伯国家联盟的总统Mubara被送到医院,生命垂危。柳时镇的上级警告他不要插手,并告诉他如果总统去世就将责任归咎于医生,但他拒绝了。他告诉医生安心去做她该做的事情,并带领他的团队与阿拉伯人对峙,阻止他们开枪(想知道为什么,还是自己去看吧)。柳时镇不仅以身作则,他也鼓励姜暮烟去做同样的事情。在另一集中,一个农村孩子开枪打伤了一个毒贩,柳时镇告诉姜暮烟要忠于自己作为医生的使命,这意味着去救一个原本就一无是处的坏人。“杀人的事儿由我来做”,他对她说。让我们在爱心和善行上面学习彼此督促和勉励(希伯来书10章24节)。4、为彼此牺牲 、舍己就像其他精彩的韩国爱情故事一样,男主一次又一次为女主奉上全部。在涉及阿拉伯总统的那集中,柳时镇以失掉工作为代价拒绝将责任推卸给姜暮烟,最终被排除在晋升名单以外,并因为不服从命令而被降薪。在另一集中,他冒着生命危险去解救挂在悬崖边上被卡在车里的姜暮烟。还有一幕,他单枪匹马救出被毒贩(是的,就是她之前抢救的毒贩)绑架的姜暮烟。还有另一个在医院里的紧张一幕,与一位朝鲜士兵有关,姜暮烟也甘愿为了柳时镇去冒险(为了那些已经受够剧透的朋友们,我还是就说到这吧)。让我们学习去行善(希伯来书13章16节)和担当彼此的重担(加拉太书6章2节)。人为朋友舍命,人的爱心没有比这个更大的。(约翰福音15章13节)5、拥有共同的信仰和价值观柳时镇和姜暮烟大部分时候产生分歧都是因为他们价值观上的差异。他们第一次分手,就是因为意识到彼此在如何保护生命的问题上有着不同的看法。柳时镇靠杀人去保护生命,而姜暮烟则通过医治拯救去保护生命。当他们几个月后在那个虚构的、饱受战争蹂躏的国家乌鲁克重逢之后,事情并没有立刻得到解决。但环境迫使他们做出道德选择,决定何时去拯救生命,何时又结束生命。然后姜暮烟意识到,当她表示不愿意去救毒贩的生命,反倒是柳时镇在劝她要终忠于医生的使命时,她已经不占据道德制高点。最终,他们意识到彼此的核心价值观其实是相同的,并且在并肩作战的过程中找到了更多共同点。虽然这意味着他们通常要做出艰难的抉择,但他们愿意去克服彼此之间的不同,并持续做对的事情,这最终都成为值得的——他们之间的恋爱关系如花般盛开。让我们把寻找一个跟我们有共同信仰和价值观的人作为第一优先去考虑吧(哥林多后书6章14节)。基础打好后,解决生活中那些琐碎的事情就变得更容易了。好了,就这样吧。跟《太阳的后裔》学五项恋爱技能。不过要提醒一句:这些相处技巧并不能保证你自己的恋爱关系也会变得像柳时镇和姜暮烟的那样。但至少值得让你、我去思考,因为它们都围绕一个真理:少关注自己一点,恋爱关系就更有可能开花结果。编者按:还有其他要补充的吗?在下面评论吧!图片来源:http://www.soompi.com//descendants-of-the-sun-set-to-be-rebuilt-as-tourist-attraction/Joanna H.Photo Credit:&SoompiBy the end of this week, millions of people, especially in Asia, will likely be experiencing a mixture of sadness, anxiety, and irritability—which I shall affectionately term the “post-DOTS syndrome”.For the uninitiated, here’s why: the massively popular Korean TV drama&Descendants of the Sun&(DOTS) will air its last episode tonight (14 April). In a nutshell, DOTS is a love story between a dashing army captain (Song Joong Ki) and a beautiful doctor (Song Hye Kyo) that has captured the hearts of viewers all over the world. The 16-episode drama, which started in February, has eclipsed all viewership records in Korea and chalked up more than 2 billion views on Chinese video-streaming site iQiyi.com.It’s so popular that 32 countries, including non-Asian broadcasters in the United States, England, France, and Russia, have bought it. Even politicians have endorsed it. Thailand’s Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha urged citizens to watch it, praising the show for its themes of sacrifice, obedience, and duty, while South Korean President Park Geun-hye said the show could help “instill patriotism” among young Koreans.The show has also inspired fan art, memes, and a fascinating range of merchandise: sneakers, canvas bags, stuffed toys and—you probably won’t believe this—hell notes with Song Joong Ki’s face on them. (Hell notes are a form of joss paper which look like bank notes and are normally burned as an offering to loved ones who have died.) Apparently, the city of Taebaek in Korea’s Gangwon Province, where the show was filmed, has plans to rebuild the film set of DOTS and turn it into a tourist attraction.So what is it about this drama that puts it at the head of the pack? Many have credited its popularity to three reasons: a fantastic plot, a stellar cast, and well, China—the drama was aggressively marketed in China and Chinese audiences get to watch it on the same day as South Korea. But ask any fan why he or she loves the show, and you’ll probably hear this: because&everyone&wants to see how Alpha Team Captain “Big Boss” Yoo Si Jin woos Doctor Kang Mo Yeon. After all, it’s a love story, through and through.Now, I’m pretty sure most of us will steer clear of trying to draw lessons from fictional love stories that portray unrealistic notions of romantic love. And that is probably the wise thing to do, lest we set ourselves up for disappointment in our own relationships. Having said that, I’m going to attempt the impossible and do exactly that. After all, if we’re going to suffer from post-DOTS syndrome for a while, we might as well mull over something more useful than just Song Joong Ki’s face.Warning: Spoilers ahead. (For those who have yet to start on the series but intend to.)1. Learn to giveFor all his smooth ways and good looks, Yoo has one thing that works against him—his job. He has to drop everything and leave whenever he’s called up for an assignment (which is&always&a high-risk, life-threatening one) and, worse, he can’t tell Kang what he’s up to. At first, this creates much tension in their relationship, as Kang cannot accept why he has to keep leaving her halfway through the date without a valid explanation, and the fact that he might never return.But over time, she realizes that it’s something she will have to get used to if she wants to be in a relationship with him. So she stops questioning him over his job, and learns to support him. Later on, Yoo gets a taste of what it’s like to be stood up when Kang has to rush back to hospital to operate on a patient in the middle of the night. Life is fair.Let’s learn to give in our relationships. Put the needs of our partners above ourselves and don’t kick up a fuss when we suffer inconveniences. ()2. Affirm each other regularlyNobody does this better than Yoo. Throughout the show, he praises his female counterpart constantly—not just for her looks, but also for her bravery and competence, especially after she has to deal with a devastating earthquake and an infectious disease outbreak. Kang does the same, telling Yoo that she likes him because he is never cowardly, always honorable, and, of course, handsome at all times.As the show progresses, the couple also grow in their appreciation for each other and learn to affirm each other’s strengths and to apologize and thank each other.Let’s learn to use our words to affirm, encourage and build up each other. (;&)3. Spur each other to be better peopleYoo is an honorable man who does not flinch under pressure, even if it comes from his superiors. In one iconic scene, in which the chairman of the Arab League, President Mubarat, is brought to the clinic on the verge of death, Yoo’s superior warns him not to get involved and tells him to pin the blame on the doctor if the President dies. But Yoo refuses, and tells the doctor to do what she has to do while his team holds the Arab guys off at gunpoint (if you’re wondering why, watch to find out).Yoo doesn’t just lead by example, but also encourages Kang to do the same. In another episode in which a drug dealer is shot by a village kid, Yoo tells Kang to stay true to her calling as a doctor—which means saving the man even though he’s obviously up to no good. “If we have to kill someone, I will do my job,” he tells her.Let’s learn to spur each other on to love and good deeds ().4. Sacrifice for each otherJust like in any other good Korean love story, the male lead puts his all on the line for the female lead, time and again. In the episode involving the Arab President, Yoo puts his job on the line by refusing to pin the blame on Kang—and is eventually taken off the promotion list and has his pay docked for insubordination. In another episode, he risks his life to save Kang, who’s stuck in a car perched precariously on the edge of a cliff. On yet another occasion, he embarks on a solo mission to save her after she’s taken hostage by the drug dealer—yes, the same one she saved earlier.There’s also a tense hospital scene involving a North Korean soldier, in which Kang takes risks for Yoo (for the sake of those already upset with the number of spoilers so far, I shall not go any further).Let’s learn to do good () and to bear each other’s burdens (). There’s no greater love than laying down our lives for another. ()5. Share the same beliefs and principles.Most of the arguments Yoo and Kang get into involve differences in their values. When they part ways for the first time, it’s because they realize they have different views on how to protect life— Yoo kills to protect lives, while Kang, tries to save all lives.When they are reunited in the fictional war-torn country of Uruk some months later, things don’t get resolved immediately. But circumstances force them to make moral decisions on when to save a life, and when to take one. Kang then realizes that she no longer holds the moral high ground when she expresses reluctance to save the drug dealer’s life, while it is Yoo who urges her to live up to her calling as a doctor.Eventually, they realize that their values are essentially the same, and establish some common ground in working together—although it means they usually have to do things the hard way. But their commitment to working out their differences and doing the right thing pays off, and their relationship blossoms.Let’s make it a priority to find someone who holds to the same beliefs and principles as we do (). Once the fundamentals are in place, we can work on the smaller issues more easily.&So there you go. Five relationship hacks from DOTS to think about. A word of caution: These relationship hacks&do not&guarantee that your relationship will be like Yoo and Kang’s. But they’re worth considering, because they all revolve around one truth—a relationship is more likely to work if you focus less on yourself.&Editor’s Note: Are there any other relationship hacks you got from DOTS? Comment below!
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