求here we go歌曲 again-Floyd Winder百度云下载

引用网址[翻译帖]迷墙_pinkfloyd吧作者Wbtworwtdt和爱V的安德烈01. In The Flesh"....we came in?"我们进来啦?So ya所以Thought ya想想吧Might like to go to the show.或许你想去那个演出呢To feel the warm thrill of confusion去切身感受一下毫无由来让人迷惑的温暖和感动That space cadet glow.看着台上那个奇怪的人情绪激昂,洋溢着热情Tell me is something eluding you, sunshine?亲爱的,告诉我有什么在困扰着你?Is this not what you expected to see?你不希望看到这些吗?If you wanna find out what's behind these cold eyes如果你想弄清楚那些冷漠的眼睛背后隐藏着什么You'll just have to claw your way through this disguise.你就必须在他们的虚伪中挖掘出一条自己的路"Lights!灯光!Turn on the sound effects!把音效打开!Action!"开始!"Drop it, drop it on 'em!把它掷向他们!Drop it on them!!!!!"砸向他们!02. The Thin IceMomma loves her baby,妈妈爱你,宝贝And Daddy loves you, too爸爸也爱你And the sea may look warm to ya, Babe大海因为你而洋溢着温暖And the sky may look blue.天空也一片蔚蓝Oooooo Babe.宝贝Ooooooo Baby Blue.宝贝Ooooo Ooohh Babe.宝贝If you should go skating, on the thin ice of modern life要是你打算在现代生活的薄冰上滑行Dragging behind you the silent reproach,那些被泪水模糊的双眼所带来无声的责备,of a million tear-stained eyes,会成为阻碍你前行的包袱Don't be surprised when a crack in the ice当你脚下的薄冰开始崩裂appears under your feet.你也不必为跌落海底而惊慌You slip out of your depth and out of your mind,紧紧抓住飘浮的冰块with your fear flowing out from behind you,隐忍着的恐惧随之喷薄而出as you claw the ice.你也会从自我的深渊中抽离,挣脱内心的束缚03. Another Brick In The Wall (Pt.1)Daddy's flown across the ocean,父亲在远渡重洋Leaving just a memory,只留下残存的记忆A snapshot in the family album.还有家庭相册上的照片Daddy, what else did you leave for me?爸爸,你还有给我留下别的吗?Daddy, whatcha leave behind for me?爸爸,你究竟留给我什么了?All in all it was just a brick in the wall.是所有的这些,不过是墙上的一块砖而已All in all it was just the bricks in the wall.只不过是墙上的一块砖罢了04. The Happiest Days Of Our LivesWhen we grew up and went to school我们长大,去上学There were certain teachers who would而学校里必然有一些老师hurt the children any way they could会极尽所能地为难孩子们By pouring their derision无论我们做什么upon anything we did都会招来无情的嘲笑And exposing every weakness不管孩子们怎么小心隐藏自己的弱点However carefully hidden by the kids都会被无情地揭穿But in the town it was well known但在镇上有件事人尽皆知When they got home at night, 当那些老师晚上回到家their fat and psychopathic wives would thrash them对于肥胖而神经质的妻子的责打within inches of their lives却忍气吞声,甘愿受辱05. Another Brick In The Wall (Pt.2)We don't need no education我们并非不需要教育We don't need no thought control也不是说完全不要思想控制No dark sarcasm in the classroom只是希望教室里不再有恶意的挖苦讥诮Teachers leave them kids alone教师能离那些孩子远一点Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!嘿!老师!别碰那些孩子!All in all it's just another brick in the wall.所有的这些,不过是墙上的另一块砖All in all you're just another brick in the wall.你只不过是墙上的另一块砖(×2)06. MotherMother, do you think they'll drop the bomb?妈妈,你觉得他们会把炸弹扔下来吗?Mother, do you think they'll like this song?妈妈,你觉得他们会喜欢这首歌吗?Mother, do you think they'll try to break my balls?妈妈,你觉得他们会对我不利吗?Ooooowaa Mother, should I build a wall?妈妈,我是不是应该筑起心墙?Mother, should I run for the President?妈妈,我要不要去竞选总统?Mother, should I trust the government?妈妈,我应该相信政府吗?Mother, will they put me in the firing line?妈妈,他们会让我到前线打仗吗?Ooooowaa Is it just a waste of time?这是不是只是浪费时间?Hush, my baby. 嘘,宝贝Baby, don't you cry.你别哭Momma's gonna make all of you nightmares come true.妈妈会让你所有的梦魇成真Momma's gonna put all of her fears into you.妈妈会把她所有的恐惧不安都灌输给你Momma's gonna keep you right here under her wing.妈妈会把你紧紧地护在翅膀底下She won't let you fly, but she might let you sing.她不会让你飞翔,但可能会允许你歌唱Momma's gonna keep Baby cozy and warm.妈妈会让你一直都能安逸温暖,无忧无虑Oooo Babe.宝贝Oooo Babe.宝贝Ooo Babe, of course Momma's gonna help build a wall.妈妈当然会帮你筑起这堵墙啊Mother, do you think she's good enough for me?妈妈,你觉得她跟我配吗?Mother, do you think she's dangerous to me?妈妈,你觉得她对我而言是不是太过危险了?Mother will she tear your little boy apart?妈妈,她会让你的心肝宝贝跟你分开吗?Ooooowaa Mother, will she break my heart?妈妈,她会不会伤我的心?Hush, my baby. 安静,宝贝Baby, don't you cry.你别哭Momma's gonna check out all your girlfriends for you.妈妈会帮你好好过目每一个女朋友Momma won't let anyone dirty get through.妈妈不会允许那些坏女孩进门Momma's gonna wait up until you get in.妈妈会一直守候等待,殚精竭虑,直到你如愿以偿Momma will always find out where you've been.无论你在哪里妈妈都会找到你哦Momma's gonna keep baby healthy and clean.妈妈会让我的宝贝儿一直都那么整洁健康Oooo Babe.宝贝Oooo Babe.宝贝Oooo Babe, you'll always be Baby to me.你永远都是妈妈的小心肝Mother, did it need to be so high?妈妈,那你觉得墙需要筑那么高吗?07. Goodbye Blue SkyLook, Mummy.看,妈妈。There's an airplane up in the sky.天上有一架飞机飞过Ooooo噢Did you , did you see the frightened ones?你是否看到,那些战战兢兢的人们?Did you , did you hear the falling bombs?你是否听到,炸弹被投掷下来爆炸的巨响?Did you ever wonder why we had to run for shelter,你是否觉得惊讶,when the promise of a brave new world unfurled beneath a clear blue sky?为何当勇敢的新世界许诺,要揭开弥漫的硝烟,还给我们一片蓝天,我们仍然要疲于奔命,寻找避难之所?Did you , did you see the frightened ones?你看到了吗,那些惊恐不安的民众?Did you , did you hear the falling bombs?你听到了吗,炸弹爆炸时的巨响??The flames are all long gone,虽然战火在很久前已经停歇But the pain lingers on.但却留下难以磨灭的满目疮痍Goodbye, Blue sky.再见了,蓝天Goodbye, Blue sky.再见了,蓝天Goodbye.再见Goodbye.再见08. Empty SpaceWhat shall we use to fill the empty spaces我们该用什么来填满这空虚之境?Where we used to talk? 我们惯于在什么地方交谈?How shall I fill the final places? 我要如何填补最后一个地方?How can I complete the wall?我该如何筑完这堵墙?09. Young LustI am just a new boy,我只是一个新来,stranger in this town.对这个小镇还很陌生Where are all the goodtime?那些快乐的时光都去哪里了?Who's gonna show this stranger around?有谁愿意带这个新来的到处见识一下?Ooooo I need a dirty woman.噢我需要一个浪荡的女人Ooooo I need a dirty girl.或女孩子Will some woman in this desert land,在这种不毛之地会有这种女人make me feel like a real man?能让我感觉自己是个真汉子take this rock and roll refugee.收留我这个所谓的摇滚难民么Ooo Babe, set me free.宝贝儿,赐予我自由吧Ooooo I need a dirty woman.我需要一个淫乱的女人Ooooo I need a dirty girl.或女孩子Ooooo I need a dirty woman.我需要她Ooooo I need a dirty girl.我渴求她10. One Of My Turn"Oh my God! What a fabulous room! Are all these your guitars?"天啊,这房子太棒了!这些吉他都是你的吗?""I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean to startle you!""对不起先生,我不是故意要吓你一跳的!""This place is bigger than our apartment!""这里比我们的公寓大多了!""Let me know when you're entering a room""你进来的时候也告诉我一声啊""Yes sir!""是的先生!""Um, Can I get a drink of water?""唔,我能来点喝的吗?""I was wondering about...""我很好奇耶……""You want some, huh?""你要来点吗?""Yes""嗯""Oh wow, look at this tub? Do you want to take bath?""哇那个浴缸太棒了,你不想泡个澡吗?""I'll have to find out from Mrs. Bancroft what time she wants to meet us, for her main...""我得知道Bancroft夫人跟我们会面的时间,毕竟……""What are watching?""有什么在盯着吗?""If you'll just let me know as soon as you can ... Mrs Bancroft""你要立马告诉我啊,如果你……Bancroft夫人""Mrs Bancroft...""Bancroft夫人""Hello?""嘿?""I don't understand...""我有点糊涂了……""Are you feeling okay?...""你觉得还好吗?"Day after day, love turns grey日复一日,爱变得干枯灰暗Like the skin of a dying man.如同濒死之人的皮肤And night after night, we pretend its all righ夜复一夜,我们却自欺欺人But I have grown older and但我日益衰老松弛You have grown colder and而你变得冷漠无情Nothing is very much fun any more.曾经的幸福喜乐早已不复存在I feel cold as a razor blade,我像刀片一样冷硬锋利Tight as a tourniquet,跟紧紧束缚着的止血带一样,让人喘不过气Dry as a funeral drum.如同葬礼上的鼓点一般死气沉沉Run to the bedroom, 去卧室In the suitcase on the left在行李箱的左边You'll find my favorite axe.你会找到我最爱的斧子Don't look so frightened别那么害怕嘛This is just a passing phase,这只是一个过渡期One of my bad days.我心情不大好的一天而已Would you like to watch TV?你要看电视吗?Or get between the sheets?或者在被窝里躺一躺?Or contemplate the silent freeway?还是盘算一下怎么逃跑?Would you like something to eat?你要吃点什么吗?Would you like to learn to fly?你想试着飞吗?Would'ya?嗯?Would you like to see me try?还是你要看我试一次?Would you like to call the cops?你要把警察叫来吗?Do you think it's time I stopped?你想我别再这样吗?Why are you running away?你为什么要逃啊?11. Don't Leave Me NowOoooh Babe,宝贝Don't leave me now.不要在此刻离开我Don't say it's the end of the road.别说我们之间已经结束Remember the flowers I sent.还记得我送你的鲜花么I need you, Babe,我需要你,宝贝to put through the shredder in front of my friends.在我的朋友面前将我践踏得一文不值Don't leave me now.别在此时离我而去How could you go?当你知道我有多么需要你When you know how I need you又怎么舍得从我身边逃离?To beat to a pulp on a Saturday night.在周六的夜晚把我伤害得体无完肤吧Oh Babe,宝贝儿Don't leave me now.别走好吗How can you treat me this way?你怎么能这么对我?Running away.就这样头也不回地离开?Oh babe,亲爱的,Why are you running away?为什么你对我避之不及?Oh babe噢宝贝12. Another Brick In The Wall (Pt.3)I don't need no arms around me我并不是不需要怀抱I don't need no drugs to calm me我也不是不用任何药物就能使自己冷静下来I have seen the writing on the wall我看到墙上的字迹了Don't think I need anything at all不要想当然地觉得我什么都需要No, don't think I need anything at all别以为我什么都缺好吗All in all it was all just bricks in the wall所有的这些都是墙上的砖All in all you were all just bricks in the wall你们都是把墙垒起来的砖头13. Goodbye Cruel WorldGoodbye, cruel world跟这个残酷的世界说再见I'm leaving you today我已决定要在今日离开Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye,再见Goodbye, all you people永别了,所有的人们There's nothing you can sayto make me change my mind不管你们说什么也无法改变我的意志Goodbye再见14. Hey YouHey you, out there in the cold嘿,你身处寒冷之中Getting lonely, getting old 茕茕孑立,徐徐老矣Can you feel me?你能感觉到我的存在吗Hey you, standing in the aisles嘿,你伫立在过道上With itchy feet and fading smiles 蠢蠢欲动,无心欢喜Can you feel me?你知道我就在你身边吗Hey you, dont help them to bury the light嘿,你啊,别帮着他们把光明埋葬Don't give in without a fight.不要在战斗之前就选择投降Hey you, out there on your own嘿,你正在外面孤立无援Sitting naked by the phone 衣不蔽体地坐在电话机旁Would you touch me?那为什么不联系我呢?Hey you, with you ear against the wall嘿,你把耳朵紧紧地贴在墙上Waiting for someone to call out 等待着他人的呼唤Would you touch me?怎么就想不起我来?Hey you, would you help me to carry the stone?嘿,你能不能帮我把石头搬开Open your heart卸下心防I'm coming home.让我进来But it was only fantasy.但我也知道这不过是异想天开The wall was too high, 正如你所见As you can see.这墙实在是太高了No matter how he tried, 不管他怎么竭尽全力He could not break free.也无法冲破藩篱And the worms ate into his brain.而蛆虫也早已把他的大脑蚕食殆尽Hey you, standing in the road嘿,你在路上踽踽独行always doing what you're told, 活得人云亦云,毫无自我Can you help me?但你能帮我个忙吗?Hey you, out there beyond the wall,嘿,你如今站在墙外Breaking bottles in the hall, 也只是惹是生非Can you help me?那不如帮帮我吧?Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all嘿,你别再跟我说没有任何希冀Together we stand, divided we fall.只要我们站在一起,就无往不利15. Is There Anybody Out There?Is there anybody out there?外面有人吗?Is there anybody out there?有人在吗?Is there anybody out there?外面有人吗?Is there anybody out there?有人在吗?16. Nobody HomeI got a little black book with my poems in.我把我的诗句写在一个黑色的小本子上Got a bag, got a toothbrush and a comb.带上装着牙刷和梳子的提包When I'm a good dog they sometimes throw me a bone.当我表现的像狗一样听话顺从,他们也会赏几根骨头I got elastic bands keeping my shoes on.我用松紧带把鞋好好套在脚上Got those swollen hands blues.用肿胀的双手表演布鲁斯Got thirteen channels of shit on the TV to choose from.有十三个扯淡的电视频道可以选择I got electric light,我能带来光亮And I got second sight.有先见之明Got amazing powers of observation.以及惊人的洞察力And that is how I know,因此我知道When I try to get through,on the telephone to you,就算设法给你打电话There'll be nobody home.也无人应答I got the obligatory Hendrix perm,我顶着Hendrix标志性的烫发And the inevitable pinhole burns,身上留着具有灼烧感的针孔All down the front of my favorite satin shirt,穿着心爱的丝绸衬衣I got nicotine stains on my fingers.还有把手指熏得焦黑的尼古丁I got a silver spoon on a chain.以及挂着小银匙的项链Got a grand piano to prop my mortal remains.就让一架大钢琴陪我度过余生I've got wild, staring eyes.我的双眼带着狂热和坚定And I got a strong urge to fly.流露出对飞翔的渴望But I got nowhere to fly to… fly to… fly to… fly to.却不知可以飞向何方Ooooo Babe,亲爱的When I pick up the phone,当我试着拨通电话There's still nobody home.却还是无人应答I got a pair of Gohill boots,我如今虽然衣着鲜亮And I got fading roots.但内在早已黯淡无光17. VeraDoes anybody here remember Vera Lynn?这儿还有人记得Vera Lynn吗?Remember how she said,还记得她说过That we would meet again,我们会再次相聚Some sunny day.就在一个晴朗无云的日子里Vera!维拉Vera!维拉What has become of you?你如今会是什么样子呢?Does anybody else in here feel the way I do?这儿会有人察觉到我的所思吗?18. Bring The Boy Back HomeBring the boys back home. 带这个小男孩回家吧Bring the boys back home. 快把他带回家Don't leave the children on their own, no, no. 别让他独自一人流落在外Bring the boys back home. 快带他回家吧(Telephone Sound)(电话铃)Wrong! Do it again! 错了!给我重做!Time to go! 是时候动身了!Are you feeling okay? 你觉得还好吗?There's a man answering, but he keeps hanging up! 有人接啊,不过他就晾着电话一言不发Is there anybody out there? 外面有人吗?19. Comfortably NumbHello.嗨Is there anybody in there?有人在里边吗Just nod if you can hear me.听到的话就应一声Is there anyone home?有人在家吗Come on, now.快出来吧,就现在I hear you're feeling down.听说你感觉很不好Well I can ease your pain,但我能医治你的创伤Get you on your feet again.让你重新振作Relax.别紧张I need some information first.首先我得了解一下Just the basic facts:一些基本情况Can you show me where it hurts?你能告诉我伤在哪里吗There is no pain, you are receding.你没有受伤,只不过是有点萎靡不振A distant ship's smoke on the horizon.就像在远方地平线上航行的船只You are only coming through in waves.只是偶尔遇上风浪Your lips move but I can't hear what you're sayin'.我看见你嘴巴在动了,但听不清说的什么When I was a child I had a fever.记得我小时候有一次发烧My hands felt just like two balloons.双手肿胀得像气球一样Now I got that feeling once again.如今我又有这种感觉I can't explain, you would not understand.我说不清楚,你也理解不了This is not how I am.真正的我不应该像现在这样I have become comfortably numb.逐渐安于现状I have become comfortably numb.变得麻木不仁Ok.好吧Just a little pinprick.只是扎个小针孔而已There'll be no more ……也没啥……--Aaaaaahhhhh!——啊啊啊——!!!But you may feel a little sick.你可能会觉得有点不适Can you stand up?站得起来吗I do believe it's working. Good.我肯定这会起作用的,很好That'll keep you going for the show.这能支撑你完成演出的Come on it's time to go.快点,我们要动身了There is no pain, you are receding.没什么不妥啊,你只是情绪低落而已A distant ship's smoke on the horizon.你就像在远方地平线上航行的船只You are only coming through in waves.只是偶尔遇上风浪Your lips move but I can't hear what you're sayin'.你喃喃自语,我也听不见啊When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse,在我小时候,有什么在面前一闪而过Out of the corner of my eye.我瞥到了一眼I turned to look but it was gone.回过头再看时,就已经不见踪影I cannot put my finger on it now.如今也无处可寻了The child is grown, the dream is gone.人一长大,就要丢弃梦想了吧I have become comfortably numb.我就沉溺这种安逸中,对一切都无动于衷20. The Show Must Go OnAaaaa....啊Must the show go on ?演出一定要继续吗Oooooo Pa, (Take me home, take me home, take me home.)爸爸,(快带我回家)Oooooo Ma, (Let me go, let me go, let me go.)妈妈,(让我走吧)There must be some mistake,这一定是哪里出了问题I never meant to let them take away my soul.我并非有意让他们夺走我的灵魂Am I too old ?我是否已经太过年老?Is it too late ?如今改变已经太迟了吗?Where has the feeling gone ?曾经的感受都去哪里了?Will I remember this song ?我还记得怎么唱这首歌吗?The show must go on.无论如何表演都要继续下去21. In The FleshSo ya thought ya might like to go to the show.你或许会想去看场演出To feel the warm thrill of confusion, 感受一下那种异样的温暖和让人迷惑的晕眩that space cadet glow.看着那个怪人在台上全然投入,挥洒自我I got me some bad news for you, Sunshine.但我有个坏消息要告诉你,亲爱的Pink isn't well, 平克他有点不太好he stayed back at the hotel,一直窝在酒店里And he sent us along as a surrugate band.他让我们作为代替他的乐队上场We're gonna find out where your fans really stand.不过我们会认出哪些是你的粉丝Are there any queers in the theatre tonight ?今晚剧院里有没有可疑人物混进来?Get'em up against the wall.把他们按在墙上!-'Gainst the wall !不许动!And that one in the spotlight, he don't look right to me.那个站在聚光灯下的家伙,我看他有点不对劲Get him up against the wall.把他押在墙上!-'Gainst the wall !不许动!And that one look Jewish, and that one's coon.那个犹太佬!还有黑鬼!Who let all this riffraff into the room ?谁允许你们这群渣滓进来的?There's one smoking a joint,那些人就这样叼着大麻烟and another with spots !满身污秽,龌蹉不堪If I had my way I'd have all of ya shot.如果我有办法逃脱罪责,肯定把你们通通射杀22. Run Like HellYou better make your face up,你最好改头换面in your favorite disguise,把自己伪装起来With your button-down lips,带着世故的嘴唇And your roller blind eyes.昏聩的双目With your empty smile,空洞的笑容And your hungry heart,以及那颗饥渴的心Feel the bile rising,自从有了那些罪恶的过往Frome your guilty past.你的脾气就日益暴躁With your nerves in tatters敏感的神经随着保护的外壳被击碎as the cockleshell shatters而变得衰弱崩溃And the hammers batter down your door,铁锤一下一下地砸着你的家门You better run.你最好快点逃跑You better run all day,日夜兼程and run all night.别再回头And keep your dirty feelings deep inside.把那些肮脏的想法深埋心底And if you're taking your girlfriend out tonight,如果你今晚要带你的女朋友外出You better park the car well out of sight.最好把车停靠在隐蔽之处'Cause if they catch you in the back seat,因为要是他们抓到你trying to pick her lock,会设法将她锁在车里They're gonna send you back to Mother,把你装进纸板箱in a cardboard box.寄回你妈妈的身边You better run !你还是快逃吧!23. Waiting For The WormsOooo You cannot reach me now,你再怎么努力Oooo No matter how you try.也无法触碰我Goodbye cruel world, it's over.再见了,这个残酷的世界。一切都结束了。Walk on by.悄悄地从我身边经过Sitting in a bunker,他挖了一个沙坑坐着he's behind my wall,就在我的墙外Waiting for the worms to come.等待着虫子的到来In perfect isolation,我呆在墙的后面Here behind my wall,与世隔绝Waiting for the worms to come.等待着虫子的到来Waiting, to cut the deadwood,去砍断这些朽木枯枝Waiting, to clean up the city.把这座城市清洗一新Waiting, to follow the worms.跟随着这些虫子Waiting, to put on a black shirt.穿上黑色衬衫Waiting, to weed out the weaklings.去攘除弱者Waiting, to smash in their windows and kick in their doors.把他们的窗户砸烂,把他们的门踹开Waiting, for the final solution to strengthen the strain.用最后的手段来巩固血统Waiting, to follow the worms.跟随着这些虫子Waiting, to turn on the showers and fire the ovens.打开淋浴器,点燃烤炉Waiting, for the queers and the coons and the Reds and the Jews.处决那些基佬和黑鬼,激进者和犹太佬Waiting, to follow the worms.跟随这些虫子吧Would you like to see Britannia, Rule again,my friend ?朋友,你想再次看到大不列颠的辉煌吗?All you have to do is follow the worm.你只需要跟着这些虫子走Would you like to send our colored cousins home again, my friend ?你想把我们那些肤色不同的表亲都滚回去吗All you need to do is follow the worms.你只要跟着这些虫子走就可以了24. StopI wanna go home,我想回家Take off this uniform and leave the show,脱下这身军服,离开这场演出But I'm waiting here in this cell because I have to know,但我就待在这个牢房之中,因为我必须得弄清楚Have I been guilty all this time?这么长时间以来,我是否一直都身负罪责?25. The TrailGood morning, Worm your honor.早上好,虫子大人The crown will plainly show 这顶王冠清楚地表明The prisoner who now stands before you您眼前的这个罪犯Was caught red-handed showing feelings,他因为流露出作为一个自然人的情感Showing feelings of an almost human nature.而被当场抓获This will not do.这种事不能再发生Call the schoolmaster!打电话给校长!I always said he'd come to no goodin the end your honor.我一直都说他无药可救的,大人If they'd let me have my way I couldhave flayed him into shape.如果能按我的法子来,他会百依百顺的But my hands were tied,但我做事却被缚手缚脚The bleeding hearts and artists那所谓脆弱的心灵和艺术家的做派Let him get away with laughter.让他对此不以为然Let me hammer him today?今天就让我给他一点颜色瞧瞧Crazy, toys in the attic I am crazy, 疯啦,阁楼里的玩具你看我已经疯啦Truly gone fishing 好想去钓鱼啊They must have taken my marbles away但他们肯定把我的玻璃珠拿走啦(Crazy, toys in the attic he's crazy)(疯了,阁楼里的玩具他是真疯了)You little shit you're in it, now小混蛋你赶紧给我进去I hope they throw away the key.我就盼着他们把钥匙扔的远远的Yer should have talked to me more oftenthan you did, but no! 你应该敞开心扉,多跟我沟通,但你没有!26. You had to go your own way, have you broken any homes up lately?你非要我行我素,结果就把自己的家毁了Just five minutes, Worm your honor, 就五分钟,虫子大人Him and me, alone.让我跟他独处一会Baaaaaaaaaabe!宝贝!!!Come to mother baby,快来妈妈这儿啊宝贝Let me hold you in my arms.让我把你紧紧搂在怀里My lord I never wanted him to get in any trouble.大人,我无意让他遭受到任何苦难Why'd he ever have to leave me?但他为什么非要离开我呢?Worm, your honor, let me take him home.虫子大人,请您允许我把他带回家吧Crazy, 疯啦Over the rainbow, I am crazy,彩虹在上,我已经疯了Bars in the window.窗内的酒吧There must have been a door there in the wall when I came in.墙上得有扇门我当时才进得来啊(Crazy, over the rainbow, he is crazy)(疯了,彩虹在上,他是疯了)The evidence before the court isincontrovertible, 如今证据确凿there's no need for the jury to retire.陪审团也没有退庭商议的必要了In all my years of judging我裁决案件多年I have never heard before 在此之前从未听说Of someone more deserving of the full penalty of law.有人如此罪恶滔天,亟待法律的制裁The way you made them suffer,你让你那可怜的妻子和母亲Your exquisite wife and mother,遭受痛苦Fills me with the urge to defecate!使我迫不及待地要为此主持公道Since, my friend, you have revealed your deepest fear,自此,我的朋友,你已经流露出自己内心最深处的恐惧I sentence you to be exposed before Your peers.我宣判,你必须要对自己的同伴毫无保留Tear down the wall!拆毁这堵墙!(Tear down the wall!)(Tear down the wall!)(Tear down the wall!)(Tear down the wall!)(Tear down the wall!)(Tear down the wall!)26. Outside The WallAll alone, or in twos,独自一人,或结伴而行The ones who really love you,那些真正爱你的人walk up and down outside the wall.在墙外来回走动Some hand in hand,有的手拉着手Some gather together in bands,有的成群结队The bleeding hearts and artists,受伤流血的心和艺术家的做派Make their stand.决定了他们所站的一方And when they've given you their all,他们为你毫无保留,献上一切Some stagger and fail.但有些人也只能在墙外徘徊踌躇,最终失望而归After all it's not easy,总之这并非易事Banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall.那就只能锤炼你的心,让它可以抵御住那些疯子筑的墙


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