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1、《暮光之城》系列是狮门电影公司旗下的顶峰娱乐公司发行的电影,共五部作品,分别为:暮光之城:暮色、暮光之城:新月、暮光之城:月食、暮光之城:破晓(上)、暮光之城:破晓(下)。暮光系列讲述了爱德华·卡伦作为吸血鬼和人类女子伊莎贝拉·斯旺相识相爱的过程,其中掺杂着吸血族与狼族的对立与战争,以及与吸血鬼始祖的抗争,然而这个故事仍没有完结,更多的挑战还在等着他们去克服……2、暮光之城(斯蒂芬妮·梅尔著系列小说)《暮光之城》是美国作家斯蒂芬妮·梅尔(Stephenie Meyer)写的一本恐怖但是却浪漫的小说。小说《暮光之城》,描写的是高中学生贝拉与青春帅气的吸血鬼爱德华的浪漫爱情故事。销量:仅在美国本土,暮光之城系列小说的销量就已经超过5000万册,全球销量则突破了8500万册。在世界许多国家,它也是名列榜首的畅销书。被称谓后“哈利波特时代”的魔幻巨著,成为《魔戒三部曲》《哈利波特系列》《纳尼亚传奇》《暮光之城系列》的国际魔幻系列代表。“暮光之城”系列以伊莎贝拉·斯旺和爱德华·卡伦一对苦命鸳鸯的情感纠葛为主线,融合了吸血鬼传说、狼人故事、校园生活、恐怖悬念、喜剧冒险等各种吸引眼球的元素,而凄美动人的爱情则是全书“最强烈的情绪”。3、暮光之城(Trivia发行暮光之城游戏)游戏简介游戏根据同名小说,电影改编而成,为一经典解密游戏。不过因为文化原因,对中国玩家来说比较难懂些。《暮光之城》讲述了一对苦命鸳鸯的爱情故事,17岁的贝拉·斯旺是一位机智甜美,广受欢迎的少女,她将自己流放到了福克斯这个偏僻且终年阴雨的小镇上,结 识了一个神秘的同班男同学爱德华·卡伦,而这个男同学来自一个“素食”的吸血鬼家族,可是贝拉身上的特殊香气吸引着他——他一闻到就想吸她的血,可又为了 爱而拼命压抑自己的欲望,还要和别的同样想杀她的吸血鬼争斗,想尽办法保护她。她怎么也想不到,就是这个抉择,让她与他相遇在命运的十字路口。眼神交会的 那一瞬,彼此之间已经明白,等待他们的,除了幸福的诱惑,还有危险的深渊。互相倾心的两人,在爱情与危险间摆荡,一起度过新鲜而刺激的每一天,就像久违的 阳光一样,洒落在浪漫的暮光之城。
That's because you believe the lie...那是因为你只相信谎言It's camouflage.那都是骗人的I'm the world's most dangerous predator.我是世界上最危险的掠食者Everything about me invites you in.我所有的一切都在引诱你过来My voice my face... Even my smell.我的声音容貌甚至我的气味As if I would need any of that.其实我并不需要这些伪装As if you could outrun me!你根本跑不过我! As if you could fight me off.你根本无法抵抗我! I'm designed to kill.我天生就是个掠杀者I don't care.我不在乎I've killed people before.我以前杀过人It doesn't matter.那没关系I wanted to kill you.我曾想过要杀了你I've never wanted a human's blood so much in my life.我一生从未如此渴望的想要一个人的血I trust you.我信任你Don't.别这么想I'm here I trust you.我就在这我相信你My family we're different from others of our kind.我的家族我们跟同类有所不同We only hunt animals.我们只猎杀动物We've learned to control our thirst.我们已经学会控制身体的欲望As to you... Your scent...而你你的气息Is like a drug to me.却好像是专门为我配制的毒品Like my own personal brand of heroin.简直是我个人品牌的海洛因Then Why did you hate me so much when we met?那就是我们初次见面为何你那么讨厌我的原因? I did.确实如此Only for making me want you so badly.就是因为发觉自己多么渴望想得到你I still don't know if I can control myself.我到现在还不知道是否控制得了自己I know you can.我知道你可以的I can't read your mind 我读不到你的心you have to tell me what you're thinking.你得告诉我你现在在想什么Now I'm afraid.现在我害怕了Good.很好I'm not afraid of you...我不是害怕你I'm only afraid of losing you.我只是害怕失去你Like you're going to disappear...害怕你会突然消失You don't know how long I've waited for you.你不知道我等了你多久And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.就这样狮子爱上了羔羊What a stupid lamb.多蠢的羔羊What a sick masochistic lion.多病态又自虐的狮子About three things I was absolutely positive.现在有三件事我很肯定First Edward was a vampire.首先爱德华是个吸血鬼Second there was a part of him 第二他体内天性的一部分and I didn't know how dominant that part might be 而我不知道这个部分有多大that thirsted for my blood.会渴望喝我的血And third 第三I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.我已经毫无保留地无可救药地爱上了他Monte Carlo? That's our Prom theme?蒙地卡罗?这是我们舞会的主题? Uhu gambling...Tuxedos...嗯赌博燕尾服And Bond...James Bond.还有庞德詹姆士庞德Oh...My...God喔我的天啊You know everybody's staring...你知道吗大家都开始盯着我们看Not that guy...那个人不是No he just looked.不他只是看看I'm breaking all the rules now anyway.反正我已经打破所有规矩了Since I'm going to hell.我迟早都要下地狱的So... Does a person have to be dying...所以一个人必须要濒临死亡的时候To become like you?才能变成像你一样? No that's just ...Carlisle.不只有卡莱尔办得到He'd never do this to someone...他从不强迫别人变成吸血鬼who had another choice.只要对方还有一线生机的话So how long have you been like this?那你这样已经多久了? Since 1918...从1918年起That's when Carlisle found me...那是卡莱尔发现我Dying of Spanish Influenza.即将要死于西班牙流感What was it like?那是甚么样的感觉? The venom ...was excruciating那毒液让人很难忍受But what Carlisle did was much harder.但卡莱尔要承受更多的痛苦与挣扎Not many of us have the restraint to do that.我们之中没几个能控制得那么好But didn't he just have to... bite?但是他不是只需要咬一口吗? Not exactly.不完全是When we taste...当我们尝到了Human blood.人类的血A sort of frenzy begins.会产生一种狂乱的欲望It's almost impossible to stop.那种狂乱几乎无法停止But Carlisle did.但卡莱尔却办到了First with me...首先是我And then with his wife Esme.然后是他的妻子艾丝蜜So is Carlisle the real reason that you don't... kill people?所以卡莱尔是让你不会杀人的真正原因? No that's not the only reason.不那不是唯一的原因I don't want to be a monster.我不想变成一个怪物My family we think of ourselves as vegetarians.我们家族自认为是素食者Cause we only survive on the blood of animals.因为我们是靠动物的血维生的It's...like a human only living on toffee.就像是人类只靠奶糖过活一样It keeps you strong but you're never fully satisfied.它可以保持体力但无法吃的饱It wouldn't be like drinking your blood for instance.绝对跟吸你的血完全不同呵Was it other vampires that killed Waylon?是不是有其它的吸血鬼杀了维隆? Yeah 对there are others out there.外头还有其它的吸血鬼We run into them from time to time.我们时常会碰巧遇到他们Can the rest of your family read people's minds like you can?你家族的人也和你一样会读心术吗? No no. That's just me.不只有我可以But Alice can see the future.不过艾莉丝能预见未来I bet she saw me coming.我打赌她看见我来了Alice's vision is subjective.艾莉丝的预知是有主观性的I mean the future can always change.我的意思是未来随时会改变的God...can you act human?天啊你的行为能像个人一样吗? I mean I've got neighbors.我的意思是我还有邻居I'm gonna take you to my place tomorrow.我明天想要带你去我家Thanks.谢了Wait with your family?等等是要去见你家人吗? Yeah.对What if they don't like me?万一他们不喜欢我怎么办? So you're worried ...所以你担心的是not because you'll be in a house full of vampires but...不是因为你在一个满是吸血鬼的屋子里Because you think they won't approve of you?而是因为你觉得他们不会接受你? I'm glad I amuse you.我很高兴我逗你笑了What is it?怎么了? A complication.这说来复杂I'll pick you up tomorrow.我明天来接你Hey! Come to visit your truck?嘿来拜访你的卡车吗? Looks good.看起来不错嘛Got that dent out.凹痕没了Yeah.是啊Actually we came to visit your flat-screen.其实我们是来拜访你家电视的First Mariners game of the season.本季水手队的首场比赛阿非看不可Plus Jacob here keeps bugging me about seeing you again.再加上雅各布老是嚷着要见你Great dad...Thanks.好样的爸谢了Just keeping it real son.诚实点吧孩子Pale Ale.麦芽白酒Well done Chief.干的好警长Harry Clearwater's homemade fish fry.克尔渥特哈利家传的美味炸鱼Good.非常好Any luck with that Waylon case?维隆的案子有什么进展吗? Well I don't think it was an animal that killed him.嗯我总觉得不是野兽所为I never thought it was.我从不这么认为You spread the word out at the rez huh?你在保留区放话了没 ? Keep the kids out of the woods.让孩子们远离森林Will do.会照办的Don't want no one else getting hurt do we?不希望再有任何人受伤了对吧? This is incredible.真是令人难以置信It's so white and open you know.这地方宽敞又明亮你知道的What did you expect.你以为这里是什么模样? Coffins and dungeons and moats?棺木地窖和壕沟? No not the moats.不壕沟就不必了Not the moats...壕沟不必呵This is the one place we don't have to hide.这是我们唯一不必躲藏的地方I told them not to do this.我吩咐过他们别如此大费周章的You add a little of olive oil to a non-stick saut's pan. 加点橄榄油在这个平底锅上What I do I cut this in strips and then... 再来把这些肉切成小块的然后Is she even Italian?她是意大利人? Her name is Bella.她的名字叫贝拉I'm sure she'll love it no matter what.我肯定不管吃什么她都会喜欢的Get a whiff of that喔深呼吸看看Here comes the human.有人类来啰Bella! We're making Italiano for you.贝拉! 我们为了你做意大利料理呢Oh!Bella this is Esme.贝拉这是艾丝蜜My mother for all intents and purposes.我把她当作是亲妈妈Buon giorno.早安(意大利语) Molto Bene!非常好(意大利语) You've given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time.你让我们第一次有机会用到厨房I hope you're hungry.我想你一定饿了吧Yeah absolutely.是的我真的满饿的She already ate.她吃过了Perfect!好极了! Yeah it's just...这实在I...I know you guys don't eat...我我知道你们不吃这些Of course it's very considerate of you.当然啰你真善解人意Just ignore Rosalie. I do.别在意罗莎莉像我这样Yeah let's just keep pretending like this isn't dangerous for all of us.好吧让我们假装这样对我们大家都很安全I would never tell anybody anything我绝不会告诉任何人的She knows that.她知道该怎么作Yeah well the problem is...对好吧但问题是You two have become public now so...你们两个现在是公开的了所以Emmett!艾密特! No she should know.不她必须明白The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly.如果你们结局不好整个家族都会被牵连的Badly as in...最坏的结果就是I...I become the meal.我我变成食物Hi Bella!嗨贝拉! I'm Alice.我是艾莉丝Hi.嗨! Oh you do smell good.你闻起来确实很不错Alice what are you...?艾莉丝你在 ? It's ok. Bella and I are gonna be great friends.别担心啦贝拉和我会成为好朋友的Sorry Jasper's our newest vegetarian.抱歉贾斯柏是最后加入的素食者It's a little difficult for him.对他来说还有点难适应It's a pleasure to meet you.很荣幸认识你It's okay Jasper. You won't hurt her.没问题的贾斯柏你不会伤害她的Alright...好吧I'm gonna take you on a tour of the rest of the house.我带你去四处参观一下吧I'll see you soon.我们待会儿见Okay.好的Cute...很可爱呢I think that went well.看来进展的不错Clean this up.把这里弄干净Now!马上! Was that as weird for you as it was for me?你应该也跟我一样觉得不自在吧? I don't know.我不知道Graduation caps?毕业帽? Yeah 对it's a private joke.这是私下的玩笑We matriculate a lot.我们入学很多次That's kind of miserable.那有点可怜I mean repeating High School over and over.我指的是不断的重复念高中Sure but the younger we start out in a new place 只有在新的地方我们出现的时候越年轻the longer we can stay there.我们才能停留的越久Come on.来吧Um yeah.This is my room.嗯对这就是我的房间No bed?没有床? No 没有I don't sleep.我不睡觉的Ever?从不? No.no.no是的从不Okay...好吧You have so much music.看起来你很喜欢听音乐What were you listening to?你都听些什么音乐? It's Debussy.德布西Yeah.对Clair de Lune is great.这首"月光"很棒What?怎么了? I can't dance.我不会跳舞Well I can always make you.没关系我会想办法让你跳舞的I'm not scared of you.我可不怕你Well you really shouldn't have said that.很好你会后悔说这话的You better hold on tight spider monkey.你最好抓紧了蜘蛛猴Do you trust me?你相信我吗? In theory.理论上是的Then close your eyes.那就闭上眼睛What?什么? This isn't real.这不像真的This kind of stuff just doesn't exist.这么美的地方根本不可能存在的It does in my world.在我的世界里是存在的Whoa! Hold on.哇别动It's human.是人的脚印Arizona! Yo what's happening?亚历桑纳! 呦怎么回事? So...You and Cullen huh?所以你和库伦是来真的吗? Yes.是的I don't like it 我不喜欢这样I mean...He looks at you like you're something to eat我意思是他看你的眼神好像要吃掉你一样Here's your veggie plate.这是你的有机套餐(吃套餐的临演是小说作者) I'm sorry I'm late. Biology Projects.抱歉来晚了生物课作业I ordered you the Spam Salad.我帮你点了猪肉色拉I hope that's okay.希望合你胃口You should order one for yourself next time.下次你也该点点看这个Cup-egg on a steak...牛排加双蛋Hey I'm as healthy as a horse.嘿我可壮的跟马一样呢So Chief... Boys wanna know 警长大伙儿都想知道Did you find anything down by Creek Silver today?今天在银溪沿岸有没有找到什么线索? Yeah We found a bare human footprint.有我们发现一个像是人类的赤脚足迹But it looks like whatever that is it's headed to east.不管它看起来像什么它往东边逃了So Ketsap's County sheriff is gonna take over from here.而凯赛普州治安官会接手这个案子Okay好Okay?没问题吧? I just hope they catch them fast.我只希望他们能尽快抓到凶手Looks like your friends are flagging you.你朋友似乎在和你打招呼呢It's okay. If you wanna go join them.没事的如果你想去就去吧I was gonna try to leave early anyway.反正我本来就想早点走Me too.我也是Bella Friday night...Go out.贝拉今天是周末出去玩吧Looks like the Newton boy's got a big smile for you.看来纽顿家的孩子对你很友善Yeah he's a good buddy.是啊他人还不错Better than any of these other yahoos in town.比镇上其它粗鲁的人好多了Anybody you're interested?对哪一个有兴趣? Dad we're gonna talk about boys?爸我们一定要谈男孩子吗? I guess not.倒不用I just feel like I leave alone too much.我只是觉得我常留你一个人You should be around people.你应该多去接触人群的I don't mind being alone.我不介意一个人啊I guess I'm kind of like my dad in that way.我想这点是老爸遗传给我的So how's all the baseball stuff going?那么球赛进行的怎么样了? Oh Phil's working so hard.喔费尔似乎很努力You know...Spring training.你知道的春季训练开始了We're looking for a house to rent in case thinks become more permanent.在一切敲定之前我们要找到出租的房子You'd like Jacksonville baby.你会喜欢杰克逊维尔州的宝贝Yeah?是吗? I'm really liking Forks.我真的很喜欢福克斯的人What?!什么? Forks is getting to me.福克斯镇征服我了Could a guy have anything to do with that?是不是和哪个男孩有关? Yeah...对I knew it! Tell me everything.What is he? A jock?我就知道都说给我听吧他是什么样的?运动员? Indie? I bet he's smart.Is he smart?玩音乐的?我打赌他一定很聪明对吧? Mom can I talk to you later?妈我晚点再跟你聊好吗? Come on we gotta talk boys!Are you being safe?哎哟我们正讨论男孩子呢你们俩有作安全措施吗? How did you get in here?你怎么进来的? The window.从窗户Do you do that a lot?你经常这么做? Just the past couple months.几个月前才开始的而已I like watching you sleep.我喜欢看你睡觉的样子It's um...这个Kind of fascinating to me.那对我来说很有吸引力Um I just want to try one thing...我只想试试看一件事Stay very still.只要别动就好Don't move...别动Stop!停! I'm sorry.我很抱歉I'm stronger than I thought.我比想象中的我更能自制Yeah... I wish I could say the same.对真希望我也能这么说I can never lose control with you.我不能因为你而失控Hey don't go.嘿别走Hey I got you another one.嘿我给你再拿一罐Thanks.谢谢I have a date with Edward Cullen.我跟爱德华·库伦在约会He's a little old for you isn't he?他对你来说有点老不是吗? No.he's a junior I'm a junior.不会啊我们俩都是高中生I thought you liked the Cullens.我以为你喜欢库伦家的人I thought you didn't like any of the boys in town.我以为你不会喜欢镇上的男孩Edward doesn't live in town.Technically.就专业角度来说爱德华不算住在镇上He's right outside.他现在就在门外He is?是吗? Yeah he wanted to meet you...Officially.是啊他想要与你见面正式的Alright好啊Bring him in.带他来吧Could you be nice?你会对他友善点吗? He is important.他对我很重要Chief Swan史旺警长I want to formally introduce myself. I'm Edward Cullen.我想正式介绍我自己我是爱德华·库伦Hi Edward.嗨爱德华Bella won't be out too late tonight.贝拉今晚不会太晚回家的She's just gonna play baseball with my family.她只是与我的家人玩棒球Baseball?棒球? Yes sir that's the plan.是的长官这是预订的行程Bella's gonna play baseball?贝拉要玩棒球? Well good luck with that.好吧祝你好运了I'll take good care of her I promise.我会照顾她的我保证You still got that pepper spray?你还拿着我给你的防狼喷雾剂吧? Yeah dad.是的爸爸Since when do vampires like baseball?什么时候吸血鬼也喜欢棒球了? Well it's the American pastime.那是美式消遣And there's a thunderstorm coming.而且刚好有个大雷雨要来了It's the only time we can play.那是我们唯一可以玩的时候You'll see why.你会知道原因的I'm glad you're here we need an umpire.我很高兴你能来因为我们需要一个裁判She thinks we cheat.她觉得我们作弊I know you cheat.我知道你会作弊Call them as you see them Bella.看到他们作弊你就喊出来贝拉Okay.好的It's time开始了Okay now I see why you need the thunder.好吧现在我知道为何你们需要打雷了That's gonna be a homerun right?那应该是个全垒打对吧? Edward's very fast.爱德华速度很快You're out.你出局了Out! Whoo!出局 ! Babe come on! It's just a game.宝贝别这样只是场游戏罢了Nice kid.很好孩子My monkey-man.我的猿人Stop!停! They were leaving then they heard us.他们本来要离开但却听见了我们Let's go.我们离开这吧It's too late.太迟了Get your hair up.把你的头发放下来Like that would help.那没什么用I could smell her from across the field.我从很远就能闻到她的气味了I shouldn't have brought you here.I'm so sorry...我真不该带你来这里的很对不起What?怎么了? Just be quiet and stand behind me.站在我后面别出声I believe this belongs to you.我相信这是你们的吧Thank you.谢谢I'm Laurent我叫劳伦特And this is Victoria这是维多莉亚And James.还有詹姆斯I'm Carlisle我叫卡莱尔This is my family.这是我的家人Hello.你们好I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us.我怕你们的捕猎活动会造成我们的困扰Our apologies.很抱歉We didn't realize the territory had been claimed.我们不知道这个区域已经被认领了Yes well.We maintain a permanent residence nearby.是的我们在附近有个固定住所Really?真的吗? Well we won't be a problem anymore.好吧我们不会再让你们困扰了We were just passing through.我们只是路过这里而已The humans were tracking us but we lead them east.人类在追捕我们但我们误导他们去东边了You should be safe.你们会安全的Excellent.好极了So...那么Could you use three more players?你们可以再加三个球员吗? Oh come on. Just one game.喔别这样不过是场游戏而已Sure 当然why not?有何不可呢? Three of us were leaving.我们有三位正好要离开You can take their place.你们可以补上他们的位置You go first.你们先投吧I'm the one with the wicked curve-ball.我是个擅长投诡异曲球的人Well I think we can handle that.嗯我认为我们应付的来We shall see...我们走着瞧You brought a snack.你们带了点心You're human?你是人类? The girl is with us.这个女孩和我们是一起的I think it best if you leave.我想你们最好还是离开吧I can see the game is over.我知道游戏结束了We'll go now.我们现在就走James.詹姆斯Get Bella out of here...Go.带贝拉离开这里快走Okay I've got it! I've got it! I'm alright.好啦我知道了! 我知道了! 我没事What? Now James is coming after me?什么? 詹姆斯要追杀我? Listen to me James is a tracker.听我说詹姆斯是个追踪者The hunt is his obsession. I read his mind.我读出他的心思猎杀是他的嗜好My reaction at the field set him off.我在场地的反应刺激了他I just made this his most exciting game ever.我让他觉得这是他生平最刺激的游戏He's never gonna stop.他不会就此罢手的What should we do?我们该怎么办? We have to kill him.我们必须杀了他Rip him apart and burn the pieces.把他撕成一片片的然后烧掉Where are we going?我们要去哪? Away from Forks.离开福克斯We'll get a ferry to Vancouver.我们搭渡轮去温哥华I have to go home now!You should take me home.我现在必须回家!你应该带我回去You can't go home.你不能回家He's just gonna trace your scent there.他会从那里追踪你的气味It's the first place he's gonna look.那里将是他观察的首要地点But my dad is there.但我爸爸在那It doesn't matter!那不重要! Yes it does!He could get killed because of us.不那有关系的!他可能会因为我们而死Just let me get you out of here first alright?让我先带你离开这里好吗? It's my dad! We have to go back.那是我爸爸我们必须回去We'll figure how to lead the tracker我们得想办法引开他away somehow I don't know!我不知道该怎么作But we have to do something.但我们一定要想个办法Edward I said leave me alone!爱德华我说了别管我! Bella don't do this please...贝拉别这样拜托It's over get out!我们结束了滚! Hey...Hey hey!嘿嘿! 嘿! Bella what's going on?贝拉怎么回事? I just gotta get out of here.我要离开这里I'm leaving...Now!现在就走! Bella?贝拉? What am I gonna say to him?我要怎么对他说? I can't hurt him.我不能伤害他Bella what's going on?贝拉发生什么事了? You'll just have to.你必须这么做I'll be down at the truck.我在卡车里等你Did he hurt you?他伤害了你? No不Break up with you or something?和你分手还是什么? No I... I broke up with him.不我是我甩了他I thought you liked him.我以为你喜欢他Yeah that's just why I have to leave.对这就是为什么我要走I don't want this I have to go home.我我不想这样我要回家Home? Your mom is not even in Phoenix.家?你妈妈甚至不在凤凰城She'll come home.I'll call her from the road.她会回来的我在路上会打给她You don't have to drive home right now.你没必要现在开车回去You can sleep on it.你可以先去睡觉If you still feel like going in the morning I'll take you to the airport.如果明早你还想走我可以带你去机场No I want to drive it will give more time to think.不我想开车走这样比较有时间思考If I get really tired I'll pull into a motel.I promise.你放心如果我真的累了我会找个汽车旅馆Look Bella.I know I'm not that much fun to be around.贝拉我知道跟我相处很无趣But I can change that.但是 ..我可以改的We can do more stuff together.我们可以一起做很多事情的Like what? Like watch baseball on the flatscreen?例如?整天盯着电视看棒球比赛? Eat at the dinner every night?Steak and Cobbler?每晚一起吃晚饭?牛排和馅饼? Dad that's you... That's not me.爸那是你的生活但不是我的Bella come on. I just... got you back.贝拉别这样我只是想让你留下Yeah you know... If I don't get out now 是啊你知道如果我现在不走I'm just gonna be just stuck here like mom.我就会像妈一样永远陷在这里Your father's gonna forgive you.你爸爸会原谅你的Why don't you let me drive?让我来开吧? He won't.他不会的You should have seen his face.你没看到他的表情I told him the same thing that...我对他说了一样的话my mom told him when she was leaving him.跟我妈离开他时说的那样It was the only way he'd let you go.那是唯一能让你走的方法Just don't worry about him now.He's safe.现在先别担心他了他很安全The tracker's following us.追踪者正在跟着我们It's just Emmett.那是艾密特Alice is in the car behind us.艾莉丝的车跟在后面Wait!等一下! He came to warn us About James.他是来警告我们关于詹姆斯的事This isn't my fight这不是我引起的战争And I've grown tired of his games.而且我早已厌倦他的游戏了But he's got unparalleled senses absolutely lethal.但他拥有空前的感官能力绝对是致命性的I've never seen anything like him in my three hundred years.三百年来我从没见过像他那么厉害的And the woman Victoria...Don't underestimate her.还有那个女的维多莉亚绝不要低估了她I've had to fight our kind before.We're not easy to kill.我以前被迫与同类作战过很难杀的死对方But not impossible.但并不是不可能We'll rip him apart and burn the pieces.我们会把他撕成一片片然后烧了I don't relish the thought of killing another creature.我并不喜好杀死另一种同类Even a sadistic one like James.即使是像詹姆斯这样残暴的What if he kills one of us first?要是他先杀了我们其中一个呢? I'm gonna run Bella south and then lead the tracker away from here.我会带贝拉逃到南方把追踪者引开这里No Edward. James knows you'd never leave Bella.不爱德华詹姆斯知道你不可能离开贝拉He'll follow you.他会跟踪你的I'll go with Bella.Jasper and I will drive her south.我和贝拉一起走贾斯柏和我开车带她南下I'll keep her safe Edward.我会保护她的爱德华Can you keep your thoughts to yourself?你们控制得住自己吗? Yes.是的Rosalie... Esme.罗丝莉艾丝蜜Could you put these on so...能请你们换上这些外套The tracker will pick up Bella's scent?让对方追踪贝拉的气味吗? Why? What is she to me?为什么?她和我是什么关系? Rosalie.罗丝莉Bella is with Edward.贝拉与爱德华现在是情侣She is part of this family now.她现在是我们家族的一份子And we protect our family.而我们永远会保护家人If anything happens I swear to God...如果发生了什么意外我发誓Nothing's gonna happen.不会有事的There's seven of us against two of them.我们是七个对付他们两个呢And when everything's done等事情结束后I'm gonna come back and get you.我就会去接你的Yeah.好的Bella you are my life now.贝拉从现在起你就是我的生命了Hey mom. It's me again.嘿妈妈又是我Um you must have let your phone die or something.你的手机不通耶是没电还是怎样I'm not in Forks but everything's okay and I'll explain it later.我现在不在福克斯但我没事下次再跟你解释Rose among the three.罗丝在树群中作标记That's good.很好What is it? What did you see?怎么了? 你看见什么? He figured it out.被他识破了The tracker. He just changed course.追踪者他改变路线了Where will it take him Alice?他往哪个方向了艾莉丝? Mirrors...A room full of mirrors.镜子一个全是镜子的房间Edward said the visions weren't always certain.艾德华说你看到的不一定是正确的She sees the course people are on while they're on it.她看到的过程必须是那个人刚好在那里If they change their minds the vision changes.如果他们改变主意了看到的也会变So the course that the tracker's on now is gonna...那么追踪者现在的路线lead him to ...a ballet studio?是去一间芭蕾教室? You've been here?你去过? I took lessons as a kid.我小时候在那上过课The school I went to had an arch just like that.我去的学校有个这样的拱门Was your school here in Phoenix?你的学校也在凤凰城? Yeah.是的Edward you okay?艾德华你没事吧? We've lost the tracker.The woman's still in the area.我们找不到追踪者那个女的还在镇内Rosalie and Esme have gone back to Forks to protect your father.罗丝莉和艾丝蜜回到福克斯去保护你爸爸I'm coming to get you.我马上过去找你Then you and I are gonna go somewhere.然后我们一起去别的地方Alone.单独的And the others will keep hunting.其它人会继续追捕他I'll do whatever it takes to make you safe again.我会不惜一切代价保护你的安全Hey mom! I'm glad you got my message.嘿妈!我很高兴你收到我的信息了What are you doing home?你在家做什么? Bella! Bella Bella?! Where are you?贝拉! 贝拉! 贝拉?! 你在哪儿? Calm down everything's fine.冷静点没事的Bella!贝拉! I'll explain everything later...Mom are you alright?我晚点再跟你解释妈你还好吗? Forks High School doesn't protect福克斯高中对保护学生的隐私资料its students' privacy very well.实在不怎么样It was just too easy for Victoria让维多利亚很简单的就to find your previous address.找到了你以前的地址It's a nice house you have here.你住过的房子还不错I was prepared to wait for you.我本来就打算好在这等你来的But then mom came home after she received.但是当你妈妈接到一通A very worried call from your dad.你爸焦急的电话后就回家来了It all worked out quite well.一切都进展的相当顺利Wait wait...等等Don't touch her! Don't...!别伤害她不 ! You can still save her.你还有机会救她的But you're gonna have to get away from your friends.但是你必须离开你的朋友们Can you handle that?你能做到吗? Where should I meet you?我去哪里见你? How about your old ballet studio?你以前的芭蕾教室如何? And I'd know if you bring anyone along...如果让我发现你带任何人来Poor mommy would pay the price for that mistake.可怜的妈咪会为你的错误付出代价的I'd never given much thought to how I would die...我从来都没想过我会怎么死But dying in the place of someone I love但如果能代替自己所爱的人而死seems like a good way to go.似乎也是个正确的抉择I can't bring myself to regret ...我不会因为这个让我自己the decisions that brought me face to face with dead.面对死亡的决定而感到后悔They also brought me to Edward.他们也会把我带到爱德华身边Bella! Bella Bella?! Where are you?贝拉! 贝拉贝拉?!你在哪? Mom妈妈-Bella? - Mom!-贝拉? -妈! Here you are! What are you doing in here?你在这啊你在这里做什么? Everyone makes fun of me. 每个人都取笑我You are a wonderful dancer. 你是个很棒的舞者Mom I suck! 妈妈我糟透了You do not suck. 你一点都不糟糕That's my favorite part.这段是我最喜欢的部分You were a stubborn child weren't you?你是个固执的孩子不是吗? She's not even here她根本不在这里Sorry...But you really made it too easy.抱歉不过你真的太好骗了so... To make things more entertaining 所以为了有更多的娱乐效果we are gonna make a little film of our time together.我们来拍一点我们在一起的影片I borrowed this from your house.I hope you don't mind.我从你家里带来这个希望你别介意Okay...好的And...Action!然后开始! That will break Edward's little heart.这会让艾德华心碎的Edward has nothing to do with this!艾德华跟这事无关! He does...有关系的His rage will leave for more interesting sporthings...他的愤怒会让这场游戏更加有趣Than this feeble attempt to protect you.远比这场无力保护你的游戏好玩多了And let's continue.我们继续吧Beautiful... Very visually dynamic.真美非常有视觉动感I chose my stage well.我真是选对了舞台It's too bad he didn't have the strength to turn you.他没勇气改造你真是太糟糕了Instead he kept you this fragile little human.却让你停留在弱小的人类It's cruel really.这可真是残忍Tell him to avenge you.跟他说为你报仇吧Tell him to avenge you! Tell him!告诉他为你报仇!说! Edward don't!艾德华不要! Tell him!告诉他! You're alone...cause you're faster than the others.你落单了因为你比其它人都快But not stronger.但不够强壮I'm strong enough to kill you.我强到能杀了你I'm sorry.很抱歉Bella Bella! It's okay.贝拉贝拉! 没事了Son...孩子Enough! Remember who you are.够了别失去了你的本性Bella needs you.贝拉需要你Oh God.天啊Carlisle! The blood...卡莱尔! 这血Your brothers will take care of it.你的兄弟们会解决他的Start the fire with the floor boards.用地上的木板生火Alice!艾莉丝! Alice go.艾莉丝快Her femoral artery has been savaged. She's losing too much blood.她的股动脉被割伤了正在大量出血No no my hand... Is burning!不不我的手烧起来了! It's the venom.那是毒液的关系You have to make a choice to prevent the change happen.为了不让她转化你必须做个选择No...不No!不! It's gonna happen Edward. I've seen it.这会发生的艾德华我预见到了It doesn't have to be that way.不一定非要这样做She's still hemorrhaging...Alice她还在出血艾莉丝Make me a tourniquet with your belt.把你的皮带给我当止血带Carlisle what's my other option?卡莱尔我还有其它选择吗? Tie it above my hands.把它绑在我的手上Carlisle!卡莱尔! Go.快To try to suck the venom out.试着把毒液吸出来You know I won't be able to stop.你知道我可能没办法停下来的Then find the will...To stop.那就用你的意志力去阻止But choose. She only has minutes left.快点决定她没几分钟可活了I can't make you go away Bella.我不会让你离开我的贝拉But I'll make it go away.但我会让痛苦离开你的Edward stop!艾德华停下来! The blood is clean you're killing her.血已经干净了再下去你会杀死她的Edward stop!爱德华停下来! Stop. Find the will.快停下来意志力要坚定Dead is peaceful... Easy...死亡是那么安详简单Life is harder.活着却是如此困难Bella?贝拉? Baby?宝贝? Bella?贝拉? Mom...妈妈Hey...嘿Where is he? Where's... Where is Edward?他在哪里? 在哪爱德华在哪儿? He's asleep.他睡着了He never leaves.他一直没离开过And your dad is down at the cafeteria.而你爸爸在楼下的餐厅What happened?发生了甚么事? Well when you fell you broke your leg.你跌倒的时候摔断了腿And you lost a lot of blood.而且流了很多血You don't remember any of this do you?你一点都不记得了吗? Edward came down with his dad艾德华和他父亲to try to convince to come back to Forks.试着要劝你回去福克斯So you went over to their hotel and you tripped...所以你去他们饭店时就这么滑倒了And fell down two flights of stairs.摔下两段楼梯And through a window!还撞破了玻璃窗Yeah it sounds like me.是的那听起来蛮像我的Oh honey. I'm so sorry.亲爱的我很抱歉It's Phil.是费尔He's so worried about you.他很担心你You're texting?你会发简讯了? Finally yeah.是啊终于会了I told him to stay down in Florida.我要他留在佛罗里达Oh honey. You are gonna love Jacksonville.亲爱的你会喜欢杰克逊维尔州的It's sunny everyday day.那里每天都阳光明媚And we found the cutest little house而且我们找到了一间很可爱的房子and you've got your own bathroom你会有你自己的浴室No Mom. I still wanna live in Forks.不妈妈我还是想住在福克斯镇What?什么? I wanna live in Forks.我想住在福克斯Well okay. We'll talk about it.好吧我们再说吧Do you mind getting dad?你介意去找一下爸爸吗? I have to talk to him. Apologize.我有话要跟他说跟他道歉Okay baby.I'll go get him.好的宝贝我去叫他And I'll go get a nurse okay?我也会找护士过来的好吗? Okay.好的What happened? Where is James?发生了甚么事? 詹姆斯哪里去了? We took care of him.我们摆平他了And the woman Victoria she ran off.而那个女的维多莉亚她逃走了I'm alive because of you.都是因为你我才能活着No you're in here because of me.不你是因为我才沦落成这样的The worst part of it was...最糟糕的是I thought I wasn't gonna be able to stop.我以为我没办法停止You did stop.可是你停下来了Bella you gotta go to Jacksonville 贝拉你应该去杰克森维尔的So I can't hurt you anymore.这样我就不会再伤害你了What?什么? No no!不不! I don't even know what you're...how...?我甚至都不知道你怎么会What are you talking about?你到底在说什么? You want me to go away?...no...I can't...你希望我走吗? 不我不能I...I can't ...I can't just leave you.我我不能离开你I know.我知道了We can't be apart. You can't leave me.我们不能分开你不能离开我I'm here.我会在这的Okay. You just can't just say stuff like that to me.好了你不准再对我说那种话了Ever.永远Where else...am I gonna go?哪里还有我的容身之处呢? Alice lent me the dress.艾莉丝借给我的礼服The cast is...款式很Perfect.无可挑剔I'll take care of her Chief Swan.我会照顾她的史旺警长Uhu. I've heard that before.这句话好像有听你说过Hey Bells.嘿贝拉I put a new can of Pepper spray on your bag.我在你包包里放了一罐新的防狼喷雾剂Dad...爸爸And um...还有You look beautiful.你看起来真的好美Thanks谢谢See you再见Hey. Be right back.嘿我马上回来Bella贝拉Jacob hey!雅各布嘿Nice你很优You too你也是Are you crashing the prom or something?你是来舞会捣乱的? Did you come with a date?还是和舞伴一起来的? No.不My dad paid me to come talk to you.我爸付钱让我来跟你说话Twenty bucks.有20块美金呢Let's hear it.说来听听Just don't get mad okay?先别生气好吗He wants you to break up with your boyfriend.他希望你跟男朋友分手He's just ...He said 他只是他说quote:引用他的话"We'll be watching you.""我们会看着你的"-Okay. Well tell him thanks. -Okay...-好啦跟他说谢谢 -好的-And to pay up. -Okay.-去拿钱吧 -嗯Oh let me help you.喔让我帮你吧Jacob雅各布I'll take it from here.我来就可以了I guess I'll see you around Bella.我会常来看你的贝拉I leave you alone for two minutes and the wolves descend.我只离开你2分钟狼人就趁虚而入了I can't believe you're making me do this.我不敢相信你真的让我来参加舞会了Smile.笑一个Wow! You are really trying to kill me.哇喔! 你还真想害死我呢Prom is an important rite of passage.舞会是进行的一个重要仪式I don't want you to miss anything.我不希望你错过任何过程Bella!贝拉! You wanna go?想出去吗? Yeah.好的Alright... Slowing it down...好的慢慢地Shall we?跳舞吗? You're serious?你是说真的吗Oh why not?有何不可呢? See? You're dancing.瞧?你正在跳舞呢At Prom...在舞会上Edward why did you save me?爱德华你为什么救我? If you just had let the venom spread...假如当时你让毒液扩散I could be like you right now.现在我就和你一样了You don't know what you're saying.你不知道你在说什么You don't want this.你不会想要这样的I want you.Always.我想要你永远地I'm not gonna end your life for you.我不会帮你结束生命的I'm dying...Already.我已经在慢慢死亡了Every second I get closer... Older.每一秒我都离衰老越来越近That's the way it's supposed to be.它本来就是会这样的Alice said that she saw me like you.I heard her.艾莉丝说她看到我像你一样我有听她说了Her visions change.她预见的变了Yeah but someday people decide.是啊某一天有人抉择了I've decided.我已经决定了Is that what you dream about?这就是你梦到的吗? Becoming a monster?变成一个怪物? I dream about being with you forever.我梦到和你永远在一起Forever...永远Are you ready right now?你现在准备好了吗? Yes.是的Is it not enough just to have a long and happy life with me?跟我快乐度过一生难道还不够吗? Yeah.是的For now.就现在No one will surrender tonight.今晚没人会投降的But I won't give in.我也不会让步的I know what I want.我知道我要的是什么

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