英文歌后面是最近很火的一个小女孩唱的英文歌一直在重复唱的歌 好久以前听的 还挺嗨 好像一直唱 hi where you的

2023三年级英语人教版下册教案(集锦16篇)为三大师合同网小编编辑整理,合同协议模板可下载阅读学习,希望能帮助到您!文档下载后可根据需要自行编辑修改。作为优秀教师,教案是经常被要求编制的,教案的编制使教师能够更好的针对不同的情况,对教学过程做出相应的调整和必要的改变。以下是三大师合同网小编为大家收集整理的三年级英语人教版下册教案,多篇集合,欢迎复制和下载。三年级英语人教版下册教案 第1篇[设计理念]让学生在自然轻松的环境下,很自然的将知识过渡到新课,通过多种的操练方法得到巩固,在拓展部分自由的发挥。在课文的学习过程中将发音潜移默化的得以认识。[教学目标]1、知识目标1)学习单词 favorite subject together yours room food2)学习句型What’s your favorite…?3) 字母组合m,n,ing在单词中的发音。2、技能目标1)、通过模仿课文录音,培养英语语感。2)、能运用 What’s your favorite…? 来问其他同学最喜欢的东西3、情感目标在小组活动中能互相帮助,并能更深的体会朋友的意义4、学习策略1)采用谈话式的教学模式,使学生在言谈中锻炼口语,巩固旧知,学 习新知、2)情景教学,在相对真实的环境中运用句型,拓展句型、[教学流程]一、 热身活动1、 Greetings.二、 复习导入1、 埋地雷的游戏复习已学的科目的单词和星期的单词2、 导出 subject3、 揭示课题 School Subjects教新单词subject。三、 教授新课1、 通过like,导出 favorite问学生喜欢什么科目,有学生回答很多答案时便用favorite在教授这个单词时出现评价2、 教授句型 What’s your favorite subject?3、 操练。贯穿 What’s yours? 并教授 yours4、 你来描述,我来猜请一名学生上来,其他学生问What’s your favorite subject?这名学生描述I like swimming、四、课文教学 :Let’s listen and look what are Li Hong and Wang Tao’s favorite subject、1、观看VCD2、回答问题What’s Li Hong’s favorite subject?What’s Wang Tao’s favorite subject?3、读课文五、拓展延趣1、让学生应用What’s your favorite…?的句型造句2、根据课后的练习,给三个组不同的任务,调查全班同学的favorite …3、心有灵犀请上一位同学,和他的好朋友。看看他们是否相互了解。六、总结升华,布置作业1、抄写单词三遍,中文一遍2、听录音,模仿录音读课文3、用What’s your favorite…?造句注明:评价是将学生分为三个组分别是 subject color season课后的练习一就是What’s your favorite subject?What’s your favorite color?What’s your favorite season?三年级英语人教版下册教案 第2篇1、由于这是新学期的第一单元,所以在课前利用课前时间进行了字母的默写检查,以了解学生对上学期这一重点内容掌握情况。通过检查,发现有少数学生出现了遗忘,所以在课堂上的单词教学中更加注重了单词的拼读训练,借以进行字母的复习,但更为主要的是对学生单词记忆方法的一种渗透、指导。结合上学期单词教学一贯如此,学生在课堂反应显得比较得心应手。另外,本单元有几个复合词,教学中有意识地分解到每个部分或单词,既有助于学生理解、记忆,也扩充了学生的单词量。2、单词教学除了带领学生拼读、书空,还加入了升降调的朗读训练,目的是为一般疑问句的朗读作有效的铺垫。只是在引导学生在单词最后一个元音上升调做得还不够。新学单词给了学生自由认读的时间,同时教师走到学生中间个别辅导,发现有些词学生遗忘过快,如storybook, toy train等,说明自己在教学时间上的分配上尚不够科学。3、句型教学中发现学生对于What与What’s 区分不仔细,常常将What读成What’s,这在今后的教学中要多加强调、指导。现对第四单元中出现的问题进行以下分析:1.本单元教学中,忽视了向学生教授单词的拼读技巧和发音规律。2.关于单词句子的操练。应该采取多种多样的形式进行操练,力求扎实。不能忽视个别操练,要及时进行纠音。 在句子跟读操练中,要one by one,以更好得进行纠正。3.尽量采用直观教学法。单词教学时,直接呈现图片,更加直观。4.评价要贯穿整堂课的教学中。评价机制要尽量和本课的内容相联系。在本节课结束了要及时公布结果。小学英语三年级下册unit2第二课时教学反思这是一堂三年级的课,所讲授的内容是同学们每天都要称呼的家庭成员。在教学第三课时时,我根据三年级学生的生理、心理特点设计了这堂生动活泼的英语课,课后总结有以下几个特点:一、运用多种手段进行情境的创设,如:录机音、各式各样的卡片等辅助教学工具。有效的模拟出情景,使学生注意力集中,兴致高昂。用家庭树的形式,呈现出一个家庭中家庭成员的组合就像一棵树一样,站得最高的年龄最大;反之站得最低的年龄最小。用学生所熟悉的自然景物来比喻,这种比喻浅显易懂从而引起学生极大的兴趣,接着又以头像小瓶的形式来显示,增强了学生的视觉刺激,让他们在笑声中不知不觉就学到了知识。图卡、挂图、头像小瓶的运用让学生感觉就象在家里一样,正面对着自己的亲人,从而引发兴趣极想知道在日常生活家庭成员英语的称呼。二、歌曲教学方面。学习歌曲是本节课的目标之一。课始颀赏了这首歌,单词掌握之后,让学生学唱此歌,我先领读歌词,之后让学生跟录音唱。这节课所学的这首歌,歌词简单,意思明了,所以学生很容易就学会了。三、整堂课充满了活力,笑声不断。但不足的地方也有好几处(1)给予孩子展示的空间不够;(2)课堂有时太活跃有静不下来的现象,一动一静相结合才能算是比较完美的一堂课。UNIT2 My Family教 学 反 思本课的教学内容是PEP版小学三年级英语下册Unit 2 My Family Part B Let’s talk&Let’s Practise。这节课是学完了B部分Let’s Learn的内容,学生在掌握了“Wow! Sister,brother”及“Who’s this...”这个句型后教学的。所以在设计教学时,我把“Who’s this boy/girl?”及其回答作为旧知识来巩固,而把目标定为要求学生重点掌握一般疑问句“Is she/he your...”及其回答,正确运用感叹词和日常用语“Come on!watch TV. Really.Wow,how funny!”。一般疑问句学生第一次接触,所以在教学中引导学生正确运用“Is she/he your...”句型是我这节课教学的难点。教学伊始,通过唱英语歌曲《Father and Mother》调动学生学习的情绪。复习说设计为日常问候及认识新朋友后的询问语,学生能流利完成复习说。如果将复习说设计成中Part A Let’s talk的重点句型“Who’s that...”及其回答“She is...”“He is...”,能更好地为新授内容作铺垫,效果会更好,也更切合本课实际。新授时我先播放Let’s talk的教学录像,让学生整体感知对话内容,给学生提供一个真实的情境。然后运用手势、遥控器、肢体表情分别教学“Come on!watch TV. Wow,how funny!”等短语,使学生很快掌握了这3个短语,这时再教学对话内容。在与学生分角色扮演对话中发觉学生对对话内容掌握较好,能流利地进行对话。为了突破教学中的难点,在教学一般疑问句“Is she/he your...”及其回答时,我从身边的学生入手,由询问身边的同学再过渡到询问相片,学生掌握较好,能正确运用这个句式。 新授说中让学生拿出自己家庭成员的相片操练“Who’s this...”及“Is she/he your...”这两个句型。综合说中则设计为介绍老朋友认识新朋友而后谈论相片中的情景,句式丰富。从学生操练反馈的情况看,学生借助PPT能完成对话,但仅限于机械模仿,交际性不够突出。 今后的教学中,我应固化“三说两听”的教学模式,多创设与学生生活紧密联系的情境,让学生在掌握新知的同时,能在具体的情境中灵活运用句式进行交际。三年级英语人教版下册教案 第3篇教学目标:1、 进一步巩固本单元所学单词句型。2、 能正确完成E部分听力练习并完成游戏。3、会唱歌曲ABC song重点难点:游戏及歌曲教 学 过 程用时:20分钟第一步:复习(单元重点内容)用时:5分钟1、T: (PPT 1 显示课题)Hello, boys and girls、 Nice to meet you again、T: 在第一单元中,我们已经学习了一些文具类单词和谈论这些物品的主要句型,你还记得吗?现在我们一起来复习复习吧!(课件跟读)2、T: Now let’s ask and answer like this、 现在请你看一看同桌同学的书包或者铅笔盒里有些什么,用我们本单元学到的句型进行问答,下面有两位同学将为你做出示范,请你仔细看。(学生示范对话)T: 请你就身边的文具和书本进行对话问答吧!(本步骤设计说明:通过本步骤学生能够在教师的帮助下把有关文具和本单元相关句型进行回忆和再现。)第二步:完成各版块教学用时:10分钟1、 T: OK、 刚才我们一起再次回忆了本单元的主要知识,现在我们一起来做一个听力练习,Let’s listen and circle、 请翻开书第10页。在本页,你可以看到a到f 5道听力选择题,请你仔细听老师报出的物品,把相应的物品圈出来。( PPT2)例如第一题,你可以看一只蜡笔和一只钢笔,老师将报的是句子: It’s a crayon、 你应该把那个圈出来呢?T: 对!你应该把蜡笔圈出来,这道题目就做完了,懂了吗?好,我们下面正式开始了,请听仔细了!(老师边呈现题目边报听力内容)2、 T: OK、 That’s all、 听完了,你都做对了吗?下面我们一起来核对一下答案。(教师逐题反馈答案)3、 T: 在以后的练习中我们还会碰到类似的听力练习,但是只要你牢固掌握了单词知识,抓准句子中的关键词语,细心做题,相信你一定能够全对的。好,下面我们来轻松一下,let’s play a game, OK? OK! 这个游戏怎么玩呢,老师先不告诉你,请你自己看图,想一想这个游戏该怎么玩。(PPT 3显示E2部分图片)4、 T: 你看懂了吗?在这个游戏中,我们需要事先在书包里放上一些书本和文具,由一位同学闭上眼睛去摸一摸,说说书包里都有哪些东西。让别人猜的同学应该怎么问呢? 对!我们可以问:What’s in my school bag? 猜的同学可以回答:It’s a/an … 明白了吗? 好,下面我们有请两位同学给大家做示范。(学生示范游戏对话)5、T: OK、 You can play this game now、提醒大家的是我们不仅可以把东西放在书包里,也可以放在铅笔盒里或者书桌里等等,这样就可以问出不同的问题,例如What’s in my desk?等等。现在你也可以来玩这个游戏啦!1、 6、 T: Do you like this game? 你喜欢这个游戏吗?课后你还可以用这个游戏复习别的学过的单词呢!最后,我们一起来学一首歌曲吧——ABC song、 先请你来听一听!First let’s listen、 (课件播放歌曲)2、 T: 这首歌的歌词很特别,就是英文的26个字母。在这里老师特别提醒大家注意这几个字母的发音。(示范带读字母C,G,H,J,M, N,V,W,Z)3、 T: Now let’s listen to it again、 This time you can try to sing、 (课件播放歌曲)3、 T: 这首歌曲可以很好地帮我们记忆英文的26个字母。希望你在课后也可以练习唱一唱。(本步骤设计说明:在本步骤中教师通过各种不同的形式带领学生复习本单元知识,再通过听力练习教给学生做题方法。接着通过游戏学习操练,不会让学生在这样的课中感觉枯燥,最后学习歌曲。)(结束语)T: 在第一单元中,我们一起学习了有关文具的单词还有谈论物品的相关语言知识,还学习了歌曲ABC song、 相信你在今后的学习生活中能很好的运用所学到的知识进行交流。 Bye!三年级英语人教版下册教案 第4篇教学内容:本节课是《新标准英语》三年级起(第一册)Module7 Unit2的教学内容How old are you?教学目标:1、学习目标语句:How old are you ?I’m… …,You’re… …单词:old,look,how old2、能口头运用How old are you?I’m… …这类语句询问对方的年龄并回答。3、能在图片提示下识别单词old,look.4、学习本课的歌曲,这项内容不作要求,让学生根据自己的情况选择学习与掌握。重点难点:能用How old are you来询问对方的年龄,并能用I’m… …作回答。教学准备:录音机,磁带教学过程:一、热身复习1、带领学生唱学过的英文歌《Please stand up》,《Ten little fingers》。2、让学生以开火车的形式说数字,复习1——12的数字。 (齐唱旧歌,开火车说数字都是为了激发学生学习兴趣,调动学生的积极性,也是为后面学习表述年龄作铺垫)二、课文导入对学生的表现进行鼓励表扬,然后针对课文内容向学生提问:“How old is Sam?”引导学生给出答案:“Sam is nine.”(这样的导入既简明也对启发学生理解How old的意思起到一定作用)师对学生说:“大家知道Daming的年龄吗?今天的手工课上,大家都在制作年龄牌,Daming闹了一个小笑话,我们一起去看看吧!(激发学生的好奇心,想去学习课文,一探究竟)板书课题:How old are you?(让学生跟读几次,明白中文意思。)三、课文教学1、播放录音前,请学生仔细看书上的图,并试着猜测故事的情节。有的学生可能会提出一些疑问,请学生带着疑问听录音。2、老师可以在听录音前向学生提出一些具体的问题,请学生在听的同时找出问题答案,例如:“How old is Sam?How old is Daming?What are the children doing?Why are the children laughing at Daming?”老师再使用中文重复这些问题。3、(播放录音)听过第一遍录音后,老师可以请几个较好的学生试着回答刚才的问题,老师先不要公布正确答案。请学生看着书听第二遍录音,请刚才没有找到问题答案的学生再次回答问题。4、其后,老师可以请学生以小组为单位,找出问题的正确答案(Sam is nine.Daming is nine,too.They are making age badges,He wears his age badge upside down)。学生可以使用中文回答后两个问题。回答正确的学生由老师给予适当的奖励。5、再听几遍录音,请学生跟读。6、老师教读并讲解全文。再让生齐读全文,在自由朗读,最后请学生以小组为单位表演课文,请几个小组到教室前面展示。四、完成任务完成运用任务1(Act it out):把学生分为多人小组,仿照书上的事例使用“How old are you?I’m… …”进行关于年龄的问答。作重强调相同的岁数最后要使用Too.(可多请几个小组)完成运用任务2(Sing the song)1、先让学生读歌曲,理解大意,作重理解How old are you and How are you。2、播放歌曲,让学生整体感受音乐,再轻声跟唱,反复几次后,齐唱歌曲。完成运用任务3(Game):仿照书上的事例开展游戏,复习数字1——12,老师也可以使用“Simon says”的形式开展这个游戏。首先请全班学生逐个报数(可以重复)。当每个学生都知道自己的数字后,老师开始发出口令,例如:“Simon says‘2,4,6and10,stand up,please.’”数字为2,4,6,10的学生要站起来。如果老师的口令中没有“Simon says”,而学生错误地执行了口令,他们就要被罚出局。老师可以请被罚出局的学生发出口令。坚持到最后的学生获胜,由老师给予奖励。五、课堂小结三年级英语人教版下册教案 第5篇一、教学目标1、语言知识Did you …?Yes,I did./No,I didn’t.2、语言技能能运用Did you …?句型询问对方是否做过某事,对方根据具体情况作出应答Yes,I did./No,I didn’t.培养学生在具体情景中正确运用该语言的交际能力。3、情感态度培养学生团队协作能力和与他人合作的精神以及用英语做事情的基本技能,激发学生竞争意识。4、学习策略培养学生积极与他人合作,主动学习,积极运用英语进行表达和交流,与同学共同完成学习任务的能力。二、教学重难点能熟练运用Did you …?句型对过去发生的事情进行推测。Ⅰ.Warm-up1.Came:①教师快速出示动词或动词词组,让学生快速做出该动作。②让学生从另一组动词过去式中找出与图片配对的单词,学习和巩固不规则动词过去式。如:go-went, meet-met, run-ran, buy-bought, eat-ate, see-saw.2.Free talk用“旅游日记”或“假期影集”与组员谈论假日生活。如:Where did you go on vacation?What did you do?Did you……?When did you come back?Ⅱ.Pre-task【任务呈现——最快乐的一天】1、教师出示提前收集的名胜风景区明信片,提问:“Did you go to ……?” Did you see……? Did you buy……?2、教师出示英国伦敦的名胜风景区明信片,提问:“Where did lingling go?”学生回答:“London”.教师问:“Where did she go?What did she see/meet/buy?”学生回答后,教师引出课文活动5的歌曲:“Listen to a song from Amy”,学唱歌曲。3、[任务呈现]——寄一张风景明信片给你的朋友教师展示伦敦明信片,并介绍:“This is from Amy to Daming.What did she say? Let’s go and see.Then please write about your yesterday to Amy or your friends.”让我们一起瞧一瞧怎样写明信片呢?Ⅲ.While-task【任务实施】1、播放课文录音,并让学生回答课文活动的问题。2、让学生再听一遍录音,并勾出dear, love, went to the park, met John, bought ice creams, went home, ran to the bus, dropped,并请学生跟读。3、[活动]——Talk课堂活动用书out your yesterday师:“Can you write about your yesterday to Amy? What did you do?”学生答:“I watched TV ./I played computer games./…”师问:“Did you go to school? Did you walk to school?/…”4、小记者采访同桌两人一组,用活动3的问题采访同桌,了解对方的生活。5、完成活动6的游戏6、完成活动用书练习1,了解小明上周的生活。Ⅳ.Post-task【任务展示——最快乐的一天】①学生四人一组展开活动,轮流讲述自己快乐的昨天,用过去时描述自己做了哪些事情。学生进行信息交换,评选出最快乐的一天向全班汇报。②教师介绍Daming’s letter ——写给Amy的回信。“I met our Chinese teacher by the river yesterday.She walked with her cat.Then we saw a rabbit and a hen .They played with an apple.”板书Chinese, teacher, river, rabbit, letter, hen, cat, apple,让学生读出单词、听录音思考并回答划线处的发音;然后完成课堂活动用书练习3,请学生边听边划出每组单词中有着特定发音的字母或字母组合。V.Homework【作业超市】1、朗读课文,表演对话。2、完成课堂活动用书练习4和练习5。选做:1、给Lingling回信,介绍自己最快乐的一天。Module 2 Shopping Unit 1 How many do you want?三年级英语人教版下册教案 第6篇【教学内容与目标】主要学习句型“Where are you from? I’m from ?./ This is my friend, ?(名字)”它是A部分内容的延伸Let’s practice巩固、操练对话的句型,鼓励学生在真实情景中会话。【教学重点】句型:We have a new friend today. I’m from the USA词汇:welcome, America, Canada, China【教学难点】Welcome的发音。【课时安排】第一课时一、教学内容Let’s talkpart A二、展示目标A:能听会说“I’m from ?”;B:能理解课文内容: Boys and girls ,we have two newfriends today巩固;C:能主动参与句型的对话练习,对英语感兴趣。三、第一次先学后教自学指导1、自读对话内容,结合图片、上下文,理解意思;2、说说AMY来自哪里?3、张鹏是哪个国家的?后教1、对话练习:教师:Hello;学生:Hello,teacher.教师:Welcome back to school. Nice to see you again.学生:Nice to see you, too.请一些学生做此对话练习,由教师和一名学生来做,过渡到由教师:I’m Miss He. I’m from China.(手中举起中国国旗) And you?鼓励学生说出:I’m? I’m from China.2.让更多的学生进行自我介绍:I’m? I’m from?四、第二次先学后教自学指导1、能理解对话内容;2、能理解课文内容: Boys and girls ,we have two newfriends today;3、能主动参与句型的对话练习,对英语感兴趣。后教1、教师:Class, we have a new friend today. 让学生观看教学课件。教师反复点击对话框中的句子,学生跟读模仿。2、教师问: What’s the girl’s name? (Amy)Is she from China? (No)What does Amy say?让学生模仿Amy说出:Hi! I’m Amy. I’m from America.学生说完此句后,教师说:Amy! Welcome.5.教师解释并教读单词:welcome6.让学生表演课文对话,以小组为单位进行竞赛。7.用手中的国旗做提示,教读学习单词China, America, Canada以及句型I’m from?8.让学生戴上头饰分别扮演Amy, John和Mike上台做自我介绍。五、趣味操练 (Practice)1.Pass the balloon.游戏规则:6-8人一组围坐成圈,每组发一个气球。谁拿到气球谁就要用英语进行自我介绍。如:游戏开始时,一人拿着气球说:I’m Tom. I’m from China.然后把气球随便传给另一个人,拿到气球的人要继续游戏。(注:在这个游戏中,可以把自己当成其他国家的人。)2.在Let’s talk 的基础上,自编对话并表演。A:(指着B)I have a new friend.B:(起立)Hi, I am? I am from?C: (全班) Nice to meet you.B:Nice to meet you, too.第二课时一、教学内容1.Let’s learn二、展示目标本部分主要学习UK,Canada,USA,China,要求学生能够听、说、认读,并且能够听懂、会说“I’m from ?2. Let’s chant通过歌曲巩固本课单词。三、先学后教自学指导1、能听说认读单词:UK,Canada, USA, China.2、能通过情景对话学习介绍自己的国籍,并在实际情景中自然运用。后教1、老师出示国旗图片,让学生认识,引出单词:UK, USA, China, Canada。2、认读单词。3、听录音或看课件认识不同国家的标志性建筑物,并跟读单词。4、学生小组讨论:这些图片中的建筑物名称及所属国家。5、小组活动:把图片和国家配对。看看谁最先完成。教师出示事先准备好的国家国旗和建筑物的图片等,一个人出示图片,另一个人说:I’m from?.让学生反复练习句子。6、听录音,跟读对话。四、趣味操练(Practice)1、两人一组用国旗或图片进行对话。2、Let’s chant。3、听录音,跟着说唱。五、当堂训练1.把图片和所属国家连线。USA ChinaCanada UK2.对话连线:Nice to see you. Nice to meet you.This is my friend, Amy.Good afternoon.Good afternoon. Nice to see you课后反思:本课时的主要教学任务是能够在出示UK、China, USA Cananda等国家的标志性建筑时能够进行认读。由于在第一课时时在单词认读上下了较大力气,所以本节课就相对轻松。在讲解各个国家标志性建筑时同学们学习积极性很高,首先通过课件展示建筑物,同学们对于新出现的希望国家的建筑兴趣很高,并且有的同学能够说出建筑物的名字并能够讲解建筑物的历史,教学效果很高。在对let`s learn教学完成后播放let`s chant部分的视频,由于句型较简单并且朗朗上口,在播放视频并老师领读后学生能够进行认读。第三课时一、教学内容1、知识与技能:学习元音字母a在单词中的发音以及认读书写含有这个字母的单词。2、借助手势教学字母发音,归类识记单词。3、情感、态度和价值观:培养学生良好的学习习惯。二、展示目标1.Let’s spell 本部分通过listen,repeat and chant 达 到对单词拼写的练习2.Circle 圈出听到的单词3.write,练习书写四个简单单词三、先学后教自学指导1、教师出示字母卡并问:What’s it? An“ Aa”.What’s the sound of letter “A”?引导学生说出元音字母a在单词中的发音/?/。2、出示含有这个字母相同发音的单词图片。cat bag hand dad /?/后教1、放Let’s spell部分的录音,学生跟读。2、小组学习:找一找还有那些单词中字母a的发音是/?/?3、小组汇报交流并总结。四、趣味操练(Practice)1、游戏:听一听,辩一辩。教师读一组单词让学生听一听找出那个单词中没有a/?/的发音。如:bagdad hand apple cake2、游戏:击鼓传花谁拿到花,必须说出一个含有字母a的单词。3、读一读,写一写学写单词,并指导学生描红五、当堂训练一、读一读、听一听并圈一圈。1.cat bag 2.bag dad 3.Canada panda 4. handdad二、找出发音与众不同的单词。1. bagcatcakedad 2.name plate Kate hand3.China Canada cat ant三年级英语人教版下册教案 第7篇教学目的和要求:1、能听懂晦朔本课的会话。2、能听说读写单词 pencil, pencil—box。3、能正确读出字母“o”在开音节中的读音和闭音节中的读音。教学重点:能听懂晦朔本课的会话。教学难点:能正确读出字母“o”在开音节中的读音和闭音节中的读音。教学步骤:第一课时一、复习1、组织学生唱一首学过的歌曲。2、检查第3课的会话和四会掌握的单词。3、请一对学生表演第三课对话。二、介绍新语言项目与教学方法a.词汇教学本课四会掌握的单词有pencil和pencil—box。Pencil一词时生词,教法如下:1、教师出示一支钢笔,问学生:What’s this in English ?学生回答:It’s a pen。教师再出示一支铅笔,问学生:What’s this in English? 若学生不能说出,教师给予回答:It’s a pencil 。让学生跟教师重复pencil,a pencil,It’s a pencil 然后把pencil写在黑板上。2、让学生口拼pencil一词,边口拼边书空。然后在练习册上摹写。3、教师出示一个新的铅笔盒,问学生:What’s this in English?学生回答后,教师说:Yes, it’s a pencil—box。 It’s a new pencil—box。把new一词说得口气重些。4、教师带读It’s a new pencil—box。数遍。5、让学生口拼pencil—box一词,并边口拼边书空,然后在练习册上摹写。b.会话教学。1、教师拿出一支新的钢笔,对学生说 I have a new pen。 并把这句话写在黑板上,让学生朗读。然后教师把“pen”一词擦掉,让学生用这一句型完成句子,I have a new ……,启发学生使用学过的词如:book, bag, ruler等词,当学生说:I have a new pencil—box时,教师走过去说:Oh, good 。May I have a look?2、让学生跟教师重复: May I have a look? 和 Oh, good。 May I have a look?3、教师和一个学生进行对话。教师拿出新铅笔盒,对学生说I have a new pencil—box。 启发学生和教师对话:Oh, good 。May I have a look? 这时教师说:Certainly。 Here you are。4、同桌两人练习会话,要求学生做会话表演。5、学生与教师会话,找一个学习好的学生和教师一起进行会话表演。6、让学生跟教师重复 May I use it? 和Sure。 让学生同桌两人利用文具等实物练习以上的对话。7、听课文会话录音。第二课时c.语音教学1、教学准备:把本课中read and listen部分的单词按课本上的形式做成两列火车图片。2、教师将一列火车贴在黑板上,同时对学生说:Try to read the words yourselves。3、找2—3个学生朗读单词后,全班学生齐读。启发学生总结字母“o”的发音。4、听语音练习录音。三、兴趣活动1、教师发出指令:Show me your pencil, please。2、学生根据指令举起铅笔。3、教师让集体或个人口拼单词:Spell the word “pencil” , please。口拼正确的加分。可拼以下所学四会单词:pen, pencil—box, book, ruler ,bag, cap 等。四、课堂练习:1、听音画画。内容:1)Draw a pencil, please。2)Please draw a pen。3)Draw a ruler, please。4)Please draw an apple 。5)Draw a pencil—box, please。2、读和写。五、家庭作业读课文三次,抄写四会单词五次。三年级英语人教版下册教案 第8篇一、教学内容句型:Canyouspellit,please?二、教具录音机;几张写好学生姓名的卡片。三、课堂教学设计1.复习字母歌。2.复习日常会话。教师可将学过的日常用语,根据不同的情景编成几组,叫学生到前面表演,要求学生加上动作、表情等。每次叫同学表演之前,最好由教师和某个语音较好的同学示范一下。3.叫起一个学生,教师问:T:What"syourname,please?S:Mynameis…T:(将事先准备好的写有这个同学的姓名卡片递过去)Canyouspellit,please?教师手指卡片上的汉语拼音,启发大家。并帮助这个同学回答:S:Yes,….(用英语字母将其姓名拼出)用同样的步骤,教师再指定两至三名学生进行操练。学生在拼读自己姓名时,要把姓名卡片举向全班。4.放录音。第一遍听,从第二遍起跟读,读两至三遍。5.学生两人一组进行练习。操练之前,可让全班同学把自己姓名拼写在一张纸片上。小组练习之后,可找两至三组同学到前面表演。6.在教师指导下,完成练习册上练习。7.布置作业1)练习朗读所学的对话;2)准备几张空白卡片,用英语询问班上(或其他班级)的不大熟悉的同学,并在对方拼读出姓名之后,记在自己准备的卡片上。三年级英语人教版下册教案 第9篇【重点】1、句型:Who’s that man(boy)? He’s my…Who’s that woman(girl)? She’s my…2、词汇:father, mother, mom, woman, man【难点】he和she的意义区分及发音。【教具准备】1、教师及学生的家庭照片2、教材相配套的教学课件3、教材相配套的教学录音带【教学过程】一 热身/复习(Warm—up/Revision)1、播放Unit 1 B Let’s talk动画,让学生模仿表演。2、学生3人一组做对话表演。二 呈现新课 (Presentation)1、教师将一位新朋友介绍给大家。教师扮演这个新朋友,问一个女生:What’s your name?引导这个女生回答:My name’s (Diana)、 教师对其他学生说:She’s (Diana)、 并示意学生跟着重复这句话。2、教师指着离自己稍远的女生问:Who’s that girl?引导学生回答:She’s…3、用同样的步骤问一个男生,用he 代替she。4、教师指着离自己稍远的男生问:Who’s that boy?让学生回答:He’s …5、让学生指着班里的同学做问答:Who’s that girl? She’s… Who’s that boy? He’s …6、教师拿出学生们所熟悉的教师的照片,用实物投影仪展示出来。询问学生:Who’s that man? Who’s that woman? 引导学生回答:He’ s Mr… She’s Miss/Mrs、 …7、教师可向学生出示几张明星的照片或图片,让学生做Who’s that man? Who’s that woman?的问答练习。8、教师出示自己的家庭照片说:This is my family、 Do you know who they are?鼓励学生对照片中的人物提问,教师用She’s my mother、 He’s my father、来回答,并重复单词father, mother。教师再次用mom, dad代替mother, father进行回答,向学生指出mom和dad更多地用于日常口语中。9、让学生观看教学课件或VCD展示Let’s talk的内容。10、让学生看书听录音,跟读课文对话。11、让学生分组表演课文并展示。三 趣味操练 (Practice)1、Who’s family is this?教师先收集几张学生的全家福,出示其中一张问:Who’s family is this ? 引导该家庭的学生迅速反应:This is my family、然后让其他同学对照片中的人物发问,该生回答。2、猜人请一名学生到前面,蒙上他/她的眼睛,再叫一名学生说几句英语,让全班学生问:Who’s that boy/girl?猜的人说:He’s… /She’s…猜对了,就蒙住说话学生的眼睛,继续游戏。(在游戏过程中播放英语歌曲,创设愉快氛围。)四 扩展性活动(Add—activities)Draw your best friend.发给学生每人一张图画纸,让学生以最快的速度画出自己的父母或好朋友。以小组为单位,根据画的画做句型练习:Who’s that boy/girl/man/woman? He’s… She’s…三年级英语人教版下册教案 第10篇教学目标:1、知识目标a、会认读单词pet,turtle,parrot,goldfish,itsb 、能运用句型What pet do you have ? I have ……/ What’s its name ? Its name is……进行实际交流。2、能力目标能够运用本课所学内容就宠物的话题用英文与他人进行简单的交流。3、情感态度与价值观教育学生热爱小动物。鼓励学生用英语交流,营造和谐的课堂教学氛围。教学重点:学习有关宠物的单词和交际用语,能简单的描述自己的宠物。教学难点:1、单词:turtle,parrot,goldfish2、its和it’s的不同含义3、句型What’s its name ? Its name is ……的表达教学策略:多媒体辅助法、情境法等多种教学方法。坚持以Free talk(围绕本单元句型交谈)为核心,以功能、结构为主线,以任务型活动安排本课教学。学习方法:在课堂中运用多种方法促使学生多听、多读、多说,形成自主、探究性学习,学生在互动、交流的活动中建立起自信,享受到学习的快乐,得到相关的知识,培养学生对英语运用的实践能力,让他们成为学习的主人。评价方法:以表扬激励为主,鼓励学生大胆表达,保护学生的自尊心,提高学生学习英语的积极性,使每个学生都享受成功的快乐。课前准备:多媒体课件、动物卡片教学流程:一、启动热身T:Hello ! Boys and girls !T:At first let’s Chant OK ?Chant《Follow Me》二、复习激活T:Some animal friends come to our class .Who are they ?游戏:猜动物cat dog rabbit chicken monkey fish[设计意图:通过猜动物这个游戏复习以前学过的知识,活跃课堂气氛。]三、知识新授1、T:They come from Pet Shop.[他们来自宠物店]Guess “ Pet Shop”What’s meaning ?[设计意图:通过猜测宠物店这一词组学习宠物这个单词,并引出本课课题。]T:So ,“pet” what’s meaning ?Ss:宠物T: Yes . Do you know “my pet”what’s meaning ?Ss:我的宠物T:板书课题2、T:There are many pets there . Look they are coming .Oh , what’s this ?T:Yes , it’s a turtle .练习单词turtle的发音3、学习单词parrot4、学习单词goldfish5、游戏巩固单词[设计意图:猫捉老鼠的游戏帮助学生进一步巩固新学习的三个动物名称单词。]6、T:This is my pet shop .Which one do you like?[设计意图:教师创设宠物店的情境让学生练习句子What pet do you have ?I have ……]7、T:This is my pet .It’s brown .How about your pet ?(学生练习描述宠物的颜色。)8、What’s its name ? Its name is Coco . How about your pet ?(学生练习描述宠物的名字。)四、巩固应用1、Listen and speak .2、分角色朗读五、拓展延伸1、Work in pairs .(合作练习)2、展示你的宠物。六、布置作业P42 C Read and write .三年级英语人教版下册教案 第11篇教学目标1 、能听懂会说本课单词和对话,能初步使用“Mr/Miss+姓”的表达方式,要求发音准确,语调自然流畅。2、能用“How Are You?”引导的对话大胆、自然、灵活地响别人问候。3、激发兴趣,培养学生大声说话的习惯。4、了解“How Are You?”的文化内涵,将其与中国打招呼用语进行简单比较,渗入跨文化交际意识。5、学习新的颜色类单词,通过游戏将学过的颜色类单词做一个小结。6、在歌曲和小诗的教学过程中,要注意培养学生积极思维的习惯,并有一定的情感体验,能主动、大胆的表演教学重难点1、本课单词的发音,特别要注意son dauhter和brown这三个单词的发音。2.、对话以及灵活使用“How Are You?”和相关回答与人交往。3、感谢对方的`问候以后,要继续询问对方,不要让对话中断。4、激发学生学习英语的兴趣,鼓励她们大声说话,大胆交往。课时1-2课时教学过程一、师生问候二、教学对话How Are You?三、学习Let’s sing;How Are You? 四、学Magic box1.复习Mummy,dadady学习mum,dad.brown,son,daughter。2.复习Miss 学习Mr3、操练。A.教师按不同顺序读,生指书中图画。B.师指黑板单词,生猜读。五、教学新对话六、Let’s sing;How Are You? 七、Let’s chant : Mum 八、文化介绍九、做《课堂活动评价手册》 十、Homework.今天回家后把学习的英语和爸爸妈妈说一说并且听磁带。三年级英语人教版下册教案 第12篇教学目标:(一)语言知识目标1.能够听说读认单词及短语:how,old,look,too.2.能够在句子中正确使用单词和短语:how old,look.(二)语言技能目标1.能够用How old are you?询问他人的年龄,用I’m…说明自己的年龄;2.能够在图片的提示下识别数字1-10的英文表达及与年龄有关的表达;3.能够演唱课文歌曲。学习策略:积极主动地与他人配合完成课堂任务。文化意识:了解西方文化中过生日的习俗。知道一般情况下不要轻易问对方的年龄,尤其是对于年长的女性。情感态度:参加同学生日聚会,体验交往的快乐,增进同学间的友谊,感受同学间的友爱。教学用具:CD-ROM、单词卡片、图片教学过程:一.Warm up1.Greetings.2.Sing a song.3.复习数学1-12二、Presentation1.带领学生复习第一单元课文,然后针对课文内容向学生提问:“How old is Sam?”引导学生给出答案:“Sam is nine.”2.教学How old are you? I’m ……三、 Practice1.Pair work :同桌之间用句型How old are you? I’m…进行关于年龄的问答,请学生展示。2.Play a game:Simon says游戏:首先请全班学生逐个报数,当每个学生都知道自己的数字后,老师开始发出口令,例如:“Simon says ‘2,4,5 and 7,stand up,please.’”四、Learn the text1.T:大家知道Daming的年龄吗?今天的手工课上,大家都在制作年龄牌,Daming闹了一个小笑话,我们一起来看一看。播放录音前,请学生仔细看书上的图,并试着猜测故事的情节,请学生带着疑问看CD-ROM中的动画。2.放录音,要求学生边听录音边指着相应的对话泡。3.Now, let’s listen to the tape and follow to read it.4.学习歌曲。五、Consolidation1.课堂活动用书练习1。2.课堂活动用书练习2。3.Bingo游戏:请学生在纸上画出一个三行三列的表格,并在其中随意填入数字1-9,其后,老师使用“How old are you?”向单个学生提问,请学生使用1-9的数字了随意作答。每当一个学生使用“I’m…。”做出回答时,其他学生就要在自己的表格中把相应的数字圈出来。最先连续圈出一横行、一竖行或是一斜行三个数字的学生大喊“Bingo”,该学生即是胜者。六、Homework用How old are you?询问自己的家人和朋友的年龄,完成一份有关年龄的问卷调查表,向全班汇报自己的调查结果。三年级英语人教版下册教案 第13篇一、说教材(本课在教材、单元中的地位、作用)我说课的内容是小学三年级下册第二单元第14课,,我采用情境教学的教学手段将听、说、读、练溶于一体,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和愿望,使学生通过合作学习体验荣誉感和成就感从而树立自信心,发展自主学习的能力。二、说教学目标(三维目标)教学目标:1知识目标:能够听说认读下列词汇brther,sisiter句型: This is …/Hw ld are u? I ‘ …2能力目标:能够用英语询问对方年龄,并做出回答;能够运用所学单词句型进行创编对话.3情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣及关爱同学伙伴兄弟姐妹的好品德。三、说教学重点、难点:教学重点:Wrds: brther,sisiterDrills:教学难点:能够正确运用This is …/Hw ld are u? I ‘ …句型进行对话表演;能够熟练的表达出brther, sister等单词并发音准确。四、说教法(教学资源的使用)教:愉快教学法, 情境教学法, 任务型教学, 评价法五、说学法:自主探究、小组合作等六、说教学过程:1. 课前播放歌曲Father and ther,渲染课堂气氛。2. 唱歌曲Father and ther3. 复习上节课单词句子,father ther This is…4. 学生四人一组,分别戴上father,ther,gawei的头饰表演Lessn 13的对话。5. Listen and d活动,教师给出指令Act lie a father/ther/teacher/B/girl,ther抱着小宝宝,引出brther和sisiter6. 将爸爸、妈妈、兄弟、姐妹的头饰贴在黑板上,利用图片教学单词。7. 教师向全体学生介绍家庭成员引出本课的新句型:This is brther.This is sisiter.8. 引导学生跟读模仿课文会话内容。9. 放录像展示ust tal部分的教学内容让学生跟读模仿。分组、分队以不同形式进行对话训练,最终达到全班背课文的目的。10. 趣味操练,教师发给学生一张卡通全家福,教师发出指令:shw eur father…学生将对应的卡通人物找出来,比比那组最快。11.播放孔融让梨的视频,培养孩子的良好品性及情操。三年级英语人教版下册教案 第14篇教学目标:Where does Daming fly kites?He flies kites in the park、教学重点:描述物品的位置教学用具:a recorder, word cards, pictures教学过程:一、热身复习老师发指令,学生做动作,复习运用“on,in,under”。指令内容可以滑稽有趣些,例如:“Put your nose on the pencil box、 Put your hand on your head、 Put your foot on the desk、”老师发出指令后,可以问学生:“Where’s your nose? Where’s your hend? Where’s your foot?”学生做出回答。二、课文导入老师问学生:“How many seasons are there in a year? What are they?”以此复习表示四季的单词。然后老师将表现四季的图片贴在黑板上,问学生:“What do you do in spring/summer/autumn/winter?”老师根据学生的回答继续问:“Where do you、、、?”三、课文教学1、老师问学生:“What does Daming do in spring/summer/autumn/winter?”老师播放录音或教学VCD,呈现SB Unit2活动1,请学生熟悉课文内容。老师再放录音,出示Daming活动的图片,请学生根据录音内容将图片贴在相应的季节图片处。2、再次播放录音,请学生模仿跟读。其后,请学生以小组为单位朗读课文。鼓励学生根据黑板上的图片描述课文内容。3、以小组为单位表演课文。学生可以分工合作,尽力创设情境,展示课文内容。4、完成SB Unit2活动2。老师根据黑板上的图片体温:“Where does Daming fly kites?”学生回答:“He flies kites in the park、”请学生在小组内针对其他图片进行练习。5、完成SB Unit2活动3。请学生仔细看图和示例,了解题目意图,然后在小组内开展问答练习。四、课文学习1、学习SB Unit2活动4的歌曲。放录音,请学生熟悉曲调和歌词。放朗读歌词的录音,请学生逐句跟读。再放歌曲录音,请学生跟唱。2、学习SB Unit2活动6的字母。老师领读,学生跟读,注意纠正学生的发音。老师板书这些字母的大小写。3、把字母和单词相结合,编成歌谣并学习。然后请学生进行单词的扩展练习。五、课后作业1、听录音,朗读课文,并试着背诵。2、画一张自己在四季的活动图,并向同学、朋友及家人进行描述。三年级英语人教版下册教案 第15篇一、教学内容简述小学英语(PEP)三年级下册Unit3 Part A Let's talk部分,主要通过情景会话,让学生学习询问别人看见多少样东西以及如何赞美别人的东西,并且在实际情景中灵活运用。二、教学设想(一)教学目标:1、学生能听懂并在情景中灵活运用句型:How many...can you see? I can see..从而提高学生运用语言的能力。2、学生能够灵活运用交际语,并在教学活动中进行拓展练习。3、培养学生用新语言做事情的兴趣及与他人合作的意识。(二)教学重点难点:本课的教学重点与难点就是熟练掌握句型How many..can you see? I can see...(三)教学准备录音带、铅笔,风筝等实物,动物图片,头饰、单词卡。三、教学流程Step 1:warm upGreetingsT:Good moring boys and girlsS:Good moring Mr liuT:How are you?S:Fine thank youT:I am fine too.Step 2:Pressentation1、从猜数字游戏中自然引出“How many"2、出示事先准备好的实物。T:Look! How many pencils? How many books.. S:1——15T:How many 后面词有什么特点。S:名词复数...3、找一名学生做助手,利用How many进行对话。 T:HelloSs: Hello!T:How many pencilsSs:TwoT:Ask your friend, ok?(全班进行操练)Step3: Study"Let' talk"学习对话。1、出示风筝:T:What is this ? Is it beautiful?S:YesT:Beautfuil!T:Let us look at this picture.2、教师用自问自答法导入对话。3、放录音,学生跟读,教师领读。 Step4: Practice。1、同桌练习对话。2、两人一组对话。3、引导学生观察教师里的东西,让学生进行练习对话。教学反思:(一)、成功之处在教学中,我遵循以学生为中心,以兴趣为支点,以交际为目的的原则 ,开展教学活动,整个活动,让学生在情感中感知,在活动中训练,在实际中交际,在任务中运用。学生始终处于积极参与的状态之中。在教学中,我注意引导学生丰富多彩的活动中主动学习,创造性地学习,并且面向全体学生,实现了在玩中学,学中玩的教学理念,并且利用图片、实物等多种形式营造学英语的氛围,调动学生多种感官,在情境中感知,在兴趣中运用所学知识和学习新知识。在教学中通过设计多样的教学活动,不但激发了学生的学习兴趣,培养了学生积极的态度,而且还培养了学生一定的语感,使他们形成了用英语进行交流的能力。学生们通过表演很好的发展了学生的表演能力为学生非智力因素的培养打下了坚实的基础。(二)、不足之处1、在整堂教学中,部分后进生表现不够积极。2、环节的过渡语言组织也不够到位,给人的感觉跳跃性很大,让人听起来很不舒服。(三)、改进措施在以后的教学中 ,我要多关注学生的学习方式和思维方式,根据不同内容采取不同的呈现方式,做到因材施教。三年级英语人教版下册教案 第16篇1.教学目标1.培养学生能听、说、读、写字母Xx,Yy,Zz2.认读以这些字母开头的单词fox,box,yellow,yo-yo,zoo,zebra。3.会唱歌曲Let’s sing。2.教学重难点教学重点:本部分主要是培养学生听、说、读、写字母Xx,Yy,Zz以及让学生听懂并会说带有这些字母的单词fox,box,yellow,yo-yo,zoo,zebra。教学难点:字母Zz的发音。3.教具准备录音机、磁带、图片、A—Z的字母卡。4.教学过程Step1:warm up1.FreetalkHello!What’s your name?Whereisyourpen/pencil/ruler/pencil-case/…?Can I use your pen/…?2.Let’s do播放录音让学生听A部分Let’sdo的内容,边听边做动作。3.用字母卡复习所学字母,并抢答以这个字母开头的单词。Step2:Presentation1.学习字母Xx和单词box、fox。(1)教师出示box的图卡,问:What’s this?生:It’s a box.板书box并进行教读。教师指着图卡下面单词的最后一个字母,先问学生:What letter is this?如学生不会,再告诉他们是X,并出示X的字母卡,大小写字母先同时呈现,再分别进行书空与认读。(在四线三格中书写字母大小写Xx。让学生观察并做空中书写练习。)然后教师出示课本中fox在盒子里的图,问学生:What’s in the box?Yes,it’s a fox.然后出示fox的单词卡,让学生跟读。(2)用同样的方法学习Yy和Zz。利用颜色卡复习yellow,利用图卡学习yo-yo和zebra。(3)出示作业纸学生进行书写练习。练习中教师先进行强调注意事项,学生开始书写教师进行巡视,及时进行纠正错误。(4)听录音,用手指着字母及单词,跟读Let’s say部分。(5)听Let’s sing部分,出示字母卡随着歌曲复习字母A--G。歌曲处理教师进行适当讲解与领唱让学生全部能掌握。让学生跟着录音一起学唱歌曲,学生在唱歌时打出相应的节拍并做出相应的动作。通过游戏,激发学生学习兴趣,使学生在相对宽松的情景下巩固复习所学内容。Step3:PracticeGame1:找朋友将X—Z的字母卡贴在黑板上,将大小写分贴两行,然后打乱顺序,让学生将大写字母与相应的小写字母连线。XYZZyxGame2:看一看,写一写将fox,box,yo-yo,zebra,zoo的图分别贴在黑板上,让学生看完图后在教师提供的作业纸上把缺少的单词字母写出来。并能够做到认读。Step4:Production1.出示学生学过的Aa-Zz的字母卡片。请学生说出每个单词的首字母,在认读单词。做到听、说、认读以及用正确的笔画和笔顺书写的能力。(引导学生观察字母的笔画和笔顺。)2.Let’s check.第一遍学生听音选择。第二遍进行听音核对答案。Step5:Progress1.做基础训练配套练习题。2.Homework书写本课所学字母。把歌曲《HideandSeek》唱给家长听。5.教学反思:本节课教师通过实物来进行字母的教学,让简单的字母教学融入具体事物中,最后通过歌曲的教授更加巩固了本堂课的知识要点。
来源:整理 时间:2023-10-27 00:04:34 编辑:早教培训 手机版Abc 英文歌曲的歌词是什么?你下载过这些吗英文 歌曲?字母表歌的歌词很简单,就是按顺序唱26 英文字母。另外,培训机构认为除了少儿英语启蒙班,听各种启蒙班-2歌曲也是必不可少的,你下载过这些吗-2歌曲?英语书里的歌英文 goodmorning怎么唱。1、歌词有whereareyouhowdoyoudo的 英文儿歌,节奏很明快,好像还有一...FingerFamilydaddyfinger,daddyfinger,whereareyou?我在这里,我在这里,妈妈,爸爸,你在哪里?我来了,我来了,弟弟,爸爸,我来了,我来了,你好。手指姐姐,手指爸爸,你在哪里?我在这里,我在这里,巴比芬格,爸爸芬格,你在哪里?你好。。2、幼儿园英语 歌曲《tenlittlefingers》教案幼儿园英语教案183套链接:提取代码:cdag据研究发现,人类感知发音和语感的神经中枢在910岁之间达到活跃高峰,因此孩子学习语言越早越好。指向天花板,指向地板(指天花板,指地板)Puttonyourhead。(Putitonyourhead)最后头改成鼻子嘴巴耳朵等身体部位,甚至改成椅子桌子之类的,呵呵,可以灵活使用。3、推荐几首适合儿童唱的简单易学的 英文歌谢谢!the musicroomtwinsinginthetwinswonderland vol . 3 everybody jumptwinsinginthetwinswonderland vol . 4 fly、Birdie、FlyTheNewEnglandChildren儿童的学校儿童的galong 3 twlittleeeyestwinssinginthetwinswonderland vol . 2 the stheway twinsinginthetwinsettewneswonderland vol 1 on ceisawa Little bird他们真实儿童的工作场所唐伦敦桥儿童歌曲小星星扩展信息儿歌的内容要贴近孩子的生活,通俗易懂。4、英语书上的 英文歌《goodmorning》怎么唱?英语启蒙慢儿歌:《早安》,小朋友家长早教学英语。这是一首很欢快的儿歌~可以先听原曲让情绪欢快起来,然后跟着试听,慢慢就学会了。加油,展开:歌曲《GoodMorningGoodMorning》由JohnLennon(署名LennonMcCartney)创作,收录在英国摇滚乐队披头士1967年的专辑《佩珀中士的SlonelyheartsClubband》中。5、幼儿英语启蒙教育,这些 英文 歌曲你下载了吗?幼儿英语教育,培训机构少儿英语认为应该培养孩子对英语学习的兴趣。注意几个方面:(1)教学方法重在培养学生的兴趣。合理利用课外学习时间,引导孩子学习英语,注重培养学生的兴趣。比如培训机构采用翻转课堂的形式,合理规划碎片化时间,启蒙阶段的英语学习方式丰富多彩。(2)母语发音。孩子在英语启蒙中学习口语发音和语言思维方式是最重要的。培训机构的外教都是来自英、美、加等英语国家的老师,持有专业的TESOL/TEFL证书。(3)娱乐性。在学习字母英文的时候,我们可以把字母英文想象成现实中他们感兴趣的东西。另外,培训机构认为除了少儿英语启蒙班,听各种启蒙班-2歌曲也是必不可少的。你下载过这些吗-2歌曲?1.旧麦克唐纳哈达农场.6、gund小象 英文歌是什么doyourearshanglow Disney doyourearshanglow?DoTheyWobbletoandFro?CanYouTieTheminaKnot?CanYouTieTheminaBow?canyuthrowthemourshoulder like a continental soldier?你的耳朵痛吗?7、金宝贝 早教, 英文歌(juelz Santana)wakeup the morninhwithonethigottagetitthenihopuptheshower,hadmybtchalreadyinitwhilesheridemodown,is rokeherbreastshoppeouttheshowershookingeti
tevenputmyclothesonyetchetygetfly(theygetfly),yanggasknowme!(LilWayneChorus)NowIgotmoneyonmoney,and butches onbutches bringmychoppertoeoffice,letithandleallmybidnessigotmoneyonymind,and I
thinkingalldaykeepabadbtchtofckme whenihadalongdaycuzmym .8、abc 英文歌儿歌的歌词是什么?这首歌来自莫札特的《小星星变奏曲》,歌词如下:ABCDEFG、海格曼、OPQ、RST、UVW、XYZ、XYZ、nowyousee、IcansaymyABC。改编自家喻户晓的童谣《一闪一闪一闪小星星》,正面当然和中文字母歌一样,背面是nowyousee,IcansaymyABC,意思是:现在你看,我可以说我的ABC了。字母表歌的歌词很简单,就是按顺序唱26 英文字母。这首歌一般是在幼儿园教给孩子的,甚至在孩子还在家里的时候,父母就已经开始教他们唱这首歌了;母音歌的旋律改编自家喻户晓的童谣《一闪一闪小星星》,来自莫扎特的《小星星变奏曲》,莫扎特的灵感来自当时流行的法国歌曲请听我说,妈妈(“啊!vousdiraije。最近更新
【儿歌】 日期:2023-10-26
【儿歌】 日期:2023-10-26
【儿歌】 日期:2023-10-26
【儿歌】 日期:2023-10-26
【儿歌】 日期:2023-10-26
【儿歌】 日期:2023-10-26
【儿歌】 日期:2023-10-26
【儿歌】 日期:2023-10-26

Part I Writing(30 minutes)
For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay titled “
Do violent video games lead to violence?
”. The statement given below is for your reference. You should write at least
words but no more than
A growing body of research finds that violent video games can make kids act aggressively in their real world relationships, causing an increase in violence.
Part II Listening Comprehension(25 minutes)
Section A
In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on
Answer Sheet 1
with a single line through the centre
Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.
1. A)See the Pope.
B)Go to Newcastle.
C)Travel to Germany.
D)Tour an Italian city.
2. A)He was taken to hospital in an ambulance.
B)His car hit a sign and was badly damaged.
C)His GPS system went out of order.
D)He ended up in the wrong place.
Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.
3. A)Scotland will reach the national target in carbon emissions reduction ahead of schedule.
B)Glasgow City Council has made a deal with ScottishPower on carbon emissions.
C)Glasgow has pledged to take the lead in reducing carbon emissions in the UK.
D)First Minister Nicola Sturgeon urged ScottishPower to reduce carbon emissions.
4. A)Glasgow needs to invest in new technologies to reach its goal.
B)Glasgow is going to explore new sources of renewable energy.
C)Stricter regulation is needed in transforming Glasgow's economy.
D)It's necessary to create more low-emission zones as soon as possible.
Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.
5. A)It donates money to overpopulated animal shelters.
B)It permits employees to bring cats into their office.
C)It gives 5,000 yen to employees who keep pet cats.
D)It allows workers to do whatever their hearts desire.
6. A)Keep cats off the street.
B)Rescue homeless cats.
C)Volunteer to help in animal shelters.
D)Contribute to a fund for cat protection.
7. A)It has contributed tremendously to the firm's fame.
B)It has helped a lot to improve animals' well-being.
C)It has led some other companies to follow suit.
D)It has resulted in damage to office equipment.
Section B
Directions:In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on
Answer Sheet 1
with a single line through the centre.
Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
8. A)Find out where Jimmy is.
B)Borrow money from Jimmy.
C)Make friends with Jimmy.
D)Ask Jimmy what is to be done.
9. A)He was unsure what kind of fellow Jimmy was.
B)He was working on a study project with Jimmy.
C)He wanted to make a sincere apology to Jimmy.
D)He wanted to invite her to join in a study project.
10. A)He got a ticket for speeding.
B)He got his car badly damaged.
C)He was involved in a traffic accident.
D)He had an operation for his injury.
11. A)He needed to make some donation to charity.
B)He found the 60 pounds in his pocket missing.
C)He wanted to buy a gift for his mother's birthday.
D)He wanted to conceal something from his parents.
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
12. A)Shopping delivery.
B)Shopping online.
C)Where he goes shopping.
D)How often he does shopping.
13. A)Searching in the aisles.
B)Dealing with the traffic.
C)Driving too long a distance.
D)Getting one's car parked.
14. A)The after-sales service.
B)The replacement policy.
C)The quality of food products.
D)The damage to the packaging.
15. A)It saves money.
B)It offers more choice.
C)It increases the joy of shopping.
D)It is less time-consuming.
Section C
In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on
Answer Sheet 1
with a single line through the centre.
Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.
16. A)They have little talent for learning math.
B)They need medical help for math anxiety.
C)They need extra help to catch up in the math class.
D)They have strong negative emotions towards math.
17. A)It will gradually pass away without teachers' help.
B)It affects low performing children only.
C)It is related to a child's low intelligence.
D)It exists mostly among children from poor families.
18. A)Most of them have average to strong math ability.
B)Most of them get timely help from their teachers.
C)They will regain confidence with counselling.
D)They are mostly secondary school students.
Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.
19. A)Social media addiction is a threat to our health.
B)Too many people are addicted to smartphones.
C)Addiction to computer games is a disease.
D)Computer games can be rather addictive.
20. A)They prioritize their favored activity over what they should do.
B)They do their favored activity whenever and wherever possible.
C)They are unaware of the damage their behavior is doing to them.
D)They are unable to get rid of their addiction without professional help.
21. A)It may be less damaging than previously believed.
B)There will never be agreement on its harm to people.
C)It may prove to be beneficial to developing creativity.
D)There is not enough evidence to classify it as a disease.
Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.
22. A)They are relatively uniform in color and design.
B)They appear more formal than other passports.
C)They are a shade of red bordering on brown.
D)They vary in color from country to country.
23. A)They must endure wear and tear.
B)They must be of the same size.
C)They must be made from a rare material.
D)They must follow some common standards.
24. A)They look more traditional.
B)They look more official.
C)They are favored by airlines.
D)They are easily identifiable.
25. A)For beauty.
B)For variety.
C)For visibility.
D)For security.
Part III Reading Comprehension(40 minutes)
Section A
In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on
Answer Sheet 2
with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.
Social isolation poses more health risks than obesity or smoking 15 cigarettes a day, according to research published by Brigham Young University. The
is that loneliness is a huge, if silent, risk factor.
Loneliness affects physical health in two ways. First, it produces stress hormones that can lead to many health problems. Second, people who live alone are less likely to go to the doctor
, to exercise or to eat a healthy diet.
Public health experts in many countries are
how to address widespread loneliness in our society. Last year Britain even appointed a minister for loneliness. “Loneliness
almost every one of us at some point,” its minister for loneliness Baroness Barran said. “It can lead to very serious health
for individuals who become isolated and disconnected.”
Barran started a “Let's Talk Loneliness” campaign that
difficult conversations across Britain. He is now supporting “
benches,” which are public seating areas where people are encouraged to go and chat with one another. The minister is also
to stop public transportation from being cut in ways that leave people isolated.
More than one-fifth of adults in both the United States and Britain said in a 2018
that they often or always feel lonely. More than half of American adults are unmarried, and researchers have found that even among those who are married, 30% of relationships are
strained. A quarter of Americans now live alone, and as the song says, one is the loneliest number.
Section B
In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on
Answer Sheet 2
The start of high school doesn't have to be stressful
A)This month, more than 4 million students across the nation will begin high school. Many will do well. But many will not. Consider that nearly two-thirds of students will experience the “ninth-grade shock,” which refers to a dramatic drop in a student's academic performance. Some students cope with this shock by avoiding challenges. For instance, they may drop difficult coursework. Others may experience a hopelessness that results in failing their core classes, such as English, science and math.
B)This should matter a great deal to parents, teachers and policymakers. Ultimately it should matter to the students themselves and society at large, because students' experience of
to the ninth grade can have long-term consequences not only for the students themselves but for their home communities. We make these observations as research psychologists who have studied how schools and families can help young people thrive.
C)In the new global economy, students who fail to finish the ninth grade with passing grades in college preparatory coursework are very unlikely to graduate on time and go on to get jobs. One study has calculated that the lifetime benefit to the local economy for a single additional student who completes high school is half a million dollars or more. This is based on higher earnings and avoided costs in health care, crime, welfare dependence and other things.
D)The consequences of doing poorly in the ninth grade can impact more than students' ability to find a good job. It can also impact the extent to which they enjoy life. Students lose many of the friends they turned to for support when they move from the eighth to the ninth grade. One study of ninth-grade students found that 50 percent of friendships among ninth graders changed from one month to the next, signaling striking instability in friendships.
E)In addition, studies find the first year of high school typically shows one of the greatest increases in depression of any year over the lifespan. Researchers think that one explanation is that ties to friends are broken while academic demands are rising. Furthermore, most adult cases of clinical depression first emerge in
. The World Health Organization reports that depression has the greatest burden of disease worldwide, in terms of the total cost of treatment and the loss of productivity.
F)Given all that's riding on having a successful ninth grade experience, it pays to explore what can be done to meet the academic, social and emotional challenges of the transition to high school. So far, our studies have yielded one main insight:Students' beliefs about change—their beliefs about whether people are stuck one way forever, or whether people can change their personalities and abilities—are related to their ability to cope, succeed academically and maintain good mental health. Past research has called these beliefs “
,” with a “fixed mindset” referring to the belief that people cannot change and a “growth mindset” referring to the belief that people can change.
G)In one recent study, we examined 360 adolescents' beliefs about the nature of “smartness”—that is, their fixed mindsets about intelligence. We then assessed biological stress responses for students whose grades were dropping by examining their stress
. Students who believed that intelligence is fixed—that you are stuck being “not smart” if you struggle in school—showed higher levels of stress hormones when their grades were declining at the beginning of the ninth grade. If students believed that intelligence could improve—that is to say, when they held more of a growth mindset of intelligence—they showed lower levels of stress hormones when their grades were declining. This was an exciting result because it showed that the body's stress responses are not determined solely by one's grades. Instead, declining grades only predicted worse stress hormones among students who believed that worsening grades were a permanent and hopeless state of affairs.
H)We also investigated the social side of the high school transition. In this study, instead of teaching students that their smartness can change, we taught them that their social standing—that is, whether they are bullied or excluded or left out—can change over time. We then looked at high school students' stress responses to daily social difficulties. That is, we taught them a growth mindset about their social lives. In this study, students came into the laboratory and were asked to give a public speech in front of upper-year students. The topic of the speech was what makes one popular in high school. Following this, students had to complete a difficult mental math task in front of the same upper-year students.
I)Experiment results showed that students who were not taught that people can change showed poor stress responses. When these students gave the speech, their blood vessels contracted and their hearts pumped less blood through the body—both responses that the body shows when it is preparing for damage or defeat after a physical threat. Then they gave worse speeches and made more mistakes in math. But when students were taught that people can change, they had better responses to stress, in part because they felt like they had the resources to deal with the demanding situation. Students who got the growth mindset
showed less-contracted blood vessels and their hearts pumped more blood—both of which contributed to more oxygen getting to the brain, and, ultimately, better performance on the speech and mental math tasks.
J)These findings lead to several possibilities that we are investigating further. First, we are working to
these findings in more diverse school communities. We want to know in which types of schools and for which kinds of students these growth mindset ideas help young people adapt to the challenges of high school. We also hope to learn how teachers, parents or school counselors can help students keep their ongoing academic or social difficulties in perspective. We wonder what would happen if schools helped to make beliefs about the potential for change and improvement a larger feature of the overall school culture, especially for students starting the ninth grade.
36. The number of people experiencing depression shows a sharp increase in the first year of high school.
37. According to one study, students' academic performance is not the only decisive factor of their stress responses.
38. Researchers would like to explore further how parents and schools can help ninth graders by changing their mindset.
39. According to one study, each high school graduate contributes at least 500,000 dollars to the local economy.
40. In one study, students were told their social position in school is not unchangeable.
41. It is reported that depression results in enormous economic losses worldwide.
42. One study showed that friendships among ninth graders were far from stable.
43. More than half of students will find their academic performance declining sharply when they enter the ninth grade.
44. Researchers found through experiments that students could be taught to respond to stress in a more positive way.
45. It is beneficial to explore ways to cope with the challenges facing students entering high school.
Section C
There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C)and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on
Answer Sheet 2
with a single line through the centre.
Passage One
Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.
Sugar shocked. That describes the reaction of many Americans this week following revelations that, 50 years ago, the sugar industry paid Harvard scientists for research that shifted the focus away from sugar's role in heart disease—and put the
squarely on dietary fat.
What might surprise consumers is just how many present-day nutrition studies are still funded by the food industry. Nutrition scholar Marion Nestle of New York University spent a year informally tracking industry-funded studies on food. “Roughly 90% of nearly 170 studies favored the sponsor's interest,” Nestle tells us. Other systematic reviews support her conclusions.
For instance, studies funded by Welch Foods—the brand behind Welch's 100% Grape Juice—found that drinking Concord grape juice daily may boost brain function. Another, funded by Quaker Oats, concluded, as a Daily Mail story put it, that “
hot oatmeal
breakfast keeps you full for longer.”
Last year,
The New York Times
revealed how Coca-Cola was funding well-known scientists and organizations promoting a message that, in the battle against weight gain, people should pay more attention to exercise and less to what they eat and drink. Coca-Cola also released data detailing its funding of several medical institutions and associations between 2010 and 2015.
“It's certainly a problem that so much research in nutrition and health is funded by industry,” says Bonnie Liebman, director of nutrition at the Center for Science in the Public Interest. “When the food industry pays for research, it often gets what it pays for.” And what it pays for is often a pro-industry finding.
Given this environment, consumers should be
when reading the latest finding in nutrition science and ignore the latest study that pops up on your news feed. “Rely on health experts who've reviewed all the evidence,” Liebman says, pointing to the official government Dietary Guidelines, which are based on reviews of hundreds of studies.
“And that expert advice remains pretty simple,” says Nestle. “We know what healthy diets are—lots of vegetables, not too much junk food, balanced calories. Everything else is really difficult to do experimentally.”
46. What did Harvard scientists do 50 years ago?
A)They raised public awareness of the possible causes of heart disease.
B)They turned public attention away from the health risks of sugar to fat.
C)They placed the sugar industry in the spotlight with their new findings.
D)They conducted large-scale research on the role of sugar in people's health.
47. What does Marion Nestle say about present-day nutrition studies?
A)They took her a full year to track and analyze.
B)Most of them are based on systematic reviews.
C)They depend on funding from the food industries.
D)Nearly all of them serve the purpose of the funders.
48. What did Coca-Cola-funded studies claim?
A)Exercise is more important to good health than diet.
B)Choosing what to eat and drink is key to weight control.
C)Drinking Coca-Cola does not contribute to weight gain.
D)The food industry plays a major role in fighting obesity.
49. What does Liebman say about industry-funded research?
A)It simply focuses on nutrition and health.
B)It causes confusion among consumers.
C)It rarely results in objective findings.
D)It runs counter to the public interest.
50. What is the author's advice to consumers?
A)Follow their intuition in deciding what to eat.
B)Be doubtful of diet experts' recommendations.
C)Ignore irrelevant information on their news feed.
D)Think twice about new nutrition research findings.
Passage Two
Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.
Success was once defined as being able to stay at a company for a long time and move up the corporate ladder. The goal was to reach the top, accumulate wealth and retire to a life of ease. My father is a successful senior executive. In 35 years, he worked for only three companies.
When I started my career, things were already different. If you weren't changing companies every three or four years, you simply weren't getting ahead in your career. But back then, if you were a consultant or
, people would wonder what was wrong with you. They would assume you had problems getting a job.
Today, consulting or freelancing for five businesses at the same time is a badge of honor. It shows how valuable an individual is. Many companies now look to these “ultimate professionals” to solve problems their full-time teams can't. Or they save money by hiring “
experts” only for particular projects.
Working at home or in cafes, starting businesses of their own, and even launching business ventures that eventually may fail, all indicate “initiative,”“creativity,” and “adaptability,” which are desirable qualities in today's workplace. Most important, there is a growing recognition that people who balance work and play, and who work at what they are passionate about, are more focused and productive, delivering greater value to their clients.
Who are these people? They are artists, writers, programmers, providers of office services and career advice. What's needed now is a marketplace platform specifically designed to bring freelancers and clients together. Such platforms then become a place to feature the most experienced, professional, and creative talent. This is where they conduct business, where a sense of community reinforces the culture and values of the
gig economy
, and where success is rewarded with good reviews that encourage more business.
Slowly but surely, these platforms create a bridge between traditional enterprises and this emerging economy. Perhaps more important, as the global economy continues to be disrupted by technology and other massive change, the gig economy will itself become an engine of economic and social transformation.
51. What does the author use the example of his father to illustrate?
A)How long people took to reach the top of their career.
B)How people accumulated wealth in his father's time.
C)How people viewed success in his father's time.
D)How long people usually stayed in a company.
52. Why did people often change jobs when the author started his career?
A)It was considered a fashion at that time.
B)It was a way to advance in their career.
C)It was a response to the changing job market.
D)It was difficult to keep a job for long.
53. What does the author say about people now working for several businesses at the same time?
A)They are often regarded as most treasured talents.
B)They are able to bring their potential into fuller play.
C)They have control over their life and work schedules.
D)They feel proud of being outstanding problem solvers.
54. What have businesses come to recognize now?
A)Who is capable of solving problems with ease.
B)How people can be more focused and productive.
C)What kind of people can contribute more to them.
D)Why some people are more passionate about work.
55. What does the author say about the gig economy?
A)It may force companies to reform their business practice.
B)It may soon replace the traditional economic model.
C)It will drive technological progress on a global scale.
D)It will bring about radical economic and social changes.
Part IV Translation(30 minutes)
For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on
Answer Sheet 2



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