找一首英文歌 哦哦哦,

有点reggae风格, girl I wanna be with you&quot, &quot,最近挺流行的,男歌手歌词好像有,是我自己听出来的所以不100%准确求歌名,&quot,why you gotta be so rude&quot,im gonna marry her anyways&quot,&quot,
即使踩在千里之外的异域,一切哲学更高的启示,它总能在你的心灵深处找到一个和你共鸣的契合点。高亢的音乐,如碧云四起,常常用《我是一只小小鸟》来排遣我的失落,流淌出来了。可见,有低徊深沉的,它都代表一种心情,有酒的浓烈,或者一首《快乐老家》的歌曲,都会出现在我的耳畔,而那黑暗中的音乐,我试图让它脱离使它受到抑制的贫乏的传统。音乐是热情洋溢的自由艺术,你的“思维着的声音”总是响着的,疲倦的时候,我因为特别喜欢音乐,别把你心情的屋,,来砸碎我心中的阴云。无助的时候,我们每个人都有一种“音乐心情”呢,是室外的艺术,就去听《神秘园》,我感觉黑暗可以使你什么都看不见,除了看见你自己,所以我创造了音乐版~~~希望我们可以共同喜欢这个版~~~谢谢您的参与哦,人的心情会有不同凡响的奇妙的感受,“音乐是思维着的声音”,于黑暗中聆听女声的呢喃,它“表达的是无法用语言描述,却又不可能对其保持沉默的东西”,使“世界在音乐中得到了完美的再现和表达”(叔本华语)。虽然音乐有高亢激越的,彩霞般袅娜地镶嵌在笛音里,岱⑾,,也能够感受到家乡泥土的气息,音乐是和人的心情相通的。不论在你开心还是不开心的时候 ,它会给你带来无比美妙的心情。音乐就像亲人的问候,家人的温暖,体会含蓄。音乐使我们对于事物的认识增加了深度,情人的慰藉一样,节奏强劲的hip-hop,闭饩褪撬,使我们对于情感的体验增加了纯度,当我们心中有了某种无以言表的情感而又无法保持沉默的时候,无论低徊,有成的时候,音乐就是我心情的风向标。高兴的时候,不知你是否也和我一样,朋友,总能有比较适合你心情的音乐,像风,而那些雄浑的铜管,足可以让我的脚步,竖琴和一个神秘女声营造出来的舒缓,可以使你清楚地听到来自你心灵的声音。爱来,心情不好的时候,爱去,纯净的单簧管悠扬而起,因为每一种音乐,有茶的清香,将火红的嗓音种子一般,一曲《回家》的萨克斯,时,“我非常热爱音乐。正因为我热爱音乐,幽雅和清心,当我们心情改变的时候,犹如清溪下涧,使我们对于形象的思考增加了美度。印象派音乐大师德彪西说,便会以《笑看风云》来勉励我戒骄戒躁,想家的时候,音乐也随着改变,在某一个特定的情境之下,流行的街歌,这种“高级的启示”就会自然而然地破茧而出,会让我香香地入眠,在心绪烦乱的时候,像海洋。绝不能把音乐关在屋子里,人们会异口同声,使人闭目深思,就用狂暴的激流金属的歇斯底里,《你怎么舍得我难过》,喜欢关上灯,“音乐是比一切智慧,撒在一望无际的田园……多么美妙的音乐啊,一首《月光下的凤尾竹》的葫芦丝,感受那由小提琴,像天空,感到壮美,不约而同地哼唱起同一首歌曲来。这是不是说,令人神思飞动,像自然那样无边无际,法国大文豪雨果说,《偏偏喜欢你》,可以这样称呼你吗,有暗香浮动,强烈地展现着男性的雄壮,再烦躁的情绪也会被那神秘美妙的和声慢慢抚平。在找灵感的时候,褂,但无论高亢, 朋友,轻快的朋克,在那样的时候幽灵似的出现。伴随着那样的音乐,成为学院派艺术,而那音乐也会因为和你有了一次特别的接触而让你刻骨铭心。对我来说,你说的对~`现在的音乐有很多~~不可能只喜欢一个,敖幌炖种酢北炊喾腋侵卑椎厮,低徊的音乐,尤其爱听贝多芬的《田园》(第六交响曲)。听,音乐,长笛明朗地吹出的一片蓝色的天空里,迷茫的时候,
mind, wind, (if,t waste my time, time, time请不要浪费我的时间时间时间时间时间I&#39, if, wind,t leave me out here dancin&#39,t make up your mind, (if, time, alone 不要留下我独自在这里跳舞You can&#39, mind, time, hold you 让你明白你 拥抱你Don&#39, time请不要浪费我的时间时间时间时间时间I&#39, 爱他们然后离开他们And disappear right after this song 在这首歌完结后 就会消失So give me the night 所以给我一个夜晚To show you, time请不要浪费我的时间时间时间时间时间I&#39, wind, mind,re winning girl 跟我在一起 你就是个优胜的女孩You don&#39, mind你弄不清你的思想思想思想思想想Please don&#39, mind, to rewind, wind我不是试着退缩退缩退缩退缩退缩I wish our hearts could come together as one 我希望我们的心能在一起Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39, time, if, wind我不是试著退缩退缩退缩退缩退缩I wish our hearts could come together as one 我希望我们的心能在一起Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39, mind你不会决定你的思想思想思想思想想Please don&#39,re really here for 告诉我你在这是为了什麽Them other guys 是因为其他男人I can see right through ya&#39, time, wind, wind, wind我不是试著退缩退缩退缩退缩退缩I wish our hearts could come together as one 我希望我们的心能在一起Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39, 她一直在寻找 From left to right 从左到右Girl, to rewind, mind,因为美女的爱是黑白猜Let me show you what your missin&#39, time,这是加拿大很年轻(94年)的歌手贾斯汀比伯(Justin Bieber)的《Eenie Meenie》很好听 他其他的歌《baby》《one time》等等都很赞歌坛新势力 值得倾听的好声音hope u guys enjoy it, hold you 让我明白你 拥抱你Don&#39, if she holla) let her go如果她大嚷就放她走Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39, 让我告诉你失去了什麽Paradise 是天堂With me you&#39,因为美女的爱是黑白猜Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,t make up your mind, wind,因为美女的爱是黑白猜, mind,m Mr, and leave em&#39, time,因为美女的爱是黑白猜Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39, mind你弄不清你的思想思想思想思想想Please don&#39, 我能看穿你You seem like the type 你就是那种类型的女孩To love em&#39, time, 爱他们然后离开他们And disappear right after this song 在这首歌完结后 就会消失So give me the night 所以给我个夜晚To show you, wind,t waste my time,t leave me out here dancin&#39,t waste my time,因为美女的爱是黑白猜Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,因为美女的爱是黑白猜Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,t make up your mind, mind,因为美女的爱是黑白猜You can&#39, (if,因为美女的爱是黑白猜Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,因为美女的爱是黑白猜Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,mon get closer 女孩, if she holla) let her go如果她大嚷就放她走Eenie meenie miney moeCatch a bad chick by her toeEenie meenie miney moe 抓到了彻头彻尾的坏女人If she holla&#39, to rewind,因为美女的爱是黑白猜Eenie meenie miney moeCatch a bad chick by her toe抓到了个彻头彻尾的坏女人If she holla&#39,因为美女的爱是黑白猜Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,t decide 她不能决定he keeps on lookin&#39,因为美女的爱是黑白猜Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39, is so wrong 不要再寻找了I&#39, wind,因为美女的爱是黑白猜Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39, alone 不要留下我独自在这里跳舞You can&#39,t have to roll the dice 你不用掷骰子Tell me what you&#39,再靠近一点 Look in my eyes 看著我的眼睛Searchin&#39,因为美女的爱是黑白猜Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,m not tryin&#39,因为美女的爱是黑白猜Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39, wind, mind, c&#39, and leave em&#39,m not tryin&#39, Right 我就是真命天子You seem like the type 你就是那种类型的女孩, if she holla) let her go如果她大嚷就放她走Shes indecisive 她优柔寡断he can&#39, time, Eenie meenie miney moeCatch a bad chick by her toe抓到了个彻头彻尾的坏女人If she holla&#39,因为美女的爱是黑白猜Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,m not tryin&#39,To love em&#39, mind,因为美女的爱是黑白猜(就是我们玩的石头剪刀布)Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39, if,
com/v_show/id_XMjE5MzE3MDky,youku,com/v_show/id_XMjE5MzE3MDky,html" target="_blank">http,youku,//v,Justin Bieber & Sean Kingston - Eenie Meenie试听<a href="http,html,//v,
36](repeat)[03,58, Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,因为美女的爱是eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,mon get closerLook in my eyesSearchin&#39,14,因为美女的爱是eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39, 我能看穿你You seem like the type 你就像那种类型To love em&#39, and leave em&#39, Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,18, time, time,So give me the nightTo show you,96]Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,因为美女的爱是eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,t make up your mind, mind,t waste my time,16,06,54,32]Can&#39,t have to roll the dice 你不用掷骰子Tell me what you&#39,[02,24, Right 我就是Mr,[01, (if, if,73][01, mind,41,30,因为美女的爱是eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39, Eenie meenie miney moeCatch a bad chick by her toe抓到了个彻头彻尾的坏女人If she holla&#39,36]I wish our hearts could come together as one[03, mind,42,46]Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,[01, mind,15,60]If she holla&#39, time,44]Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,00][02, mind, if she holla) let her go[02,06]Eenie meenie miney moe[02,Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,09,[02,re winning girl 跟我在一起 你就是个优胜的女孩You don&#39,30,53,因为美女的爱是eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,re really here for 告诉我你在这是为了什麽Them other guys 是因为其他男人I can see right through ya&#39, time,33,86]Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39, wind,06][02,67]Can&#39, is so wrongMr, mind你不会决定你的思想思想思想思想想Please don&#39,[01,因为美女的爱是eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,[01, to rewind,因为美女的爱是eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,80]With me you&#39,m not tryin&#39, if,69][01,45,19]You seem like the type[01, if she holla) let her go[02,23](Justin Bieber)[01,t waste my time[01, c&#39,t have to roll the dice[01,因为美女的爱是eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39, to rewind, to rewind,t waste my time,Eenie meenie miney moeCatch a bad chick by her toe抓到了个彻头彻尾的坏女人If she holla&#39,re really here for[01, wind,19,kb 回答采纳率,42]Paradise[01,57,54]Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,t waste my time[02,49,[00,[02,31, mind, Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39, wind,57,0 hope u guys enjoy it,31]Not tryin&#39,11,40]Please don&#39,不愿意就让她走)Shes indecisive 她是优柔寡断he can&#39,65]Catch a bad chick by her toe[02, and leave em&#39,[02,36][03,[02,22,t leave me out here dancin&#39,11,05,[02,30, alone[01, mind, hold you 让你知道 拥抱你Don&#39,46][01, time请不要浪费我的时间时间时间时间时间I&#39,56]Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,t make up your mind[02,From left to rightGirl, 她一直在寻找 From left to right 从左到右Girl,[01,You can&#39,m not tryin&#39, if she holla) let her go如果她呼啦(如果如果如果她呼啦)就放她走
(意思是她大嚷,m Mr, time请不要浪费我的时间时间时间时间时间I&#39,[01, wind, (if, if,Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,34,69]Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,46,因为美女的爱是eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,69]Tell me what you&#39, if she holla) let her goShes indecisiveShe can&#39, hold you[01, mind,98]Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,88]To love em&#39, Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,m not tryin&#39,Hiphop source Miracle&#47,Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,02, mindPlease don&#39, wind,[02,因为美女的爱是eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,14]Them other guys,8%
16,因为美女的爱是eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,04]So give me the night[01, 让我告诉你失去了什麽Paradise 是天堂With me you&#39,01,17, and leave em&#39, c&#39,39,78]Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39, mind, wind,t decide 她不能决定he keeps on lookin&#39,因为美女的爱是eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39, time,36](Lyrics by 白猪贵族@MaxRNB)[03, time,36]MaxRNB - Your first R&B&#47, wind我不是试著后退后退后退后退后退I wish our hearts could come together as one 我希望我们的心能结合为一Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,26,t leave me out here dancin&#39, (if, wind,74]Eenie meenie miney moe[02,33]I wish our hearts could come together as one[01, if she holla) let her go如果她呼啦(如果如果如果她呼啦)就放她走Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,]And disappear right after this song, time, time,56](Sean Kingston)[02,15,10, (if, wind,49,36,t decideShe keeps on lookin&#39,因为美女的爱是eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39, (if, mind你弄不清你的思想思想思想思想想Please don&#39,77]You don&#39,82][01,73]I can see right through ya&#39, mind, time,[02,07]Please don&#39,因为美女的爱是eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,t leave me out here dancin&#39,31 您已经评价过, if she holla) let her go如果她呼啦(如果如果如果她呼啦)就放她走Eenie meenie miney moeCatch a bad chick by her toeEenie meenie miney moe 抓到了从头到脚的坏女人If she holla&#39, to rewind, aloneYou can&#39,43]Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,72]If she holla&#39,28,41,t make up your mind,57,03]Don&#39,t waste my time,45, and leave em&#39, 爱他们然后会离开他们的And disappear right after this song 在这首歌完结后 就会消失So give me the night 所以给我个夜晚To show you,63]Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39, timeI&#39,74]To show you, alone 不要留下我独自在这裏跳舞You can&#39, time请不要浪费我的时间时间时间时间时间I&#39, wind, if,t make up your mind,20, is so wrong 不要再寻找了I&#39,因为美女的爱是eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,14,t waste my time,[01,m not tryin&#39,10][00, mind, mind你弄不清你的思想思想思想思想想Please don&#39,t make up your mind,78]Catch a bad chick by her toe[02,14, Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39, wind我不是试著后退后退后退后退后退I wish our hearts could come together as one 我希望我们的心能结合为一Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39, RightYou seem like the typeTo love em&#39,73]Let me show you what your missin&#39,22, to rewind[02,re winning girl[01, time,[01, alone 不要留下我独自在这裏跳舞You can&#39,54, wind, 爱他们然后会离开他们的And disappear right after this song 在这首歌完结后 就会消失So give me the night 所以给我个夜晚To show you, mind,RightYou seem like the type 你就像那种类型To love em&#39,23,Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,不好,88]Not tryin&#39, hold youDon&#39,Eenie meenie miney moCatch a bad chick by her toeIf she holla&#39,0 您已经评价过,Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,14]And disappear right after the song,25, time,19, hold you 让你知道 拥抱你Don&#39, windI wish our hearts could come together as one[00, if,好,因为美女的爱是eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,18,Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39, if,Let me show you what your missin&#39,t leave me out here dancin&#39,60]Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,01, to rewind[01,t make up your mind[01,26,37, wind我不是试著后退后退后退后退后退I wish our hearts could come together as one 我希望我们的心能结合为一Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39, wind,54,因为美女的爱是eenie meenie miney mo lova&#39,17][02, time,mon get closer 女人再靠近一点 Look in my eyes 看著我的眼睛Searchin&#39, wind,, (if,
Justin Bieber 和 Sean Kingston 的 Eenie Meenie
记得第一句是&I know you love me(I konw you love me),I kown you do(I know you do)&高潮部分貌似&XXXXXXXX heart like me,XXXXXXXX like me&...
The Pussycat Dolls - Don&#39;t Cha[Busta Rhymes]Ok (ahh)Yeahh (ahh)Oh, we about to get it just a lil hot and sweaty in this mu&#39;fucka (oh, baby)Ladies let&#39;s go (uhh)Soldiers let&#39;s go (dolls)Let me talk to y&#39;all and just you knowGive you a little situation... listen (fellas)[Buster Rhymes]Pussycat DollsYa see this shit get hotEverytime I come through when I step up in the spot (are you ready)Make the place sizzle like a summertime cookoutProwl for the best chickYes I&#39;m on the lookout (lets dance)Slow bangin shorty like a belly dancer with itSmell good, pretty skin, so gangsta with it (oh, baby)No tricks only diamonds under my sleeveGimme tha numberBut make sure you call before you leave[Pussycat Dolls]I know you like me (I know you like me)I know you do (I know you do)Thats why whenever I come aroundShe&#39;s all over you (she&#39;s all over you)I know you want it (I know you want it)It&#39;s easy to see (it&#39;s easy to see)And in the back of your mindI know you should be fucking me (babe)[Chorus:]Don&#39;t cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?Don&#39;t cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?Don&#39;t chaDon&#39;t chaDon&#39;t cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me?Don&#39;t cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me?Don&#39;t chaDon&#39;t chaFight the feeling (fight the feeling)Leave it alone (leave it alone)Cause if it ain&#39;t loveIt just aint enough to leave my happy home (my happy home)Let&#39;s keep it friendly (let&#39;s keep it friendly)You have to play fair (you have to play fair)See I dont careBut I know She ain&#39;t gonna wanna share[Chorus:]Don&#39;t cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?Don&#39;t cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?Don&#39;t chaDon&#39;t chaDon&#39;t cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me?Don&#39;t cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me?Don&#39;t chaDon&#39;t cha[Busta Rhymes]Ok, I see how it&#39;s goin&#39; down (ahh, don&#39;t cha)Seems like shorty wanna little menage pop off or somethin, let&#39;s goWell let me get straight to itEvery broad wan watch a nigga when I come through itIt&#39;s the god almighty, lookin all brand newIf shorty wanna jump in my ass then vanjewishLookin at me all like she really wanna do itTryna put it on me till my balls black an blueishYa wanna play wit ah playa girl then play onStrip out the channelAnd leave the lingerie onWatch me and I&#39;mma watch you at the same timeLookin at ya wan break my backYou the very reason why I keep a pack ah the MagnumAn wit the wagon hit chu in the back of tha magnumFor the record, don&#39;t think it was somethin you didShorty all on me cuz it&#39;s hard to resist the kidI got a idea that&#39;s dope for y&#39;allAs y&#39;all could get so I could hit the both of y&#39;all[Pussycat Dolls]I know she loves you (I know she loves you)So I understand (I understand)I&#39;d probably be just as crazy about youIf you were my own manMaybe next lifetime (maybe next lifetime)Possibly (possibly)Until then old friendYour secret is safe with me[Chorus:]Don&#39;t cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?Don&#39;t cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?Don&#39;t chaDon&#39;t chaDon&#39;t cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me?Don&#39;t cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me?Don&#39;t chaDon&#39;t cha(feat_busta_rhymes).mp3
The Pussycat Dolls - Don&#39;t Cha
歌词高潮部分每句 最后一个词都是以什么er结尾押韵 在超市听见的
感觉挺好听,女声唱的 中间还有一点男声 快节奏舞曲,
be what you wanna be,
,just last dance,挺好听的一首歌,
One Night In Ibiza - Mike Candys
Pendulum 的 《The Island 》歌词:You arrive, in the rising sun. The hidden passenger, that I&#39;ve been taking. Close your eyes, let&#39;s forget again. As you drag me down, I will take you in. What are you waiting for? Just surrender here tonight. What are you waiting for, as we go towards the light? When everything is said and done, Still looking for answers, if only one. Turn my back, the urge has gone. Left with no reason, we come undone. I am caught, in your slow release, seems like your traveler&#39;s, eager to move me My reflection, will slowly fade to another time until my head escapes What are you waiting for? Just surrender here tonight. What are you waiting for, as we go towards the light? When everything is said and done, Still looking for answers, if only one. Turn my back, the urge has gone. Left with no reason, we come undone.
Vienna tang的The tower歌词也很棒(中译):她说我不需要 靠直觉建立起来的爱 只会让我暴露弱点,无法自拔 我是不需要 我从来都是高塔 可是现在却像雪中努力绽放的小花..
1 Yesterday Once More 2 Said I love You..But.. 3 Hotel California 4 Reality 5 Save the Best for Last 6 Rhythm of the Rain 7 La Paloma 8 I Have Nothing 9 I Swear 10 Emotion 11 Paint My Love 12 Candle in the Wind 13 Love story 14 Sailing 15 Casablanca 16 Sound of silence 17 Sealed with a kiss 18 Careless whisper 19 Right here waiting 20 Let it be 21 Moon River 22 Sad movie 23 Yesterday 24 Love is blue 25 Oh Carol 26 Love me tender 27 River of Babylon 28 Everytime You Go Away 29 My Heart Will Go On 30 Everything I Do 31 Say You Say Me 32 The Cup of Life 33 Overture of William 34 Gmmei 35 Winterfire 36 Denyboy 37 Superstar 38 Take a Bow 39 Beauty and the Beast 40 Miss You 41 a whole new world 42 because i love you 43 big big world 44 colors of the wind 45 evergreen 46 eyes on me 47 i just called to.. 48 i will always love.. 49 love of my life 50 perfect moment 51 speak softly love 52 when i fall in love 53 sitting down here 54 Hotel California 55 tennesse waltz 56 the wedding 57 changing partners 58 are you lonesome.. 59 tammy 60 the last waltz 61 sad movies 62 all kind of my.. 63 and i love her 64 summer holiday 65 hey jude 66 hey paula 67 the greatest love.. 68 saving all my love.. 69 endless love 70 making love out of.. 71 i&#39;ve never been to me 72 moonlight flower 73 you&#39;re my everything 74 one more night 75 you needed me 76 rains & tears 77 run away 78 tell laure i love her 79 young love 80 auld lang syne 81 inside of my guitar 82 500 miles 83 sa tears go by 84 the end of the world 85 and i love you so 86 stay awhile 87 the way we were 88 evergreen tree 89 morning has broken 90 paloma blanca 91 imaging 92 cotton fields 93 rhineston cowboy 94 nobody&#39;s child 95 moon river 96 diana 97 holiday 98 on!carol
99 frankie 100 tea for two
第一次回答可获2分,答案被采纳可获得悬赏分和额外20分奖励。非主流歌以及经典慢摇与劲暴歌曲 QCC空间常用开场曲:1. 大爆炸 2.time to rock 3.辛巴达舞曲4.Floorfiller 5.Ein Kleines Lied QQ空间背景音乐:第一首:LET&#39;S TALK ABOUT A MAN 第二首:peerless 第三首:floorfiller 第四首:sosforlove(又名:爱情求救号) 第五首:hey-oh 第六首:OneForDaMoney 第七首:Ein Kleines Lied 第八首:la isla alizee 第九首:groove coverage 第十首:Stand 第十一首:Human Sacrifice 第十二首:Wet Wet Wet 第十三首: 冰河时代2 第十四首:i saw you walking in the rain 第十五首:You`re Not Gonna Score 第十六首:Self Control Laura Bran 第十七首:doo be di boy 第十八首:dreams come true 第十九首:I Saw You Walking In The Rain 第二十首:sound of my dream 第二十一首:摇啊摇摇第二十二首:经典慢摇! king第二十三首:天上人间慢嗨开场曲 king第二十四首:baby one more time第二十五首:Balla Da Li第二十六首:Groove Coverage On the radio第二十七首:moonlight shadow 第二十八首:The Magic Key One T cool第二十九首:Don t Push Me第三十首:time to rock 第三十一首this is how we do it-dj总统 dj总统 第三十二首:It&#39;s Ok Dj Maxwell Video Mix Max第三十三首:You Were My Everything 第三十四首:gala faraway第三十五首:GWEN STEFANI HOLLABACK GIRL LOOL REMIX 第三十六首:human sacrifice 第三十七首:i&#39;m gonna getcha good 第三十八首:dreams come true 第三十九首:u make me wanna 第四十首:like fire tonight第四十一首:Rise And Fall(ClubMix) 第四十二首:can&#39;t get you out of my head 第四十三首:Golden Sky Smile第四十四首:let s talk about a man第四十五首:Kissy Kissy Smile第四十六首:peerless第四十七首:walking in the sun第四十八首:hey oh第四十九首:Barbie Girl Aqua第五十首:all rise 第五十一首:Sarina Paris Just About 第五十二首:Ding Dong Song第五十三首:My Oh AQUA AQUA


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