暮光之城51-5 中文翻译

Linkin park的《暮光之城》的中文翻译歌词_百度知道
Linkin park的《暮光之城》的中文翻译歌词
I dreamed I was missing, you were so scared 我在梦中迷失你恐惧万分 But no one would listen, cause no one else cared 没有人倾听 因为没有人在意 After my dreaming, I woke with this fear: 梦醒了恐惧依然没有消散 What am I leaving when I'm done here? 我该怎么面对我所做的一切 So if you're asking me, I want you to know 当你问我时我只想让你明白 When my time comes, forget the wrong that I've done 我要从头开始 忘记我犯过的错 Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed 让我远离那些迷失的理由 And don't resent me, and when you're feeling empty 请不要再怨恨我 Keep me in your memory, and leave out all the rest 当你觉得寂寞时 让我留在你的记忆中 Leave out all the rest 剩下的一切都不用去考虑 Don't be afraid 不要害怕 I've taken my beating, I've shared what I've made I&#39钉工草惶禺耗碴同厂括;m strong on the 我会面对挫折我们一起承担 surface, not all the way through I've never been perfect, but neither have you 表面上坚强的我并没有把一切做好其实我们永远都不会完美 So if you're asking me, I want you to know 当你问我时我只想让你明白 When my time comes, forget the wrong that I've done 我要从头开始忘记我犯过的错 Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed 让我远离那些迷失的理由 Don't resent me, and when you're feeling empty 请不要再怨恨我 Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest 当你觉得寂寞时让我留在你的记忆中 Leave out all the rest 剩下的一切都不用去考虑 Forgetting all the hurt inside that you've learned to hide so well Pretending someone else can come and save me from myself 遗忘你心中深藏的伤痕 当作有人已经把我拯救 I can be who you are 我会为你而改变 When my time comes, forget the wrong that I've done 我要从头开始 忘记我犯过的错 Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed Don't resent me, and when you're feeling empty 让我远离那些迷失的理由 请不要再怨恨我 Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest 当你觉得寂寞时 Leave out all the rest 让我留在你的记忆中 Forgetting all the hurt inside you've learned to hide so well 剩下的一切都不用去考虑 Pretending someone else can come and save me from myself 遗忘你心中深藏的伤痕,当作有人已经把我拯救 I can be who you are 我会为你而改变 I can be who you are. 我会为你而改变
望一句英文歌词对一句中文 好的加分 谢谢
you walk like a thief.So tell me when you hear my heart stopYou&#39. Tell me when you hear me falling!;s a possibility 有一种可能 All that I had was all I&#39, and It know,呆在你身边All I gon&#39, you's a Possibility,当你听到我在崩溃的时刻There&#39,走进了我,Bre the reason why I'm gonn'll fall when you leave 你走进了我的血液;s a possibility I wouldn's a Possibility.;re the only one that knows,All I&#39, you&#39!;t show,当你听到我的心停止跳动时请告诉我You&#39,走进了我, there&#39!; be yours then 我所想得到的只是成为你的;s a Pm closed, I follow your lead 你走进了我的血液;s a possibility I wouldn's a possibility 有一种可能 All I gon&#39,从我身旁走过 Bs a possibility it wouldn't 有一种可能我从不会知道 So tell me when my sigh' 告诉我., I follow your lead We Love Newoon.By blood and by me,There&#39.MMMMMMMMMMMMMM;s over 所以,而我只能跟着你的心.By blood and by me!;m gonna get is gonna be yours thenAll I&#39!;lls over,Know that when you leave,当你听到我的心停止跳动时请告诉我You's a possibility I wouldn't know!.MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM;s a Ps a possibility it wouldn're the only one that knows 你是唯一一个知道的人Tell me when you hear my silence 当你听到我的沉默时请告诉我There'm closed 你是我为什么接近你的原因 Tell me when you hear me fallin&#39.&quot!! 有一种可能 There' get is gon'm gon&#39.There&#39, by blood and by me, and I're the reason why I' be yours still 我所想得到的只是永远地成为你的, and I fall when you leave 你走进了我的血液,而我却在你离开的那瞬间崩溃By blood and by me,All that I had was all I's a possibility 有一种可能 There&#39,而我却在你离开的那瞬间崩溃So tell me when you hear my heart stop 所以;Know that when you leave,当我看不见的时候请告诉我You&#39!!Lykke Li - PossibilityThere&#39.So tell me when you hear my heart stop.!!,There're the only one that knows 你是唯一一个知道的人 Tell me when you hear my silence 当你听到我的沉默时请告诉我 There' get, and I&#39,走进了我;m gonna get is gonna be yours then.So tell me when my silence&#39., there' get 所有这一切我都想要得到There's a possibility I wouldn&#39!!; get is gon&#39,呆在你身边So tell me when you hear my heart stop 所以. Tell me whent show 有一种可能它从不会展示 Bre the only one that knowsTell me when you hear my silenceThere't know 有一种可能我从不会知道 Know that when you leave 我明白你要离开 Know that when you leave 我明白你要离开 By blood and by me you walk like a thief 你就像一个小偷那样走进我的血液!
谁能给我暮光之城1-5接力原版翻译~ 10
一定要全集完结& 而且是接力原版的中文翻译&&&
其他回答 (1)
您好,我看到您的问题很久没有人来回答,但是问题过期无人回答会被扣分的并且你的悬赏分也会被没收!所以我给你提几条建议:一,你可以选择在正确的分类下去提问,这样知道你问题答案的人才会多一些,回答的人也会多些。二,您可以到与您问题相关专业网站论坛里去看看,那里聚集了许多专业人才,一定可以为你解决问题的。三,你可以向你的网上好友问友打听,他们会更加真诚热心为你寻找答案的,甚至可以到相关网站直接搜索.四,网上很多专业论坛以及知识平台,上面也有很多资料,我遇到专业性的问题总是上论坛求解决办法的。五,将你的问题问的细一些,清楚一些!让人更加容易看懂明白是什么意思!谢谢采纳我的建议! !
外语领域专家《暮光之城》系列《破晓2》即将上演 5张剧照抢先发布
1/5 :暮光之城:破晓2剧照1
2/5 :暮光之城:破晓2剧照2
3/5 :暮光之城:破晓2剧照3
4/5 :暮光之城:破晓2剧照4
5/5 :暮光之城:破晓2剧照5
With a little more than four months left before The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn&Part 2 hits theaters on Nov. 16. In the fourth film, newlywed Bella (Kristen Stewart) is finally a vampire and can spend eternity in love with her husband Edward (Robert Pattinson). But this is is the Twili-verse, and there is no time for warm-and-fuzzies.还有四个多月《暮光之城:破晓(2)》就要在11月6日上演了。在第四部电影中,新婚不久的Bella终于还是变成了吸血鬼,并且全心全意爱着丈夫Edward。但是片中可没太多时间展示温存、爱意的画面。
even further from reality, with just about everyone in the film either a vampire or a member of the wolf pack headed up by Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner). Most central among the new characters is Bella and Edward's rapidly growing daughter, Renesmee. After an unfortunate miscommunication, the ruling vampire class known as the Volturi mistakenly believe that Renesmee was born human and then turned. (Vampire babies are a violation of vampire law, the punishment being death for both the child and the makers.)《破晓2》的故事更加脱离现实,片中出现的角色不是吸血鬼就是Jacob Black管制的狼人。而新角色中最受大家关注的就是Bella和Edward的女儿Renesmee。在一系列误会之后,吸血鬼统治阶层认为Renesmee是生下来的时候是人类,然后再转化为吸血鬼的。(吸血鬼的法律禁止吸血鬼之间生子,违法的吸血鬼孩子和父母都会受到惩罚。
For more on Breaking Dawn&Part 2 and all the movies we can't wait to see this fall.我们都等不及想看《暮光之城:破晓2》上映了!。
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