
有谁可以帮我做做英语电影赏析的问答题,我非常感谢!类似下面这种的题,如果您可以做,对8部电影都非常有谁可以帮我做做英语电影赏析的问答题,我非常感谢!类似下面这种的题,如果您对这8部电影都非常熟悉,您愿意做的话,请加我Q,答案是燕子我发给您具体的作业,谢谢F1: Gone With The WindF2: The GhostF3: Jane EyreF4: Runaway BrideF5: Sound Of MusicF6: The Horse WhispererF7: Roman HolidayF8: The Shawshank RedemptionQuestionsIn this section, there are 10 questions about the 8 films listed above. You should answer the following questions in complete sentences and explain in detail. (10 point for each, altogether 100 points) 所有题目请用英文答题1.What is the historical setting of the story (in F1)?2.To whom did Oda Mae make out the money? Why (in F2)?3.Please analyze Jane Eyre's character (in F3).
1.The eve of the civil war---1861年2.To Molly.In order to make her believe that
Oda Mae can be bridge which connects Sam
Molly3.Jane Eyre is a brave woman who seek for her true love,having strong personality and an independent, progressive
character .
扫描下载二维码1. 新增扫二维码功能,可直接扫 VeryCD 网站影片页面的二维码,便能在应用上打开;
2. 新增支持 B 站视频(哔哩哔哩),满屏的弹幕更欢乐;
1. 新增支持 B 站视频(哔哩哔哩),满屏的弹幕更欢乐;
2. 在影片封面上展示在线视频的清晰度;
引用(willing21 @ -24, 05:04 PM) 引用(VeryCDmonster @ -10, 07:16 PM) 不用楼主这么麻烦,会用虚拟光驱就会用这个的。这两个文件都是镜像文件,用DEMON TOOL或者酒精120这样的虚拟光驱软件就能顺利装载。CD2里全是MP3文件,用虚拟光驱载入CD2后,可以打开我的电脑,在虚拟光驱的图标上右键打开,就是其中的内容。如果嫌每次载入麻烦的话,可以把这些文件复制出来到硬盘别的地方,就不需要这个镜像了。因为CD2里都是些纯音频数据,不是程序,可以简单复制。CD1也这样打开,选择其中的安装即可,安装完只有7M左右,可以自选安装路径。CD1不像CD2,CD1安装后仍然需要每次运行时载入,因为其中400多兆的音频文件在安装时并不安装到硬盘里,只有镜像里有这个大文件。所以每次运行程序必须载入CD1镜像才能调用到这个文件,否则会提示出错。扫盲提示:内容是纯文本或纯视频、纯音频这样的镜像可以把内容复制出来到硬盘里,就不用每次载入了,但是很多有程序的镜像都得每次载入,因为程序运行需要调用镜像里的内容。除非安装时把镜像里的内容都装到硬盘上,才不必载入。但是这个CD1是不把那个大音频文件装到硬盘上的。有完全安装的也有不完全安装的。我用daemon tool 把两个盘都装载了,然后安装,发现可以直接使用,还以为自己是不是漏了什么,看了这篇回复才明白过来啊非常感谢楼主提供的资源,连读的资料不好找啊,一定要好好学习!我安装之后发现电影原声连读的听说训练中只有一个Nor I 这个句子,是不是直接使用漏掉的?
引用(guo131415 @ -19, 12:10 PM) 如何使用这两个文件,详细步骤:一、先下载这个两个NRG文件,其中,CD2中的是MP3,是可以播放的,用什么软件播放,随你自己喜欢,但是我一般都是用Winamp这个软件播放的,别的软件比如千千静听什么的能不能播放我就不知道了,需要Winamp这个软件的可以到百度直接搜索,很多地方可以下载。二、但是光听录音总是感觉少了点什么,有人说只有这个CD2能用,CD1不能用,那我这个CD1不是白下了?哈哈你错了,其实好东西都在这个CD1里面呢!只不过你不会用,接下来我就教你怎么打开CD1这个宝盒吧!很简单,第一步,先去下载一个映像文件提取工具,其实楼上已经有人说过了,到这个里面可以去下http://www.sz1001.net/soft/4779.htm这个文件的名字叫UltraISO PE(软碟通),遗憾的是它是一个英文版本,但是不要急,本大虾送佛送到西,帮人帮到底,我会教你怎么解决这个问题的。第二步,下载解压好以后打开这个文件UltraISO(不要告诉我你连解压缩都不会!),然后出现一系列对话框,你只要一直点Next就行了,最后它会出现一个welcome对话框,意思就是想让你去掏钱买它的正式版了,这个时候你只要选第三项continue to try就行了,意思也就是继续试用,反正今天用了之后以后估计也不会再用到了,然后就进入到这个软件的操作界面。第三步,进入界面后,看最上面一排,有一个File按钮,点一下,然后选择open,然后找到你已经下好的那个文件英语连读滚瓜烂熟CD1,然后会看到右边出现一个文件夹和五个文件,你把把全部选中,然后单击鼠标右键,选择Extract to,然后把他们统统放到你想放的一个文件夹里。第四步,把别的什么都关了吧,打开你刚才放那些文件的文件夹,找到INSTALL这个文件然后打开它,这是一个安装程序,你可以随意选择一个地方安装,安装完后,会出现一个英语连读滚瓜烂熟的文件(和你在文件夹里看到得那个CS文件是同一个),先不要急着点它,因为接下来还有最后的也是最重要的一步。第五步,找到我们在第三步的时候提取出来的文件夹SOUND,打开文件夹不要点里面那个文件,然后把地址栏里面的整个地址复制下来。然后再重新找到那个cs文件或者叫英语连读滚瓜烂熟文件,这个时候它会提示你未找到声音库文件,这个时候你只要在把框框里面的C:\Sound这段文字替换成你刚才复制的那段地址,然后点确定,这个时候你会发现,你梦寐以求的东西出现了,欢呼吧,雀跃吧,尽情的享受英语带给你的乐趣吧!(以上说明若还有不明白的,请加QQ,我一定手把手教你!)非常非常感谢楼主,很好的东东,。我试了三遍才弄好,前两遍问题还是处在最后复制路径那,我想给和我一样出现问题的提醒一下,关键一点在与复制路径后一定要在sound后加上\CS_STISND.wav
如何使用这两个文件,详细步骤:一、先下载这个两个NRG文件,其中,CD2中的是MP3,是可以播放的,用什么软件播放,随你自己喜欢,但是我一般都是用Winamp这个软件播放的,别的软件比如千千静听什么的能不能播放我就不知道了,需要Winamp这个软件的可以到百度直接搜索,很多地方可以下载。二、但是光听录音总是感觉少了点什么,有人说只有这个CD2能用,CD1不能用,那我这个CD1不是白下了?哈哈你错了,其实好东西都在这个CD1里面呢!只不过你不会用,接下来我就教你怎么打开CD1这个宝盒吧!很简单,第一步,先去下载一个映像文件提取工具,其实楼上已经有人说过了,到这个里面可以去下http://www.sz1001.net/soft/4779.htm这个文件的名字叫UltraISO PE(软碟通),遗憾的是它是一个英文版本,但是不要急,本大虾送佛送到西,帮人帮到底,我会教你怎么解决这个问题的。第二步,下载解压好以后打开这个文件UltraISO(不要告诉我你连解压缩都不会!),然后出现一系列对话框,你只要一直点Next就行了,最后它会出现一个welcome对话框,意思就是想让你去掏钱买它的正式版了,这个时候你只要选第三项continue to try就行了,意思也就是继续试用,反正今天用了之后以后估计也不会再用到了,然后就进入到这个软件的操作界面。第三步,进入界面后,看最上面一排,有一个File按钮,点一下,然后选择open,然后找到你已经下好的那个文件英语连读滚瓜烂熟CD1,然后会看到右边出现一个文件夹和五个文件,你把把全部选中,然后单击鼠标右键,选择Extract to,然后把他们统统放到你想放的一个文件夹里。第四步,把别的什么都关了吧,打开你刚才放那些文件的文件夹,找到INSTALL这个文件然后打开它,这是一个安装程序,你可以随意选择一个地方安装,安装完后,会出现一个英语连读滚瓜烂熟的文件(和你在文件夹里看到得那个CS文件是同一个),先不要急着点它,因为接下来还有最后的也是最重要的一步。第五步,找到我们在第三步的时候提取出来的文件夹SOUND,打开文件夹不要点里面那个文件,然后把地址栏里面的整个地址复制下来。然后再重新找到那个cs文件或者叫英语连读滚瓜烂熟文件,这个时候它会提示你未找到声音库文件,这个时候你只要在把框框里面的C:\Sound这段文字替换成你刚才复制的那段地址,然后点确定,这个时候你会发现,你梦寐以求的东西出现了,欢呼吧,雀跃吧,尽情的享受英语带给你的乐趣吧!
我明白了,我也遇到了这个问题:点击桌面上的运行标记后,进入开始画面,然后提示输入sound路径时,不论你的路径在哪里,记住输入路径时一定要在sound后面再加上\CS_STISND.wav 然后确认,就可以了
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面 郁闷两个NRG都打不开,谁能帮帮我啊!
D:\桌面 我遇到了101楼童鞋的问题,请问什么方法可以解决?请LZ或者哪位高人指点一下。我的邮箱是
楼主,请帮我传一下文本好不好? 我的邮箱 先谢谢了!
it's very powerful in actuality,it's too late to meet it.tks for sharing
cd2的文本 有么
楼主 能给传一份吗
very good,tank u very much!
let me see
打不到下载点,楼主,能给传一份吗? 非常感谢!!!
引用(papaping @ -11, 01:58 PM) Listen, honey, I got them hogs to get⌒in. 听着,乖宝,我得赶那些猪进去。Think you didn't have any brains at⌒all. 想来你是完全没有脑子哩!Oh, why don't⌒you use⌒them? 哦,那你为何不用呢?Well, don't start⌒posing for⌒it now. 那么,现在就别开始摆姿势啦!You always get⌒yourself into a fret⌒over nothing. 你总为了莫须有的事,把自己弄得烦恼不已。 Now, you just help⌒us out⌒today. 这样子吧,你今天就帮我们个忙。Find⌒yourself a place where you won't get⌒into any trouble. 给自己找个不会惹上麻烦的地方。Someplace where there⌒isn't any trouble. 一个没有麻烦的地方。 There must⌒be. 一定有的。There's a land that⌒I heard of, once⌒in⌒a lullaby. 有个我曾在摇篮曲中听到过的地方。Skies⌒are blue. 天空湛蓝。NSomeday I'll wish⌒upon a star,⌒and wake⌒up where the clouds are far behind me. 有一天我会攀依星辰,醒来时云彩远在身后。I'm⌒all but lame from the bite⌒on my leg.由于在我腿上咬了一口,我几乎都跛了。I let⌒him go⌒in her garden. 我让它到她的花园里去。 How would it be if she keeps⌒him tied⌒up? 如果她一直绑着它的话,那会怎么样? No! No! I won't let⌒you take⌒him! 不行!不行!我不让你带走它!You wicked⌒old witch! 你这邪恶的老巫婆!Don't let⌒her take⌒him, please. 别让她带走它,求求你们。? Please, stop⌒her! 请拦住她呀!Good⌒idea. 好主意。We've got to get⌒away. 我们必须离开。We've got⌒to run⌒away. 我们一定得逃走。And who might⌒you be?
你会是谁呢?They don't⌒appreciate⌒you. 他们不重视你。We haven't⌒been⌒asked yet. 我们还未被邀请哩!Just come⌒along, I'll show you. 只管进来呀,我拿给你看。This⌒is the same genuine, magic, authentic⌒crystal..这可是同一个真正的、神奇的、货真价实的水晶球。Her face⌒is careworn. 她的脸是苦恼焦虑的。You don't suppose⌒she could really be sick, do you? 你认为她不是真的生病了,是吧?Oh, no, no, I have to get⌒to her right⌒away.喔,不行,不行,我得马上回到她那儿去。Are you a good witch or⌒a bad witch? 你是个好巫婆,还是个坏巫婆?Oh, but I've already told⌒you, I'm not a witch⌒at⌒all. 噢,不过我已告诉过你了,我根本不是巫婆。Witches are old⌒and ugly. 巫婆是又老又丑的。The little people who live⌒in this land. 住在这块土地上的小人啊!It's all right. You may all come⌒out and thank⌒her. 没关系了,你们全部可以出来并且谢谢她了。I thought⌒you said she was dead. 我以为你说她死了?Was⌒it⌒you? 是你吗?I didn't mean to kill⌒anybody. 我无意杀死任何人。 Aren't⌒you forgetting the ruby slippers? 你没有忘了红宝石鞋吗?Keep tight⌒inside of them. 紧紧的把它们穿着。It's all right. You can get⌒up. She's gone. 没事了。你们可以起来了,她走了。Is he good,⌒or⌒is he wicked? 他是善良的,还是坏的?People come⌒and go so quickly here! 在这儿人们来来去去这么快!I can't make⌒up my mind. 我无法下定决心。Oh, I'm not feeling at⌒all well. 喔,我可是不太舒服。 Can't⌒you get⌒down? 你难道不能下来吗? Oh! Does⌒it hurt⌒you? 喔!你痛吗?Did⌒I scare you? 我吓着你了吗?No. No. I just thought⌒you hurt⌒yourself. 不,没有,我只是以为你受伤了。They come from miles around just to eat⌒in my field⌒and laugh⌒in my face.它们从这附近好几里外飞来,就是要在我的田里吃还当面嘲笑我。In trouble or⌒in pain. 在困境里或在痛苦中。 I would⌒dance⌒and be merry. 我会跳舞和欢乐。That's where⌒I live. 那是我住的地方. Won't⌒you take me with you? 你不带我跟你一块去吗?Are you hinting my apples⌒aren't what they ought⌒to be? 你在暗示说嫌我的苹果不是东西吗?I'll show you how to get⌒apples! 我来让你瞧瞧怎么拿到苹果!I can talk⌒again! 我又能说话了! Beautiful! What⌒an⌒echo! 太美了!多么好的回音啊!We've come such⌒a long way already. 我们已走过这么长的路了。Let⌒her try⌒and make a beehive out of me. 就让她试试看,把我变成个蜂窝呀!But⌒I couldn't have, could⌒I? 但我不可能的。It's... It's dark⌒and creepy. 它是……它是黑暗又鬼祟。Do you suppose we'll meet any wild⌒animals? 你们想我们会遇到什么野兽吗?
Put⌒them⌒up.⌒Put them up. 握起拳头来!握起来!I'll fight⌒you with one paw tied⌒behind my back. 我会用一只爪子绑在背后跟你们打。Here. Here. Go away and let⌒us⌒alone. 好啦!好啦!走开!别来烦我们。How long can you stay fresh⌒in that⌒can? 你在那个罐子里能凉快多久啊?Come⌒on! Get⌒up⌒and fight, you shivering junkyard! 来啊!起身来打啊,你这哆哆嗦嗦的垃圾罐!Come on! Get up and fight,⌒you shivering junkyard! 来啊!起身来打啊,你这哆哆嗦嗦的垃圾罐!Yes, get⌒up⌒and teach⌒him a lesson. 没错,起来给他一顿教训。I haven't any courage⌒at⌒all. 我完全没有Why don't⌒you come⌒along with⌒us? 你何不跟我们一起来呢?It's been⌒in me so long. 这在我心中好久了。I'd be gentle⌒as⌒a lizard. 我会斯文如同蜥蜴。Give⌒us your hands, and we'll pull you along. 来!把你的手伸给我们,我们拉着你一块走。Don't⌒cry! You'll rust⌒yourself⌒again! 别哭!你会又把自己弄生锈了!Don't⌒you start⌒it,⌒too! 你可别也这样呀!Can't budge her⌒an⌒inch! 根本搬不动她一丁点儿!Curse⌒it! Curse it! 可恶!真可恶!Come⌒on! Let's get⌒out⌒of here! 来吧!咱们离开这儿!March⌒up to the gate and bid⌒it open. 前行到大门,祈求它开启。Can't⌒you read? 你们不认字吗?It's on the door, as plain⌒as the nose⌒on my face! 就在门上,明显得就像鼻子在我脸上一般! Now, state⌒your business. 现在,说明你们为何而来。Even⌒I have never seen⌒him. 甚至我都不曾见过他。Well, then, how do you know there⌒is one? 唔,那么,你怎么知道有一个呢?That's a horse of a different⌒color! Come⌒on⌒in! 那可就是另外一回事了!进来吧!What⌒kind of a horse⌒is that? 那是种什么样的马呀?We get⌒up⌒at 12: 00, and start to work⌒at 1: 00. 咱们十二点起床,而一点开始工作。We can make a dimpled smile⌒out of a frown.&我们能弄出个酒涡,使你愁容变笑靥。Did⌒you hear that? He'll⌒announce⌒us at once. 你们听到了吗?他立刻去为我们禀报了。I could barely hear my heart⌒beating. 我几乎可以听到我的心跳了。In⌒another⌒hour, I'll be king of the forest. 再过一小时,我将是森林之王了。 Tell me when⌒it's over. 当一切过去时要跟我说啊!
Bring me her broomstick, and I'll grant⌒your requests.,把她的扫帚柄拿来给我,而我就允诺你们的要求。I believe there're spooks⌒around here. 我相信有幽灵在附近。Well, that's you all⌒over. 呃,遍地都是你啦。All⌒in good⌒time, my little pretty, all in good time. 时辰到的时候,我的小美人,时辰到的时候。We've got⌒to get⌒her⌒out. 我们一定要把她救出来。I've got a plan how to get⌒in there. 我有个计划可以进去了。And you're going to lead⌒us. 还有你要领导着我们。Guards or no guards. I'll tear them⌒apart. 有没有警卫,我要把他们撕烂。Come⌒on! I've got another⌒idea! 好了!我又有个主意了!The hourglass⌒is almost⌒empty! 沙漏几乎要空了!Please,⌒sir. We've done what⌒you told⌒us.&求求你,大人,我们已照你说的做了。If you are really great⌒and powerful, you'd keep your promises! 若你是真的伟大有力,你就应该信守承诺!I hereby confer⌒upon you the honorary degree of THD. 兹此我颁给你名誉THD学位。Oh, but are you a clever enough wizard to manage⌒it?,喔,不过你是个聪明得足以安排一切的魔法师吗? Weren't⌒you frightened? 你不害怕吗?She had⌒to learn⌒it for herself. 她必须自己去学习。I think I'll miss⌒you most⌒of⌒all. 我想我会最想念你了。Then close⌒your⌒eyes, and tap your heels together three times.,那么闭上你的眼睛,把你的鞋跟并在一起碰三次。Wake⌒up, honey. 醒醒,乖宝。Why don't⌒you jam⌒it⌒down her throat? 你为什么不把食物塞进她喉咙里?I thought⌒I told⌒you not to bring any food⌒in here? 我不是已经说过,叫他们别送来吗?That's because you've⌒always been⌒a stubborn idiot. 因为你一直是一个固执的傻丫头。She got⌒away from⌒us,⌒sir. 她溜走了,先生。No. First⌒come, first⌒served. 不,先到先得。I don't want⌒it reported. 我不想报告。Would⌒you please keep⌒out⌒of my affairs! 我真的不想你管我的闲事!I want to be left⌒alone. 我想单独呆一会儿。 What⌒time⌒is the next⌒bus? 下一班巴士什么时候开。Don't⌒tell me you did⌒it⌒on my account? 你该不是为了我才这样吧?I say you'll never get⌒away with⌒it. 我说你“逃不掉的”Send⌒it⌒collect. 对方付款。 All⌒about⌒your mad flight⌒to happiness. 全是关于你那疯狂的幸福大逃亡。Just the same⌒as all the others. 其它也一样。You care⌒a little, aren't⌒you? 啊,你苗条!You know your hair's cute like that,⌒you should never comb⌒it.你头发这样,很可爱,你永远不要梳它。I'll find⌒it myself. 我自己去找。What⌒did⌒you say we're supposed⌒to be doing? 我们现在怎么办呢? Where does the hitching come⌒in? 顺风车在哪儿呢?No cars⌒are⌒out. 没有车。 Do you mind⌒if⌒I try? 你不介意我试一试吧?I told⌒you it's no use for⌒us⌒staying here tonight. 我说过在此过夜没用的。I thought⌒you were⌒in such a hurry to get⌒back. 我以为你是赶着回家呢。I don't make⌒it a policy to run⌒around with married women.&跟一个以婚女人到处跑不是我的方针。Haven't⌒you ever thought⌒about⌒it at all? 你从来没考虑过吗?I'm sorry you read⌒it. 抱歉,你看了这些。~鍘 What⌒ten thousand? 什么一万元?There must⌒be⌒a ghost loose⌒in the house. 这房里一定有幽灵。Don't let's argue⌒about⌒it. 我们别争论这个了。Yes dear,⌒I know. Now I have my self respect⌒and no husband..对,亲爱的,我知道。现在有了自尊,又没了丈夫。 Really? Why don't⌒you postpone the wedding? 是吗?你为什么不推迟婚礼?He's waiting for⌒us⌒at the stable. 他在马厩等我们。 I adore you, but you look⌒awful! 我崇拜你,可你太难看了! What⌒do you mean? 什么意思?Married⌒on impulse⌒and⌒divorced in a rage... 闪电结婚,快速离婚……So⌒is⌒an⌒empty stomach. 不干要挨饿的。How do we get⌒in? 怎么进去?And⌒I believe he can help⌒us with⌒our problem. 我相信他可以解决我们的问题。You were terribly nice⌒about⌒it. 你对它好得可怕。You threw⌒it⌒in the ocean. 你把它扔到海里去了。 I'll want⌒your fingerprints for this. 我希望你为这个留个指纹。You don't suppose she caught⌒on, somehow? 你不认为她了解情况吗?You've got⌒it. 你已经握着它了。They grew⌒up⌒together, you know. 他们从小一起长大,你要知道。It's⌒almost⌒impossible to repay that⌒debt. 根本不可能尝付这笔债。 I'm⌒afraid she can't⌒count⌒on me for that. 恐怕她不能指望从我这儿得到这个。 You never have, but⌒you came anyway, didn't⌒you?*你永远也弄不清楚,但来了就来了吧,不是吗?These⌒stories are beautiful. 这些故事写得很美。I can't make you out⌒at⌒all, now. 我完全不能了解你。 I know a little⌒about that. 我对这个知道一点。 Look. Let's get⌒out⌒of here. 好了,我们出去吧。 Food⌒and⌒a roof. 吃和住。 I have⌒an⌒idea. 我有一个主意。It's⌒up⌒on⌒a hill with a view that would knock you silly. 在一个小山上,拥有使你发傻的风景。Well,⌒it⌒isn't that. 不是这样。 You drink,⌒don't⌒you? Alcohol,⌒I mean. 你喝不喝?我指的是酒。 I thought⌒all writers drank to excess⌒and⌒beat their wives.*我以前认为所有的作家都喝很多酒而且打老婆。Say⌒it. 说呀。 The moon⌒is also a goddess. 月亮也是神. He'll give you no out⌒as I did. 他不会给你我能给的。 Aren't⌒you swimming? 你不游泳吗??A boat he designed⌒and⌒built,⌒practically. 实际上是他设计并且建造的船。 I mean, the fact⌒of him? 我是说,他的实情?It's what⌒everybody feels about⌒you. 大家也都这么觉得。 Almost⌒as⌒amusing as the sight of you with your⌒arm around Mother. 和你的手臂抱着妈妈的景像一样好玩。 Whose fault⌒is⌒it? 那是谁的错呢? As⌒if he'd⌒done nothing at⌒all! 好象他什么也没做! If your⌒ego wants it that way, yes. 如果你希望用这种说法,你对了。 I've been⌒asleep. 我困了。 That's all⌒over. You're yourself⌒again. So am I.都过去了。你又是你自己了。我也一样。That's all over. You're yourself again. So⌒am⌒I.都过去了。你又是你自己了。我也一样。I shall⌒at the first⌒opportunity. 早就说了。 My first⌒party, and⌒about⌒time. 我的第一个舞会快开始了。 I think that dress hikes⌒up⌒a little behind. 你背后的拉链开了。I'm all⌒ears. And⌒eyes. 我在听。也在看。 Do you know what⌒time⌒it⌒is? It's after four. 知道几点了吗?快凌晨四点多了。I only hope it's worth⌒it. Come⌒on⌒in. 我希望它值得。进来吧。Well, I was trying to stop⌒drinking. I read⌒anything. 戒了酒之后看了。几乎什么都看。Are you still⌒in love with her? 你还爱她吗?But when⌒a girl⌒is like Tracy, she's one in a million.象崔西这样的女孩子,一百万中才有一个。 But when a girl is like Tracy, she's one⌒in⌒a million.象崔西这样的女孩子,一百万中才有一个。I don't⌒drink. 我不喝酒。 She can⌒and she will. 她会,她也愿意。I thought I'd be for⌒it at first, but⌒you just don't seem to match⌒up. 我最初想我应该支持,但是你看上去不配合。Your⌒intolerance⌒infuriates me. 你的狭隘激怒了我。Well, who's⌒apologizing? 谁要向你道歉? No, you're made⌒out⌒of flesh⌒and blood. 不,你是用肉和血做的。Has your mind⌒taken hold⌒again, dear Professor? 你的理智清醒了,亲爱的大教授? It⌒can't⌒be anything like love, can⌒it? 这不会是象爱一样的东西,会吗?Well, home⌒after⌒a hard⌒day's blackmailing. 一天艰难的敲诈之后回家。I could still tear⌒it⌒up. 我仍然可以撕了它。 Do you really want⌒to know? 你现在真的想知道吗? He's still got⌒a lot⌒to learn. 他还有太多要去学。I could⌒ask you the same question. 我想问你同样的问题。Well, what⌒else⌒am⌒I to believe? 我还能相信什么?He's⌒in better shape than⌒I⌒am. 他的外形比我强。It's⌒so important that⌒I see you. 我见你是有很重要的事情。 Is⌒everybody fine? 大家好吗? ? It's nearly half past⌒twelve! 快十二点半了!I'll miss⌒all⌒of you. 我会想念你们大家。You know, I did have the funniest⌒dream⌒about you last night. 你要知道,昨晚我做了一个怪梦。I dreamed⌒I got⌒up⌒and went over to the window. 我梦见我走到窗边。Yes, with his both⌒arms full⌒of something. 是的,他的两个胳膊都抱满了东西。And guess what⌒it⌒turned⌒out to be? 后来你猜怎么着?Then⌒after⌒a while. 过了一会儿。In the light⌒of day, I am sure that⌒you will⌒agree with me. 在白天的阳光下,我肯定你会赞成。 I wish for your sake,⌒as well⌒as mine, I had an explanation, but... unfortunately I've none.我希望为了你和我好,我必须有所解释,但……不幸的是,我没有。I think men⌒are wonderful. 我觉得男人很令人惊奇。I got⌒you into this thing, and I'll get⌒you out of it. 我使你成为这样,那我就应该帮你解决。Your father will make⌒a very simple⌒announcement. 你爸爸会去做一个简短的声明。Then, like⌒all dreamers. 然后,像所有的梦中人一样。The drive wound⌒away in front of me. 大道在我面前蜿蜒伸展。Nature had⌒come⌒into her⌒own again. 大自然又复苏了。On⌒and on wound the poor thread that had once been⌒our drive.沿着曾经属于我们而如今已变成狭窄小径的车道。Secretive⌒and silent. 神秘而寂静。Moonlight⌒can play odd⌒tricks⌒upon the fancy. 月光能使幻觉变得更为奇妙。And then⌒a cloud⌒came⌒upon the moon. 这时一片乌云遮住了月亮。 I looked⌒upon⌒a desolate shell. 我看到的是荒凉空荡的空屋架。That much⌒is certain. 这一点是肯定的。Well,⌒I was⌒only walking. 我只是在这里散步。I'm⌒afraid I must⌒contradict⌒you. 我恐怕得提点反对意见。You know, I recognized⌒you just as soon as you came⌒in. 你知道吗?你一进来我就认出你来了。 You know, I recognized you just⌒as⌒soon⌒as you came in.&你知道吗?你一进来我就认出你来了。I hear⌒it's one of the biggest⌒places in that part of the country and you just can't beat⌒it for beauty.我听说曼德利是你们那里最大的庄园之一,而且美得无以伦比。Or don't⌒you think of it at⌒all? 也许你根本没想过吧?After⌒all,⌒I am responsible for your behavior here. 我毕竟要对你在这里的行为负责。Perhaps he didn't notice⌒it. 也许他并没注意到。Come⌒along. 请吧!Oh, she's⌒ill⌒in bed with a cold. 哦,她患感冒卧床不起了。Haven't⌒you any family? 你没有亲人吗?No, my... my mother died years⌒and years⌒ago. 没有。我母亲去世很久了。You mean he painted the same tree over⌒and⌒over⌒again? 你是说他反复地老画一棵树? Finish⌒up that mess⌒and we'll get⌒along. 你把这些吃完了,我们一起去。Oh, come⌒on, eat⌒it⌒up like a good girl. 来吧,快吃吧!好孩子。I felt⌒ashamed for not knowing. 当时我感到不好意思,因为连这个都不知道。There's⌒a dangerous undertow⌒and there was a man drowned here last⌒year.*那边海里很危险,有人说去年有个男人淹死了。 Stop⌒biting your nails!别咬指甲!I asked⌒you to come⌒out with me because I wanted⌒your company. 我请你出来,因为我愿意有你做伴。Go⌒on,⌒open the door and get out! 来,打开车门,下去吧!Go on, open the door⌒and get⌒out! 来,打开车门,下去吧!I'll go⌒and see if there's anything left⌒in my room. 我回房间去看看忘了什么东西没有。There⌒isn't⌒any answer. 没人接。What⌒on⌒earth are you talking about? 你在胡说些什么呀?What⌒on⌒earth do you mean? 你究竟是什么意思?I'll remind⌒you of this one day and you won't believe me.*将来有一天我会向你提起这件事你不会相信的。This⌒isn't at⌒all your idea of a proposal, is it? 这完全不是你想象中的求婚,对吗?This isn't at all your idea of a proposal,⌒is⌒it? 这完全不是你想象中的求婚,对吗?You don't mean⌒it! 是真的吗?I simply can't⌒believe⌒it! 我简直不能相信。Oh, that's very good of you. I didn't expect⌒anything. 噢,谢谢。我没想要什么。It's still used⌒on great⌒occasions, such as a big dinner or a ball.现在如果有大型宴会或舞会这样的重大活动,仍然要派用场。It's still used on great occasions, such⌒as a big⌒dinner or⌒a ball.现在如果有大型宴会或舞会这样的重大活动,仍然要派用场。Now where⌒on⌒earth did⌒you get the idea she's an exchorus girl? 你究竟从哪儿的到这个念头,说她从前是歌女?Very beautiful,⌒isn't⌒it? 很美,是不是?Shall we sit⌒down? 我们坐下吧!Don't⌒you know? 你不知道?You're very much⌒in love with Maxim,⌒aren't⌒you? 你非常爱麦克西姆,是吗?We were very worried⌒about him this time last⌒year. 去年这个时候我们都非常为他担心。She's gone⌒in the sea, ain't she? 她到大海里去了,是吗?Yes, let's forget all⌒about⌒it. 好让我们忘掉这一切。Wasn't she afraid to go out like that⌒alone?&她那样一个人孤单单地出海不害怕吗?We none⌒of⌒us want to live⌒in the past. 我们这里没人愿意生活在过去。I suppose she was the most⌒beautiful creature I ever saw. 我想她可能是我见过的最漂亮的人。Oh, look⌒at⌒you...啊,看你自己!You opened⌒it⌒yourself, didn't⌒you? 你自己打开它的,是吧?I want⌒you to get rid⌒of⌒all these things. 我要你把这些东西都拿走。I'll go⌒and look⌒at them. 我去看看。Oh no, this⌒is just my old⌒cap⌒and gown. 哦,不,这是我的一套旧礼服和帽子。I watched⌒you go down. 我看着你下楼。I used⌒to listen to him walking up⌒and⌒down, up and down. 我经常听见他走来走去,走来走去。Why don't⌒you go? 你为什么不走?He doesn't need⌒you. 他不需要你。Not since⌒about half⌒an⌒hour ago. 还是半小时以前看见过他。How did they recognize⌒it? 他们怎么认出来的?I'll be your friend and⌒your companion. 我可以做你的朋友,你的伴侣。Yes, it's all⌒over now. 是的,现在一切都完了。The diver made⌒another discovery. 潜水员还有一个发现。You don't⌒understand.你没明白。We can't lose each⌒other now! 现在我们不能再失去对方。But⌒she was⌒alone. 可是只有她一个人在这里。But⌒you didn't⌒kill her, it was an⌒accident! 可你没有杀她,这是一个意外。I've loved⌒you, my darling. 我爱你,亲爱的。I shall⌒always love you. 我将永远爱你。All we want⌒you to do is to tell⌒us what⌒you saw.$我们只要你告诉我们你那天看见什么了。I wonder if you can help⌒us in any way?&不知道你是否能帮助我们一些什么忙?That's rather⌒obvious,⌒isn't⌒it? 这是显而易见的,不是吗?What⌒else? 还能是别的吗?October the 12th, last⌒year. 那是去年10月12日。Not⌒at⌒all. Put the whole thing behind⌒you. 不用谢,让这件事过去吧。Don't think⌒about⌒it any more. 别再想它了。 Quite⌒a turn⌒out⌒down below. 楼下人都到齐了。 Our Professor⌒at the Academy. 他是我们学院的教授。She's⌒a great⌒patron of the Arts. 她是有名的艺术鉴赏家。I can't⌒bear amateurs. 我可受不了这些外行。Last night I wrote⌒you a letter. 昨晚上我给您写了封信。I hope⌒I haven't ruined⌒your breakfast. 但愿没有妨碍你吃早餐。You'll destroy⌒it⌒immediately and forget all about it. 就马上把信毁掉,并把这些都忘掉。You'll destroy it immediately and forget⌒all⌒about⌒it. 就马上把信毁掉,并把这些都忘掉。This is the way to the stage,⌒isn't it? 这是往后台的路吗? Yes, I'm⌒a composer. 是的,我是作曲的。Ah, and⌒you wish to see who? 啊,那你想要找谁呢?No, not⌒at⌒all. 一点也没有。 She⌒is⌒out. 她不行了!You are not disturbing me at⌒all. 一点不打扰我。Well read⌒it, and we'll talk about it some other time, eh.$那好,拿去看吧。我们另找时间谈,嗯?Well read it, and we'll talk⌒about⌒it some⌒other time, eh.$那好,拿去看吧。我们另找时间谈,嗯?Come⌒in, sit⌒down.进来!坐。I want⌒to talk⌒to you about⌒your future. 我想跟你谈谈你的未来。I've decided that I do believe⌒in destiny after⌒all. 我现在真的相信命运的安排了。What⌒is⌒all this I hear about⌒you and Miss Page? 关于你和蓓姬小姐是怎么回事?I shall dance⌒somewhere⌒else. 到别处去跳舞。I haven't⌒danced very much you know. 我很少跳舞,你知道的。This⌒is the B. B. C. Third⌒Programme. 英国广播公司第三套节目。I'll⌒announce the names of the cast⌒during the interval. 演员名单将在幕间休息时公布。I've got a message for⌒him from his bank. 我有他的银行带给他的口信。Right⌒you are, Sir. 没错,先生。What did you make⌒of⌒it? 你明白是什么意思吗?Nothing at⌒all. 一点都不明白。 Of course,⌒Sir. 当然,先生。I entreat⌒you, Sir. 我恳求你,先生。Mr. Lorry, is my father⌒alive? 劳雷先生,我父亲还活着吗?Where⌒is my father? 我父亲在哪里?Wait⌒till you see him. 等你见到他就知道了。 Is⌒it⌒possible? 可能吗? It⌒is⌒in the present mode. 是当前流行的式样。 I did⌒it from a drawing. 我凭一张图样做出来的。 It is the same, but⌒she⌒is dead. 一模一样,但她已经死了。Drive⌒on, faster. 继续走,快点。Safe⌒in⌒England, and you born the voyage like a seasoned⌒traveler.安全抵达英国,你适应这旅程就像是个有经验的旅行老手。It's nice to be oneself⌒again. 可以自由行动真好。 That's⌒him there. 那边的就是他。You better put⌒your mind⌒on this case. 你最好把这案子放在心上。Give⌒it⌒to him. 给他全力以赴。It's a matter of life⌒and⌒death.事关生死。I wasn't praying against⌒you. I was praying for you.&我不是祷告你倒霉。我祷告是为你好。 I don't believe⌒in nobody, and I don't trust nobody.&我不相信任何人,我也不信赖任何人。Where did⌒you first meet⌒him? 你最初是在哪儿认识他的?Might⌒tell⌒against the prisoner. 很可能对被告不利。Silence⌒in court. 肃静。My boy, never for a moment⌒did⌒I doubt⌒your innocence. 孩子,我一刻都不曾怀疑你的清白。And here, it's⌒all peace⌒on⌒earth, goodwill to men. 而这里有着地球上所有的祥和,对人亲善。We'll come back⌒directly after the service. 做完礼拜我们马上就回来。You'll wait for⌒us? 你会等我们吧?It is a bitter⌒irony, Sir. 这真是个天大的讽刺,先生。I shall never forget⌒your kindness. 我绝不会忘记你的仁慈。It⌒shall be as⌒you wish, of course. 当然,应该依你所愿。Do come with⌒us. 跟我们一块来吧。And⌒I hope you mend⌒your ways in the future. 同时我希望你将来改过自新。Won't⌒you come⌒in, too? 你也进来好吗?I couldn't imagine⌒it without⌒her. 我不能想像没有她的情景。 You're a bachelor⌒in your cradle. 你在摇篮里时就是个单身汉了。Find⌒yourself someone to take⌒care⌒of you. 给自己找个人来照顾你。You may light a spark that will kindle⌒all France.&你可以点燃那将燃遍整个法国的火花。A flood that may sweep⌒us⌒all⌒away forever. 那洪流可能把我们全体永远扫除。Remember your⌒own terror five years ago, when my master met his death.请记得五年前当我主人死时,你们自己的恐惧。Enough⌒for this, Gabelle. 够了,贾贝尔。People⌒are so poor. 人们太穷了。You know, I met⌒him⌒in⌒England. 你知道,我在英国遇见过他。You must remember⌒him. 你一定记得他。I count⌒on the sanity and good⌒temper of the people. 我相信人民的理性与善良。They differ⌒as⌒other classes do. 他们也像其他阶层一样有所不同。 She wanted so badly to say good night⌒to you, but⌒she fell⌒asleep. 她好想跟你道晚安,不过她睡着了。Never⌒asks me where⌒I've been,⌒or what I've been doing. 从不问我去过哪里,或做些什么事。I don't⌒believe⌒it. 我不相信。Must⌒it⌒end⌒in nothing? 真得到头一场空?Why did⌒you endure⌒it? 你们为什么要忍受?Ask⌒him. 问他就知道了。 If⌒as you say, you have taught⌒him the views he holds, he should be willing to do that for you.如果真像你说的,你教给了他现在所有的观点,他应该愿意为你做证。You seem⌒upset. Everything alright? 你似乎很烦恼。一切可好?And these⌒securities, in my opinion,⌒are no securities at⌒all.而这些抵押品,依我之见,是完全没有保障的。If he sees⌒us, why doesn't⌒he come down?他若是看见了我们,那他为什么不下来呢?
Mommy, something white⌒up there. 妈咪,上面有白色的东西。I'm sure he'll be able to influence⌒them. 我确信他可以影响他们。Words⌒are⌒easy. 话说得容易。I paid⌒two shillings for⌒it. 我花两先令买的。Why should the troubles of one wife⌒and mother mean⌒anything to us now? 现在一个妻子和母亲的痛苦对我们又算什么?What wine shop⌒is the child⌒talking about? 这孩子说的是哪家酒馆?They are⌒in great⌒danger. 他们很危险。Keep⌒it for me until tomorrow. 帮我保管到明天。Would⌒you mind⌒if⌒I borrow that coat? 你介意我借用那外套吗?One⌒interview is⌒all⌒I want. 我所要的只是见一次面。Third⌒on the left. 左边第三间。It will⌒involve⌒all⌒of you. 那会牵扯上你们所有的人。You will remember the words that passed between⌒us on a certain occasion.你还记得那些在某个场合中我们之间说过的话。What⌒occasion? 什么场合?Yes, I'll hold⌒it⌒to the last. 好的,我会握到最后。Keep your⌒eyes⌒on me. Mind nothing else. 眼睛看着我。别去管其他任何事。Slave⌒in the Magic Mirror. 魔镜中的精灵啊。Don't run⌒away. 别走啊。Come⌒on, perk⌒up. 来,开心一点嘛。Why, I don't⌒understand. 这到底是怎么回事。I won't hurt⌒you. 我不会伤害你们的。When you smile⌒and⌒you sing. 当你微笑着唱歌。Maybe you know where⌒I can stay. 也许你们知道我可以睡在哪儿。I like⌒it here. 我好喜欢这里。Ooh, it's dark⌒inside. 里面好黑哟。What⌒a pile⌒of dirty dishes. 这么多脏碗盘。Sugar⌒is gone. 糖渣都没了。Don't⌒touch⌒it,⌒you fools! 不能碰啊,笨蛋!Oh! Worse than⌒I thought! 噢!比我想的更脏! He sure⌒is cute! 他很可爱!I'd like to dance⌒and⌒tap my feet, but they woun't keep⌒in rhythm..用我的脚来跳舞,但从来都不合拍。Tell⌒us⌒a story. 讲个故事吧。And she fell⌒in love. 她堕入情网。Was⌒it hard to do? 这很难吗?Did he steal⌒a kiss? 他有没有偷亲你啊?It's passed⌒bed⌒time. 睡觉的时间都过了。Now, don't⌒you worry⌒about⌒us. 你不用担心我们。Oh, go right⌒on⌒up now. 快点上去吧。Oh, go on, run⌒along. 好了,快点走吧。 I'll share⌒a secret with you. 就让我告诉你一个秘密吧。Well, there⌒is⌒someone.是有一位。 Where we will live happily ever⌒after. 我们可以在那里直到永远。Ever⌒entreating constant⌒and⌒true. 想恳求一份永恒的真爱。To France,⌒sir? 是去法国吗?长官?Yes,⌒sir. 是,长官。Wait for me at the other end⌒of the Bridge. I'll walk⌒across. 你在桥那边等我。我想走过去。I hope⌒it will. 我希望它会。Why don't⌒you come? 为什么不来?Oh, it's very tempting, but I think we'd⌒better go.噢,真不想离开这儿,但我们还是走为上计。
No, no. I only drop⌒it⌒in emergencies. 不必。我只在紧急情况下才丢东西。 So⌒am⌒I. 我也觉得遗憾。Read all⌒about⌒it! War extra! Read all about it!&看报!看报!战报专版!看报!看报!I don't⌒understand⌒it. He said he couldn't⌒come.我不明白这是怎么回事。他说他不能来的。You mean, she'll come after⌒all? 你是说,她还会来吗?An⌒hour. 就一小时吧。 Mrya's just⌒a sweet⌒child. you can see that, can't⌒you?.玛拉是个非常好的女孩,这一点你能看出来,是吗?Oh, no, not⌒tonight. What could you suggest that would be particularly rich and⌒indigestible?啊,不,今晚不这样。你们这里有什么脂肪既丰富而且有特别不好消化的菜吗?What's the good of⌒it? 高兴又有什么用呢?Oh, it's⌒a high price to pay for⌒it. 不过,为这所付的代价是太高了。I do. Do people have to kill⌒each other to give them a heightened sense⌒of life? 这么认为。难道人们只有互相残杀才能获得更强烈的生命意识吗?You should⌒let the future catch⌒up with you more slowly. 你得让未来慢慢赶上你才对。What⌒is⌒it you still don't⌒get? 你仍然不明白什么?I simply had⌒to get⌒to that theatre tonight to see what⌒you looked like.我非得今晚赶到剧院去仔细看看你不可。
Ladies⌒and⌒Gentlemen we now come to the last⌒dance of the evening. I hope you'll enjoy the&Farewell Waltz&.N女士们,先生们,现在演奏今晚最后一支舞曲,《一路平安》华尔兹,大家尽兴地跳吧!You'll find⌒out. 一会儿你就知道了。I'll write⌒to you. Will you answer? 我给你写信,你会回信吗?Do you think we'll⌒ever see⌒each⌒other again? 你认为我们还会再见面吗?I think it's doubtful, don't⌒you? 这很难说,你说呢?Yes, I suppose⌒it is. 我想也是这样的。Well, it's the first⌒time Myra's been⌒out, Madame.!不过,玛拉这是第一次外出,夫人 。You don't⌒know him. or you wouldn't⌒say that! 你不了解他,否则就不会这样说了!Can't⌒we have any private⌒lives at⌒all? 难道我们一点私生活都不能有吗? You're upset⌒and⌒tired. 你又累又烦。 Yep, suppose⌒so. 可能是。Well,⌒if that's his ghost, don't⌒bring him⌒up. 如果那是他的鬼魂,就别带他上来。But⌒you don't⌒know me! 可你不了解我呀!Where⌒are we going? 我们去哪儿?Now sit here and⌒don't speak to strangers. I'll be right⌒back..听着,你坐在这里,不要和生人说话。我马上回来。 Good! Good. You deserve⌒it. 好,好!应该如此。When⌒I was your⌒age I was in love with a dancer. 我象你这么大的时候,我爱上了一个舞蹈演员。Seen too many of them turn⌒out⌒badly.&我见的多啦,许多这种婚姻的结局并不好。We walk⌒in comparative strangers, we walk⌒out comparative friends.相对而言,进去的时候我们是陌生人,出来的时候就是亲人了。Shall we face⌒it? 能够面对吗?In the moment⌒you left me after the air raid. I knew I must find⌒you again, quickly.空袭后你一离开我,我就马上意识到我必须尽快找到你。I'm sorry to disappoint⌒you, Miss Lester, but I'm⌒afraid⌒it's impossible for me to marry you now.真抱歉,我要使你失望了,莱斯特小姐,不过恐怕我现在……不可能为你们举行结婚仪式了。 That's right. She's probably waiting for⌒us there.!说得对,也许她在那儿等着我们呢 。 I thought⌒you were with the boy friend, but he phoned a couple⌒of times.我还以为你和那个男朋友在一起呢,可他打来了几次电话。Yes. I spent my last⌒penny on⌒it. 是的,我把最后一个铜板都花光了。Oh, darling, I... I can't⌒believe⌒it! 亲爱的,我,我简直不敢相信。Oh, what a joke⌒on Madame! 唔,这真是跟夫人开的天大玩笑!What⌒is⌒it! 怎么啦?You treat⌒us like a lot⌒of slaves and call⌒it discipline.你把我们当做一帮奴隶,还说这是纪律。 Hello. I'm back⌒and⌒I didn't⌒get the job. 你好,我回来了,没有找到工作。I'm sure it⌒is. 我敢肯定会是这样的。What⌒time is⌒it, please? 请问,几点啦?Your friend seems to be held⌒up. 您的朋友好象有事耽误了。Would⌒you care to look⌒at the evening paper? 您要看晚报吗?Sit quiet⌒and rest, and if your friend doesn't turn⌒up, we'll call a taxi. 您安静地坐会儿歇歇。您的朋友要是不来,我们给您叫辆出租车。I can't⌒trust you out⌒of my sight! 我一会儿不看着你都不行!Was⌒it⌒a good house? 观众多吗?I went⌒to the theater. 我到剧场去了。 What⌒difference does it make as long as we live? 只要活着,靠什么生活又有什么区别?You did⌒it for me? 你干这事为了我?It's cleared⌒up thought, nicely, after⌒all. 好在现在雾终于散了,天气好了。Oh, about the same⌒as me. 哎,还不是跟我差不多。I'm not⌒dreaming, am⌒I? 我这不是做梦吧?Come⌒on, we'll go sit⌒down. 来,我们去坐一会儿。What have you been⌒up to? 你一直在干什么?But that's all⌒over now. I'm going to make⌒it⌒up to you.不过,这一切都过去了。我会为你补偿回来的。That's all⌒I wanted to know. 我就想知道这个。Do you think you can get⌒away with⌒it? 你觉得能蒙混过关吗? This⌒is my chance for life, and⌒I won't let him go!这是我生命的一个转机,我不想放弃他!And⌒in my soul,⌒I've waited for him. 在我的灵魂深处,我也在等他。After⌒all,⌒if he's mad enough about⌒you, it may make up for everything.话又说回来,如果他真的非常爱你,爱情也许能补救一切。 Shall⌒I point⌒out the things we're proudest⌒of, no matter how I'm boring?不管你烦不烦,我把我们最引以为自豪的东西指给你看,好吗?Oh, Roy, do you think⌒of yourself as⌒old? 罗依,你认为你自己老了吗?We're awfully good⌒together, don't⌒you think? 我们在一起真好,你说呢?Your answer⌒is correct! 你的答案正确!Come,⌒Mother. What⌒about showing Myra to her room?$妈妈,请您带玛拉看看她的卧室怎么样?Darling, every once⌒in⌒a while,⌒I... see fear in your eyes.&亲爱的,我不时看见你眼里含着恐怖。 Darling, every once in a while, I... see fear⌒in your⌒eyes. 爱的,我不时看见你眼里含着恐怖。
Shall we wake⌒up suddenly and find⌒it untrue?$我们会不会突然醒来,发现只是一场梦?Roy, don't⌒be defeatist. 罗依,你别泄气啦。Would⌒you like⌒a cooling drink? 喝一点冷饮,好吗?I shall run⌒off with⌒the first strolling minstrel!&我会跟第一个相遇的行吟诗人跑掉的!Come,⌒my dear, let's⌒sit⌒down! 来,亲爱的,我们坐下吧。Did⌒I? 是吗?Come⌒in. 请进!Won't⌒you sit⌒down? 您请坐下。I must⌒speak⌒to you. 我有话对您说。Sit⌒down quietly, dear, and⌒tell me. 坐下,亲爱的,慢慢告诉我。But,⌒I... I gave⌒it⌒to you. It's yours. 可我……我给你了,这是你的啦。Now let⌒it⌒bring you luck. 现在让它给你带来好运。I'll keep⌒it for you, Roy. 我替你保存着。Without⌒telling you? 没有告诉你?It's⌒incredible, Kitty, I can't understand it at all. 凯蒂,这真难以置信,我根本无法理解。It's incredible, Kitty, I can't understand⌒it⌒at⌒all. 凯蒂,这真难以置信,我根本无法理解。 Where⌒is she? 她在哪儿呢?Kitty, what's⌒in back⌒of⌒all this? 凯蒂,这背后究竟是怎么回事?What⌒place⌒is that? 那是什么地方?But⌒she said it was her chance to live. 可是,她说过,你是她活下去的机会。 Is that⌒you, Myra?
[quote name='boatmen' date=', 03:58 PM' folder='95829']CD2的主要作用是什么啊[/quote]


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