riva的the flower of lifee这歌的歌词是什么

海绵宝宝 英文版
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听英文歌曲解析歌词:Love Story
 这是美国影片《Love Story》(1970年)的同名主题歌,由卡尔&西格曼作词,弗朗西斯&莱依作曲。这部电影传入中国后深受欢迎,主题音乐家喻户晓。《Love Story》于1971年获&金球&奖。该主题歌曲贯穿全片,旋律优美动听,歌词真挚感人。
Love Story
Where do I begin to tell the storyOf how great a love can be,The sweet love story That is older than the sea?The simple truth about the loveShe brings to me.Where do I start?
With her first hello, She gave a meaningTo this empty world of mine.There'll never be another loveAnother time.She came into my life And made the living fine. She fills my heart.She fills my heart
With very special things,With
songs,With wild imaginings.She fills my soul with so much loveThat anywhere I go I'm never lonely.With her along, who could be lonely?I reach for her hand.It's always there.
How long does it last? Can love be measured By the hours in a day? I have no answers now, But this much I can say: I know I'll need herTill the stars all burn away,And she'll be there.
1.Where do I begin to tell the story Of how great a love can be&?
  where do I begin:从何说起  tell the story of:讲述&&的故事  a love:一次爱情。用a把love具体化。  begin to tell:开始讲述  例:Where do I begin to tell the story of how I fellin love with her?    我从何说起我是怎样爱上她的呢?
2. The simple truth about the love she brings to me.
  =She brings to me the simple truth about the love.   the simple truth:朴素的真理,真谛  bring&to:把&&带给&&  例:She brings to me the simple truth about friendship.    她给我带来有关友谊的朴素真理。
3.She came into my life and made the living fine.
  come into one's life:走入某人的生活  例:She came into my life and I felt that even the whole world was smiling.    她进入我的生活,我感到整个世界都在微笑。    make the living fine:使生活快乐  例:Reading is one of the ways to make the living .    读书是使生活快乐的方式之一。
4.I reach for hand.
(hold out) my hand to take her hand.  reach for : 伸出手去够(拿)  例:He reached for the book.     他伸手去够书。    She fell into the river when she reached for a beautiful flower.     她伸手去够一朵漂亮小花时掉进了河里。附reach的意思 vt. 1. 抵达,到达;达到  When will they reach Los Angeles?  他们什么时候抵达洛杉矶? 2. 伸出(手);伸手及到,够到  He reached his hand out for the book I offered him.  他伸出手来接我给他的书。 3. 延伸到;(声音)传到[W] 4. 把...递来[O1] 5. 与...取得联系  We tried to reach them by .  我们试着用电报跟他们联络。 6. (炮火)射及;击中 vi. 1. 伸出手(或脚)[Q]  She reached up and picked a pear off a branch.  她抬起手从一根枝上摘下一只梨。 2. 达到,及到;延伸[W]  The speaker's voice couldn't reach to the back of the .  演讲人的声音礼堂后排听不见。 3. 伸手去拿,伸肢体去取[Q][(+for)] 4. 努力争取;竭力想得到[Q] n. 1. (手、能力、智力、影响等)可及之范围[U][(+of)]  The insecticide was put out of the child's reach.  杀虫剂放在孩子拿不到的地方。 2. 手臂长度[S] 3. (江、河的)一段流域;地带;大片地区[C]  the upper reaches of the river  河的上游地区
The angel of death's in the house!死神在屋里呢!
I can say without exaggeration that she is an angel.我可以毫不夸张地说她是个天使。
Fran came in holding a blue file.弗兰拿着一个蓝色的文件夹进来了。
The door won'you'll have to file it down.这门关不上,你得把它锉一锉。
Can you extend your visit for a few days more?你能把你的访问再延长几天吗?
The examinations extend over two weeks.考试持续两个星期。
Don't forget to cable us as soon as you arrive.别忘了一到就给我发个电报。
The worker attached a cable.工人连接电缆。
The teacher gathered all the pupils in the auditorium.老师把全体同学集合在礼堂内。
The stage is thrust forward into the auditorium.舞台向前突出,伸入观众席。
歌曲翻唱《后来》英文版 by Sofia Kallgren,附中英双语歌词
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《后来》是刘若英专辑《我等你》中的一首歌。八十年代末、九十年代初港台歌曲红遍大江南北,其实很多歌曲是翻唱日本的歌曲。玉城千春的&未来へ&,比起刘若英翻唱的&后来&,原唱玉城千春&未来へ&略逊一筹。最主要的原因&&歌词的境界不同!刘若英《后来》的词作者是施人诚,那词就太揪心了。而英语翻唱版被称为&瑞典银狐&的Sofia Kallgren就偏爱情哲学一些了。《后来》英文版Life by Sofia Kallgren歌词中英对照:Oh life,the wonders that you bring 噢 生活 你所带来的惊喜The beauty I can see 我所能看到的美丽That I keep deep inside of me 我都铭记在内心深处Oh life,I feel that I can bre
《后来》是刘若英专辑《我等你》中的一首歌。八十年代末、九十年代初港台歌曲红遍大江南北,其实很多歌曲是翻唱日本的歌曲。玉城千春的&未来へ&,比起刘若英翻唱的&后来&,原唱玉城千春&未来へ&略逊一筹。最主要的原因&&歌词的境界不同!刘若英《后来》的词作者是施人诚,那词就太揪心了。而英语翻唱版被称为&瑞典银狐&的Sofia Kallgren就偏爱情哲学一些了。《后来》英文版Life by Sofia Kallgren歌词中英对照:Oh life,the wonders that you bring 噢 生活 你所带来的惊喜The beauty I can see& 我所能看到的美丽That I keep deep inside of me 我都铭记在内心深处Oh life,I feel that I can breathe again 噢 生活 我觉得我又能再次能呼吸了In a world where love will still remain 在一个还有爱的世界里Choose your words,make them wise 明智地选择你的言辞吧Many things have brought us where we are 许多事情让我们走到这地步I am here,here with you 我在这里,和你一起Close your eyes,let love heal the sorrow 闭上你的眼睛,让爱情治愈你的悲伤Once again I feel alive 我再次觉得我还活着I'm sure of this inside& 我非常深切的肯定And I need you more than ever 而我比任何时候都还需要你Life's taught me so much more 生活教会了我更多Feel stronger than before 感觉比以前更坚强了Hope this feeling stays here forever 希望这感觉会永存Long ago I was blind 很久以前 我很懵懂I thought love was always here to stay 我以为爱情会一直存在But we walked away 但是我们转身离去And we said good bye 说了再见Even though I knew I loved you still 就算我知道我仍然爱着你Suddenly you were gone 突然间 你离开了And she was in your arms 而她却在你的怀里It's a picture I remember 这是我所记得的画面I was lost, could not be saved 我迷失了自我,无可救药My life just ran away 我的生命力就这样随之离去I only wish that we could start over 我只是希望我们能重新来过&But true love will find its way 但是真爱会找到出路Now a love is here to stay 现在这份爱在这里I lost it once 我曾经丢了它And now I found a way to live again 而现在我找到了让我再次活下去的方式Oh life,the wonders that you bring 噢 生活 你所带来的惊喜The beauty I can see& 我所能看到的美丽That I keep deep inside of me 我都铭记在内心深处Oh life,I feel that I can breathe again 噢 生活 我觉得我又能再次能呼吸了In a world where love will still remain 在一个还有爱的世界里But true love will find its way 但是真爱会找到出路Now a love is here to stay 现在这份爱在这里I lost it once 我曾经丢了它And now I found a way to live again 而现在我找到了让我再次活下去的方式Oh life,the wonders that you bring 噢 生活 你所带来的惊喜The beauty I can see& 我所能看到的美丽That I keep deep inside of me 我都铭记在内心深处Oh life,I feel that I can breathe again 噢 生活 我觉得我又能再次能呼吸了In a world where love will still remain 在一个还有爱的世界里In a world where love will still remain 在一个还有爱的世界里__________________________________________________________________Sofia Kallgren 简介:12岁就开始登台表演的索菲娅有&瑞典银狐&之称,是第一位签约中国内地录制专辑的西方歌手,也是第一个录制经典中国歌曲英文版专辑的西方歌手。曾获多项世界级的音乐、唱片大奖。曾在中国举行过巡回表演。其专辑《东方西方》收录10多首近年在华人地区传唱甚广的经典流行歌曲&


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