
《模擬鄰居1&2-其它小遊戲精品集》(Other Small Games Collection)完美破解版[Full Version][更新中][安裝包] - 王朝網路手機版 - 歡迎訪問王朝網路手機版m.《模擬鄰居1&2-其它小遊戲精品集》(Other Small Games Collection)完美破解版[Full Version][更新中][安裝包]&&因版权问题本站不提供资源下载  中文名稱: 模擬鄰居1&2-其它小遊戲精品集  英文名稱: Other Small Games Collection  遊戲類型: ACT 動作遊戲  資源格式: 安裝包  版本: 完美破解版[Full Version][更新中]  地區: 美國  語言: 英文  簡介:   
  發布說明:  (一)本貼的更新也停止了,本貼的所有遊戲和破解均來自互聯網,我只是:收集這些遊戲/集成破解並壓縮打包爲安裝版。  (二)關于《模擬鄰居&模擬鄰居2》中英雙語完美硬盤版:  1)《模擬鄰居&模擬鄰居2》中英雙語版安裝說明  1、在&Start Installing&安裝對話框點選&Convert Neighbours from Hell into Chinese&,安裝爲光譜資訊發行的國際中文版  2、不選擇該選項,則安裝爲英文版  2)模擬鄰居2 XP/SP2不能運行的問題(感謝驢友pickerlala提供解決方法)[/B]  1、安裝模擬鄰居1  2、安裝模擬鄰居2  3、進入“我的文檔”打開JoWooD文件夾  4、複制NeighboursFromHell文件夾內的兩個文件(gameoptions.xml/userdata.ngh)至NFH2-TRC(繁體中文版)/NFH2_UK(英文版)文件夾內覆蓋同名文件。  Introduction(簡介)  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------   (一)Neighbors From Hell 1+2(模擬鄰居1+2)  Neighbors From Hell(模擬鄰居)  版本:中英雙語版  代理/發行:光譜資訊  遊戲類型:益智  製作公司:JoWood  系統:Win 95/98/ME/2000/XP   Living next door to you is a real Neighbor From Hell and it's now time to have your revenge!   Creep around your neighbor ’s house performing ever more elaborate tricks upon the unsuspecting resident.  As the star of a fantastic new TV show, cameras will track your every move as you set your fiendish traps. Your objectives are to create more and more disarray, increase ratings and maybe even winning prestigious awards. But beware of watchful neighbors
if they catch you then the show will be taken off air.  《模擬鄰居》(Neighbors From Hell)是歐洲著名的遊戲公司JoWood所開發的新型態遊戲,有別於一般遊戲的角色扮演,玩家將以伍迪的身分,報名參加電視節目的現場直播,而鏡頭就設置在伍迪和他的鄰居家中!而這一切都是因為伍迪的鄰居中出現了一位反覆無常、老穿著粉紅色可愛拖鞋的魁梧怪老頭,帶給他生活上極大的困擾。終於,他選擇“偷偷”地捉弄這位怪鄰居,然後將他被整的爆笑鏡頭在電視播出作為報復。然而這位怪老頭不只是古怪,還相當的壯碩,只要伍迪稍一不慎被抓包,怪老頭可會變成狂老頭,將伍迪海扁一頓!!所以,一切整人計劃必須在不被怪老頭以及他所養的懶狗發覺下進行。由於伍迪的捉弄過程全被攝影機所紀錄並直播出來,觀眾會同時對伍迪的表現打分數。只要伍迪設下的圈套越刁鑽,怪老頭被整的越慘越氣,觀眾就會被逗得越樂、笑聲掌聲就會越大聲、給伍迪的評價就會越高,只要好好表現,最後伍迪甚至能得到一些演技專業獎項的肯定。遊戲操作簡單、畫面可愛精緻、內容滑稽搞笑,   Neighbors From Hell 2(模擬鄰居2)  版本:中英雙語版  代理/發行:光譜資訊  遊戲類型:益智  製作公司:JoWood  系統:Win 95/98/ME/2000/XP   The reality TV show of neighborly nastiness and community commotion moves on to the next round.   The neighbor from hell wants to enjoy an undeserved holiday – reason enough for Woody and the camera team to sneak along onto the cruise liner to make the nasty neighbour's holiday a living hell.   This time, the neighbor's mum has joined him, and she is taking good care of her baby.   Get the neighbor from hell into his mum's and fellow travellers' bad books, play tricks on him and give free reign to your vengeance   隨著怪鄰居環遊全世界,遊戲場景也從原先的怪鄰居家中拉到戶外。從一行人出發時所搭乘的郵輪、能夠從事衝浪這類水上活動的海灘,再到中國的萬裏長城、印度的泰姬瑪哈陵以及墨西哥的瑪雅遺跡等地點。而場景也不再像一代般只是一個又一個的房間,而是將所有場景融入各個地點。像是在中國的萬裏長城這個景點,你可以看到正在進行修補的長城工地、在一旁待命的人力車、古董文物的相關展示,以及一定會在風景區出現的攤販等。這些場景將萬裏長城生動地呈現在玩家面前。不論是否玩過一代,這些不同的景點絕對會讓玩家在一進入遊戲時覺得目不暇給,有著想到各處去一探究竟的衝動,像是有印度弄蛇人以及噴火僧的表演,還有墨西哥的鬥牛等。在花上一段時間欣賞完這些異地風情之後,會慢慢發現大部分的整人陷阱都需要玩家善用這些地點去加以設計。比方說在印度的泰姬瑪哈陵附近有一個場景是一片可以表演赤腳行走的燃燒炭火,由於無人表演,所以炭火早已冷卻,而怪鄰居只要經過那裡,就會赤腳上去行走以顯示自己的英勇…相信大家看到這裡都應該知道該怎麼做了吧!讓笨重的怪鄰居跳一場出乎意料的“火焰之舞”吧!  (二)Action & Shooters(動作與射擊)  1)Ballance(平衡)  Publisher: Atari Europe  Developer: Cyparade   Ballance is a level-based puzzle game. The player has to move a ball through a hovering maze of paths and rails. When moving, the player will face many mechanical obstacles like seesaws, suspension bridges, pendulums etc. to overcome. It is the aim of the game to reach to the end of each level without dropping the ball.  Ballance takes its special appeal from the physically realistic simulation of its elements. A good feeling of the ball's inertia and an understanding of simple mechanical processes will enable the player to succeed.  The special feature of the ball is that the player can change its material, and thus its physical properties. The material can be changed from wood to stone or paper. For changing the material of the ball, the player has to steer the ball onto one of the transforming fields (transformers) that can be found at various places in the levels.  Ballance is played against the time. The faster a player gets through a level the more scores will be granted. Picking up various Extra Scores may provide the player with additional &time scores& or even an &extra life&.  Ballance is a combination of a puzzle and a game of skill. While the skill component is omnipresent - everything finally depends on steering the ball - the element of intelligence reveals itself in the form of &physical puzzles&. These puzzles count on an intuitive grasping of the level architecture and the principles of simple mechanics. They often refer to the physical transformation of the ball.   When exploring the world of this game and its rules, the view into endless depths gives the player a continuous thrill.   挑戰重力的極限!面對令人頭暈目眩的高度和望而生畏的深度,控制一個球在一個充滿鐵軌、木橋等機關的超真實世界中遨遊。這裏有超過12個不斷提高難度的關卡,每一關都有更加複雜的迷宮和機關等待你去克服!  2)After the End(浩劫之後)  Your patrol cruiser received mayday signal from a research base on a suburban planet &Rydon 7&. The dropship directed to investigate the situation was hit and damaged by an unknown force during landing and you are the only survivor. There is a hope for finding ship replacement
however, lifeform scanning shows a very strange disturbance. Do you dare to go out of the ship and see what's outside?  Cut your way through locations filled with mutants in your attempt of getting replacement units for your dropship and discovering the source of the evil raging all over the planet. Get your fighting power to the top with destructive weapons, devices and special abilities. Advance your skills with experience points while monster mutations get more and more terrible. Save the planet and report to your command. And then return to Rydon 7 to complete the Firing Range mode training cycle and test your skills in Survival mode.  劇情精采的動作射擊遊戲,玩家扮演的是劫後余生的士兵,身處在奇怪的外層空間星球,要生存下去唯一的辦法就是將眼前所有的外星生物擊斃,找出摧毀艦隊的神秘力量。  3)Beach Head 2002(搶灘登陸戰2002)  Publisher:Fusion Games  Beach Head 2002 challenges you to defend your position, even though hopelessly outnumbered and bombarded from all sides.  Your job is to defend an assigned inland defense perimeter, protecting a command post to repel expected ground and airborne assaults. Attacks come from airlifted troops, armored personnel carriers, tanks, Cobra helicopters, jets, and more. Battle through both day and night scenarios utilizing the limited ammo given you to survive!   即時360度全方位射擊遊戲。快速的作戰方法令人驚心動魄,變化多端的敵人與關卡即時控制,精致瑰麗的3d畫面簡直超眩!你所擔當的角色就是海灘上一個堡壘裏的炮手。你的任務就是消滅來犯的敵人,敵人主要來自登陸艦及空中武裝。  4)Arcadrome(水晶爭奪戰)  A Dark time for the Human race has come. The Earth is in danger. Aliens are going to capture planet Earth (as they always are). It's clear to see that they are ugly, loathsome, vile and have the worst designs of all conquerers. Women will be eaten away, the brains of intelligent men will be worked into liquid assigned to wash their nasty spaceships, children will be taken away for terrible experiments. The others will not be spared, obviously they will be simply pulverized into dust. So, there is a need for somebody to save humankind.  The Aliens have settled over Earth and are now in orbit. In response Earthlings quickly build an armed spaceship and equip an expedition to give battle. It becomes known that the alien energy is contained in crystals scattered all around the Arcadrome (their vehicle launching site). The only way to neutralize their hordes is to capture all crystals and to leave the enemy without energy. That is the last hope of humanity. The spaceship is cramped, and only one man can go in (may be bad since calculated in a hurry). And you have been selected as that one man. Your civilization is gazing up to you as their sole hope for survival.  &Out of everybody trying to save our planet Earth you are the selected one&, said the President grimly at parting, his face grave with concern.   水晶爭奪戰,玩家控制的小戰機要在各種不同地形之中,與各種各樣凶殘的敵人周旋,並收集畫面中所有的水晶。遊戲全程可由鼠標控制。本遊戲的流暢度十足,聲光效果表現佳,是一款不錯的射擊遊戲。這是一款射擊遊戲,動作表現十分流暢,再加上畫面的呈現與精彩的音樂音效,可說是非常棒的遊戲。玩家的目標是要收集每個關卡中,散布于地面上的所有的黃色水晶。遊戲中還會出現許多的寶物來添增玩家的武力。操作:利用鼠標來控制戰機的移動,而按左鍵可發射子彈,右鍵則爲炸彈。  5)Jazz JackRabbit 2(爵士兔2)  This nonviolent but addictive game features a rabbit that can fire weapons and, on occasion, helicopter with his ears. As Jazz, your objective is to shoot blocks with stars on them and stomp on blocks that have exclamation marks. The game includes dynamic lighting, scaling, rotation, and warping. This version supports flaming and freezing weapons.  Jazz Jackrabbit 2中,利用手上的武器,以及絕佳的彈力,加上你的智能,才能通過重重障礙,找到回家的路。無論是在音效、音樂的配合,都讓人驚歎不已。在關卡的設計上,主角必須要利用地形、地物,才能輕易的過關。譬如像是你可以抓住樹藤像泰山一樣蕩來蕩去,或是可以爬進水管中,站在樹上等等。而且特別的是,這個遊戲提供了雙打的功能,你可以經由網絡聯機,或是在同一台計算機上,兩個人互相合作,一起找到過關的出口。遊戲的操控,左右鍵控制左右移動,向上鍵是往上看,向下鍵是蹲下,空格鍵是發射子彈,Ctrl是跳躍。  6)Tank-o-Box - 1.2(3D坦克大戰)  tank battle game   In this battle arcade you must operate the tank and protect your headquarters from the formidable enemy while enduring 50 fiercest tank battles that unfold on the imaginary writing-desk between amusing kid’s sketches and office stationery. Completing the assignment will not be an easy job as you have to resist the deadly onslaught of 8 different types of tanks and armored vehicles that turn your desk into another Stalingrad. Your survival technique will be to take advantage of the terrain and maneuver between numerous natural and artificial obstacles while preparing for the next gunshot. Along the way, you must collect bonuses ranging from Enemy Freeze and Air Strike to Tank Upgrade and Extra Life as they can significantly increase your survival chances.  In the latest version of Tank-o-Battle players will discover the new Extra mode offering 99 lives to enjoy the non-stop battle with hundreds of tanks, rocket launchers and armed vehicles. Also, you can choose single player or play co-op multiplayer with a friend as you march and fight together against the savage enemy.  坦克大戰的3D加強豪華版,加入了3D的畫面,使得畫面更佳漂亮,加入了一些關卡的目標,使得遊戲更有變化性、更有趣。本遊戲可以一人獨玩,也可以兩人一起同樂,對抗敵軍。  玩家的目標是要攻擊所有進攻的敵軍坦克,這些坦克有些十分脆弱,只需一發炮彈便可以解決,有些則擁有堅固的裝甲設備,需要數發炮彈才能摧毀。玩家將在各式各樣的地形上與敵人交戰,又因爲是單軍作戰,與敵人的龐大數量成強大對比,所以必須利用地形的掩護,才能與之對抗。經常需利用打帶跑的戰術,才能比較順利完成關卡。遊戲中的一些場景物品也是可以射擊的,例如樹木經過射擊後會著火,繼續射擊則可會倒塌,又一些車輛也可以經射擊而去除這些障礙物,這些都添加了遊戲的豐富性。  7)shroomz  Get your daily dose of action, adventure, and puzzle solving in Shroomz. Awarded Best Web/Downloadable Game of the Year by Billboard, Shroomz mixes a fairytale storyline with exciting puzzle game play. Guide your heroine, Bashful, through a mystical underworld to rescue her lost puppy. With over 30 levels, exciting twists, and beautiful graphics, this game will enchant and electrify you. In the full version, you can pause, jump to later levels, and play in full screen mode, drawing you into the world of Shroomz.  完全抄襲自Namco的名作“鑽頭小子”,還是值得一玩。  8)Alonix  Alonix lets you reconstruct power fields of the destroyed stations, collect precious amethysts, fly around dangerous tracks, seize enemy platforms and, admire super difficult level-brain-twisters for best players.   This game has 5 different missions for any taste. Play in 80 levels from small and graceful up to gigantic brain-twisters. Beautiful 3D graphics, realistic special effects, artful monsters, various bonuses, splendid music, and fascinating dynamic levels will give inimitable pleasure to people of any age!   空間感和立體感十足的飛行器大闖關遊戲。主角是一個類似螺旋槳的飛行器,優美的背景畫面,輕松的背景音樂,物體形成和消失時形成碎片的漫天感覺,特別整個遊戲是建立在半空中的,別有一番不同的感覺和滋味。操作:方向鍵控制前進移動方向,如果按的時間越長,螺旋槳轉得越快,速度也越快。在 BRICK PLATFORM關卡中空格鍵起跳躍躲避作用。  9)Turtle Odyssey(小海龜之旅)  Get involved in a totally new adventure epic of Good versus Evil that will take players on a treasure-hunting journey into a mysterious underwater world. The game comes to life as Ozzy, a brave turtle, has been chosen to find thieves and bring back stolen talismans. Overcome evil forces and become the savior of the underwater kingdom!  Realore出品的新款善vs惡的arcade類遊戲-最終目的是找回失竊的護身符,將帶給你奇異的水下旅程。遊戲提供了生動的遊戲體驗、豐富的深海視覺景觀和有趣的角色以及更多內容。  10)3DRT Brickblaster(詛咒磚塊)  Publisher: TLK Games S.A.R.L.  After a few minutes of playing 3DRT Brickblaster, you will forget all the Brick Breaker Games that you might have used before.Accessible to all, this game will boost you to the highest levels of expertise and virtuosity to clear victoriously, in constantly renewed decors, the 240 levels, the 12 BOSS levels and the 3 SUPERBOSS levels. Thanks to its astonishing BONUSES, you will acquire a powerful Attack and Defense Weapon System that will empower you to destroy the resistance of the trickiest strongholds protected by all kind of traps and enemies that won't let you one instant of respite.  具有華麗的縮放效果和宏大場景的磚塊遊戲。推薦  (三)飛行射擊  1)DEMONSTAR(魔星)    The most thrilling vertical scrolling shooter on the market! DemonStar takes shooters to the extreme with Multiplayer/Network capabilities, Force Feedback joystick support, 3-D rendered graphics, explosive sound effects, and a brilliant soundtrack. To destroy each boss, you will have to search for the many weapons such as lasers, homing missiles, and many more. As you maneuver your way through each of the 18 progressive levels, you can build up an arsenal worthy of a match against the greatest mega-boss of all time:THE DEMONSTAR  DemonStar是一款縱版滾動式射擊遊戲,遊戲全程節奏緊湊,采用了細膩的 3D 貼圖、逼真的爆炸性音效,並支持動力回饋搖杆以及網絡聯戰功能。每一關的難度頗高,除了種種的狠角色會不斷出現之外,在關卡盡頭都還會有一個把關的巨型頭目,因此玩家必須盡量取得像是激光、追蹤飛彈等強力武器,才能夠順利過關斬將。  2)DEMONSTAR - Secret Missions 1(魔星-隱秘任務1)    The Xidus have been developing in secret new, more powerful DemonStarships to destroy Earth. Your job is to battle your way through hordes of new enemies, and destroy their devastating new weapons!  The first in the new series of DemonStar spinoff titles using an enhanced version of the original engine. Secret Missions 1 is DemonStar infused with arcade quality graphics, sound FX and backed up with all new levels and music soundtrack.  DemonStar 之隱秘任務1。  3)DEMONSTAR - Secret Missions 2(魔星-隱秘任務2)    The Xidus have been developing another secret, even more powerful DemonStar Fleet to destroy Earth. Your job is to battle your way through hordes of new enemies, and destroy their devastating new weapons!   The second in the new series of DemonStar spinoff titles using an enhanced version of the original engine. Secret Missions 2 is DemonStar infused with arcade quality graphics, sound FX and backed up with all new levels and music soundtrack.  DemonStar 之隱秘任務2。  4)Star Blaze 1.0(星之火焰)   Star Blaze is a space shooter game, featuring amazing visual effects and high quality graphics. Crush your enemies in the depths of the space, deadly grounds, dark ocean waters and reach the core of Retulla planet. Compete enemy hordes and fight mighty bosses. See the ruins of lost civilizations, the beauty of the underwater and horrible underground tunnels. Collect resources and give your ship more firepower to annihilate the dark forces.   絢麗的橫版空戰遊戲。  5)F-22 Raptor(F-22猛禽)  Last year NovaLogic released F-22 Lightning II, a diverting arcade-like sim that made inflated claims for the realism and accuracy of its flight model. After F-22 hit, NovaLogic managed to cement a relationship with Lockheed Martin for the rights to create sims based upon its aircraft, attempting to shut out other manufacturers in the process. (NovaLogic later denied that it was trying to freeze out the competition, but its initial releases featured the phrase &exclusive rights& prominently.) When the flight sim community rose up in outrage over this (particularly in light of NovaLogic's complete inability to create a flight model more realistic than that found in, say, Descent), NovaLogic backed off. But it still had this swell deal with Lockheed and needed to start making it pay out.  Novalogic 的飛行模擬遊戲,和該公司許多其它的同類遊戲一樣,“F-22猛禽”更偏向于動作射擊,而不講究高度仿真的操作。在整體水平上,“F-22猛禽”也不遜于另一著名系列“卡曼奇直升機”。喜歡當飛行員的朋友別錯過它。  “F-22猛禽”雖然是99年發行,但並不遜色于現在新發行的大多數飛行模擬遊戲。  (四)Puzzle(益智遊戲)  1)Return of the Incredible Machine: Contraptions(重返不可思議的機器)  Publisher: Vivendi Universal  In the Return of the Incredible Machine: Contraptions, you’re the inventor as you attempt to solve over 250 wildly imaginative puzzles. Create incredible machines out of a diverse assortment of crazy and colorful parts, ranging from ropes, pulleys, and bowling balls, to cheese driven mouse motors. And after solving the puzzles, make your own with the built-in puzzle editor!   智力遊戲之神作,這個遊戲需要是思考而不是快速反應。  2)The Incredible Machine: Even More Contraptions(不可思議的機器:更精巧的機械)  Publisher: Vivendi Universal  The award-winning legacy continues. The newest installment in the Incredible Machine series, The Incredible Machine: Even More Contraptions combines 250 brand-new puzzles, a more entertaining head-to-head mode, the ability to swap puzzles with the world over the Internet, and an updated easy-to-use interface.   《重返不可思議的機器》的資料片。  3)Crazy Machines(瘋狂機器)  Publisher: FAKT Software GmbH  Developer: FAKT Software GmbH/Novitas   System requirements:  1.5 GHz CPU   256 MB RAM   DirectX 8.64 compatible graphics card with 64MB RAM (GeForce 3 or similar)   DirectX 8.0 compatible sound card   60 MB free hard drive space   Windows 98/ME/2000/XP   Brain Sport in the classical style!   Who doesn't know it - the cult game, &The incredible Machine?&, - the one that captivated many computer gamers. So...DIY freaks, logical thinkers, and superbrains get ready! Moulded along the lines of that classic is yet another gem - &Crazy Machines - The Inventor's Workshop& - and this one will test your logic and inventive talent to the limits.   The task sounds easy enough, doesn't it? With the given parts, construct a machine that matches the o but, as always, there are hidden pitfalls in there - how can I grill meat using a light bulb?, or, how can I get a flower to grow using a cannon or gun? These are all questions that you can answer during the game!  &Crazy Machines& won't only test your brainpower – it has features like particle systems, volumetric realtime shadows, clothing simulation – and you won't be able to get enough of the incredibly detailed machine parts designed by the prize-winning design team &DBKI& - graphics both powerful and impressive.  You want to create your own &IQ tests&? No problem! The user-friendly Editor will help you create your own level.  《瘋狂機器》的1.0德語版。智力遊戲神作《不可思議的機器》的重制版,美麗的3D畫面+充滿創意的新關卡+新機械,准備接受新的挑戰吧!  雖然遊戲是德語版,但看圖應該能明白。  4)Crazy Machines 2(瘋狂機器2)  New Brain Food!   At last! - &Crazy Machines - New Challenges& takes you right into the second round of the Think Tank contest!  Over 100 fantastic new levels, 10 new elements and many clever enhancements will prove a hard test for all you modellers and logical thinkers! The new elements and new functions for existing components breathe exciting new life into the Professor's experiments - how will the experiment react to the moon's gravity? What will happen when a cannon is fired and the after effects of the shot actually change gravity? How do you start a Zeppelin with the hand vacuum? You'll get answers to all these questions and more in &Crazy Machines - New Challenges&.  Of course you also have these new elements available in the Editor. With the combination of the existing elements and these new functions, you can create crazy, breathtaking levels - levels that would have Einstein himself pulling his hair out in frustration!  《瘋狂機器》的2.0德語版,有增加了大量新的關卡和新的道具。  5)Crazy Machines - New Challenges(瘋狂機器-新挑戰)  Publisher: FAKT Software GmbH  Developer: FAKT Software GmbH/Novitas   New Brain Food!   At last! - &Crazy Machines - New Challenges& takes you right into the second round of the Think Tank contest!  Over 100 fantastic new levels, 10 new elements and many clever enhancements will prove a hard test for all you modellers and logical thinkers! The new elements and new functions for existing components breathe exciting new life into the Professor's experiments - how will the experiment react to the moon's gravity? What will happen when a cannon is fired and the after effects of the shot actually change gravity? How do you start a Zeppelin with the hand vacuum? You'll get answers to all these questions and more in &Crazy Machines - New Challenges&.  Of course you also have these new elements available in the Editor. With the combination of the existing elements and these new functions, you can create crazy, breathtaking levels - levels that would have Einstein himself pulling his hair out in frustration!  《瘋狂機器》的2.0英文版。  6)Brainsbreaker 3.0(智力拼圖)    Look and feel as you would expect from a real cardboard jigsaw puzzle Play any puzzle from 4 to as many pieces as you want (limited only by the size of your screen) Create new puzzles with your photos and share them with anyone Different cuts of pieces, eacho one with its own challenge and beauty.   Resize the puzzle &on the fly& while playing Handle the pieces comfortably with your mouse Advanced features for the hardest puzzles: Store pieces temporarily in boxes Move simultaneously groups of pieces Work first the pieces of the edge only Scoring. Everybody at home or online can play and compare their performance Save your job continue it whenever you want Print your jigsaw puzzles!, ready for hanging on a wall Neither cats, dogs nor babies will swallow or scatter the pieces of your puzzles!   非常酷的拼圖軟件,同類拼圖軟件的佼佼者。操作界面雖然是英文的,但是不影響使用。每張圖片均有略圖及分割成的塊數(也可以自己確定塊數),選擇所需的圖片,就進入拼圖操作界面了。出品該軟件的公司網站還特意准備了大量圖片免費供您下載,張張精品。本版本集成所有的官方圖片。  7)Jack Sokoman(倉庫番傑克)  New challenges are waiting for Jack and this also means new adventures! This time boxes and other items must be moved to their designated destinations. And this is where all problems start: boxes can only be pushed and can not be pulled! In addition there are other things that make life for Jack more miserable like nasty little creatures that call warehouses their home and do not like intruders very much. Add to that a strict time limit and you will know why Jack could use all the help you can give him!  帶有不少新特色的經典遊戲倉庫番,也就是推箱子,一次只能推動一個箱子,而且不能拖拉,除了單純的推箱子還有可利用的工具以及搗亂的小生物。  8)Jacks Bouldermatch(收集鑽石大行動)  We all know that diamonds are a girls best friend. This is why Jack is going underground in his latest adventure. To collect the precious gems that will please his girlfriend, Jack will have to dig corridors and get rid of stones that block his way. Sometimes Jack comes across a locked door. To open these doors Jack will have to find the right keys. But more trouble is waiting for Jack: Nasty little creatures are living in this darkness. Jack should avoid these creatures as well as he should stay away from water or swamps. To make matters even worse, Jack&s girl is not very patient, so time is yet another problem.   鑽石是女孩子都喜歡的東西,爲了取悅女友,Jack決心去收集鑽石,他需要搬開障礙和大石頭來取得鑽石 ,有時還要尋找鑰匙去開啓一些鎖著的門,不僅如此,還有一些討厭的動物來搗亂,而且Jack的女友耐心也很差,你需要在限定的時間內拿到鑽石。真是不容易啊!  9)TaMiGoN(七巧板)  TaMiGoN is a new and unique logic puzzle game. The game brings together game elements from the Chinese Tangram puzzles and mixes them with modern action puzzle ideas such as color and shape matching. This game is a follow up to the popular BoXiKoN game but it's more like a 'sister game' than a sequel. The BoXiKoN game was based on a set of shapes known as Pentominos. The Pentomino shapes are well known for being used in the famous Tetris game. TaMiGoN uses a set of shapes based on the Chinese Tangram puzzle. These shapes are made up of triangles and diamonds rather than blocks. TaMiGoN uses a set of 400 different Tangram style shapes!   TaMiGoN 是一款新的和獨特的邏輯解迷遊戲,它結合了中國的七巧版遊戲並溶入了現代的解迷理念,如顔色和形狀匹配。它包括了400種不同的七巧板樣式形狀。  10)Tower of the Ancients(遠古之塔)  Defy the will of a vengeful God - join the construction industry!   When Man settled in Babylon, he proposed to build a tower to reach the heavens.   But the LORD will not be mocked. He saw the tower, and in His wisdom he smote it, scattered the builders and confounded their language.   But what if the LORD had not seen the tower? What if some benevolent priest, wise in His service and mindful of the interests of man, had restrained those ancient engineers and prevented the profane ziggurat from attracting His almighty wrath?   They might just have got away with it...   &Tower of the Ancients& is easy to play, and religiously addictive. Position the blocks as they fall from the sky. Match three symbols on the blocks, and they' match more than three for some divine bonuses. But watch out - let the tower grow too high, and there'll be hell to pay!   這個遊戲是建立在俄羅斯方塊的基礎上的--它是令人上瘾,富挑戰性並富有趣味的。也許你會猜想它是另一版本的俄羅斯方塊的克隆,但出色的圖片,音軌和3D旋轉效果使這個遊戲變得非常吸引人。  11)Cube Pusher(搬運工)  Cube Pusher is an engaging logic game that prompts you to solve mind-boggling riddles, train your intuition and refine thinking process. The game has 4 packs (big ones), each with own difficulty settings and artwork. Each pack comes with 50 levels.  The objective of the game is to put wooden boxes in appropriate places. The trick is that these boxes can only be pushed, so it's not that easy for Cube Pusher - game's main character.  The game keeps the records for best level solutions, which can be shown to your friends and relatives (no limits). In addition, dynamic music that plays in the background and hip sound effects make the game, well, cool. And you get a famous quote displayed each time you pass a level.   畫面精美的經典“倉庫番”類遊戲。  12)Fiber Tree(光纖樹枝)  Addictive, simple and original, this puzzle game is sure to win your heart. The goal of the game is to inlay the board with branchlike pieces and connect them so as to make closed figures. Once you make a closed figure, it disappears, as if by magic, leaving space for new pieces. Each move brings new pieces, and the board gradually fills. Surviving as long as possible will help you to get a high score.   Apart from this, you'll find it a great fun to inlay the board with lovely branchlike pieces and see them disappear. The game is easy to learn even without reading a manual, doesn't require fast decisions and encourages logical thinking. Besides, it has a highly agreeable interface and a wide range of beautiful skins to choose from. Add to it a marvelous soundtrack and you'll get an ideal game to relax during work. Simple, but highly challenging, Fiber Tree will make your coffee break a real hot one!   接水管類遊戲,把支離破碎的圖塊鑲嵌在遊戲面板之中,並且把他們連接帶一起,從而得到一個封閉的圖形。   13)TwistIt!(旋轉拼圖)  The game is based upon an original idea and includes 25 addicting puzzles. Pick up the pieces of the pictures, rotate them and put them together. Top level challenging mix of Jigsaw, Slider and Rubik's Cube right on your desktop. Nice original pictures of old and modern Europe - castles, palaces and other great sights.  拼圖遊戲,玩法類似“魔方”,提供分布在5個不同分類中的25個拼圖。挑選圖片的圖塊,旋轉該圖塊並且把它們組合在一起。  14)Aquacade(海底探秘)  Get into your submarine and go pearl-fishing in addictive underwater action puzzle. You'll meet exotic marine animals and reveal the secrets of seabed while making combos out of colorful pearls. Discover mysterious items and use your ship powers wisely to collect as many pearls as you can.   令人上瘾的水下冒險解迷類遊戲-進入你的潛水艇去海底采集珍珠。在收集各色珍珠得到'combo'的同時你還將遇見奇異的水下動物和揭示海底的秘密。  15)Twisty Tracks(寶石火車)  A mighty windstorm has scattered your treasure trove to the far reaches of the world! Guide your treasure train across the vast Realm of D’roso to recover every last gem.  Rotate track to keep your train on the right path, and keep an eye out for those devilish Dervishes! Deliver recovered gems to your treasury via magical depots.  Twisty Tracks is a charmingly whimsical game where the player turns sections of track, linking a railway in order to collect treasure, including gems, coins, and treasure chests. The game has 2 distinct modes: action-oriented Arcade and Realm Tour, where the player travels through five fantastic realms as they recover treasure that was scattered afar by a mighty whirlwind.  Treasure-packed bonus levels add another appealing twist to gameplay. The style is fanciful and fun colorful scenery and eye candy abounds, and the game exudes a cheerfulness that’s downright infectious.  寶石火車,扭動鐵軌,使你永不停息的火車能夠暢通無阻的前進並收集寶石,畫面、設計、創意俱佳,非常酷的遊戲之一。一場暴風雪將你埋藏在地下的寶石吹散到了世界各地,你必須依靠自己 的努力將它們重新收集起來。 遊戲方式很簡單,你必須通過扭動鐵軌,使你永不停息的火車能夠暢通無阻的前進並收集寶石。每一關都有一定的寶石量,當你把過關所必須的寶石送進站時就能過關了。隨著遊 戲的進行,每關所需要的寶石就會越來越多。甚至還會出現一些搗亂份子, 來改變你的鐵道以幹擾你的行動。如果你把該關上所有寶石都收集到,那麽恭喜你,你可以進入獎勵關了,獎勵可是很豐厚的哦!  16)遺迹尋寶(中文版)  公司:上海凡多軟件  Http下載地址:/download/yjxb.exe  第一款Reflexive發行的國産小遊戲,畫面較精美,但“音樂”/“音效”不提也罷,下面是官方的介紹(圖片是英文版的):  這是一款老少皆宜的益智類遊戲,遊戲以發掘古羅馬的遺迹爲故事背景,除了可以單機尋寶,也可以上互聯網和其他去羅馬尋寶的朋友合作或是競賽。遊戲目前一共有168關,分三條尋寶道路,雖然玩法和普通的連連看基本一樣,但是遊戲中有更多的道具,機關石,還能找到古代的寶藏,加之唯美的畫面,實在不可與其他連連看同日而語。  更加多的驚喜,更加多的體驗等待著你.  17)Enigmo(魔法水滴)  Enigmo is a 3D puzzle game where you move various streams of flowing liquid so that the droplets get to their destination. Liquids (water, oil, and lava) fall from &droppers& and will bounce around the walls of a mechanism. You move and rotate into position various types of bumpers, sliders, accelerators, and sponges in order to divert the flow of the falling droplets. The faster you complete each level, the more bonus you will receive.  《重返不可思議的機器》的仿制之作,創意較平庸,可玩性一般。  18)Maui Wowee(魔力花園)  Maui Wowee is loaded with over 200 levels of play and a seemingly endless amount of features! Equally exciting, the Media Player component lets users listen to their own music while they play. This game sports a fully-customizable screen saver, a level editor that allows players to build their own levels, and Swap Mode for those who just can't get enough classic swapping action. Download today and prepare to be wowed by this extraordinary new game.  畫面非常精美的消除類遊戲,遊戲中把花圃內三個以上的相同花朵連成一線即可進行消除,花朵所在的這塊棕色土地也會隨之變色,而當同一塊土地發生消除的次數越多,土地就會變成銀色、金色,最後得到的分數也就越高,當花圃內全部土地都變色後即可過關,結算分數時,會根據你的得分解鎖更多的蝴蝶、樹木、花朵、用來在屏保模式中進行自編輯。遊戲提供了兩種遊戲模式,SWAP是傳統模式,和相鄰方塊對換,而默認的SLIDE則是整行或整列像魔方那樣橫向或縱向的移動,讓遊戲獲得了更高的自由度和更加豐富的變化。  (五)Chess & Card(棋牌遊戲)  1)Chessmaster Challenge(國際象棋大師)  Based on Chessmaster 10th Edition by Ubisoft Entertainment.  Chessmaster Challenge appeals to chess novices and masters alike, with step-by-step tutorials for those playing chess for the first time, as well as challenging tournament-style matches for chess experts. With a choice of six chessboard sets, there are three ways to experience Chessmaster Challenge: · Learn – If you’re new to chess, Chessmaster Challenge is your teacher and mentor, with more than 25 step-by-step audio tutorials to learn at your own pace. Learn all the basics plus strategies used by chess masters around the world. · Fun – In the mood for a quick brain-teasing puzzle? Fun Mode offers eight types of chess challenges that help you master strategies like finding Forks, Checks, Checkmates and Pinned pieces. · Play – After mastering your skills, challenge a computer opponent to a tournament-style game of chess in two modes of play. In Training Mode, request hints and learn moves with the help of a virtual chess coach, helping you improve your game as you play. In Ranked Play, play against top-ranked players and dominate your opponent as you move up the rankings.   Chessmaster 10st Edition的官方精簡版,完全保留了原版的AI/對局/教程,有部分教程語音/背景音樂,除去了動畫和華而不實的棋盤/棋子設計,是純粹的國際象棋遊戲。  作爲這個系列的最新版本,Chessmaster Challenge 無論在功能和畫面上有很大的改進,並且能讓你接觸到曆史上著名的國際象棋對局,無論玩家的象棋經驗如何,都可以提升你的實力。  2)Ancient Spiders(遠古蜘蛛紙牌)  Solitaire players will love this ancient twist on the exciting game based on the classic game, Spider Solitaire. Enjoy eight unique game modes, exotic jungle beats, and an in-game tutorial that lets players of all skill levels in on the fun! The object of Spider Solitaire is to remove all of the cards from the ten stacks at the top of the window in the fewest number of moves.  全新外觀和感受的經典蜘蛛紙牌遊戲。  3)Charm Solitaire(魔法紙牌)  The aim of this game is to place cards on the playing field, so that they all turn face down. The cards are moving along the chain and you should use them before they reach the chain's other end, otherwise you'll lose the game. You may only place cards that are one rank higher or lower than the card on the playing field. When you surround a card with other ones, it turns face down. When all the cards become face down, the level wil be passed. As soon as the cards from the magic pack come together in a patience, a veil of oblivion will be lifted from Archithon's mind.   玩法新穎的紙牌遊戲,遊戲的目的就是要將牌放進格子裏,牌可不是隨便放的,和接龍差不多,按相鄰的牌放就可以了,當一張牌四周放了其它牌,這張牌就會翻過來,當所有的牌都翻過後,就順利過關了。遊戲中可是有時間限制的哦,牌是不停的滾動的,觸到帽子可就輸了哦。通過擺放獎勵的接龍牌,還有升級系統哦。遊戲中還可以玩梭哈,如果你從2排到A,可以加很多分數的。  (六)(Sport & Speed)運動競速  1)Trickshot(台球)  Publisher: Phoenix Games   Step inside and challenge the hustlers to a game of snooker or pool in any of the 8 themed virtual chat rooms. Unique Virtual Chat system allows you to insult, flatter and challenge the guys and girls and proclaim yourself the King of Snooker and Pool in your bid for the Access-all-areas Gold Card. 7 realistic games - 9-ball, Killer, Mini Snooker, Snooker, Speed, UK 8-ball & US 8-ball. Photo-realistic graphics, highly accurate physics and sound that even features the roll of balls under the table. Wide variety of cues and tables, each with their own individual look and game play properties. Win many different trophies. Dynamic dance tracks, seventies funk and even good ol' Country & Western music ooze from each individual chat room. Atmospheric lighting and smoke effects help create an ideal bar room gaming experience.  Trickshot是一款好玩的2D台球遊戲,台球從FC時代開始就是大家喜歡玩的遊戲之一,隨著電腦技術的發展,台球也逐漸轉向3D的遊戲畫面,3D畫面效果很好,而且真實感很強,但是遊戲遠遠不如2D的台遊戲,這款桌球玩法很全,包括美式8球、歐式8球、9球、斯諾克等玩法,遊戲模式有快速遊戲、聊天室比賽、競賽模式;在競賽模式中,獲得最後的勝利可以得到榮譽和獎勵的球杆,也可以去聊天室中接受更高難度的挑戰。遊戲中可以選擇球杆擊球的部位、球杆的角度,從而打出如弧線球,回旋球等技巧球。遊戲還支持雙人模式,大大增加了耐玩度。  2)Road Rash(暴力摩托)   Developer: Papyrus Racing Games   Publisher: Electronic Arts   Are you ready for illegal aggression on two wheels? Extreme arcade racing has never been so rough as you'll have to kick, beat, punch, and maul your opponents with chains, clubs, sticks, and other brutal weaponry. Pick your racer (the gamut runs from punks to jocks), and then head off to Der Panzer Klub, where you can talk to fellow riders, sign up for a race, or purchase a new ride. Obstacles abound, as you have to watch out for angry gangs, inferior equipment, and worst of all - the cops!  This Game must Run in compatibility mode for win98,Run in 256 colors, Run in 640 X 480 screen resolution.  “暴力摩托”是一款與衆不同的競速類遊戲,它擁有非常逼真的畫面和音響效果,如疾馳而過的汽車呼嘯聲,摩托車的引擎聲和轉彎時輪胎與地面摩擦而産生的聲音。而且它在遊戲中加入了對抗成份,比賽中你可以使用拳、腳去幹擾對方,使其落後于你,是不是很卑鄙啊? 遊戲中千萬不能手下留情,因爲對手會主動攻擊你。如果遇到開摩托車的警察,雖然也可以對他踢上一腳,但可得小心點,萬一被他們捉住就會 GAME OVER !  3)Virtua Tennis(VR網球)  eveloper:Empire Interactive   Publisher:SEGA Strangelite  Realistic 3D environments and fluid animations. Simple controls - easy to pick up and play - Supports 1 to 4 players   Seven internationally ranked men's tennis players to choose from   Play on concrete, clay, grass, and carpet - each surface responds differently   Deep strategies for those who wish to uncover them: read your rival's game plan and adjust your tactics   PC: Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP Compatible   由Empire Interactive移植,SEGA旗下的Strangelite開發,DC上的優秀體育遊戲:《VR網球》(Virtua Tennis)包含了DC原作中的所有功能並增加了一些新元素。操作保持不變,你可選擇七名男明星中的一個,參加巡回賽及職業賽。玩家還可在迷你遊戲中增加角色的技巧和屬性。PC版本增加了最多支持四人的多人模式,另外還有隱藏功能和其他的驚喜。  該系列遊戲畫面精美,並采用球員真實姓名,是網球遊戲中的經典之作。  4)3DRT PingPong(乒乓球)  Publisher:TLK Games S.A.R.L.
  3DRT PingPong is an intuitive and inclusive PC simulation of the game of Table Tennis. This game uses the new official rules from July 2001 (but you can play also parts in 21 points, if you like) and permits to play against the computer at various levels of game or against another player who uses a second game pad or keyboard on the same computer. The game allows 3 modes of control for the racket. The simplest is the ARCADE mode: The racket adjusts itself automatically in height and the player adjusts then the position in relation to the table and the strength of the stroke. In NORMAL mode the player can modify the orientation of the racket in addition for every ball. In fashion EXPERT the player can also adjust sensibly the height of the racket before hitting it. The computer is capable to play at various levels and even to play against itself, since each player-computer can adjust individually its own quickness of displacement, speed of reaction, profile of playing: capacity of attack or defense, experience of game. An automatic camera records the doubtful points and replays them in slow-motion. The camera can be activated manually. Players have the choice of the racket type (Attack or All actions), table type: competition or Club, type of decors (Sport hall or Lounge).   個人計算機上的乒乓球模擬遊戲,遊戲使用乒乓球的正式的規則,允許你在同樣的計算機上以針對不同的程度抗衡計算機對手。  5)Arcade Race(暴力賽車)     is pleased to present new 3D addictive game, with 3d person perspective that is original for this genre, - Arcade Race. Take part in this great race, drive as fast as possible, bomb your rivals and be aware of the enemies' mines and mussels.   There are two game modes - Tournament and Single Race.  You should pass the tracks one by one in the Tournament mode. To pass to the next track you should be the first in the previous one.  You can choose any track in the Single Race mode. The game full version includes 7 various tracks with great sceneries and steep turns for your long and addictive gameplay.   經典第三人視角街頭暴力汽車賽,駕駛你的小車飛速前進,落後也沒關系,可以用導彈瞄准比你快的家夥,用地雷對付比你慢的對手。  6)Re-volt(遙控玩具車)  Publisher: Acclaim  For years, Toy-Volt has been producing toys and games for children all over the world. Within months of introducing their first products, Toy-Volt shot to the top! No one could put their finger on exactly what it was that made the toys so popular. Sure, they employed the best designers and marketers in the world, but there was something else about Toy-Volt toys, something almost... magic. With their latest product, it appears that they've used a little too much of that special something, because the radio-controlled cars just off the production line have gained minds of their own! Escaping from the shelves that held them prisoners, the RC (radio-controlled) cars have escaped into the real world, and they're heading your way! Brand-new models, old favorites, even some experimental prototypes--the entire product line of RC cars from the fine folks at Toy-Volt has come out to play. They're causing plenty of chaos as they test their newfound freedom. You'll be racing inside, outside, upside down, and backwards! These RC cars are fast and spunky, each with different qualities and looks. As you progress, you'll unlock more and more cars to race and more and more courses to race on. Of course, sometimes the Toy-Volt cars don't play nice, making for lots of lightning-fast laps where you've got to fight oil with oil and ball bearings with ball bearings. You'll be racing around the neighborhood, around the supermarket, to places you only dreamed of racing an RC--like on the track you dream up using the Track Editor, or maybe on the pitching decks of a huge ship, or maybe you'll be good enough to unlock a Reverse Mirrored Track! But why waste time talking about all the fun when you can start having it?   這款作品是ACCLAIM娛樂公司的經典作品。該公司已經爲全世界的兒童生産遊戲和玩具多年了。沒有人可以精確的指出他們的玩具是多麽流行,確實,他們雇傭著全世界最好的設計師和創意人員,但是這兒還有一些別的一些關于他們的事情,其他的有些近乎魔力的。最近的一個産品是用了他們的特殊的東西,就是無線電控制的小車,然後介紹了這個小車的特性。玩了Re-Volt之後,是不是也想擁有一款真正的賽車啊。這款遊戲可是在世界各地有著衆多的車迷啊。  最多可選擇12輛賽車(缺省8輛),13條超酷的賽車道(目前只能使用4條),最多可跑20圈(缺省3圈),比賽中還可以撿到和使用各種武器(多達11種)。不要猶豫了,這可是奇奇玩獨家奉獻的啊。操作實際上很簡單的。如果4、5歲左右的小孩玩的話,大人最初要指導一下,其實不選擇的話(可以選擇賽車、賽道),一路回車Enter就是了。上方向鍵加油行駛、下方向鍵倒車、左右方向鍵就管方向。  7)Buzzing Cars(老爺車競賽)  Transport robots, catch flying saucers, electrocute aliens with super powerful cars... and lots more !  這是一款非常刺激的賽車遊戲,玩家除了要加速前進,盡快到達終點站之外,還必須依照各個關卡的不同任務指示,來達成任務。當玩家能達成任務之後,會獲得金額不等的獎賞,可以用來購買新車。  (七)Strategy(策略遊戲)  1)Darwinia(達爾文)  The world of Darwinia is a virtual themepark, running inside a computer network built by a computer genius named Dr Sepulveda. Darwinia is populated by a sentient evolving life form called the Darwinians. They are the product of a decades worth of research into genetic algorithms.   歐洲媒體公布的“2005年PC大作發布展望”遊戲之一。這是一款休閑的模擬策略類遊戲,你要生産一些單位來設法幫助被囚禁在其中的一些電視遊戲精靈(Video game sprites,電視遊戲精靈,一些電視遊戲角色的稱呼。)逃出這個數字空間。你要充分發揮你的聰明才智才能使得電視遊戲精靈生還。  2)Oasis(綠洲)  Discover Ancient Egypt from the comfort of your chair - take five minutes and travel back in time 5,000 years! With every click of the mouse, your empire grows stronger. Spend your turns wisely, and when the barbarians come you will conquer them and reunite your kingdom. Will your empire stand the test of time? Claim your destiny and uncover the mystery that lies at the heart of OASIS.  
你是一位王子,父親領導的埃及帝國在圖騰力量的幫助下無比繁榮。然而王國突然被一股神秘的霧所籠罩,野蠻人開始無休止地攻擊王國,王國的統治岌岌可危。唯一能徹底阻止野蠻人的12個圖騰也已經散落四方。王子接過父親的權杖,也接過了這個國家的未來。到底王子能否繼承父親的意志,守護王國並找回12個圖騰呢?一切盡在你手中!  3)UPLINK(黑客精英)  You are an Uplink Agent. You live through your computer. You hack into rival computer systems to steal, sabotage, launder, erase and frame. You use the money you earn to upgrade your systems, buy new software and configure new tools.  More dangerous and profitable missions become available as your reputation and experience grows. Speculate on a fully working stock market, or even influence its outcome. Modify people's academic or criminal records. Divert money from bank transfers into your own accounts. And even take part in the construction of the most deadly computer virus ever designed.  After all, you are an Uplink Agent. And the world is at your fingertips.  這是英國Introversion Software出的一個遊戲,在遊戲中你將要扮演一個神通廣大的黑客,在網絡上接受任務,然後破解世界各地的電腦系統。雖然現實中的黑客並非都是如此簡單的,但也可以讓你領略到做黑客的滋味。   遊戲裏不需要你懂得太多的專業知識,反而會教你許多東西,只要你英語過得去。你是作爲UPLINK的一個黑客,注冊了以後你會得到一筆初始的資金和初始的軟硬件,我只玩了一個教學任務,就是從UPLINK的TEST SERVER上盜取一個FILE然後SEND回到客戶那裏。如果你是熟悉黑客的知識,你可以自己去做,如果不會的話,會有一個教學模式一步一步的教你,我這個菜鳥也看得懂要做什麽。然後你的等級會上升,你就可以正式在UPLINK的SERVER上聯系客戶,接取工作,完成工作就會獲得回報(當然是錢啦)等級越高,任務的難度就會越高。在SERVER裏,你還可以買到更厲害的軟件和硬件,讓你容易完成任務。(王朝網路手機版 m.)&&&電腦完整版: 手机简体版: & &上一篇下一篇&&


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