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您的位置: > > >60秒学英语144:纠结的天秤座怎么说?60秒学英语144:纠结的天秤座怎么说?据说天秤座的人一生中有5件最快乐的事 :要不要去呢?要不要吃呢?要不要买呢?要不要说呢?到底要不要??犹豫不决举棋不定优柔寡断前怕狼后怕虎纠结至死用来说天秤座没有一个浪费的,那英语里说这个选择困难都可以怎么说呢?Do you know any libras(天秤座)?Yes, I doThey're &humming and hawing& (犹豫)... They can't decide which side they're on...This person they keep &sitting on the fence& (左右不定)...They' they' they're sitting on the fence. They can't make a decision.两种描述天秤座纠结的英文,你学会了吗?顶一下(0)0%踩一下(0)0%课程名称课程内容价格开通课程36个单元 | 72个视频 | 920个单词¥59924个单元 | 48个视频 | 300+个单词¥3806个视频 | 9个练习 | 100+个单词¥687个单元 | 7个视频 | 101道练习题¥19820个视频 | 20个练习 | 48个音标¥168&&&&&&&&&&&&&分享到: 手机上普特
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System Simulation
课程代码(Course Code): AU001学时(Hours):32
学分(credits):2课程性质(Course Nature):公共选修课Electives类别(Field):科学技术 Science and Technology教学语言(Teaching Language):英语 English任课教师(Teacher):Hong WanDr. Hong Wan is an associate professor in School of IndustrialEngineering at Purdue University. She received a B.S. degree inchemistry (Minor in economics) from Peking University in 1998; aM.S.degree in Material Science in 2000, a M.S. degree in Industrial Engineering in 2002; and a Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering in 2004 from Northwestern University. Her research is focused on design and analysis of large‐scale si simulation study of healthcare system, quality management in supply chain, and applied statistics. The research is well balanced on methodology development and application. Her work has won the 2003 INFORMS Quality, Statistics and Reliability Section Best Student Paper Contest and the 2005 IIE Pritsker Doctorial Dissertation Award (3rd place). Her research team has won national recognition including Bonder Scholarship for Military Applications (2007), I‐Sim/ACM‐SIGSIM Best Student Paper Award (2007), and the Best Poster Award (second place) of QSR (Quality, Statistics, and Reliability Section) in INFORMS Annual meeting (2011). Her papers have been published in top‐ ier journals including Operations Research, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Naval Research Logistics, and Journal of Quality Technology. She is the associate editor of ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, and serve as referees for various journals and conferences. She is an active member of INFORMS and has served as organizers of INFORMS annual meeting and Winter Simulation Conference since 2004. Dr. Wan has taught variety of courses in simulation, experimental design, statistics, and quality control with excellent teaching scores. Students enjoy my application‐oriented teaching style and always compliment my enthusiasm on teaching. More information is available on her&website http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~hwan/课程目标(Course Goals):The course will present a general introduction to simulation concept and methodology. Students will have hand‐on experience ofbuilding and analyzing simulation models. After taking the course, they should be comfortable to apply simulation in their work andresearch, and conduct correct and meaningful analysis. While thecourse is focusing on specific simulation environments, it will lay the foundation for students to learn and utilize other software easily.课程简介(Course Description)该课程包括讲课、实验和3 次大作业。课程主要包括特定环境下的仿真建模:Simtools(或其他基于spreadsheet 的蒙特卡罗仿真),Arena(系统仿真),如果时间允许,还会介绍一个基于代理(agent)的仿真软件。该课程将讨论仿真对于各种系统的实际应用,强调对分针实验的合理设计和分析。
The course will consist lectures, labs, and three projects. It covers simulation modeling in specialized simulation environments: Simtools (or other spreadsheet‐ase Monte‐Carlo simulation), Arena (System,Simulation), and if time allows, an‐agent‐ased simulation software. Practical application of simulation to diverse systems will be discussed. Proper design and analysis of the simulation experiment is emphasized.&
Data envelopment analysis
课程代码(Course Code): CS069学时(Hours):32 学分(credits):2课程性质(Course Nature):公共选修课Electives类别(Field):科学技术 Science and Technology教学语言(Teaching Language):英语 English任课教师(Teacher):Jeya ChandraProfessor in Charge of Academic programs and Graduate Program Coordinator, Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, and Chair, Operations Research Program, The Pennsylvania State University.课程目标(Course Goals):To teach students a methodology using which different units within the same organization (banks, hospitals, manufacturing units etc) can be evaluated. This technique also identifies the best unit(s) called the efficient unit(s) and sets input and output targets for the inefficient units to become efficient. This methodology is based on Linear Programming.&课程简介(Course Description)组织在年终都希望能评估其构成单元/分支,并明确最有效率那些单元。组织同时希望能锁定那些没效率的单元,并设法让它们能在今后变得有效率。数据包络分析就是帮助组织实现该目标的一种以线性规划为基础的方法。这种方法的应用领域包括:银行、医院、公用事业公司、大学和制造业。该方法通过对参与统一过程的不同单元的比较,分析每个单元所消耗的输入、产出以及每个单元的转换效率。该方法确认标准单元,并将之称为有效率的单元;而且将设定无效率单元的输入、输出目标值,以使无效率的单元变得有效率。
Organizations want to evaluate their units/ branches at the endof each business year and identify the most efficient and inefficient units. They also want to set targets for the inefficient units so that they become efficient in the subsequent years. Data Envelopment Analysis helps the organizations to achieve this and is based on Linear Programming. Examples of organizations to which this technique can be applied are: banks, hospitals, utility companies, universities, and manufacturing companies. It analyzes the inputs which each unit consumes (resources) and the outputs produced and assesses how efficiently each unit is handling the transformation process, when compared to other units which are engaged in the same process, within the same organization. It identifies the benchmark units called the efficient ones and sets targets for the inefficient units in terms of inputs and outputs so that the inefficient ones can become efficient.
Manufacturing innovation
课程代码(Course Code): ME111学时(Hours):32 学分(credits):2课程性质(Course Nature):公共选修课Electives类别(Field):科学技术 Science and Technology教学语言(Teaching Language):英语 English任课教师(Teacher):Richard LiuDr. Liu is considered a pioneer leading to the establishment of the field of Manufactured Surface Integrity. [Liu II.3 and Attachment I] He has extended the study to include nanomaterials and nanomanufacturing, for structural components, solar cells and batteries, supervising four PhD students now. He has also made significant contributions for developing the fundamentals of automated process planning, CAD/CAM integration and precision engineering.Dr. Liu is recognized as a major contributor for developing strategically selected areas of manufacturing science leading to innovative technologies. He received the following awards recognizing the academic, industrial and/or societal impact of his research.&课程简介(Course Description)创新竞争过程设计中的需求、功能、几何、材料、过程与性能及应用的层级关系;当前的产品与过程设计;成功设计;制造创新案例;半开环问题的协同工作;创新过程设计、团队合作、领导力、沟通、项目团队管理与自引导学习经验;实验室与工业参观。
Hierarchical relationships among need, function, geometry, material, process and performance, and their applications for competitive process design through innovation. Concurrent product and process design. Design for Success. Cases for manufacturing innovations. Collaborative work for semi‐open‐ended problems. Experiences of creative process design, teamwork, leadership, communication, project and team management and self‐directed studies. Laboratories and industrial tour.
Sustainable and Energy Efficient Industrial Enterprises
课程代码(Course Code): AM034学时(Hours):32 学分(credits):2课程性质(Course Nature):公共选修课Electives类别(Field):经济管理 Economics and Management教学语言(Teaching Language):英语 English任课教师(Teacher):Vittaldas PrabhuProfessor Prabhu works in the area of distributed control systems with a focus on manufacturing and service enterprises. The goal of his research is to develop a unified mathematical and computational framework that enables engineering of distributed control systems consisting of discrete‐events, physical processes, and service processes. The science‐ase of this work includes theories of discontinuous differential equations, Lyapunov stability, adaptive control, and nonlinear control for studying distributed algorithms. This has lead to the development of distributed algorithms for various applications in industrial operations including production scheduling, maintenance scheduling, batch sequencing, inventory control, transportation, and supply chain optimization. This work has motivated the development of novel parallel/distributed computing architectures using FPGAs and clusters to enable fast, large scale distributed simulations so that business decisions can be accelerated. He has also researched modeling and real‐ ime control of physical processes such as cryogenic freezing, laser manufacturing, and electron beam‐physical vapor deposition.
课程目标(Course Goals):This course will focus on understanding the fundamentals sustainability and its adoption in industrial enterprises. Technical focuswill be on developing engineering models to characterize energyconsumption and emissions in manufacturing and service processes.课程简介(Course Description)能源和排放在全球的制造和服务企业变得越来越重要。在产品设计、制造、分配、使用和处理各个环节的工程决策都会影响到能源的消耗和排放。制造和服务企业正在它们的运作中启动可持续性能源管理,以作为它们承担社会责任的义务。Energy and emissions are becoming increasingly important in manufacturing and service enterprises around the world. Engineeringdecisions in product design, manufacturing, distribution, usage, and disposal all impact energy consumption and emissions. Manufacturing and service enterprises are initiating sustainability in their operation as a part of their corporate social responsibility mission.&
Network Optimization, Network Games, and Network Science
课程代码(Course Code): CS070学时(Hours):32 学分(credits):2课程性质(Course Nature):公共选修课 Electives类别(Field):科学技术 Science and Technology教学语言(Teaching Language):英语 English任课教师(Teacher):Xiangtong QiXiangtong Qi is an associate professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in August 2003 from the Department of Management Science and Information Systems, Red McCombs School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin. Before that, he was studying in the Department of Computer and System Sciences, Nankai University, and got his Ph.D. degree in 1998, Master degree in 1995, and Bachelor degree in 1992. Xiangtong Qi's main research interests include production scheduling, inventory control, logistics and supply chain management. He has published more than thirty papers in major academic journals, and co-authored the book Disruption Management: Framework, Models and Applications. He also has one US patent. According to google scholar, his total number of citations is more than 1200 with h-index=16.&Currently, he serves as Associate Editor for the journals of IIE Transactions, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, and Asia-Pacific Journal of Operations Research.
课程目标(Course Goals):The course aims to give students a comprehensive education related to the quantitative study of networks, from the classical optimization techniques, to the newly emerging concepts of networkgames and network science. The course is suitable for higher‐level undergraduate students as well as postgraduate students with background from operations research, industrial engineering, logistics, computer science, and mathematics.课程简介(Course Description)该课程为期4 周。前2 周讲经典的优化技巧。第3 周讲博弈理论模型。最后一周,讲网络科学。学生成绩将通过作业、课堂测试和分组大作业评价。The course includes four weeks. In the first two works, we focuson classical optimization techniques. In the third week, we study game theoretic models. In the last week, we proceed to the area of network science. Students will be assessed through homework assignments, in‐class quizzes, and group projects.
Applied Data Mining
课程代码(Course Code): CS071学时(Hours):32 学分(credits):2课程性质(Course Nature):公共选修课 Electives类别(Field):科学技术 Science and Technology教学语言(Teaching Language):英语 English任课教师(Teacher):倪雪蕾(Sherry Ni)倪雪蕾,or Sherry Ni, is the Associate Professor and the coordinator of the Minor Program in Applied Statistics and Data Analysis at Kennesaw State University Department of Mathematics and Statistics. In her current position, Dr. Ni teaches courses in Mathematics, Statistics, and Data Mining. Dr. Ni has been with KSU for 6 years. Her primary research areas of interest include variable selection, dimension reduction, and image detection, She has published several articles in research journals including Annals of Statistics, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Statistica Sinica, and Statistics & Probability Letters. Dr. Ni is the author/co-author of several book chapters including Mining of Enterprise Data, Quantitative Medical Data Analysis Using Mathematical Tools and Statistical Techniques, and Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science. Dr. Ni has created the Data Mining courses for both the undergraduate and graduate programs at KSU. She has led the teams in the SAS Data Mining Shootouts in the past two years. Right now, Dr. Ni is working with SAS to create the joint Data Mining Certificate for KSU students. Before joining KSU, Dr. Ni worked as a Statistical Project Manager for ChoicePoint, Inc, responsible for statistical modeling and model validation to gauge and forecast the financial impact of statistical baseddecisions. Dr. Ni received her Bachelor of Science degree from Nanjing University, China, and her M.S. and Ph.D. in applied statistics from Georgia Institute of Technology.课程目标(Course Goals):At the end of the course the student should be able to:1. Describe and explain the process of data mining, and two maj2. Demonstrate knowledge of the basic types of data, data quality, and pre3. Measure data similari4. Demonstrate knowledge of summary statistics, and visu5. Describe the process of building a deci6. Address overfitting and un7. Compare different c8. Describe the process of building a nearest-9. Demonstrate knowledge of basic association analysis concepts: association rules, and some of the algorithms u10. Describes the different types of clusters and the K-means 11. Validate the results of a 12. Identify business applications of data mining, such as retail, target marketing, health care and13. Use existing data mining software to clean, explore, and mine a large real (public domain) Present the results in writing and orally, with the necessary information to make decision
课程简介(Course Description)Data Mining is an information extraction activity whose goal is to discover hidden facts contained in database, perform prediction and forecasting, and generally improve their performance through interaction with data. The process includes data selection, cleaning, coding, using different statistical, pattern recognition and machine learning techniques, and reporting and visualization of thegenerated structures. The course will cover all these issues and will illustrate the whole process by examples of practical applications, such as banking segmentation, credit risk analysis, infectious disease propagation, healthcare management, etc. The students will be encouraged to use recent Data Mining software.&&&
课程代码(Course Code): IO009学时(Hours):32 学分(credits):2课程性质(Course Nature):公共选修课 Electives类别(Field):科学技术 Science and Technology教学语言(Teaching Language):英语 English任课教师(Teacher):Tao YaoAcademic PositionThe Pennsylvania State Universityo Associate Professor with Tenure (2012 & ), Industrial and Manufacturing Engineeringo Assistant Professor (2005 & 2012), Industrial and ManufacturingEngineeringo Operations Research Facultyo Computational Science Facultyo The Institute for CyberScience Facultyo Faculty Associate, The Thomas D. Larson Pennsylvania Transportation Instituteo Fellow, Center for Service Enterprise Engineeringo Fellow, Battery and Energy Storage Technology Centero Advisory Committee, Center for the Study of Global Financial Stability Stanford Universityo Research Assistant, The Energy Modeling Forum
Selected Honors and AwardsStudent Hongcheng Liu received Marcus Fellowship, 2012
Student Andreas Thorsen received Academic Computing Fellowship,
Best Paper Award, Computer and Information Systems Track, IIEIndustrial Engineering Research Conference, Best Paper Competition Award, Finalist, The Service Science Section,INFORMS, 2009INFORMS George B. Dantzig Dissertation Award, Honorable Mention,2006INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology, BestStudent Paper Award, Runner-up, 2005
课程简介(Course Description)This course introduces the theory, algorithms, and applications of optimization. The methodologies include linear programming, network analysis, and integer programming. The applications include logistics, transportation, manufacturing, supply chain, marketing, project management, finance, and related service systems. By the end of the course, the students should gain enough proficiency to formulate, solve and analyze the results of mathematical programming models of real‐world applications.&&&
Production Systems Engineering
课程代码(Course Code): IO010学时(Hours):32 学分(credits):2课程性质(Course Nature):公共选修课 Electives类别(Field):科学技术 Science and Technology教学语言(Teaching Language):英语 English任课教师(Teacher):李京山(Jingshan Li)? 1989:清华大学,自动化系,学士学位。? 1992:中国科学院,自动化所,硕士学位? 2000:美国密西根大学安娜堡分校(Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor)博士学位,? :美国通用汽车公司研发中心,制造系统研究室(General Motors Research & Development Center,Manufacturing Systems Research Lab),主任研究员(Staff Researcher)。?
: 美国肯塔基大学( University ofKentucky ), 电子和计算机工程系, 助理教授(Assistant Professor)。? 2010.7-至今:美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校,工业与系统工程系,副教授(Associated Professor)。教授本课程的李京山教授在制造系统方向有着很深的造诣。他曾在美国通用汽车公司研发中心工作多年,并且和多家企业合作(如通用,克莱斯勒,福特,丰田,Kroger,Kraft Foods,Lexmark, 以及多家医院等)取得了很好的效益。其研究获多项美国自然科学基金和工业界资助,并获得多项奖励。还受邀在多所世界知名大学讲授此课程。我们希望本课程能在教学科研方面对生产制造的感兴趣的学生提供帮助,同时也能为实际工程人员使用以提高生产效率。
课程简介(Course Description)本课程的目的是使学生接触到大规模制造中生产系统的分析,设计,和持续改进的新的理论方法,即一种精益生产系统的定量方法,以达到其他工程领域同样的严谨水平,如电子,机械工程等。课程重点放在与具有非可靠机器和有限缓冲区的生产系统的工件流有关的实际问题的严谨的工程研究。课程内容是基于授课教师的在多家制造企业长期的工业研究与实践。课程中所有问题来源于生产实践,经过适当抽象和分析,最终应用于生产。课程中的案例都来源于这些实践项目。这一课程将基于描述生产系统的随机模型框架。The purpose of this course is to expose students to novel methods for analysis, design, and continuous improvement of productionsystems in large volume manufacturing, in other words, a quantitative approach to lean production systems. The aim is to present the material at the same level of rigor as that in other engineering disciplines, such as Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, etc. The emphasis is the rigorous engineering study of practical issues related to parts flow in production systems with unreliable machines and finite buffers. The course material is based on long time industrial studies and experiences by the instructor and his colleagues in various manufacturing plants. Every problem considered in this course originated on the factory floor and, after appropriate conceptualization and analysis, ended up as an application
the case studies included in this course describe some of these applications. The main topics include: 1. Quantitative methods for analysis o 2. Analytical methods for design of lean in‐process and finished goods buffering 3. Analytical methods for selecting the lean number ofcarriers in closed loop systems 4. Measurement‐ased methods for identification, monitoring, and elimination of production system bottlenecks 5. Analysis of product quality and rework in production systems 6. Analysis of customer demand satisfaction inproduction‐inventory systems 7. Analysis of transient behavior of production system 8. System‐ heoretic properties of production lines. These topics will be addressed in the framework of stochastic models of production systems at hand. Therefore, some knowledge of elementary Probability Theory is required. However, all notions necessary for the course will be reviewed in class.Audience: Graduate or advanced undergraduate students in allengineering departments and business school.Textbook: Production Systems Engineering, J. Li and S.M. Meerkov,Springer, New York, NY, 2009.&&&
统计质量控制 Statistical Quality Control
课程代码(Course Code): IO008学时(Hours):32 学分(credits):2课程性质(Course Nature):公共选修课 Electives类别(Field):科学技术 Science and Technology教学语言(Teaching Language):任课教师(Teacher):黄强(Qiang Huang)黄强博士现为美国南加州大学工业工程系副教授,维特比工程学院青年讲席副教授(Gordon S. Marshall Early Career Chair inEngineering). 黄强博士现任IEEE Transactions on AutomationScience and Engineering 副主编,曾任制造工程师协会(SME)官方期刊《制造系统期刊》副主编,工业工程协会(IIE)官方期刊《工业工程学报》特别期主编,制造工程师协会(SME)北美制造研究会科学委员会理事, INFORMS QSR Cluster 当选主席(2011)和主席(2012)。黄强博士获美国国家科学基金成就奖(NSF CAREERAward)。黄强教授的研究获5 项美国国家科学基金(NSF)的资助(主持4 项),一项美国海军部(Office of Naval Research)三维打引研究的资助。项目涉及金额超过两百万美元。黄强教授的项目NSF CMMI-0728100 是美国国家科学基金首次资助研究纳米制造过程建模和质量控制的项目。黄强教授也首次提出建立IntegratedNanomanufacturing and Nanoinformatics (INN)研究方向以促进纳米制加快造走大规模生产,提高质量和产量,降低成本。对汽车制造过程,黄强教授进行多工序/工位制造过程的建模,控制,和诊断研究。他领导了小组在福特发动机生产厂调研和推广研究成果。黄强教授独立提出了制造过程误差等效理论并发表了一系列的论文,指导博士生完成误差等效理论博士论文。黄强教授目前指导四名博士研究生。他共培养了两位博士学位获得者(分别在美国密西37根大学(Ann Arbor)作研究员,北京大学工程学院作助理教授),培养博士后以及访问学者四人。黄强教授在中国毕业于上海交通大学机械制造专业(本科,硕士,博士)。http://www.usc.edu/dept/ise/directory/qiang_huang.htm课程目标(Course Goals):The goal of the course is to introduce the theory andmethods of modern statistical quality control. Theobjectives include? To understand the basic concepts of qualitymonitoring.? To understand the statistical underpinnings ofquality monitoring.? To learn various available statistical toolsof quality monitoring.? To learn the statistical and economical designissues associated with the monitoring tools.? To demonstrate the ability to design andimplement these tools课程简介(Course Description)统计质量控制是关于应用在品质管制与改善中,所使用的最新、现代化统计方法。它提供广泛、涵盖性的主题范围,包括控制图,过程与量测系统能力分析,抽样检验等,从基本原理到目前发展中,最新科技水准的概念与应用。目标是要提供对于原理与基础完整的了解,而能在各种不同情况下加以应用。This course will present the theory and methods ofquality monitoring including process capability, controlcharts, acceptance sampling, quality engineering, andquality design.
Conceptual Design of Air Vehicles for Green Aviation
课程代码(Course Code): AV002学时(Hours):32 学分(credits):2课程性质(Course Nature):公共选修课 Electives类别(Field):科学技术 Science and Technology教学语言(Teaching Language):任课教师(Teacher):刘泓涛(Hugh H.T. Liu)Dr. Hugh H.T. Liu is an Associate Professor at the University ofToronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS), Toronto, Canada,where he also serves as the Associate Director, Graduate Studies. Hisresearch work over the past several years has included a number ofaircraft systems and control related areas, and he leads the &FlightSystems and Control& (FSC) Research Laboratory. Dr. Liu is aninternationally leading researcher in the area of aircraft systems andcontrol. He has published over 100 technical papers in peerreviewed journals and conference proceedings, and he has receivedone US/Canada patent of his work on motion synchronization. Dr. Liuhas made significant research contributions in autonomousunmanned systems development, cooperative control, and integratedmodeling and simulation. He also serves on editorial boards (CASJ,IJSMSC, IEEE‐CSS) and technical committees of internationalprofessional societies. Before his academic appointment, Dr. Liu hasseveral years& industrial experience where he participated and leddevelopment projects of aircraft environmental control systems. Dr.Liu received his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering of the University ofToronto in 1998. He is a Fellow of CSME, an Associate Fellow of AIAAand active member of IEEE and CASI. Dr. Liu is also a registeredProfessional Engineer in Ontario.刘泓涛博士1969 年生于中国上海,1991 年获上海交通大学学士学位,1994 年获北京航空航天大学硕士学位, 1998 年获加拿大多伦多大学博士学位, 现任多伦多大学航空航天研究所副主任,终身制副教授。在飞行控制系统设计、机翼除冰技术、多机协同控制、多目标控制、飞控系统实时仿真等方面有较深造诣。在国际重要杂志和国际系列会议上发表论文100 多篇,承担科研项目20 多项, 获美国专利1 项。兼任北航客座教授,上海交大讲座教授。并任 AIAA控制制导专业委员会委员,IEEE 控制系统学会会议论文副编委,是AIAA Associate Fellow, CSME Fellow。课程目标(Course Goals):传统飞行器的设计是一门融合多学科的综合工程技术。在当今环境保护的要求下,新一代飞行器的设计需要考虑环境科学,人文和社会科学,以及商业经济等因素的影响。通过这门通识课程,帮助理工科的学生对工程设计有更全面的理解,并了解新一代航空飞行器设计的前沿研究方向,启发基于综合学科的创造性思维。课程简介(Course Description)为了应对航空飞行给环境带来的各种影响,航空工业部门对航空环保(绿色航空)的需求在日益增加。&新需求,新操作规程,新概念和新技术&被不断提出和发展,用以支持&环境和经济可持续发展&(来源:greenaviation.org)。例如,美国航空航天局的绿色航空计划包含了提高航空器燃油使用效率,开发新一代高效空中交通管制系统,在全球范围内发展新的技术以和新的工控系统以实现未来航空运输领域碳中和的目标等内容。在加拿大,新近成立的绿色航空研究与发展网(GARDN)将其宗旨定义为&促进旨在减少机场附近航空器噪音及排污技术的发展;充分考虑产品全寿命期对环境影响;降低航空器产生的温室气体排放等等&(来源:gardn.org)。无论是提高燃油效率,减少排放,还是降低噪声,飞行控制系统在这些目标的实现中都发挥着关键性的作用,这样一个超前的技术也使得安全性,可靠性和绿色经济可持续发展的能力有了较为可靠的保障。本课程提供多学科融合下的绿色飞行器设计的教学资源。In today&s aviation industry, there is a growing demand forenvironmentally friendly (or green) aviation to address concerns of itsenvironmental impact. A wide range of &new requirements, proceduralmodifications, concepts, and technologies& are being proposed ordeveloped to support the &environmental and economic sustainability&(source: greenaviation.org). For example, NASA&s Green Aviationinvolves activities to improve aircraft fuel efficiency, develop the nextgeneration of efficient air traffic control, and develop new technologiesand systems engineering processes to reach the future ofcarbon-neutral air transportation across the globe. In Canada, arecently established Green Aviation Research and DevelopmentNetwork (GARDN) set the objectives on &fostering the development oftechnologies that will reduce aircraft noise and emissions in the considering environmental impacts throughout the ... and reducing the production of greenhouse gasesby the aviation sector& (source: gardn.org). Whether it is for fuelefficiency, for emission reduction, or for noise control, modern flightcontrol system plays a critical role as one enabling technology that hasto fulfill rising requirements for safety, reliability, and environmentaland economic sustainability. This course offers a multidisciplinaryconceptual design of air vehicles for green aviation.
Introduction to Microsystems Technology
课程代码(Course Code): AV004学时(Hours):32 学分(credits):2课程性质(Course Nature):公共选修课Electives类别(Field):科学技术 Science and Technology教学语言(Teaching Language):英语 English任课教师(Teacher):朱正宏一、教育背景:Ph.D. 机械工程(2004) 多伦多大学(University of Toronto),机械工业工程系M.A.Sc. 机器人控制(1997) 滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo),系统设计工程系Ph.D. 计算结构力学(1989) 中国上海交通大学,船舶与海洋工程系M.A.Sc. 固体力学(1986) 中国上海交通大学,工程力学系B.A.Sc. 工程力学(1983) 中国上海交通大学,工程力学系二、工作经历2010 & 至今: 副教授约克大学(York University, Toronto, Canada),地球空间科学工程系2006 - 2010: 助理教授约克大学(York University, Toronto, Canada),地球空间科学工程系1995 - 2006 高级应力/结构工程师&加拿大焊接局(CWB)认证的焊接工程师加拿大安大略省密西沙加市,Curtiss-Wright Flow Controls - IndalTechnologies1993 - 1995 博士后多伦多约克大学(University of Toronto,Toronto, Canada),机械工业工程系三、学术和社会职务国际期刊编辑职位2012 &至今: 国际期刊《International Journal of Space Scienceand Engineering》主编将发表于2013 年.2012 &至今: 国际期刊《International Journal of Mechanisms andRobotic Systems》编辑2012 &至今: 国际期刊《International Journal of Aerospace &Light Weight Structures》编辑2006 &至今: 期刊《Journal of Solids and Structures》编辑课程目标(Course Goals):作为微系统技术的入门课程,培养学生了解微系统技术的基本原理和应用。通过小组的设计项目作业,培养学生掌握微系统设计的思维方式及研究方法。
课程简介(Course Description)课程内容包括物理领域,如机械,光学,热学,磁系统在一定范围内的微型传感器和执行器的原理和实现。例子包括微机电系统,惯性导航仪, 电子照相机,热微显示技术。The course covers the principles andimplementations of miniaturised sensors andactuators in a range of physical domains, such asmechanical, optical, thermal, and magnetic systems.Examples include micro-electro-mechanical systems,inertial navigation system, electronic cameras, thermalmicrosystems and display technologies.&&&
Model airplane design and analysis
课程代码(Course Code): AV005学时(Hours):16 学分(credits):1课程性质(Course Nature):公共选修课Electives类别(Field):科学技术 Science and Technology教学语言(Teaching Language):英语 English任课教师(Teacher):Jean-Jacques Chattot教育背景:Doctorat es Sciences (1979), Mathematics, Universite de Paris Sud,Orsay, FrancePhD. (1971), Mechanical Engineering, University of California atBerkeley, U.S.A.B.S. (1968), Engineering, Ecole Nationale Superieure deL'Aeronautique, France主要工作经历:2010 - today: Professor, Department of Mechanical and AerospaceEngineering, University of California Davis.2004 - 2010: Professor and Vice-Chair, Chair, Department ofMechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, University of CaliforniaDavis.1989 - 2004: Professor, Department of Mechanical and AeronauticalEngineering, University of California Davismember of Scientific Committee of ICCFD (International Conferenceon Computational Fluid Dynamics)最近发表的相关论文:1. Glider and Airplane Design for Students, J. J. Chattot, Int. J.Aerodynamics , Vol.1, No.2, pp.220-240.20102. Low Speed Design and Analysis of Wing/Winglet CombinationsIncluding Viscous Effects, J. J. Chattot, Journal of Aircraft, Vol.43, No. 2, March-April 2006, pp. 386-389.20063. Wind Turbine Aerodynamics: Analysis and Design, J. J. Chattot,Int. J. Aerodynamics , Vol.1, No.3/4, pp.404-444. 20114. Tricomi's Equation and Condition for Shock-Free Flow, J. J.Chattot, Computational Fluid Dynamics Journal, Vol.18, No.2,pp.267-278. 20115. Note on Vorticity-Embedding as Applied to the Capture ofVortex Sheets, J. J. Chattot, Computational Fluid DynamicsJournal, Vol.19, No.1.2011课程目标(Course Goals):针对国家在大飞机和航空发动机开展重大项目的前提下,本课程主要引导同学们对航空的认识,培养同学们对航空的兴趣。课程主要介绍模型飞机的设计和分析方法,结合低速空气动力学,针对SAE 协会组织的模型飞机竞赛项目所提出的要求,来设计模型飞机。通过课程的学习,了解飞机结构的基本特征,普及模型飞机相关的空气动力学知识,提高学生对航空航天的兴趣,并通过两个大作业提高学生掌握知识和应用知识的能力。课程简介(Course Description)课程将深入浅出地介绍低速模型飞行涉及到的两维和三维空气动力学知识,提供初步的气动设计工具。通过介绍模型飞机的机身、尾翼和机翼的结构特征和功能参数。介绍模型飞机的设计计算过程和性能分析方法,设计出符合SAE 协会高校竞赛项目设计要求的模型飞机。(具有高等数学知识的同学都可以参加。)The course will present the 2-D and 3-D aerodynamic theoriesas applied to low speed airplanes, including viscous effects. Theemphasis will be on the design and analysis of a completeconfiguration comprising wing, tail and fuselage with a view to besuccessful in the SAE collegiate competition. The longitudinal staticstability is discussed and results are established for the placementof the center of gravity with the non-conventional design of a liftingtail.
快速成型 Rapid Prototyping Processes
课程代码(Course Code): ME060学时(Hours):32 学分(credits):2课程性质(Course Nature):公共选修课 Electives类别(Field):科学技术 Science and Technology教学语言(Teaching Language):英语 English任课教师(Teacher):Sanjay Joshi2002 年获得宾夕法尼亚州立大学教学奖PSEAS OutstandingAdvising Award以下是Sanjay Joshi 教授的代表性论著:? Yang, Z, Wysk, R.A. and Joshi, S. "Global Tangent VisibilityAnalysis for Polyhedral CAD Models", ASME Journal ofManufacturing Science and Engineering" vol. 133, no. 3, June2011.? Fu, Jing and Joshi, S., "Optimization based GeometricModeling of Nano/Micro Scale Ion Milling of OrganicMaterials for Three Dimensional Bioimaging", ASME Journalof Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine, Vol. 1,August 2010.? Yang, Z., Wysk, R.A., Joshi, S., Frank, M.C, and Petrzleka, J.E.,"Conventional Machining Methods for Rapid Prototypingand Direct Manufacturing", International Journal of RapidManufacturing, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp‐41‐64, 2009.? Tong, K., Del Castillo, E., Cavalier, T.M., Lehtihet, E.A., andJoshi, S., "D‐optimal Design of Artifact Used in MachineSoftware Error Compensation", International Journal ofProduction Research, vol.47, no.7, , 2009.? Fu, J. Joshi, S, and Catchmark, J.M., "Sputtering Rate of MicroMilling on Water Ice with Focused Ion Beam in a CryogenicEnvironment," Journal of Vacuum Science and TechnologyA.vol. 26, no. 3, 422‐429, 2008.? &&课程目标(Course Goals):1. Understand the currently available tools and technologiesfor time compressions, especially rapid prototyping and reverseengineering systems, their operating principles, and theircharacteristics.2. Be able to select the appropriate fabrication technology, ortechnologies, for a given prototyping task.3. Carry out the basic steps in rapidly taking a design from aconceptual stage to a prototyped part.课程简介(Course Description)Speed to market is an essential element of competitiveness.New technologies, driven by CAD, such as Rapid Prototyping,Rapid Tooling, and Reverse Engineering are making it possible forcompanies to significantly cut design and manufacturing cycletimes. This course will explore these technologies, understand thebasic processes and their role in the design and manufacturing cycle,and provide handson experience with these processes.
Sex, Flowers and Biotechnology
课程代码(Course Code): BI045学时(Hours):16 学分(credits):1课程性质(Course Nature):公共选修课 Electives类别(Field):科学技术 Science and Technology教学语言(Teaching Language):英语 English任课教师(Teacher):Zoe Wilson英国诺丁汉大学建于1881 年, 是英国著名的重点大学之一,以其出色的教学质量和卓著的学术研究赢得了国际盛誉,一直是全英报考学生首选的大学,其综合排名一直名列前茅,在2000 年英国《金融时报》与《泰吾士报》评诺丁汉大学为十大顶尖大学之一。在2002 年权威的信息媒体Times 评出的5 所最受欢迎的大学中排名第一,申请人数居于榜首。诺丁汉大学与清华、北大、复旦、交大等重点大学有着广泛的合作,中国教育部常年委托诺丁汉大学培训高校师资。该校在植物科学方面有很强的研究力量,建立植物系统生物学研究所等高水平研究机构。Zoe A.Wilson 系英国诺丁汉大学植物系教授,是国际上很早就对开展植物雄性不育调控机理进行研究的科学家之一,在拟南芥花粉育性调控分子机理的研究领域作出了重要贡献。Zoe Wilson教授领导的实验室先后克隆得到影响小孢子外壁形成及花药开裂的MS1 和MYB26 基因,相关研究成果发表在Plant Cell 等一流国际期刊。
课程目标(Course Goals):1)认知植物花发育和繁殖的过程;2)了解植物方面生物技术应用的现状和发展方向;3)探讨生物技术对作物改良和商业应用适应性。课程简介(Course Description)植物花的发育和繁殖的过程,是植物生长和发育过程中最关键的阶段,这个过程是植物育种研究,作物产量提高和园艺开发的基础。该课程将集中在最近的关于植物花发育和繁殖研究的进展,了解这些重要的发展过程。因此,该课程将提供一个了解农作物和园艺植物基因工程的当前目标,方法和取得的成就。它也提供了一个了解,这样的过程可能被操纵,以促进作物改良和生物技术的应用,可用于商业开发。The processes of floral development and reproductionare some of the most critical stages occurring during plantgrowth and development. They are fundamental for plantbreeding, crop productivity and horticulture. This module willfocus on recent developments that have been made in theunderstanding of these critical developmental pathways. Themodule will therefore provide an understanding of thecurrent goals, methods and achievements in the geneticengineering of crop and horticultural plants. It will alsoprovide an understanding of how such processes may bemanipulated to facilitate crop improvement and how theapplication of biotechnology can be used for commercialexploitation.
Sustainability analysis for green technology
课程代码(Course Code): EV025学时(Hours):16 学分(credits):1课程性质(Course Nature):公共选修课Electives类别(Field):科学技术 Science and Technology教学语言(Teaching Language):英语 English任课教师(Teacher):吴唯民(Wei-Min Wu)吴唯民 (Wei-Min Wu),环境工程与科学专家。美国斯坦福大学土木与环境工程系高级研究员工程师 (Senior ResearchEngineer, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering,Stanford University), 美国斯坦福大学可持续发展和全球竞争力研究中心项目主任 (Program Manager, Center for SustainableDevelopment & Global Competitiveness, Stanford University),美国能源部美国斯坦福大学土木与环境工程系项目负责人。哈尔滨建筑工程学院给水排水专业毕业 (1976 年9 月), 清华大学环境工程系硕士(1984 年 10 月), 美国密西根州立大学(MichiganState University) 土木与环境工程系博士 (1991 年 11 月) 。美国密西根州注册专业工程师 (PE) (1994 年)。曾任中国国家建筑工程总局第二工程局安装公司助理工程师(1976 年10 月- 1978 年2 月), 国家建筑工程总局第二工程局总工程师室助理(1978 年2 月- 1982 年2 月), 美国密西根州立大学生物化学系访问学者 (1986 年8 月-1990 年7 月), 美国密西根生物技术研究所(Michigan Biotechnology Institute, Lansing, MI)副研究员工程师 (1990 年 8 月- 1992 年 8 月), 美国密西根生物技术研究所研究员工程师, 亚太地区开发部经理(1992 年 8 月- 2001 年 1 月)。主要研究方向为环境微生物学, 微生物生态学与反应动力学(产甲烷, 脱氮, 脱氯, 共代谢, 硫酸还原, 金属还原); 地下水与土壤生物修复(氯代有机物 PCBs, PCE, TCE, 硝基苯化合物, 重金属,放射性物,石油及多环有机物); 有机物(产甲烷)发酵回收能源技术; 微生物电池与生物电化学过程; 废水废物处理环境生物技术(UASB 反应器, 膜生物反应器, 流化床等); 废水废弃物资源化;可生物分解塑料; 绿色技术与可持续发展模式。先后参与和承担美国国家科学基金会, 美国能源部, 美国空军, 美国陆军工程兵,美国五大湖保护基金会, 美国密西根州环境质量部, 美国加州环境保护部以及中国国家自然科学基金等机构的重大项目 。先后在Applied and Environmental Microbiology,Environmental Microbiology, Environmental Science &Technology, ISME Journal, Journal of Hydrology, WaterResearch, 环境科学学报, 及中国环境科学等杂志上共发表中英文学术论文110 余篇, 其中之一有关重金属铀污染的生物修复的研究论文为美国化学学会Environmental Science & Technology杂志2006 年度最高引用率与热门论文 (Most Cited Paper and HotPaper) 。与顾夏声院士等在论文&Cultivation of anaerobicgranular sludge in UASB reactor with aerobic activated sludgeas seed [J]& (Water Research,1987)中提出了好氧活性污泥中有厌氧核心和产甲烷菌的微生物生态模型。美国佛罗里达大学Gabriel Bitton 教授在教科书《废水微生物学, 第四版(Wastewater Microbiology, Fourth Edition) 》引用了该模型(美国Weiley-BlackWell 公司2010 年出版) 。
课程目标(Course Goals):绿色技术的可持续发展分析是根据国家建设&环境友好型、资源节约型社会&和&生态文明&的战略需求,结合我校实施的&卓越工程师人才培养计划&,强化环境工程教育中学生对世界绿色技术与环保产业发展现状与趋势认识而开设的专业课程。本课程在借鉴和移植美国斯坦福大学精品课程基础上开展,结合绿色技术和相关 环保工艺技术研发、运用及发展趋势,增强学生对绿色技术与现代环保产业现状及发展趋势的把握,为学生的专业深造与职业生涯规划起到积极的参考作用。同时,课程的开设及知名专家的讲授,将为部分即将参与卓越环境工程师培养计划的学生的后续实习、技术研发、学位论文的选择,乃至就业等搭建平台和提供机会,深化产学研办学模式。课程简介(Course Description)绿色技术是利用科学知识保护环境和自然资源以及减少人类活动对地球影响的有善环境之技术。广义上, 绿色技术寓于所有产业界。环保产业是国家革新和产业调整战略中个关键新兴产业,是我国建设&两型&社会和&生态文明&的保障型行业,更是中国乃至全世界最重要的朝阳产业。环保技术是绿色技术的重要组成部分。《绿色技术的可持续发展分析》是为了增加学生对绿色技术与现代环保产业技术的现状及发展趋势的把握,有利于学生的专业深造与职业生涯规划而设立的专业课程。课程具体内容包括四个单元的教学:第一单元 绿色技术的内容、主要产品;第二单元 现代环保产业关键技术及其发展趋势;第三单元: 可行性技术经济分析基本参数和方法;第四单元绿色技术和环保技术个案分析。在教学中聘请斯坦福大学可持续发展研究中心的吴唯民博士课堂教学为主,课堂讨论, 网上调查, 个人报告和小组报告的方式进行。本课程适合环境专业高年级本科学生和研究生选修,也适合与环境相关的化工、能源、机械、材料、农业等相关专业的高年级本科生和研究生选修。Green Technology is defined as environmentally friendlytechnology uses science to safeguard the natural environment andresources as well as reducing the human impact on the Earth. In abroad sense, green technology can be applied in all industrial areas.Environmental protection industry is one of the strategicallyemerging industries in China. The need for qualified environmentalengineers has never been greater. The environmental technology isone of essential areas of Green Technology. The courseSustainability Analysis for GreenTtechnology is designed toprovide the undergraduates and graduates a global perspective onthe sustainability of Green Technology, especially in environmentprotection industries and understanding on the current status anddevelopment tendency of these technologies via technical &economical analysis. This course would be greatly beneficial totheir academic training and long‐ erm career strategy.
科学革命 Scientific Revolution
课程代码(Course Code): HI100
学时(Hours):32 学分(credits):2课程性质(Course Nature): 公共选修课 Electives类别(Field):人文社科 Humanities and Social Science教学语言(Teaching Language):英语 English任课教师(Teacher):J. W. Dauben道本周(Joseph W Dauben )是纽约城市大学莱曼学院特聘历史学、科学史教授,纽约城市大学研究生中心历史学博士项目组成员,纽约科学院院士,国际科学史学会院士,利奥波尔迪纳德国科学学会通讯院士,曾任国际数学史委员会主席、《国际数学史杂志》(Historia Mathematica)》主编。代表作有《康托的无穷数学和哲学》(Georg Cantor, His Mathematics and Philosophy of theInfinite),和《鲁滨逊:非标准分析的创始人》(Abraham Robinson:The Creation of Nonstandard Analysis, a Personal andMathematical Odyssey,中译本由吴文俊院士隆重推荐)。道本周教授毕业于克莱蒙特麦肯纳学院,于哈佛大学获得硕士、博士学位,他是普林斯顿高级研究所和剑桥克莱尔学院的成员,古根海姆奖学金和美国学术团体协会高级奖学金获得者,被评为1986 年度雷曼学院杰出教师。他还是中国科学院自然科学史研究所荣誉成员,2005 年春竺可桢项目的访问教授。2012 年1 月,他获得了数学史阿尔伯特&莱昂&怀特曼纪念奖,此奖由美国数学协会每四年颁发一次,授予给对数学史事业做出杰出贡献的著名学者人。道本教授近年转向中国数学史研究,曾将汉简《算数书》全文翻译为英文,发表于国际著名科学史杂志《精密科学史档案》(TheArchive of the Exact history of Science, 2008),力作《九章算术英译》即将由辽宁教育出版社出版。课程目标(Course Goals):考察16、17 世纪西方知识领域的历史变革,解释科学革命发生、发展的社会原因,展示科学革命为人类文明带来的飞跃性进步。通过原典阅读,引领学生走进当时著名学者的智识世界,共享科学家们独有的创新精神和人文情怀。课程简介(Course Description)本讲座将回顾从哥白尼到牛顿时期现代科学的兴起,这一历经16、17世纪的知识领域剧烈震荡时期,即所谓&科学革命&。本讲座将以哥白尼,开普勒,伽利略,笛卡尔,波义耳,牛顿和莱布尼茨的成就来阐释天文学和物理学的进步,还将谈到维萨里,哈维和其他相关的生物、医学、医疗化学领域中科学革命。本讲座强调对科学史&经典&的批判性阅读, 特别通过当时学者们的日记、通信等原始资料认真梳理,展示他们在科学革命中所扮演的重要角色、发挥的积极作用。在评估新科学发挥的社会角色时,那一令人变动不安的陌生世界里的哲学、宗教甚至政治原则也将予以考虑。This course will survey the rise of modern science fromCopernicus to Newton, the period of intellectual ferment in the 16thand 17th centuries generally referred to as the Scientific Revolution. Inaddition to charting the advance of astronomy and physics throughthe works of Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Descartes, Boyle, Newtonand Leibniz, the revolution in biology associated with Vesalius, Harveyand others will also be considered, along with related questions in thehistory of botany, medicine and iatrochemistry.The emphasis in this course will be upon texts, a careful reading ofthe original scientific &classics,& along with diaries and letters wherethey survive, in order to evaluate as much as possible from primarysources the most important factors that motivated and inspired thecreators of modern science. In assessing the social role the "new"science played, the disturbingly unfamiliar world in whichphilosophical, religious and even political principles were called intoquestion will also be examined.


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