求一首抒情的英文歌曲 是女生唱的。大概歌词是:I have true xzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx You XXXXXX 或者 I XXXXXX

楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  tonight i feel close to you  我一闪而过··不是,无视
  回复第2楼(作者:@翰韵 于
20:44)   tonight i feel close to you   我一闪而过··不是,无视 ==========。我听过这个  
  今晚,我感觉离你很近, 孙燕姿和仓木麻衣的歌。
  回复第6楼(作者:@烟花再美却是瞬间 于
20:53)   今晚,我感觉离你很近, 孙燕姿和仓木麻衣的歌。 ==========不是这个。谢谢  
  回复第7楼(作者:@芒果炖书记 于
20:53)   seasons in the sun 是麻   [消息来自掌中天涯] …… ==========不是这个。谢谢。这句是高潮部分  
  挥着翅膀的女孩  词曲:陈光荣  演唱:容祖儿  当我还是 一个懵懂的女孩  遇到爱 不懂爱 从过去 到现在  直到他 也离开 留我在云海徘徊  明白没人能取代 他曾给我的信赖  See me fly I'm proud to fly up high  不能一直依赖 别人给我拥戴  Believe me I can fly  I'm singing in the sky  就算风雨覆盖 我也不怕重来  我已不是 那个懵懂的女孩  遇到爱 用力爱 仍信真爱  风雨来 不避开 谦虚把头低下来  像沙鸥来去天地 只为寻一个奇迹  See me fly I'm proud to fly up high  生命已经打开 我要那种精彩  Believe me I can fly  I'm singing in the sky  你曾经对我说 做勇敢的女孩  我盼有一天 能和你相见  骄傲地对着天空说 是借着你的风  Let me fly I'm proud to fly up high  生命已经打开 我要那种精彩  Believe me I can fly  I'm singing in the sky  你曾经对我说 做勇敢的女孩  我不会孤单 因为你都在
  回复第10楼(作者:@windyyw 于
21:06)   挥着翅膀的女孩   词曲:陈光荣   演唱:容祖儿   当我还是 一个懵懂的女孩   遇到爱 不…… ==========是英文歌。谢谢。  
  回复第11楼(作者:@黄阿丑 于
21:20)   试试dying in the sun ==========谢谢。不是这首。我以前听到好几次。都因为记不住歌词无法查到。诶。一首很有感觉的歌  
  你居然把我这个万年潜水的人给炸出来。。。应该是西城男孩的MY LOVE啦,一首老歌了,很好听
  @windyyw  21:06:14  挥着翅膀的女孩  词曲:陈光荣  演唱:容祖儿  当我还是 一个懵懂的女孩  遇到爱 不懂爱 从过去 到现在......  -----------------------------  我也想到这个   Spirit in the Sky?
21:20:17  试试dying in the sun  -----------------------------  同想到dying in the sun
  The things you are to me神秘园的
  回复第16楼(作者:@石榴姐的加菲猫 于
22:06)   你居然把我这个万年潜水的人给炸出来。。。应该是西城男孩的MY LOVE啦,一首老歌了,很好听 ==========谢谢!!可是也不是这个。  
  回复第19楼(作者:@Lonely小付 于
22:36)   我觉得是那首THEN SILENCE   [本帖发自天涯社区手机客户端]    ==========谢谢!可惜不是这首  
  The things you are to me神秘园的  Secret Garden-The Things You Are To Me   Feat:Elaine Paige   Album:Inside I'm Singing   Music Rolf Lowland   If I held in my hand,   every grain of sand,   Since time first began to be,   Still, I could never count,   measure the amount,   Of all the things you are to me,   If I could paint the sky,   hang it out to dry,   I would want the sky to be   Oh,such a grand design,   an everlasting sign,   Of all the things you are to me.   You are the song   that comes on summer winds,   You are the falling year      You are the wonder   and the mystery   In everything I see   the things you are to me.   Sometimes,I wake at night,   suddenly take fright,   You might be just fantasy,   But then you reach for me   and once again I see,   All the things you are to me.   You are the song   that comes on summer winds,   You are the falling year      You are the wonder   and the mystery   In everything I see   the things you are to me.   Secret Garden-The Things You Are To Me   Feat:Elaine Paige   lyrics by Brendan Graham   Music Rolf Lowland   You are the song   that comes on summer winds,   You are the falling year      You are the wonder   and the mystery   In everything I see   the things you are to me.   All the things you are to me.
  On The Way To The Sky
  回复第17楼(作者:@散步的喵星人 于
22:17)   @windyyw 1:06:14   挥着翅膀的女孩   词曲:陈光荣  …… ==========我记得很清楚the xx(两个音节。应该是th为首字母发音的单词。) to the sky。还有是英文歌  
  You were my everything?。。。
  《To the Sky》演唱:Owl City   Shipwreck in the sea of faces  There's a dreamy world up there  Dear friends in higher places  Carry me away from here  Travel light let the sun eclipse you  'Cause your flight is about to leave  And there's more to this brave adventure  Than you'd ever believe  Birdseye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you  Wide eyes will always brighten the blue  Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery  Because after all those wings will take you, up so high  So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and  Take to the sky  U take to the sky  On the hills of lore and wonder  There's a stormy world up there  You can't whisper above the thunder  But you can fly anywhere  Purple burst of paper birds this  Picture paints a thousand words  So take a breath of mist and mystery  And don't look back!  Birdseye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you  Wide eyes will always brighten the blue  Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery  Because after all those wings will take you, up so high  So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and  Take to the sky  There's a realm above the trees  Where the lost are finally found  Touch your feathers to the breeze  And leave the ground  Birdseye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you  Wide eyes will always brighten the blue  Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery  Because after all those wings will take you, up so high  So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and  Take to the sky  U take to the sky  U take to the sky
  回复第17楼(作者:@散步的喵星人 于
22:17)   @windyyw 1:06:14   挥着翅膀的女孩   词曲:陈光荣  …… ==========我记得很清楚the xx(两个音节。应该是th为首字母发音的单词。) to the sky。还有是英文歌  
  去听听是不是A Thounsand Miles ?
22:46:06  The things you are to me神秘园的  Secret Garden-The Things You Are To Me  Feat:Elaine Paige  Album:Inside I'm Singing  Music Rolf Lowland......  -----------------------------  谢谢,不是这首歌。
23:22:23  去听听是不是A Thounsand Miles ?   -----------------------------  谢谢,不是这首
22:57:47  《To the Sky》演唱:Owl City  Shipwreck in the sea of faces  There's a dreamy world up there  Dear friends in higher places  Carry me away from here......  -----------------------------  谢谢,不是这首= 。=
  第一反应也是owlcity的,但是想到了aligator sky拼写有错,不过可以差不多搜一下  
22:53:30  You were my everything?。。。   -----------------------------  不是这首,谢谢。
09:23:21  第一反应也是owlcity的,但是想到了aligator sky拼写有错,不过可以差不多搜一下  -----------------------------  不是这首,谢谢。alligator sky你少了一个l
09:33:09  是部电影的主题曲么   -----------------------------  时隔多年,我已经忘记了。只记得是高潮部分,而且是抒情歌,但是很高昂的感觉。重要的是男生女生我都记不起来了
  歌曲:Rule The World  歌手:Take That  You light the skies, up above me   A star, so bright, you blind me, yeah   Don’t close your eyes   Don’t fade away, don’t fade away-   Oh   Yeah you and me we can ride on a star   If you stay with me girl   We can rule the world-   Yeah you and me we can light up the sky   If you stay by my side   We can rule the world-   If walls break down, I will comfort you   If angels cry, oh I’ll be there for you   You've saved my soul   Don’t leave me now, don’t leave me now   Oh   Yeah you and me we can ride on a star   If you stay with me girl   We can rule the world   Yeah you and me, we can light up the sky   If you stay by my side   We can rule the world-   Ooooooooh   All the stars are coming out tonight   They're lighting up the sky tonight   For you, for you   All the stars are coming out tonight   They’re lighting up the sky tonight   For you, for you-   Ooooooooh   Yeah you and me we can ride on a star   If you stay with me girl   We can rule the world   Yeah you and me, we can light up the sky   If you stay by my side   We can rule the world   All the stars are coming out tonight (oooooooh)   They’re lighting up the sky tonight   For you, for you-   All the stars are coming out tonight   They're lighting up the sky tonight   For you,for you-   All the stars, are coming out tonight   They're lighting up the sky tonight   For you, for you-   All the stars, are coming out tonight   They're lighting up the sky tonight   For you,for you-  是男女生一起唱的啊,那就不是这首了,这首歌也好听的
  all good things
10:03:47  firework?   -----------------------------  不是这首,谢谢。
10:21:03  all good things 听听看  -----------------------------  谁唱的呢?好像很多首啊
10:21:03  all good things 听听看  -----------------------------  都听过了,不是这首,谢谢
  楼主,试试green day的 21guns
11:01:32  你看看是不是我店里面的背景音乐:   -----------------------------  音乐在那听呢
10:56:48  可能是你听错了,记错单词了   -----------------------------  除了括号里的那个单词不确定,其他是对的,我干脆录下来算了。这样更清楚吧
10:56:59  楼主,试试green day的 21guns   -----------------------------  去听了,不是这首。谢谢
11:55:20  LZ你就不能说是男的唱的还是女的么!!!!!!!!!!   -----------------------------  楼主就是忘记了。记忆中像是个女生。又有点男生的感觉。。。
  All good things come to end
  难道是男女合唱的??- -
  是不是这个 fly me to the moon
  I Believe I Can Fly 这个?
  回复第60楼(作者:@灵笑 于
12:22)   是不是这个 fly me to the moon    ========== 不是这首。谢谢。  
  回复第59楼(作者:@霏離 于
12:20)   难道是男女合唱的??- - ==========我初中很红。听到很多遍这一句。应该是06年以前特红的一个女歌手。  
  试试owl city的to the sky  
  回复第65楼(作者:@yiyayo_007 于
13:04)  试试owl city的to the sky  [消息来自掌中天涯]  ==========  啊哦!错了,这是男的。。。。  
  其实我也想问一首歌,英文歌,很欢快,听起来非常阳光,是女的唱的  好吧,听到一次觉得特别好听,当时找了几天没找到,现在也忘记了  好像结尾有句“better then man”
额,好有难度  真记不清了
  试试,是不是i swear啊,好像有这个歌词呢
21:20:17  试试dying in the sun   -----------------------------  我想到的也是这首
  @田正妞甄靓 63楼
12:55:19   回复第59楼(作者:
12:20)   难道是男女合唱的??- - ==========我初中很红。听到很多遍这一句。应该是06年以前特红的一个女歌手。  -----------------------------  是不是珍珠港的主题曲,我忘了叫什么名字了。。。。
  我记得有首歌:flame to dust,lovers to friend,why should all good things come to an end,恩……大概是这样吧  
  跟楼上那位一样觉得是西城男孩(westlife)的亲亲吾爱(my love):when the sky is blue ,twhen the fild is green,to see you once again。  
  LZ,我觉得很有可能是下面这首歌:  《to the sky》  my memory  feels like it's playing with me  these things i know yeh i know  the sun will end with you  need help to cut on through  can only feel this way  when silence comes  i could sing it to the sky  but there's a risk it won't reply  if i could change it man i would  and i won't screw it up this time  been here before   it won't happen no more  these things i know  yeh i know  they get into your mind  i guess you know the signs  can only feel this way  when silence comes  i could sing it to the sky  but there's a risk it won't reply  if i could change it man i would  and i won't screw it up this time  i could sing it to the sky  but there's a risk it won't reply  if i could change it man i would  and i won't screw it up this time  i could sing it to the sky  but there's a risk it won't reply  if i could change it man i would  and i won't screw it up this time  …………………………………………  …………………………………………  …………………………………………  i could sing it to the sky  but there's a risk it won't reply  if i could change it man i would  and i won't screw it up this time  其实你可以百度--MP3---关键字输进去---点击歌词,搜索会出来很多结果,看看有没有你要找的。  我用的就是这个方法~~  希望能帮到你。
13:06:21  其实我也想问一首歌,英文歌,很欢快,听起来非常阳光,是女的唱的  好吧,听到一次觉得特别好听,当时找了几天没找到,现在也忘记了  好像结尾有句“better then man” 额,好有难度  真记不清了  -----------------------------  这个是 better man?
  LZ 提供信息太少了吧...  男歌手、女歌手,独唱还是乐队,节奏快不快神马的。
  大家都想复杂了吧  应该就是出现率很高的歌,  那应该就是“There you'll be”珍珠港主题曲
  借贵地也求一首歌吧,女歌手的,英文,酒吧夜场之类的地方驻唱女歌手经常会唱的,很HIGH,就记得一句,好象是I'm a queen.
  我感觉是你听错歌词,试下这首sometime love the
just ain t
18:15:24  大家都想复杂了吧  应该就是出现率很高的歌,  那应该就是“There you'll be”珍珠港主题曲  -----------------------------  我想到的第一首歌也是这个
09:33:09  是部电影的主题曲么   -----------------------------  @田正妞甄靓
09:43:33  时隔多年,我已经忘记了。只记得是高潮部分,而且是抒情歌,但是很高昂的感觉。重要的是男生女生我都记不起来了  -----------------------------  应该就是珍珠港的主题曲了。这歌也很高昂的。。。
  @nita2-06-04 13:10:58  试试,是不是i swear啊,好像有这个歌词呢  -----------------------------  也觉得是I SWEAR
  看一下这里  westlife的my love
  无视我吧~ 没认真看上面回复
唱的人是map..  很好听
  close to you或者yesterday once more
  Love Paradise
陈慧琳 应该是的
  Love Paradise 陈慧琳   - - 居然吞我的回复
  是不是 out of the darkness and into the sky 哇。  看到标题第一个就想到这首歌  听听是不是Kelly Clarkson《break away》?
22:57:47  《To the Sky》演唱:Owl City  Shipwreck in the sea of faces  There's a dreamy world up there  Dear friends in higher places  Carry me away from here......  -----------------------------  谢谢,不是这首
14:01:55  LZ,我觉得很有可能是下面这首歌:  《to the sky》  my memory  feels like it's playing with me  these things i know yeh i know......  -----------------------------  不是这首,谢谢
15:18:52  汉城奥运会主题曲《手拉手》   -----------------------------  不是这首,谢谢。
请遵守言论规则,不得违反国家法律法规一首英文歌,女声的,歌词有i wanna xxxxxx,i wanna xxxx,to way,t_百度知道
一首英文歌,女声的,歌词有i wanna xxxxxx,i wanna xxxx,to way,t
i wanna xxxx,to way,to way,歌词有i wanna xxxxxx,请问是什么歌一首英文歌,女声的,to way
s Daughter播放歌手;s Cut)发行时间:Short Movie (Director&#39:Laura Marling语言:英语所属专辑Gurdjieff&#39
第一句是i see you
不是,是to way,我有可能是to wait。
I wanted you
出门在外也不愁有一首歌 很俏皮 小女生唱的 求歌名 很耳熟啊 歌词: 为什么 xxx xxxx_百度知道
有一首歌 很俏皮 小女生唱的 求歌名 很耳熟啊 歌词: 为什么 xxx xxxx
有一首歌 很俏皮 小女生唱的
求歌名 很耳熟啊
歌词: 为什么 xxx xxxx
she 不想长大
出门在外也不愁找一首英文歌歌名,是女歌手唱的。属于比较抒情的。 在百度找歌词找,找很久都找不到_百度知道
找一首英文歌歌名,是女歌手唱的。属于比较抒情的。 在百度找歌词找,找很久都找不到
,最后结束是 my destiny..., my destiny..XXX.you will never found the love i need, so my nest(大概这声音) ., 高潮是 if i taking to the paXXXX.....destiny.,.i keep lonely in my heart now。其中一部分开头歌词大概是..,and you never found the XXX
lonely lonely
歌名:shalala 歌手:vengaboys there's a boy in my mind and he 温拿有首Sha la la la 辣妹也有首Sha la la la 不知道是不是~


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