Don't Ridegoing too fastt这篇短文的翻译

试题“根据短文,判断正(T)误(F)You may ride on...”,相似的试题还有:
阅读理解:根据短文内容判断下列句子的正误,正确的用“A”,错误的用“B”。It's good to get along with your teacher because it makes school time more pleasant, Kids who getalong with their teachers can learn more. They're also more comfortable asking questions. This makes iteasier to do your best on tests. When you get along with the teacher, heor she can help you solve(解决)your problems and help you do well at school.&&&&&& Being a kid in middle school is a great time in your life.&&You are learning many interesting things andyou are thinking in new ways.&&Your teacher knows that and wants to help you. You should remember that teachers want to help you. That's why they wanted to be teachers in the first places are always goodstudents, whether they like the teacher or not, but most kids are sensitive to the way they get along withteacher. You should try to ask questions and get to know him or her better.(&&&& ) 1. Kids may not feel good if they don't get along well with teachers.(&&&& ) 2. Teachers will give kids better grades if kids get along well with them.(&&&& ) 3. You learn the most interesting thing when you're in middle school.(&&&& ) 4. According to the passage', all kids like their teachers.(&&& &) 5. The writer thinks that kids should get along well with their teachers.
阅读短文,并按要求完成1-5题。As a student, you must read a lot of interesting books. Most of the books come from the school library,I am sure. Perhaps you also get books from the public (公共的) libraries in your city. Maybe your parentsand friends have given some books to you as presents. And if you like reading and want to learn more, I amsure that you will buy books yourself.Do you know how books are made?Well, a book passes through thehands of many different workers. Each of them works very carefully, for there mustn't be any mistakes inthe book. Different people read the book many times before it is finished.&&&& Millions of books are printed (出版) in our country every year. So people can get more books to read.Now may I ask you a question? Have you taken good care of the books?When you buy yourself some newbooks, will you cover the books with some pieces of paper? Sometimes new books will be broken if youopen them suddenly in the middle.&&&& Try to turn every page of a book with care. If somebody loves reading very much, he will love the books,too.1题为判断正误(“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误);2题将文中划线句子译成汉语;3题完成句子;4-5题简略回答问题。1. The writer thinks most of the books that students read come from the bookshop. (&&&& )2. _________________________________________________________________________.3. Each of the workers work very ___________ to make a book.&4. How many books are printed in our country every year?&&& _________________________________________________________________________.5. What does the writer want to tell us to do?&&& _________________________________________________________________________.
阅读理解。Bicycles in China&&&& Bicycles are very popular in China. In our country you can see bicycles almost everywhere. When youwalk on the road, you will find a lot of people riding bicycles to school, shops and anywhere else. Therefore(因此), China is known as "the kingdom of bicycles". In China, many families have one or two bicycles.&&&& Compared (与……比) with cars, bicycles have many advantages. First, they are much cheaper than cars.Most Chinese can't afford cars, but they can afford bicycles. Second, bicycles are small enough to parkanywhere, while cars need a larger piece of land to park. What's more, with lower speed, bicycles are saferthan cars.&&&& However, bicycles also bring some problems. Some riders don't obey the traffic rules and some ridersdon't think about others' safety. So they ride too fast. During rush hours, too many bicycles may cause trafficjams.We still have a long way to go to solve the problem.1. Where can you see bicycles in China?A. In the big city.B. In the town.C. In the country.D. Almost everywhere.3. "The kingdom of bicycles" here is saying& ______.A. China has a large number of bicyclesB. China makes bicyclesC. bicycles are a kingdomD. only China has bicycles3. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of bicycles?A. Bicycles are much cheaper than cars.B. Bicycles are easy to park.C. Bicycles are more beautiful than cars.D. Bicycles are safer than cars.4. What problems can bicycles bring?A. Bicycles are more and more expensive.B. Riding bicycles is more dangerous than driving cars.C. There are no places for so many bicycles.D. Too many bicycles may cause traffic jams.5. What does the last sentence mean?A. We should drive cars instead of riding bicycles.B. It's too far to ride bicycles.C. Bicycles are safe enough.D. We still need to do much to solve the problem.100句翻译_百度文库
你可能喜欢高三英语作文训练三步法(安庆怀宁)(1) 我的论文网
为了培养高三能在所学语言范围内口笔头造句;能在有提示词语的条件下,写出100个词左右的短文,我采用英语作文训练三步法,即一例一练、一课一练、一题一练。 1、一例一练 先提供一篇范文作为示例,让进行仿写练习,与高中英语课本第三册同时进行,约三个月,每周一课时。在四种常见的文体(说明文、记叙文、议、应用文)中重点是应用文体。如书信、便条、日记、海报、请假条、通知、广告等。我将89年试卷上的收面表达题的答案作为范文并编了这么一道模仿练习题: 假如你是班长,要向全班同学作一个口头通知。请根据下列内容提示用英文拟一个口头通知。 1、活动内容:去游泳。 2、地点:长江边上的小孤山。 3、时间:下星期日(9月20日)。 4、注意事项:(1)参加者请放学后到讲台登记并交车费10元;(2)上午七时半在校门前集合,八进乘校校车出发;(3)午餐在小孤山附近的一家餐馆吃,下午4:30返回。 在练习“对话”写作时,我选了这样一篇语言规范的作文: don't ride too fast dick:what's the matter,bill?why are you sitting on the ground? bill:l fell off my bike and hurt my leg. dick:l'm sorry to hear there anything i can do for you? bill:would you please phone my father and tell him to come at once? dick:is he in his
or at home? bill:in his office and his elephone number is 553246. dick:553246,i've got it i'll run to the nearest public phone.wait for me here. bill:ok,you can ride my'll save time. dick:thatcls a good idea.i'll be back soon. bill:please don't ride too fast. dick:don't worry.i won't. 说明:杰克和他的弟弟随父母来到中国。在上海某中学上学。丽丽是杰克的同班同学。请根据下面的情景介绍,写出某日杰克与丽丽的一段对话。 杰克匆匆忙忙走过来。丽丽问他怎么啦。是不是出了问题。他告诉丽丽,他爸爸和妈妈今晚乘火车到北京去。他们到站时,发现有一张车票忘在书桌上。丽丽问他还需要好帮什么忙。杰克请她告诉他弟弟,他不到10点不会回家。于是他们说了声再见分手了。 仿写能减轻畏难情绪,能从范文中找到类似表达语言材料和方法,容易入门。 2、一课一练 第三册课本学完了。进入一课一练。一般每周可安排写两篇作文。这能巩固和加深课内所学的知识,提高学习的效果。在编题时要注意各课文间的特点,选编不同文体的作文。除了练习上述常见的几种文体外,还应练习改写、扩写、缩写、看图说话等不同形式的作文。 如复习高中第一册第10课时,选编一道与“长城”有关的题目,写讲话稿。 假定你是一名,陪同某国际旅游团游览长城,下车前你准备对大家作必要的介绍和交代。请拟一份讲话稿,说明以下几点: 1、简单介绍长城(世界上最长的城墙,2000多年历史,世界奇观之一)。 2、讲话时间是八点半,在长城逗留两个半小时,十一点离开。 3、游览车在入口处等候,记住车号,准时返回。 4、贵重物品随身携带,下车前关上车窗。 5、祝大家玩得愉快。 在复习高中第二册第2课the tallest grass时,我要求根据课文内容写一段对话。题目是这样编的: 某一对竹子不甚了解,于是去问生物老师。他就竹子的种属、种类、特征(指生长情况以及高度) 和用途等提了几个问题。老师一一给予回答并请他写一段师生之间关于竹子的对话。如有一编写出这样一段一段文字通顺的对话:(s-a strden t-the teacher) s:what kind of plant is bamboo? t:bamboo is a kind of grass though it looks more like a tree. s:how many kinds of bamboo are there in the world? t:altogether there are more than 500 different kinds of bamboo. s:where does bamboo grow best?do all of thern grow tall? t:they grow best where it is warm and where it rains often.not all kind of bamboo grow tall.some grow no higher than your ankles. s:is bamboo rery useful? t:yes,it is widely used.we can make a lot of things out of bamboo,such as flower vases, baskets, is also a good building can be made into fine can also be used as food when young. 又如复习高中第二册第14课和第15课时,提示是将《礼物》这篇短篇小说缩写成一篇简短的故事。 3、一题一练 一题一练即命题作文,安排在高考前两个月。题目应接近中的生活实际,使看到题目就有话可写。这样才能激发的兴趣,使他人交通规则写好作文充满信心。这样的题目有: 记叙文:(1)my first english teacher (2)my stordy of english (3)my childhood (4)an unforgettable day 描 写:(1)four s easons (2)my good friend 本文共2页: 第 1
because I do not want to drip wet by the rain, hurriedly rode a bicycle, I felt very awkwardly, the rain under is soon biggerToday, after is on vacation from school I to ride a bicycle to go home, I ride more and more quickly, until now, because rains, I have fallen from the vehicle down, after went home discovered the left leg has been injured, ground becomes very much slides, the bicycle departed very far, when I saw when red candle, I stop hurriedly. Stems from me to anticipate, I must tell everybody to ride a bicycle do not ride on the too quick week
I felt very embarrassed and rode away quickly, I fell from the bike and my bike dashed off. Very soonToday. When I returned my home I found my left leg was hurt. And my leg is still painful till now, I rode my bike home after school. Therefore. The ground was slithery because of the rain, I stopped hastily. When I saw the red light, the rain was heavier and heavier, I rode faster and faster cause I would not want to be wringing by the rain.Last week, I want to tell everyone that do not ride a bike too fast. To my surprised
Today I want to tell you that never ride too fastLast week when I finished school and started to ride back home, it rained. And the ground got wet and slippery. And I didn't want to get all soaked up, the heavier it rained, the faster I rode. I instantly tried to stop my bike the second I saw the red light but to my surprise, I fell off. And the bike rushed out for few meters. I was utterly awkward so I rode away in a hurry. When I got home, I found my left leg was hurt. It still hurts now.
today, I'm going to tell everyone that cycling shouldn't be done too fast.
Last week, after school, when I was cycling home, the road become slippery because of the rain, a short while later, the pouring rain is getting heavier, and I was riding faster and faster, as I did not want to get wet. When I saw the red light, I stopped the bicycle instantly, but to my surprise, I was thrown as a result from the bike, with the bike flying miles away. I felt nothing but embarassed, and got on the bike as fast as I can before cycling away. When I got home, I realised that I've hurt my left leg, which up until now, was still in pain.
Today, I want to tell you not to ride a bike fastLast week, I ride my bike home after school, because of the rain, the ground becomes very slippery, and soon, the rain, under the more bigger, I am riding faster and faster, because I do not want to get wet by rain, when I saw the red light, I rushed to stop. contrary to my expectation is that I fell off from vehicles, bicycles flying out of a very long, I felt very embarrassed and quickly ride away, returned home and found his left leg was injured, until the Now, still some pain in legs
让我这个英语专业的来吧看你这个短文应该是上初中吧。我就用适合初中的句子写得,希望对你有帮助Today i want to tell others we can't ride too fast.Last week, i rode my bike leaving from school. Because it was rainy, the earth was getting slippery.After a while , as the rain was getting hard,I ride faster than before in order to avoid being caught in the rain. When I saw the red light, I hurry to stop .Unexpectedly, I fell from my bike and the bike is flying a long distance. I felt so embarassed that rode as quickly as i could. After getting home, i found my left leg was injured .Up to now, it still hurts.
Today, I want to tell you not to ride a bike fastLast week, I ride my bike home after school, because of the rain, the ground becomes very slippery, and soon, the rain, under the more bigger, I am riding faster and faster, because I do not want to get wet by rain, when I saw the red light, I rushed to stop. contrary to my expectation is that I fell off from vehicles, bicycles flying out of a very long, I felt very embarrassed and quickly ride away, returned home and found his left leg was injured, until the Now, still some pain in legs。


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