歌词是we are the championsfai yang tree no

我要英文版《天仙配》的歌词,开头是:two birds on the tree....._百度知道
我要英文版《天仙配》的歌词,开头是:two birds on the tree.....
With pairs of birds singing on the tree
So green rivers and mounts look great
Picking a flower off conveniently
I put it in my dear’s chignon affectionately
From now on being of enslaving-free
My wife and I are on the way home free
You may plough and I will make some textile
I shoulder water you do some watering while
Being so humble, our house can keep out wind
A loving couple regards poverty as honey to drink
Couple of us is just like that of mandarin ducks
Flying wing to wing in the people’s world with good luck
Two birds in the trees are in pairs Grean water and mountains with smile. Pick
off a flower, I put it on my wife's head. From now on, we are no longer suffering, Both husband and wife go back to the house happily. You plow and I weaving, I carry water and you water garden. Although the house is not good, it can avoid the cold wind and rain, Bitter sweet love. We like two loving birds Fly together in the world
SCARBOROUGH FAIR改编自一首十七世纪英格兰民谣,其起源可一直追溯到中世纪。它曾被英国民歌之父麦考选进他编辑的一本介绍英国民歌的书中。后来英国民歌手马汀·卡 西(Martin Carthy)在原歌的基础上加进了自己的再创造(尤其是里面那优美的吉它伴奏),把它变成了一首非常优美的爱情歌曲。    歌曲作于六十年代末,是奥斯卡奖影片《毕业生》(THE GRADUTE,1967)的插曲之一,联系当时的时代背景(越南战争),不难领会歌曲的内涵。歌作者保罗.西蒙是六、七十年代青年的代言人。他曾在英国 修习英国文学,文学底蕴深厚,因而其歌词文字意境深邃。西蒙在英国时从卡西那里学会了这首歌。他又再创造性地把自己写的一首反战歌曲《山坡上》(THE SIDE OF A HILL)作为副歌和这首歌混在一起,用对比的手法表达了对和平的渴望。加芬克尔为副歌作了曲,成为歌中的“颂歌”部分。两人在录音时利用多轨技术把多个 声部叠加在一起,使人声显得特别丰富。当年崔健在“七合板乐队”出版的一张专辑里曾翻唱过这首动听的歌曲。
   歌曲以一位在战火中亡故的普通士兵的口吻唱出,他再也不能回到那朝思暮想的家乡,再也不能与心上人一同享受生活的甘甜了。心中的悲愤化作一声声催人泪下 的控诉:PARSLEY,SAGE,ROSEMARY AND THYME是歌曲的歌眼,指“芜荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香”。歌者在SAGE与THYME上有意延长似乎是在提醒我们注意。SAGE既指鼠尾草,同时又 有“贤明/圣哲”之意;而THYME则与TIME谐音。当我们因此再度回头审视歌名(注意:歌词与衬词中都及可能潜藏着歌眼)的时候,原本熟悉的歌名似乎 也变了面目:SCAR-BORROW-FAIR。SCAR与FAIR昭示了歌者的本意??战争与和平(ANTI-WAR)。成千上万普通士兵如野花一般被 战火摧毁在沙场上,那些战争的作俑者最终难逃时间的淘洗。野花自在芳香;然而,唯有时间才能检验出谁是真正的贤明圣哲;或许,亘古永恒的时间才是真正的圣 哲!TIME IS FAIR。    对于歌曲内容的意义存在有许多种解释,以前在国内曾有人认为欧芹、鼠尾草、迷迭香和百里香这四种植物都具有很浓的香味,这种香味让歌者联想到了斯卡布罗 集市,而歌中作者提出的那些要求其实是在考验那个姑娘的能力。崔健的那首翻唱就是这么认为的。而卡西则在他自己的版本中指出,这四种草药在英国传统中都和 死亡有着某种的联系,它们都被认为是能抵抗死神的草药。联想到歌中演唱者要求心爱的姑娘做的那三件不可能完成的任务,似乎是在暗示那位姑娘已经死去了,歌 者正虔诚地祈祷,让死神把她还回来。    最近有人经过研究,提出了完全不同的解释。歌里的那个斯卡布罗集市其实是暗指那个姑娘毫无原由地离开了这位歌者,而歌者对姑娘提出的这些完全不可能实现 的要求是在向她表明,爱情有时必须要求双方做出在常人看来不可能的事情才会持久。当一个人为了爱情去尝试明知不可能的事情,才最能表明他(她)对爱情的忠 贞。而欧芹、鼠尾草、迷迭香和百里香这四 种植物则在中世纪时的欧洲分别代表善良、力量、温柔和勇气, 这也是歌者对姑娘的期望。不管当初歌者的动机是什么,此歌那独特的词句和优美的旋律使得她永远地和爱情联系在了一起。这首歌的出版曾引起了不小的争议。本 来谁都有权翻唱一首属于民歌范畴的歌曲,可西蒙和加芬克尔的唱片内没有按惯例表明这是首改编歌曲,结果大多数听众都以为这是首西蒙的原创作品。其实西蒙根 本没有必要这样做,他们两人出色的改编和演唱早已使这首歌成为西蒙和加芬克尔的标志性歌曲之一,别人想学也学不象了。 & 下面是这首歌的歌词(括号内是同时唱出的《颂歌》的歌词):
Are you going to Scarborough Fair Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme Remember me to one who lives there She once was a true love of mine*
Tell her to make me a cambric shirt (Oh the side of a hill in the deep forest green) Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme (Tracing of sparrow on the snow crested brown) Without no seams nor needle work (Blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain) Then she`ll be ture love of mine (Sleeps unaware of the clarion call)
Tell her to find me an acre of land (On the side of a hill a sprinkling of leaves) Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme (Washes the grave with silvery tears) Between the salt water and the sea strand (A soldier cleans and publishes a gun) Then she`ll be a true love of mine
Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather (War bells blazing in scarlet battalion) Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme (Generals order their soldiers to kill) And gather it all in a bunch of heather (And to fight for a cause they`ve long ago forgotten) Then she`ll be a true love of mine & 这里还有一个诗经体版本的中文歌词,我觉得翻译的特别好,也一起放在这里: 斯卡布罗集市问尔所之,是否如适蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷彼方淑女,凭君寄辞伊人曾在,与我相知 嘱彼佳人,备我衣缁蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷勿用针砧,无隙无疵伊人何在,慰我相思
  伴唱:烽火印啸,浴血之师将帅有令,勤王之事争斗缘何,久忘其旨痴而不觉,寒笳悲嘶 ****************************************************************************************************************************************
&&& 歌曲中的Scarborough Fair这个地方,的确是有的,在英国,是一个风景秀美的海滨小镇。正因为这首歌,这个地方吸引了大批的游客。现在我使用万能的Google Earth,来让各位看一下这个小镇。
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Manga / Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
versions of
characters Sakura and Syaoran travel from
filled with CLAMP characters to find the
that represent Princess Sakura's heart and memories.The story begins in the Kingdom of Clow, a somewhat-medieval desert world. Syaoran (see
below for other romanizations) is the adopted son of the deceased , Fujitaka, and a dear childhood friend of Sakura, princess of Clow Country.Just after Sakura decides to finally tell Syaoran her feelings for him, she's drawn to some
on the outskirts of the city. After stepping on a symbol drawn on the floor, she seems to sprout ghostly wings, which then dissolve into feathers and vanish as Syaoran tries to save her. This causes Sakura to fall into an unwakeable sleep. The High Priest of Clow, Yukito, realizes that these feathers are the pieces of her soul. They have been scattered across the worlds, leaving Sakura an empty shell. In order to save her, he sends Sakura and Syaoran to the only person that can help her—Yuuko, the Dimension Witch. She agrees to help them, for a hefty price.Two others have been sent to Yuuko. The wizard Fai D. Flourite has fled his home world after sealing away the
Ashura, and fears that Ashura will wake up . His goal is to stay as far away from his home world as possible and never return. The
Kurogane, on the other hand, he was banished from his own world for being too bloodthirsty, and his princess, Tomoyo, wants him to learn more about true strength before he can return. Frankly, he couldn' he just wants to go home.Yuuko tells them that the thing which all three have in common is a wish to travel between the worlds: Syaoran to search for the feathers, Fai to stay away from his own world, and Kurogane to search for his home. In exchange for their most prized possessions, she will grant them the ability to travel between worlds. Fai gives up his tattoo, the focus of his magical ability, and Kurogane his sword, while Syaoran must give up the memories that Sakura has of her relationship with him.The retrieval of the feathers is made more difficult because the feathers, being fragments of Sakura's soul, hold huge magical powers. Whoever holds one is given strength that rivals that of the . And there is another force opposite Yuuko that attempts to intervene in their journey to fulfill its own desires...Tsubasa has a sister series, , which focuses on the Dimension Witch and her indentured servant, Watanuki. The plots of the two stories are deeply intertwined and characters have been known to cross between the two.This is a completed manga series, ending with 233 chapters organized into 28 volumes. There was an anime adaptation by
that ran for 52 episodes on , as well as a movie, Princess of the Birdcage Kingdom, and two sets of OADs, Tsubasa: Tokyo Revelations (which follows the
storyline of the manga) and Tsubasa: Shunraiki (again, another supporter of said storyline). A sequel began serialization in August 2014, named Tsubasa World Chronicle, and
has stated it'll be connected to
Rei. It ended in 2016 and only released two volumes.A word of warning, this series can be rather confusing. To understand how confusing, just see how many references there are to a
all over this page.Has a .Not related to .This series provides examples of:&&&&open/close all folders& &&&&A-M& : Apparently, Mokona has 108 special abilities. : Sakura during the second half of the Tokyo Arc. She gets to use guns! : The anime's opening can easily lead viewers to believe the series is much more action oriented than it actually is, as it is basically composed of one battle sequence after another. It includes Kurogane fighting several missile-launching spiders, Fai kicking around some Fei Wang Reed assassins, Syaoran squaring up with a bizarre rock monster, and even Mokona of all people punching a mook. Nothing of it happens in the series, and the fighting scenes of the anime are few and often circumstantially limited. : Li Sakura. , and ready to kick some ass. See
below. : This is the profession Syaoran starts with, which provides preliminary skills. : In Piffle, complete with canyon-wall wipeouts. : Tokyo and, by extension, Clow Kingdom. : The children mesmerized by Rondart are abducted from his homes in their sleep wear, so they are forced to walk barefoot through the snow. Later Rondart exploites it when he kidnaps Sakura. : One really needs to be reading
at the same time to get the full story, particularly in the second half. This is reciprocal,
also makes more sense this way. : Fai and Yuui. Averted with Kamui and Subaru (probably because they're not actually related)note&. : Sakura, before Acid Tokyo puts the plot in a blender with LSD. It's rather unclear how much this trope is still in play afterwards. : In the original manga ending, the
may be gone, and the Princess may be staying home this time, but Syaoran, Mokona, Kurogane, and Fai are still
looking for the feathers. This time, however, is to restore two people rather than one. Also, they're looking for bodies for those two people along the way, but that's secondary to the feathers. : Fai D. Flourite, looking at you. : Huge. For our sake, go read about it on the CCS or Tsubasa Wikis. : Played with. One town is ruled by father and son pair of insufferable bastard aristocrats but they weren't aristocrats by birth, they became aristocrats by BEING evil bastards. In another town the cold, seemingly evil aristocrat ruler puts rent in abeyance and personally searches for lost children every night. Also, there's Ashura, who kills a presumably large amount of people to strengthen his magic, but he only did it so that Fai's first curse would activate on him instead of someone else. Played straight with Valeria's king. He killed everyone in the country and blamed it on the twins. : Fai continues using this name, even after it it revealed that he is actually
Fai's twin brother Yuui. Both Tsubasas still go by Sakura and Syaoran respectively, even after they've revealed their names to each other. : Late in the story it's revealed that Syaoran fights mainly with kicks due to having a poor vision on one of his eyes, which he resolves by measuring out the distance to his opponent with his legs. In realistic fighting, this would be almost the opposite case - a fighter would risk his balance and defense if he threw commited, long-range attacks without a good accuracy, so the most adequate style for a person with poor vision would be actually a short-ranged, preferably grappling-based one. In other words, this is the reason why in real life judo is a popular sport for blind athletes and taekwondo isn't. : Besides the change of production studios between the series and , there is an episode which shifts the art to a crazy comical art style of a storybook. : Both Syaoran and Sakura have been magically cloned, and Fei Wong Reed's various minions are implied to be failed experiments of this sort. : Kurogane ends up getting one after sacrificing his left arm to save Fai in Celes. In a subversion of the usual pattern, it is NOT a perfect replacement and causes him pain. : Both Syaorans have the exact same DNA, 50% of which appeared out of nowhere. : The first chapter had some very artificial-sounding dialogue to fill readers in about the backstory of Sakura and Syaoran. Infinity had some as well, to explain the chess game. : S an
for this series is that this cannot ever happen. Bee Train (the anime production company) created a
episode where it did, and the plot forced them to
it. Late in the manga it turns out that The 's
was designed to get around this, mainly by keeping Yuuko alive and on the edge of death. Partial in chapter 220:
Yuuko has said that she will bring C!Sakura and C!Syaoran back to life—but that this is only possible because they were created beings, and thus could not enter the reincarnation cycle, hence requiring Yuuko and Clow to fork over payment for them to be reincarnated. Nadeshiko and the rest of Clow Country's citizens dying and being reset back to life is actually not this trope, since . : Kurogane. Anyone who hacks off his own arm without batting an eye is pretty hardcore. :
The Li's show that if you threaten their son, they will unload their spells on you. Considering that even Sakura had a
glare before the barrage, it's only expected that Ass-chin had an
moment. : The various
behind the scenes can't directly interfere, and constantly refer to mystical rules that they have to follow. In Yuuko's case, she can't directly interfere because she was . : Li Syaoran and Sakura.
: Mokona's line when opening a portal to other dimension, "Mokona Modoki Modoki Doki," is pretty much one of the most iconic quotes in the series, to the extent many dubs and merchandising articles turn it into her full-fledged . However, many people are surprised to know that the line actually belongs only to
in the manga, the line is never uttered at all. : Sometimes used as a battle style (particularly by Syaoran when up against magical opponents). : Averted to the point of
in Acid Tokyo. Sakura is scrabbed, impaled and then burned in acid. By the time she returns, she's a bruised and bloody mess. : Fei Wong Reed. : Almost all of the men who appear. Fai in particular. The most girly is Tokyo's Kakyou, whom some fans still believe to be a woman. That he is
by , who is known to voice ambiguous characters, doesn't help. although many fans interpret them as a mannote&, they are . Celes's Ashura-ou, the one Fai was so afraid would wake up, qualifies though. : , while Princess Sakura stays behind in Clow. Mokona assures everyone that they will be able to visit her world again by focusing on the high Syaoran-associated memory content inside of her. : Averted in the Tokyo Revelations . Sakura fires her revolver eleven times on-screen. She has to reload after the fifth shot and runs out of ammunition after firing the six new rounds. : Most of the villagers in Koryo at one point. : Used several times, and subverted with Fai D. Flourite, because it turns out he was already broken and it was an act. Played straight with both versions of Sakura. This also turns out to have happened to Kurogane, as seen in his backstory. : At the beginning, Fai mentions he can't whistle and substitutes a "hyuu~" sound for it. 14 volumes of "hyuu~"-ing later, he DOES whistle for a spell to save the gang's lives. Seishiro makes a comment on R!Syaoran's remarkable resemblance to his father, whom he has met before. Fast forward to
and suddenly that remark takes on a . : Syaoran. He even has a special fighting system based on kicking to compensate for his lack of depth perception. : Done seriously for most of the series, but lampshaded in one instance where Fai points out that Kurogane didn't call out his attack's name. : In a way a little different from most uses of the trope, Yuuko's price for helping Sakura and Syaoran was their past relationship. Any time Sakura realizes her past feelings for Syaoran and tries to tell him, her memory of that is instantly removed, resulting in . And even before that, both R! and C! Sakura's attempts at a . : In the anime. Tokyo Revelations picks up immediately after the escape from the Lecourt library, ignoring the filler arcs from the broadcast series. The second OVA skips the Infinity and Celes arcs, leaving those who hadn't read the manga in the dark. : Possibly the ultimate welding project in manga history. CCS-TRC-Holic and further with every single thing CLAMP has ever made. : Fai can't live without Kurogane after being turned into a vampire. : The plot gets considerably darker when it turns out that
the Syaoran and Sakura who had been traveling with Fai and Kurogane ended up being clones of the originals, whom Fei Wong Reed had captured sometime previous. : The first half of the series appears to be a light-hearted
adventure story, and the second half is a dark twist of the first. : Used both in an artistic sense in splash pages and literally in the Infinity country, when all the clothing the group is given has prominent chain attachments. : Other than plenty of hugs and one peck on the cheek, Syaoran and Sakura never kiss. There's not even an . : The reservoir of the title appears for the first time in Acid Tokyo, halfway through the story. At the very end, a mindbending
unmasks it as possibly one of the most important locations in the entire CLAMP-verse. Do you remember that tube way back in the beginning of the series? Turns out that the Sakura and Syaoran way back then were actually Li Syaoran and Sakura, who were paying a price. It also plays a role in the final battle. Whatever happened to Sakura's memories of Syaoran anyway? By the second half of the series, the issue seems moot. However, in the epilogue, Mokona gives the gang Larg's (the black Mokona's) earring. Because it contains C!Sakura's memories of C!Syaoran, along with Watanuki's memories of his parents, they will be taken back to both Clow Country and to the shop much more often than any other worlds. It's implied that they will also revisit most or all of the worlds they have been through before. Mokona's red earring. At first it seemed like a cute accessory. Then Yuuko mentions (in ) that it can increase magical power. This wasn't used until Fai needed a power boost in order for him and Kurogane to escape the collapsing world. When they finally did, it was mentioned by Fei Wong Reed that Yuuko probably created it just so that Fai and Kurogane could escape. : Fei Wong Reed, Yuuko, and Clow Reed are all this. : Syaoran and Sakura, though she is unable to remember him. : The body of R!Sakura-2 (for want of a better label) was taken away and merged with the cloned soul, while the original soul of R!Sakura-2 ended up in the 's own tube, but is never mentioned again. Or what happened to that tube. Yes, there were three Sakuras. This makes it hard to explain the Sakuras' -cum-. Not to mention complicating the Cloney/C!Sakura relationship and forcing the use of extensive spoilers in a desperate attempt to reduce reader confusion. : Sakura goes into her room in Infinity to get away from Syaoran. : Some characters have clear color associations, such as white and sky blue with Fai, black and red with Kurogane, Syaoran with earthly colors like browns and greens, and pink with Sakura. The complementary colors for Kurogane and Fai mark them as a yin-yang pair. : A couple characters, such as Syaoran, have some degree this. Kurogane is the most prominent, and a great deal of the humor in the series comes from his serious reaction to Fai's and Mokona's provocations. : It wouldn't be a CLAMP work without this trope. Every world the characters travel too get some cool outfit to match the setting. Their
even are pretty cool looking too. : Scores, but of particular note are
as C!Sakura's classmates in an alternate world. : Subverted with Fai and Yuui, only because people only thought they meant "bad luck" for them. The
Kamui and Subaru. Being vampires fills in for the creepy-ness. : A thing that happens around Kurogane. : The Mokonas do this to wake up Shaoran. :
The Country of Outo, although none of the main characters come from technologically advanced worlds, so they never suspect it. Not that it would matter if they did, since they don't know what world they go into until it's too late. : Tokyo Revelations went into a full darker turn after following the conclusion of the second season series and abandoning the idea of a third season, as it jumped straight from playing its tropes straight to the dark version that the manga had slowly eased into. Of course, that arc was a significant darker jump even for the manga, but it was the low dive compared to the OVA's high dive. See also . : Yuuko was only alive because Clow told reality to ignore her death. As a result her death resets just about everything reboot-able across the history of the multiverse. : The Dimension Witch Yuuko (of ) grants wishes and demands a heavy price in return, however she doesn't cheat her customers if they act in good faith. She is the "sponsor" of the heroes' travels and stays in communication with them. She also makes deals with the individuals the band comes across, who usually get a fair cop. :
Technically C!Syaoran is this after he dies, R!Syaoran takes the main character title. : From , Chapter 204.5. 520 days after leaving Clow Country, the Tsubasa gang return to Watanuki's shop, in the process accidentally giving him the idea for his signature—a bird. So Watanuki then enables Syaoran and company to travel to Clow Country so that he can finally meet Sakura again.. : How to summarize the whole story in 3 words. Backstory will never NOT be angsty, especially if your name is Fai D. Flourite, whose case is covered on the trope page. : Averted in a series that really needs it. There is no way to tell apart the clones from the originals when they're together in the tube at the end. : Needs a separate line as it's rather unique here. There are 3 versions of Syaoran (Watanuki included) and 3 (yes, three) versions of Sakura. And don't bother counting how many
versions of all
characters there are. An alternate Clow Country with an alternate R!Sakura was created when R!Syaoran turned back the clock while the original Clow Country went into a loop with the first R!Sakura frozen in the ruins. Check
in Chapter 187. The Sakura whom R!Syaoran was always with and the Sakura whom he saw through the clone's eye. The second one was actually cloned. See
below. : Of the original five-man party that started the journey, only Mokona, Fai and Kurogane actually made it through to the end. : Clow Country is the Tokyo from the Acid Tokyo arc. The reservoir under the temple is the one under the Government Building. : Syaoran = Fire, Kurogane = Ice, Fai = Air, Sakura = Earth. While the actual powers are confined to the Hanshin arc's kudan, the association remains throughout the story. Syaoran and Kurogane later obtain swords named, respectively, Hien and Souhi, "Red Flame" and "Blue Ice". Fai is frequently connected with bird imagery, such as his phoenix tattoo. Sakura's power is associated with being able to understand plants and animals. : Fai is transformed into a vampire (with attendant regeneration abilities) to prevent his death from . : The Piffle Princess's annual Dragonfly Race, where racers ride in customizable , lightweight flying machines. This year's race is especially notable as the prize up for grabs is one of Sakura's feathers. : All the Sakuras, Syaorans, Watanuki and the
are descendants of Clow. Including extra relationships due to adoption-inducing parental swaps caused by space-screwing. (See
below). And
makes 9 people in all directly related to Clow Reed. : Subverted twice. The Syaoran we see in the beginning of the series appears to have an evil Twin In a Tube, but turns out to be the evil one himself. Then there's Fai, who is haunted by his twin's voluntary sacrifice (and for a while, it seemed like Fai was the evil twin who demanded that sacrifice). Also subverted by Cloney, who goes from being heartless to performing a
for the gang (twice). : The legend surrounding Princess Emeraude says that the children she kidnapped were never held in their parents' laps again. The reason why is because the children were all too old to do so by the time it was safe for them to return home after the plague had passed. : All the clones, in Fei Wong's eyes. : Fai lets his hair grow out after Acid Tokyo, which indicates the dark turn in his personality. It also indicates a time-skip of at least a couple months. : Subverted. Both Syaoran and Fai wear eye-patches at different points during the series (Syaoran passes his eyepatch to Fai), but both actually lost eyeballs and with them substantial magical power. : Mokona. Except when in magical teleport mode or when sensing a feather. : At least twice, with one more implied. First chronologically: R!Syaoran rips his eye out, seals half his soul into it, and implants it in his clone to foil Fei Wong's plans. Second: When Syaoran's seal breaks, the newly soulless clone rips out Fai's eye to gain half his magic power. Implied: Seishirou is known to have given up sight in one eye to gain the ability to cross dimensions. : Hanshin is Osaka. Koryo is Korea. Outo is Japan in the '20s. LeCourt is a magical London. Piffle and Edonis are generically futuristic. In the anime, Storm is a Maya empire, and Daroga is modern America. : Both Syaorans share the same fighting techniques. Whenever they fight, they spend most of the time simply cancelling each others' attacks. In their second fight, the clone wins because Fai's magic is stronger than R!Syaoran's. : Sakura's memories take the form of feathers. When Sakura and Syaoran Li disappear because Fei Wong is defeated, both leave behind feather memories. : When C!Syaoran and C!Sakura seal themselves in the tube, they reverse in age from adults back to 14 years old and become identical to the originals, right down to the clothes. : C!Syaoran, after killing C!Sakura. Especially since it's heavily implied that this is how he regained his heart. Fai after his curse activates and he kills Sakura. : This one's a very weird example. C!Sakura and R!Sakura "swap" bodies between themselves at one point. What makes it freaky is that the bodies are, of course, completely identical. Basically R!Sakura merged with C!Sakura's body while C!Sakura's soul entered the body of the R!Sakura that Fei Wong lost during the cloning process. : Princess S it's stated her power is to hear the voices of the voiceless. This includes non-living things, most importantly water. She also speaks to a tornado once. : A lot, usually Mokona antagonizing Kurogane (such as stealing his food in the Hanshin arc.) A Miyuki-chan makes a cameo running in the background once in every single world. : R!Sakura merging with C!Sakura's old body and becoming her 14-year old self as timelines reconnected. : At least four different characters are running semi-independent :
Clow, Fei Wong Reed, Yuuko, and (very much contrary to what we believed at the beginning of the series) R!Syaoran. Clow Reed apparently put together all of
in preparation for Tsubasa. : The Sakuras and Syaorans, mostly because
: The anime ending. The second season could have explained who the antagonists were, and delve into the manga story, but instead frittered it away with two flashbacks of Kurogane and several dark twists of the characters and settings from the first season. In the final episode,
Syaoran gets one feather for Sakura when the bird has millions and she doesn't even get to see Syaoran in her memory, ). NHK could have planned a third season on the way, but CLAMP opted to greenlit a series of OVA based on the Acid Tokyo arc, instead. :
In one arc, it transforms from a happy and light-hearted
adventure story to a
of a fantasy drama. : The Spanish dub pulls one so amazingly unsubtle that one wonders if they were conscient of the radar itself. When Fai pokes Kurogane in the cheek in their walk through Outo, the original sees him doing an unrelated, non-sexual joke, but the Spanish version has him saying a lingo version of "I just penetrated you". As if shippers needed more... :
Yuui and Fai were imprisoned at the bottom and top of a tower, respectively, surrounded by walls impossible to climb, where the dead bodies of prisoners were discarded. : Collecting the feathers, which has since been revealed as a colossal
to keep them on track in the 's plans. Fai was aware of this from the start. In the end, Junior has to go and find the rest of them to restore his parents/clone and girlfriend's clone. : In the English dub when the group was separated from Mokona,
spoke French and
spoke . : The Kingdom of Clow, apparently. The loop is only a few hours, not a full day, and within the stable time loop is a pocket of time that has stopped dead. : Syaoran. He blames himself for everything that happened, because of his decision to rewind time when he was seven. This includes Sakura being taken away by Fei Wong Reed, Fai's being born a twin and therefore being a cause of misfortune, Kurogane's mother's death, and Watanuki, most of which happened before he was born. . He blames himself because the
implies that his rewinding time gave him a free reign, but in reality it was his only option, he was pretty much manipulated by Fei Wong Reed and had no control over what Fei Wong did making use of the altered timeline, and there is no way the poor kid could've known all the ramifications that were possible from his one wish, anyway. . Fai, too. It's not as large as Syaoran's, but it's there. It's probably because it was pounded into his head when he was a child that everything bad that happened was him and his twin's fault, including the king of Valeria going insane and killing everyone. Then Ashura did the exact same thing after living with Fai for a while. It caused Fai to become distant to everyone he met because he was afraid that if they got close to him, bad things would happen because they'd gotten close to him. : Cloney was Fujitaka's adopted son in the altered version of Clow Country.
Fai was adopted by Ashura and seemed to think of him like a real father. : Mokona to Kurogane. : C!Sakura and Syaoran. The latter attempts to pull a
on Fei Wong Reed. He gets better, since as a clone he could not truly die. And then the clones die again as Sakura and Syaoran Li, this time opening a hole in the space he, R!Syaoran, and Watanuki were, allowing them to escape. C!Sakura dies at the same time.
C!Syaoran in fact returns about 5 minutes after his first heroic sacrifice as Syaoran Li, along with C!Sakura, only to let everyone know he's waited a whole lifetime to pull out a second one. And to drive home their identity they now look exactly identical to the originals, so much so that at one place even the authors mixed up a piece of dialogue. R!Syaoran's expression when he realizes who're who's parents is priceless. : Kurogane, though he really doesn't need to worry about it much being the
he is. : Or son, really, being Syaoran Li and his son Tsubasa, a.k.a. R!Syaoran. Kurogane and his father also look remarkably alike, the main difference being stubble and a ponytail on the latter. Mokona lampshades this in Chapter 218 when it voices it's confusion on
"Syaoran" referring to the newcomers as his parents. This is because Syaoran Li is the reincarnation of R!Syaoran's clone. Yes. : Kurogane's insistence on turning Fai into a vampire to save his life puts a serious strain on their relationship for almost 50 chapters. : The power of names is explicitly so great that none of the protagonists are using their real names except
the clones, whose real names are
the false aliases the originals use.
R!Syaoran and R!Sakura both have the real name of Tsubasa, Kurogane's real name is Youou, and Fai's real name is Yuui. : At first Grosum seems like a jerk who is wrongly and overly suspicious of our heroes when they come in.
But not only did he decide to not charge the villagers any rent until the bad harvest was over, but he also spent sleepless nights looking for the children, even allowing the heroes to stay in the inn that Kyle welcomed them into. : This is stated to be a fundamental rule of the multiverse. Death is permanent and comes to everyone in time. Even Yuuko cannot bring someone back from the dead without suffering serious consequences. Except clones, because they weren't truly alive until Clow and Yuuko gave payment to have them be reincarnated. But when they die after that, it's for real. :
Arguably the original "Syaoran" as his appearance marks the point where the story swerves into
territory. : Major one here. Sakura and the whole of Clow Country are themselves a paradox as
they too existed only thanks to the
C!Sakura established, having left her feather in the Tokyo reservoir. R!Sakura even admits this while they're trapped by
in his tube. Now that the loops have ceased to exist with the clones , apparently only R!Syaoran & Watanuki have to pay a price for having to exist as a paradox. : Specifically, Kurogane amputating his arm for Fai's life. Completely without hesitation, too. His expression (in the OVA) seems to say The things I do for you, dumbass. : Averted like , since the series has strong
influences. The dimension-hopping characters all start out with just the clothes on their backs, but will readily switch to the local fashions provided they have enough time and money. Once they do adopt a world's clothing, they will change outfits as appropriate. In the first arc of the main plot, you can see Syaoran, Kurogane, and Fai changing each successive day. : Fei Wong Reed made his
with the intention of bringing someone . Or apparently, to save someone else's life. And that person is Yuuko. She is not happy with this, . : Fai may look like a , but he's quite proficient at physical combat as well. : The giant mirror used by Fei Wong Reed to spy on the main characters is the most frequent and obvious use of the trope. Other not-so-literal examples include the High Priest of Clow using a reflecting pool for scrying and Mokona using a reflective surface to help "phone" Yuuko. Chu'nyan uses a mirror in Koryo to lift a spell from the villagers. : Fai's eyes are the source of his magic power. When C!Syaoran takes one, only one of his eyes turns blue. : Even after specifying that he would help as long as it didn't endanger his life, Fai has repeatedly put himself in danger to save or protect Syaoran, and has been interrogated by Kurogane for his unwillingness to defend himself. : CLAMP's favourite ending. The Epilogue. Hopefully
will be free to be reunited with Sakura someday. Their names (see
below) are a hint.
R!Syaoran and Sakura both have the real name of Tsubasa, which means "wings." There are two of them. It also means the title of the series is actually a character's name, although the character doesn't appear until halfway through the series. : The enemy robot ninjas, which are
actually souless attempts at clones deemed expendable by Fei Wong. : Several orders of it, with no chance of screw driving. Really,
deserve a special award and maybe a even new trope like Mind Screw Pileup. For the sake of your sanity, do not, we repeat, DO NOT try to understand the story. Not to mention incredible amounts of
and . It's mentioned repeatedly that time and space and reason have been destroyed (possibly) by
/ ...thing, resulting in multiple paradoxes. This ◊ might help. (Spoilers behind link.) : Near the beginning, when Sakura activates Clow's ruins. : Fai is revealed about two-thirds of the way through the story to have been willingly manipulated for most of his life by both Fei Wong Reed and Ashura-ou. This involved cunningly preying on his insecurities and regrets in moments of extreme emotional distress, aided by some magical suppression of memories that might have caused him to question his situation. : A short 30 minute film released between seasons one and two of the TV series. : Kurogane and Fai. YES. The
makes...well, everyone into this. : The party is traveling through multiple worlds and dimensions. Not everyone they meet is aware of the existence of the multiverse. : Hello,
... or should we say
Yuui. The clones apparently live through their originals as well. : Averted, as clothing gets torn, stained, and otherwise damaged on a regular basis and stays that way until it is repaired or replaced. :
Syaoran's clone is also his father.&&&&N-Z& : A conveniently-timed one allows Tomoyo-hime to tell Kurogane how to get Fai out of Celes. : Played straight and averted too. Where it's played straight is that the clones, in spite of visiting Yuuko's shop many times, never meet their reincarnated selves in the tube. : Multiple times in the story, and the root of the whole problem is Clow's momentary subconscious wish that Yuuko wouldn't die, which set the entire plot in motion when Fei Wong Reed decided to grant it. Fei Wong himself is speculated by Fai to have actually been created by Clow's wish. Not to mention that
R!Syaoran's wish to save Sakura's life was the thing that started breaking causality. He even states himself that it's possible that his tampering is what lead to everyone else's life being a mess. Luckily, they forgive him. : Kurogane and Souma, as well as numerous other unnamed ninjas serving under Amaterasu and Tomoyo-hime. : Usually averted, with corpses lingering unpleasantly (backstory flashbacks, anyone?). Two notable occasions when it is played straight: the body of the real Fai dissolves into dust when the feather is removed and Fei Wong tells us that real!Sakura's body dissolved after being magically cloned. And that's what happens when all created beings die. : All the distortions in the Multiverse disappear with 's death. Also happened with C!Syaoran dying in chapter 210 and even more recently with
Fei Wong Reed and Sakura and Syaoran Li. : Fai's magic is explicitly tied with the blue color in his eyes, which is weird. : Syaoran.
Specifically, the real one. He's been impersonating his father and romancing a princess who is the original from whom his mother was cloned since he was seven. And that is precisely what his parents want since they see the two as their original selves. See
below. Cloney is also an example, since he has memories of being a clone of Syaoran, and his wife has memories of being a clone of Sakura. Since they got together based on those memories, and a clone can be thought of as being like a child, it's debatable which generation is imitating which. : Heard often in the series, usually from the signature battle song, A Song of Storm And Fire. : Kamui and Subaru, and later Fai gets turned into one to save his life. Description on the trope page of how they stack up against classic vampires. Seishirou is also possibly a vampire as Fuuma comments to Subaru when he is asked why Seishirou isn't growing any older. : Fei Wong is beaten by the combined efforts of Clow, Yuuko and the reincarnated clones. The clones use their power to restore reality back to normal in all dimensions. For all his ,
and Clow giving his magical power to Cloney. : Fai is blond and blue-eyed, and in one extra chapter has . He also comes from a very cold and snowy world, possibly resembling northern Scandinavia. In the dub, he speaks French once seperated from Mokona. : Most particularly in the
but also in the chapters themselves. This is CLAMP, after all. Sakura is by far the most common subject, but practically everyone gets a . : Fai's full-back phoenix tattoo is supposed to restrict his huge innate powers to keep him safe. Thus, when he gives it up to Yuuko as his traveling price, he also swears off the use of magic. Later subverted when we find out he's more dangerous with it than without it, because he is cursed to kill the first person he meets who is MORE powerful. With his magic restricted, it's more likely that he'll find someone who outstrips him. The "" Tomoyo places on Kurogane which will decrease his strength if he kills anyone could also been seen as a kind of limiter. This is also subverted because we find out after Celes that it's really a
and the stuff about his strength diminishing was a prophecy about the consequences of killing Ashura. : Clow's power made his unconscious wish to save Yuuko's life come true, freezing her in time and creating the . This eventually culminated in
when Sakura split Clow's remaining power between Fujitaka and Eriol. To show just how much power shedding he had to do,
He put a huge part of his powers and abilities in all the Clow Cards. Then he paid for C!Syaoran's reincarnation with his magic, enough magic for Cloney to even stop 's moves! Then he needed to split his soul in two. And even then mind you...he STILL had so much leftover power and abilities remaining when he reincarnated as Eriol (even without the cards if he could affect an entire city) and ultimately split his power between himself and CCS Sakura's father Fujitaka, only after which he was no longer the strongest in the world. : Fai's giant floofy white fur overcoat. It doesn't seem to be necessary for warmth (his plainer blue coat should be sufficient even in Celes), it's totally about marking his status. He later loses it for good when Kurogane saves him in Celes. : The protagonists travel the multiverse in search of Princess Sakura's scattered memories—however, they rarely know what kind of world they will end up in next, just that there is a "memory feather" in it somewhere. : Wishing to bring back the dead.
to keep Yuuko alive distorted reality to a point where the effects on the multiverse could never be fully repaired, or even be understood by anyone, even CLAMP themselves. : The
(and consequently his incomprehensibly complex )
was also likely created as a response to that wish. And if that wasn't bad enough, it also led to other characters making their own attempts at this trope, further distorting an already distorted and illogical reality. : Fai. As Yuuko told Kurogane, '[Fai] has already lived many times your lifespan'. Given that Kurogane looks to be in his early 20's at the youngest, this probably makes Fai at least 80 years old, despite also appearing to be in his early 20's. Although it's not entirely clear how much of this is slow aging due to magic, and how much of that time was spent in the timeless pocket dimension where he and his twin were banished. : Subverted with Kurogane. While he has red eyes, he's one of the main protagonists, and in fact
the only one of the original group (besides Mokona) who isn't being manipulated by
Fei Wang, though Fei Wang tried to get him with the death of his mother before Tomoyo and Yuuko interfered. He is, however, the most physically capable of the entire group, and you do not wanna piss him off. : Now that
and Yuuko are both dead, existence should have been restored to the way it should have been. Right? But no, paradoxes (Syaoran, Watanuki and by extension even Sakura and possibly the whole of Clow Country, not to mention an unknown number of lingering changes in the multiverse) still exist. Reality could never fully recover after that many
attempts. : Yuuko's death deletes her undead history out of reality. The original Syaoran, who was replaced by Watanuki. And also the clones, who have vanished from all time, leaving Syaoran a bootstrap paradox, and... : His family portrait no longer has his parents/the clones on it anymore. :
characters in an
setting (and it's not a sequel) : Mokona, oh so much. : Shaoran causes the time to rewind and a lot of characters suffer because of this, in order to save Sakura. : They inhabit Acid Tokyo. : All the anime adaptations. : The characters have managed to barely defy various prophetic visions. Sometimes they will "go along" with a prophetic vision up to the critical moment, in order to avoid other changes multiplying the number of possible futures and making the outcome harder to control. (Clone) Sakura making a deal with Yuuko so Fai will kill her, rather than Syaoran jr. : Oh so many to other CLAMP series, and a few to other series like Cat's Eye and other mediums like old
cartoons. Edges dangerously close to
in some cases.
Horitsuba Gakuen has Yuuko using 's
"_____ I'll punish you!" when she sends Fai and Kurogane on a treasure hunt across campus. She even imitates Usagi's way of saying it. : One of the reasons for the clones/parents sealing themselves in the tube is to get their originals together, defying foretelling dreams predicting . They succeed, partially, but it's quite an achievement considering the aura of inevitability so far. Yuuko hints at being one for
in Horitsuba Gakuen. : Near the end of the Nihon Arc with Syaoran and Fai. : Hitsuzen anyone? Till the time loop, it seems to be a Type 1 as all choices simply seem to be a part of the loop, but eventually after some painful decision making (See ), it ends with a type 2. : Kurogane is sometimes this to Fei Wong Reed, although mostly just through having his priorities in the right place. : Fai and Syaoran are the ones with the most confusion. Fai: The official English spelling is "Fay D. Flourite", but the name actually references the mineral fluorite (like the crystal in his wizard's staff). It's a common spelling mistake even for native English speakers, and the translators have thrown in the towel on trying to correct it. Other spellings include permutations of "Fay" "Fai", and "Fye" with "Flourite", "Fluorite", and "Flowright". Additionally, the English pronunciation isn't used, instead it's a Russian pronunciation, so it sounds like 'Fye' rhyming with 'Eye' rather than Fay rhyming with 'Day'. "Fluorite" is derived from the Latin verb "to flow", so "Flowright" may not be that bad. Syaoran: "Li Syaoran" is the official spelling, but "Shaoran" is another possible romanization for the name pronounced Japanese-style, and "Xiao Lang" reflects the original Chinese pronunciation. Some also pronounce it "Show-ren". His last name may also be romanized as "Lee". : Twice. Two overlapping ones even.
One is responsible for Sakura and Clow country's existence. C!Sakura's feathers are scattered across the dimensions, she travels back in time and leaves one of her feathers in Tokyo. This prevents the destruction of the Tokyo government building, and humanity can survive. Hundreds of years later, Tokyo has slowly transformed into Clow Country, Sakura is born and cloned, C!Sakura's feathers are scattered... The My Own Grampa (see above) scenario is the other one. The entire story is one of these as the trapped Sakura and Syaoran from the bottle are the Sakura and Syaoran we've been following this whole time. : Played straight and averted with the Sakuras and Syaorans. In the end, R!Syaoran becomes a
although he will return more often to Clow Country than any other world. Sakura stays home as going with him would only make things worse. The clones were they got a new life of their own for several years. : Fai, though it does begin to crack and ultimately appears to fall away completely. :
In Celes country, when the second curse on Fai activates, he literally shuts down a dimension with his magic. This also highlights his . : Syaoran and his clone point their swords at each other at close range just before getting into a sword fight. Watch it . : Oh my, Kurogane. Seishirou may also count. : The Reed/Li/Watanuki family tree looks like this. Reincarnation and cloning make for very, very loopy genealogies. note& Perhaps should be called Thirty Relationships pileup after what happened. For starters, draw it right and it turns out poor R!Syaoran has become related to himself in FOUR different ways. It doesn't help that CLAMP kept adding more and more cross-relationships as the story progressed. To elaborate, the equations are rather complicated. The final result is some
combo of all of these put together simultaneously -
= Really Really Really REALLY . : Kurogane has this title applied by Fai unwillingly, but it fits surprisingly well, especially by the end of the Infinity Arc. : Fai is proclaimed the mother of the group by Mokona. : Too complicated to explain. And explaining it would make it even more complicated! : Clow Reed seems to have planned out an awful lot of the plot before his () death... Also, it was revealed that Clow didn't actually die prior to CCS, he duped Kero and Yue into believeing he was dead and then buggered off to Clow to play King, then died there, split his soul into two and was then reincarnated into Eriol and Fujitaka. : Most new readers/viewers' impression of
in this work. : We're looking at you, Fai. :
Clow Country, or more specifically the Reservoir, which is frozen in the moment just before . Subverted in that what happens in the frozen world affects its inhabitants. Don't worry,
. : 's brought in variations of every category on the trope page... :
never works the same way twice and with all its varieties being used at different times, the result is indescribable and represents the end of all logic as we know it. But... People just can't give up and someone actually tried to draw the ball, which probably ◊ : Both Syaoran, and more recently (and much more jarringly) Sakura herself are revealed to be copies as part of the 's unimaginably complex . : Sakura after the latter parts of the Tokyo arc, but the result is that while she is more capable, it has rather heartbreaking
connotations. : This is one of Mokona's special powers. Since the 4 main cast members are from 3 different worlds, if they get separated from Mokona, they can't even understand each other much less the inhabitants of their current dimension. This is demonstrated in the first world the group visits after making their deal with Yuuko. Once Mokona is out of range, Syaoran perceives Kurogane's speech as a mishmash of very basic kanji and geometric symbols, and Fai's as a stream of Cyrillic-esque runes. Played for laughs again later when Fai and Kurogane get marooned together for six months without Mokona to translate. Kurogane's native language has very basic mutual intelligibility with that of the country they're stranded in, but Fai spends that time "doing things that didn't need words".
The translation effect does not extend to writing systems. One omake is devoted to Kurogane deciphering the plot of a ninja manga from the illustrations and a few ideographic characters he recognizes. : The group has twice elected to continue the journey despite knowing it was quite likely futile. : Arguably, Kurogane is a male Tsundere. However, Kurogane only fits the Tsundere mold through at most the first third of the story. After that point, . Even early on, however, he's quite straightforward about his feelings, although also quite undemonstrative. The running-hot-and-cold tendency in their relationship is really more about Fai sending tremendously mixed signals. : Fai is actually Yuui (although the switch occurred after the real Fai, who's name Yuui uses, was already dead), and this has led to much arguing in the fandom as to which twin is which in the
. : Sakura is princess and Syaoran is middle class.
/ : In the end, Syaoran chooses to do this in order to find a place where he, Sakura, and their clones ca this is actually his price for continued existence and he'll be wandering forever. Fai, Kurogane and Mokona go with him, and thanks to Mokona's memory-storing earring they can return to Clow Country and
'verse more often. :
Fei Wong Reed went through an epic breakdown when he realized even all he'd done couldn't fulfill Clow Reed's wish to save Yuko, especially jarring given his earlier smugness. : The Dragonfly race. Tomoyo and her officers' dialogues suggest that the wackiness part is unintentional, and that at least one of the competitors must be rigging the race. Actually, it was Tomoyo's party herself that was rigging the race, because they were trying to find out which competitor was after the feather. : Chapter 212 of the manga, where it is revealed that Clow Country is actually the acid Tokyo in the future, caused by the group's meddling in other places. The Entire Tokyo arc, where the fun and games end and someone loses an eye. See also . Chapters 150 and 151, where Fai's curse activates and he nearly kills Sakura and all of the Celes arc. Anything that's occurred during the Clow arc
a.k.a. the showdown with Fei Wong qualifies: Yuuko was mysteriously summoned by Fei Wong's attempt to revive someone or do something similar, Sakura and Syaoran are multiplying all over the place, and there was a picture of Touya and Yukito apparently in their CSS clothing in one of the panels. Presenting: Chapter 223 : An alternate R!Sakura from an altered Clow Country which came into being after R!Syaoran's wish split the timeline creating an alternate Clow Country, came into being out of nowhere and was actually the one cloned (the original R!Sakura was frozen in time). Her fate is not resolved. As it turns out, she fades away like the clone Syaoran does due to . : There are a lot of Syaorans and Sakuras. It might not be so bad if they actually had some sort of distinguishing features from one another. : Sakura and Syaoran at the beginning of the manga. : Each universe has differently functioning magic, and some have none at all.
Alternative Title(s):
Tsubasa Chronicle


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