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Madeline said Christians send her Bibles all the time, but she sees her sinful unpaid gig as the road to her salvations. &I&m not happy,& she said. &I&m living with my parents. I don&t have a job. My diploma is really useful. I was supposed to have a job before I graduated. I know we don&t live in our parents' world, but that&s hard to adjust to. I wish I hadn&t gone to school. I feel like I was wasting my time at school.& Her internship has proved more useful than school and helped her find freelance web-development jobs. &Pornhub has given me great opportunities,& she said, and unlike in a more traditional job, she doesn't have to worry about what she says or does.
Amber is also grateful for her internship. &I already had offers,& she said. &I&m absolutely happy.& However, like Madeline, she has had a difficult life. She had a painful relationship with her mother and ran away at age 17. She began stripping, partying in sex clubs, and traveling. One night, the sex club she was partying at burned to the ground, but Amber managed to escape. &I do what I want,& she said, &but I sacrificed a lot for it.&
Amber and Madeline have bonded over their personal problems. &When I went through my breakup, I cried to Madeline on Skype,& Amber said. &She saw me in agony.&
The Pornhub interns weren't that different than me or anyone else my age. They were fucked. The only difference is they've found a way to use their fucked-up situations to their benefit. I pulled my laptop out of my bag and put on Britney Spears's &Dear Diary.& Amber and I started to cuddle with her doll as Madeline rolled over on her side.
&Dear Diary& turned into &Everytime.& Madeline sat up. &Oh my God. Is this the Spring Breakers song?& she said. &Let's watch it.& We found the scene where James Franco and the Disney Channel girls murder people as Britney plays, but we didn&t need to watch it. Being a Pornhub intern made me feel as empowered as a Mouseketeer getting laid on screen for the very first time.
An hour later, we sat in the back of a cab on the way listening to P!nk&s &Just Like a Pill.& As our taxi cab driver cut off other drivers on the highway, I thought, This wouldn&t be such a bad way to die. This might seem depressing to Madeline, but to me it sounded like a happy ending. I was with two girls who had been fucked over and decided to risk it and do what they want. It seemed like my ideal way to end it all, but we didn't die&we ended up at Pumps, a strip club, instead.
At the club, we met up with several bloggers and punk singers who follow the Pornhub interns online and wanted to meet them. We sat at a long bar surrounding a stage. None of the girls wore colors&the crew was more Hot Topic than Forever 21&I was the only boy in the group until my gay friend from the New School, Michael, arrived with his straight roommate. As I jotted notes down in my composition book, a stripper leaned over the bar and asked me to slip a dollar in her tits.
&I'm gay and here for work,& I said.
&That's what they all say.&
I gave her a dollar to go away. My gay friend wasn't looking at boobies for work, so he left to go to a gay bar&his roommate stayed to check out the strippers. While the interns handed out Pornhub shirts to the girls and asked them to assemble outside for a photo, I asked the straight guy to join us. &I can&t do that,& he said, &I want to become a politician.& As if any kid who studied at Eugene Lang could actually become a politician.
I turned away from him and saw the girls looking in the mirror, primping themselves for their photo with the interns. My friend&s roommate was a straight guy, someone who could do virtually anything in the world and get away with it, and he was afraid to take a photo with a few Pornhub interns?
But as we gathered to take the photo outside, I forgot about this heterosexual wuss. Pre-recession jobs don't exist anymore, college graduates are working poverty-level jobs, and the Pornhub interns are the most free and badass girls in America. I ran into the picture, and then as a dude from inside the bar took the photo, Madeline shouted, &millennials& instead of cheese. I couldn't help but laugh&Madeline and Amber didn&t really resemble millennials anymore. In the darkest of economic times, the girls and their sexy selfies have become a symbol of hope.
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