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The US government has unveiled criminal charges against three men for their alleged involvement in a Russian spy ring operating in New York City. But the Russian foreign ministry has dismissed the allegations for lacking evidence. It has also accused the US of waging an anti-Russian campaign.
January 10 was a typical day at Nairobi National Park in Kenya: tourists took pictures of animals and enjoyed the beauty of nature, while younger visitors played with their friends. And then suddenly, an African boy dressed in a Kenyan folk costume began beating a djembe with a strong rhythm. As soon he stopped drumming, a series of Chinese art shows began, including kung fu performances, a fire-breathing display, and dragon and lion dances.
Obama&s visit demonstrates to the international community that the US still wants India as an important ally in Asia Pacific region, whether or not India supports the US on major international issues. And India has drawn worldwide attention from this visit, and enhanced its influence in the regional political landscape and in the world at large.
Schwab welcomed Li to attend the WEF Annual Meeting 2015 and said he expected Li to deliver a keynote speech at the opening ceremony, which will inject more Chinese wisdom and voices into the world economy and the global agenda.
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