女声so put your hands upto the 什么microphone ,还有男的rap

歌词:everybody just have good time s是哪首歌的,就记得这么一句_百度知道英文歌开始是男的rap后面是女的唱putyourhandtoth? - 爱问知识人
(window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({
id: '2491531',
container: s,
size: '150,90',
display: 'inlay-fix'
歌 开始是男的rap 后面是女的唱 put your hand to the sky if you know you are alive if you see the light (light 拉长音)
这个杀手不太冷的歌词,表达挺独特的,我挺喜欢这首歌的Shape of my heart
大家还关注有一首英文歌曲,开头女声唱we won the night we won the night,请_百度知道找一英文歌,男的唱的,大体为嗷外嗷那碗里撒为撒。_百度知道Put your hands in mine的歌词_百度知道


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