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原帖由 秋歌1 于
10:18 发表
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没有你这么问的,&&如果说, 歌有大调式,有小调式,&&那就不能有交替调式?
& &呵呵.&&和声大调,:1 2 3 4 5 b6 7
& && && && &旋律大调,:1 2 34 5 6 7 1 b7 b6 5 4 3 2 1 (就是音阶下行)
& && && && &和声小调:1 2 b3 4 5 b6 7
& && && && &旋律小调:1 2 b3 4 5 6 7 1 b7 b6 5 4 3 2 1
另外关于自然大调,小调就不用说了 吧&&呵呵
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和声大调? 有趣,国内的教科书里很难找到例子
Harmonic major scale
In music, the harmonic major scale is a musical scale which found occasional use during the common practice era and is now often employed, particularly in jazz.
It may be considered as a major scale with the sixth degree flattened, or the harmonic minor scale with the third degree sharpened. It is also a mode of the inversion of the harmonic minor scale.
For example, an A major scale consists of the notes: A B C♯ D E F♯ G♯; whereas an A harmonic major scale consists of the notes: A B C♯ D E F G♯. Notice the sixth note in the sequence is flattened, from F♯ to F. The A harmonic major scale can also be obtained from the A harmonic minor scale, which is A B C D E F G♯, by sharpening the C to C♯.
The harmonic major scale may be used in any system of meantone tuning, such as 19 equal temperament or 31 equal temperament, as well as 12 equal temperament. The musical effect of the harmonic major scale is a sound intermediate between harmonic minor and diatonic major, and partaking of both.
The harmonic major scale is one of the five proper seven-note scales of equal temperament, and while less often used than the diatonic major, diatonic (or natural) minor, harmonic minor or ascending minor scales, belongs to the same family and can be regarded as a natural member of the diatonic system of scales. Like those other scales, it has a compl starting from the tonic the pattern is MmmmMMm, where M is a major third and m is a minor third.
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