
1. 对她品头论足是不礼貌的。
2. 已经有许多人在对中国的发展品头论足了。
3. 总是对人品头论足,那就没时间去喜爱他们了。
4. 不要对同事的专长品头论足,这是傲慢的表现。
5. 只此一次你能不能停止对所有人品头论足?当前位置: &
音标:[ pǐntǒulùnzú ]&&发音:&&
英文翻译1.(评人外表) make frivolous remarks about sb.' make critical remarks about sb.'s physical appearance2.(挑剔) be overcritical:&&&& be overcrit ...:&&&&it would be rude to remark u ...:&&&&specimen head
例句与用法I cannot allow any man to-to criticize my private conduct !我不能允许任何人对我个人的行为品头论足!People were always commenting on my sister ' s looks人们总是对我妹妹的长相品头论足。 Oh , get off your high horse . stop judging people噢,放下你的臭架子,别动不动就品头论足No more comments about me and marissa不会再对我跟marissa品头论足? I take stock of my teacher我对老师总是品头论足。 There ' s a big fancy party this weekend , and i ' m dreading going because everyone judges your style这周末有个大型的豪华派对,我都怕死这种派对了,每个人都对你的衣着品头论足的。 Then a small change to mark twain ' s quote might be in order : “ everybody talks about the weather , but nobody can do anything about it套用马克.吐温的话来说或许比较恰当: “对于天气,每个人都可以品头论足,但却是无能为力。 ” Then by what right did martin eden emerge , as he had so recently emerged , from his rag - time and working - class songs , and pass judgment on the world s music马丁伊登凭什么能从他那爵士乐和工人阶级歌曲中冒出来他是最近才冒出来的时世界上的音乐品头论足? Even as he talked about north korea ' s nuclear ambitions and other weighty matters , president bush on wednesday returned to his occasional role as fashion critic to the white house press corps即使当他在谈北韩核子野心和其他严重的问题之际,美国总统布希十一日仍不忘客串扮演服装评论家的角色,对白宫记者团穿著品头论足一番。 Above a square - domed forehead he saw a mop of brown hair , nut - brown , with a wave to it and hints of curls that were a delight to any woman , making hands tingle to stroke it and fingers tingle to pass caresses through it因为不习惯于品头论足,他不知道对自己该如何衡量。方正的前额上是一堆棕色的头发,像板栗一样的棕色,卷起一个大花,还连着几个能讨女人欢喜的小波浪。 更多例句:&&1&&&&
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