
name on the door最近看美剧,经常听到the name on the door,感觉是合伙人的意思,给两个例句.
这里door 多指办公室的门. 当你拥有这个公司(全部或部份=老板或合伙人)时可将自己的名字放在办公室门上.
反过来说当公司要把你的名字放在你的办公室门上,即是把你变成合伙人.For instance:
In a law firm, when a lawyer won a big case that made the firm famous and a great deal of money, the firm may make him a partner (or by telling him that they will put his name on his office door) seeing the bigger fortune in the future having him with them.
Making him a partner makes it less likely of losing him to other firm that may offer him higher salary.
Another situation may be that an owner of a company tells a man:"George, after you marry Lisa, I will put your name on the door".
He may be trying to encourage the man to marry his daughter by offering him a part of the family business.
1.The name on the door has been painted out.
2.They painted out the names on the door.


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