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简明英汉词典history[5histEri]n., 学, 过去的事(的记载), 来历, 记录美国传统词典[双解]historyhis.to.ryAHD:[h1s“t…-r?] D.J.[6hist*ri8]K.K.[6h!st*ri]n.(名词)【复数】 his.to.ries缩写 hist.(1)A a story.:事件的记叙;故事(2)A chronological record of events, as of the life or development of a people or an institution, often including an explanation of or commentary on those events:记事:按时间顺序记录生命、民族和制度等事件的发展,通常包含对这些事件的解释或评价:“The queens in history compare favorably with the kings”(Elizabeth Cady Stanton)“上的皇后同国王比起来更讨人喜欢”(伊丽莎白?卡迪?斯坦顿)(3)A formal written account of related natural phenomena:记录:对相关自然现象比较正式的书面记录:a history of volcanoes.火山志(4)A record of a patient's medical background.病史:病人医疗情况的记录(5)The branch of knowledge that records and analyzes past events:学:记录和分析过去事情的学科:“History has a long-range perspective”(Elizabeth Gurley Flynn)“必须长远地看”(伊丽莎白?格利?弗林)(6)The events forming the subject matter of a historical account.事件:构成记录主题的事件(7)Something that belongs to the past:往事:属于过去的事:Their troubles are history now.他们的麻烦已过去了(8)An interesting past:有趣的过去:a house with a history.一座有一段的房屋(9)A drama based on historical events:剧:基于事件的戏剧:the histories of Shakespeare.莎士比亚的剧语源(1)Middle English histoire 中古英语 histoire (2)from Old French 源自 古法语 (3)from Latin historia 源自 拉丁语 historia (4)from Greek 源自 希腊语 (5)from historein [to inquire] 源自 historein [询问] (6)from hist?r [learned man] * see weid- 源自 hist?r [有学问的人] *参见 weid- 现代英汉词典history[5hIstErI]n.-ries(1);学a history lesson at school学校里的课History is my favourite subject at school.是我在学校中最喜爱的学科。(2)沿革;发展;历程There have been many changes in the history of the English language.英语发展过程中有很多变革。(3)史实的记载,史实的述说(4)经历She told me her life history.她告诉我她一生的经历。Mr Jones has a long history of heart trouble.琼斯先生有长期的心脏病史。That is all history now. Don't worry about it."那都是过去的事了,别挂在心上。"习惯用语make history做出永垂史册的事情现代英汉综合大辞典history[5histEri]n.(1); 学(2)对过去事件的记载, 沿革, 来历; 大事记(3)(个人的)履历; 经历(4)过去的事, 过时的事物(5)对形成未来的进程有影响的事件[思想](6)剧ancient history古代史medieval history中古史modern history近代史his previous [past] history他以前的经历a man with a history有来历的人an early period in history上的太古时期习惯用语go down to history载入史册make history创造, 做出永垂史册的事业, 影响进程的大事H-repeats itself.[谚]往往重演。特殊用法agrarian history农业史business history经营史case history典型例证; 病史compartment history【林】林班记录constant stretch history恒定拉伸Earth history地球史ecological history生态史economic history经济史heat history热; 累积热intellectual history史life history生活史local history地方志medical history病历, 病史monetary history货币流通史natural history博物学, 自然史physiological life history生理生活史pressure-time history压力时间关系曲线process history历程project history项目quantitative economic history数量经济史rheological history流变史seasonal history季节生活史temperature history温度随时间的变化thermal history热史; 受热历程time history随时间的变化; 时间关系曲线图total heat history总热历程transformational history转换史[过程]history of deformation history形变历程; 形变史英文相关词典historyannals&&&&chronicle&&&&record&&&&[七国语言]英汉公共大词典history[七国语言]英汉生物学大词典history婪[七国语言]英汉数学大词典history履历[七国语言]英汉信息大词典history档案[七国语言]英汉医学大词典history美国传统词典historyhis.to.ryAHD:[h1s“t…-r?] D.J.[6hist*ri8]K.K.[6h!st*ri]n.pl. his.to.riesAbbr. hist.(1)A a story.(2)A chronological record of events, as of the life or development of a people or an institution, often including an explanation of or commentary on those events:“The queens in history compare favorably with the kings”(Elizabeth Cady Stanton)(3)A formal written account of related natural phenomena:a history of volcanoes.(4)A record of a patient's medical background.(5)The branch of knowledge that records and analyzes past events:“History has a long-range perspective”(Elizabeth Gurley Flynn)(6)The events forming the subject matter of a historical account.(7)Something that belongs to the past:Their troubles are history now.(8)An interesting past:a house with a history.(9)A drama based on historical events:the histories of Shakespeare.语源(1)Middle English histoire (2)from Old French (3)from Latin historia (4)from Greek (5)from historein [to inquire] (6)from hist?r [learned man] * see weid- 朗文英汉综合电脑词典history (记录),记载,变化,规律,关系曲线 英汉电信大词典history n.履历,函数关系 英汉航海大词典history n. 英汉航空大词典history n.,历程 英汉化学大词典history n.,时间的函数,函数关系 英汉经贸大词典history n. 英汉计算机大词典history n.(时间的函数,函数关系) 英汉冶金大词典history n.,沿革 英汉医学大词典history n.既往史,病史 英汉中医大词典history n.
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[中文歌词分配]鹿:listen 感觉到没有 我的心脏停掉了节奏 凡:(My heart be breakin’) 桃:泪水曾经愤怒的掉落 大声嘶吼 Ha!移步向以后 凡:(My pain be creepin’) Chen:灰的眼 留恋蓝的天 让无谓叫嚣变成泡沫 不含畏缩 纯粹的执着 合:原地踏步过多久 在这新的起始点站着是我 关卡一一都挤破 放弃在我字典没录入过 我们一分两头 本是太阳般一体结构 Oh oh 我降落这个世界的理由 I need you and you want me 在这颗蓝色星体 oh oh oh oh every every everyday 我创造的history chen:Break it!破陈旧的规 Move it!让谎言作废 凡:(No more shakin’ like that) 兴:倒数 归零后就会洗净了伤悲 崭新的经纬 鹿:时间还有空间穿越与游走 梦想完美国度的光辉 会让我们牵起手飞 合:原地踏步过多久 在这新的起始点站着是我 关卡一一都挤破 放弃在我字典没录入过 我们一分两头 本是太阳般一体结构 Oh oh 我降落这个世界的理由 I need you and you want me 在这颗蓝色星体 oh oh oh oh 让时间逆向行走 该是转变的时候 Turn it up, Turn it up, Turn it up Turn it up, Turn it up, Turn it up 鹿:当你什么都寄望给永远 所有都推迟到下一个明天 Chen:或者明天之后没有未来 留下的只有悔恨的灰烬和尘埃 鹿:抓住爱的手爱的手爱的手 兴:越爱越完美暖热这个星球 Chen:悲伤在左手握喜悦的右手 我们分享同一个理由 Rap: 凡:Yeah!我们抱紧为一体在诞生的瞬间 却开始习惯疏离和一个人的世界 距离渐渐渐渐渐越来越远 桃:隔离分开成两边 太阳不需要分界线 凡:one more, two more, three four more 桃:这一瞬间迎接冀望已久 梦里完美世界 凡:心脏开始跳动 极速跳动 Doong doong doong doong doong doong 合:徘徊过多久 在这新的起始点站着是我 凡:yeah!EXO-M, EXO-K 要打开我们的未来History 合:我们一分两头 本是太阳般一体结构 桃:Oh! 同一颗心脏 太阳下我们连线 无限的延长线 合:I need you and you want me 在这颗蓝色星体 oh oh oh oh every every everyday 我创造的history!
[韩文歌词分配]KAI:Listen, 느낄 수 있니?내 심장이 뛰지를 않아灿烈:(My heart be breakin*)白贤:분한 마음에 울어도 보고,소리 질러 “하!” 외쳐도 봤어灿烈:(My pain be creepin*)D.O:흑과 백, 아직 남과 북,끝이 나지 않는 전쟁 Scene둘로 나뉜 태양의 절망全体:멀리 돌고 돌아서 다시 시작하는 곳에 다 왔어오류투성이지만 배워가며 강해질 수 있는 나저 태양처럼 거대한 하나란 걸 아는 날오- 오- 모두 함께 가는 우리 미래로I need you and you want me,지구란 이 별에서 오오 오오Every, every, everyday 내가 만든 History.SOHUB:reak it! 욕망의 반칙 Move it! 파괴란 미덕灿烈:(No more shakin’ like that)D.O:Magic 시간이 가면 또 씻은 듯이 다시 재생 돼白贤:시공간을 뛰어 넘어서에덴의 아침을 꿈꾸고 있어가자! 우린 그런 존재全体:멀리 돌고 돌아서 다시 시작하는 곳에 다 왔어오류투성이지만 배워가며 강해질 수 있는 나저 태양처럼 거대한 하나란 걸 아는 날오오 오오 모두 함께 가는 우리 미래로I need you and you want me,지구란 이 별에서 오오 오오꿈을 잉태 하는 날 우린 다시 일어나일어나, 일어나, 일어나 (turn it on)일어나, 일어나, 일어나灿烈:영원할거라 믿고 싶을 때.언젠가 할 거 라고 망설일 때D.O:내일이 바로 끝인지도 몰라.후회 같은 건 잊어버려 두려워마SOHU:제발 사랑해, 사랑해, 사랑해조화로울수록 완벽하잖아모든 슬픔이 기쁨이 여기에白贤:나와 너는 한 생명인 걸灿烈:Ya! 우리가 원래 하나로 태어났던 순간,갈수록 소모적인 이 세계를 만난 순간全体:우린 점점점멀어져가 점점둘로 깨져버린 채 힘을 잃어버린 태양갈수록, 갈수록, 갈수록, 갈수록 더간절했던 꿈의 세계를 다시 마주하는 순간KAI:내 가슴이 뛴다, 마구 뛴다. 둥 둥 둥 둥 둥 둥돌고 돌아서 다시 시작하는 곳에 다 왔어灿烈:Yeah- EXO-M, EXO-K우리가 시작하는 미래 History全体:저 태양처럼 거대한 하나란 걸 아는 날KAI:Oh- 하나의 심장에, 태양에끝없이 우린 하나로 강해지고 있어全体:I need you and you want me,지구란 이 별에서 오오 오오Every, every, everyday 내가 만든 History.
[韩文歌词音译]Listen 你的速为你的心江你对几了兰那(My heart be breakin*)内马额米无老豆坡够搜里几楼 Ha!为乔豆怕搜(My pain be creepin)一夫哎陪嘎进南瓜木度嘎几嘎样呢强几sing土咯南顿 忒样嘎jiuo满莫里退古土拉搜他西西加卡嫩古sei他哇搜无里陪搜一几满忒我刚秒刚我几搜位嫩那乔忒样求龙过忒拉汉大兰过阿恩诺 Oh oh莫度汉给刚呢诺也米的咯I need you and you want me几度兰ki飘累搜 oh ohEvery every everyday 内嘎满等 HistoryBreak it!有满诶办几可Move it!怕亏了米豆可(No more shakin*like that)Magic 西嘎你干(米昂)豆西四的西 活西加森对几攻干呢滴安南莫搜诶得阿几满攻古呢古搜卡家无丁哭龙囧姐莫里退古土拉搜他西西加卡嫩古sei他哇搜无里陪搜一几满忒我刚秒刚我几搜位嫩那乔忒样求龙过忒拉汉大兰过阿恩诺 Oh oh莫度汉给刚呢诺也米的咯I need you and you want me几度兰ki飘累搜 oh oh 无没应特哈嫩那无林大西一冷那一冷那 一冷那 一冷那一冷那 一冷那 一冷那用我汉过拉米古西扑得on见旦汉过兰过满搜里得内一里怕咯跟进及多木拉无为嘎疼刚一交波聊土聊哇马切白撒狼黑撒狼黑撒狼黑求哇多速咯玩表卡家那莫度四扑米ki扑米有gi也闹哇 闹嫩汉sei秒嫩过 (呀)无林过为那了哈嫩过为阿那喷孙嘎内嘎四莫求gi了一四满了孙干无林囧囧囧 木咯求嘎囧囧hin莫一咯波力忒呀卡所咯 卡所咯 卡多咯 卡多咯 到嘎托咯古没忒呀大西满囧哇咯送干内嘎四米(吞云)旦 马不(吞云)旦Doong doong doong doong doong doong莫里退古土拉搜他西西加卡嫩古sei他哇搜Yeah EXO-M,EXO-K 无里嘎西加看了米 History乔忒样求龙过忒拉汉大兰过阿恩诺 Ohoh无林嘎心江忒样诶哭东西无林那了看嫩几古一搜I need you and you want me几度兰ki飘累搜 oh ohEvery every everyday 内嘎满等 History土了给jiuo波林欠
========end========预祝星厨驾到收视红火!兴兴做的饭好想吃哦百度音乐盒HISTORY - EXO-K - 百度音乐盒


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