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-- 拥抱幸福第54集大结局拥抱幸福第54集大结局剧情介绍浏览 3869发布日期: 13:56:15文章来源:在线观看:关键字:拥抱幸福第54集大结局剧情介绍这是一篇关于拥抱幸福第54集大结局剧情介绍的文章,不提供在线观看。观看高清拥抱幸福第54集大结局请到爱奇艺iqiyi,乐视letv,腾讯视频,搜狐视频,土豆网tudou,优酷网youku,百度影音,qvod等视频网站观看拥抱幸福第54集剧情介绍若珊竟然没有离世,被柏彦推到了白狐公司现场,原来若珊很早之前已经苏醒将她的掉下悬崖真相告诉了柏彦,柏彦和王警官商量卧底到徐永泰公司收集证据以便一网打尽。若珊的各种玩具都是柏彦故意带到公司刺激玉蕙的,以此确认玉蕙就是杀害若珊的凶手,并拿出了若珊手机里的证据,玉蕙请求穆正萍保护她,可是穆正萍对玉蕙根本不想搭理。徐永泰将一切的罪行包揽到了自己身上,希望将穆正萍放了,柏彦要将父母交由法律的制裁,仲聆劝穆正萍和徐永泰能及时醒悟,他这辈子最痛苦的事情就是没有在白董临死前尽到自己的孝心,仲聆告诉父母要想他认他们,只有其认错悔改。玉蕙拜托红樱不要将她的事情告诉父母,并在以后好好照顾父母,宇天对柏彦非常的满意,想要继续认柏彦这个干儿子,白董在临死前告诉了宇天,对当年拆散他和咏荷非常的后悔,宇天经过一系列事件之后终于同意 了仲聆和红樱的婚事。周母要抢夺周百伸的手机打电话臭骂红樱,周百伸生气的打了周母一巴掌,对周母这些年的错误做法严厉训斥,周母答应以后周家的事全部交由周百伸做主。仲聆向宇天提出了辞职,不贪自己的功劳,宇天对仲聆的做法非常高兴,主动提出了让两个孩子成亲,以后将公司交由两人主持,仲聆和红樱认湘怡做干妈,大家以后在一起生活,湘怡非常的高兴。红樱和仲聆在众人的见证下踏进了婚姻的殿堂。&拥抱幸福相关剧情拥抱幸福第54集大结局英文剧情Happy fifty-fourth set introduced & p& Ruoshan had not died, was pushed to the Boyan Fox company site, the original Ruoshan long ago has revived her off the cliff and tell the truth about the Bai Yan, Bai Yan and Wang Jingguan discuss undercover to Xu Yongtai company to collect evidence will be caught. & /p& & p& all kinds of toys Ruoshan are Bai Yan deliberately brought to the company in order to confirm the stimulation of Yu Wai, Wai Yu Ruoshan is killing the murderer, and come up with a mobile phone Ruoshan in evidence, jade LOH asked Mu Zhengping to protect her, but Mu Zhengping didn't want to take the jade Hui li. & /p& & p& Xu Yongtai will all crimes do to them, hoping to put Zhengping Mu Boyan, to parents by legal sanctions, to persuade Mu Zhengping Zhong and Xu Yongtai can wake up in time, he in this life the most painful thing is not in white Dong before dying to do their filial piety, Zhong to tell their parents to want him to recognize them, only to repent. & /p& & p& Yu Hui. Red cherry not to tell their parents about her, and in later days to take care of their parents, Yu Bai Yan very satisfied, want to continue to recognize the Bai Yan son, white Dong told Yu days before his death, then he and Dutch very regret. Yutian, after a series of events finally agreed to the marriage and secondary red cherry. & /p& & p& Zhou mother to snatch the mobile phone call from week Baishen red cherry, Zhou Baishen angry played Zhou mother a slap, reprimand for weeks mother these years of mistake, Zhou mother promised that all week by week Baishen. & /p& & p& Zhong Ling to Yutian resigned, not greedy of their own credit, Yutian on secondary listening is very happy, offered to let two children get married, will be presided over by the company over two people, and secondary to red cherry that after the godmother Xiangyi do. Xiangyi live together, very happy. & /p& & p& red cherry and secondary master entered the marriage hall under the witness of the crowd. & /p& & p& & /p& 热门剧情 最新剧情 最新分集剧情上传时间:


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