新歌推荐:我错过了什么 peasant farmer

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新歌推荐:我错过了什么 Peasant - Raise Today
编辑点评:Peasant的音乐朴实纯净,淡色中不仅有一点苦涩,还有亮色的顽强抚慰着人们往日的创伤,告诉人们——Tomorrow is another day。
Artist:PeasantSong:Raise Today
what is there missing from me, that i see in you?
what can i say? what can i do for you?
i find myself trying each day, i want to grow up
what do i know? it seems that i can't force feeling
as everything's dancing around
a circle that i cannot see
and all the times slipping away
we try to remember the days
gathering all of the pictures we took together and apart we will die as everything's dancing around just trying to stay on the ground
i find myself reaching tog rab, you away feelings today, don't look away from me and holding our hands out we'll grow, everyday losing the way, no more alone we will stay
as everything's dancing around a circle that i cannot see and all the times slipping away we try to remember the days gathering all of the pictures we took together and apart we will die as everythngs dancing around just trying to stay on the ground.
&&& 日peasant在仅有三个旗下乐队的Paper Garden Record发行了新专辑《On the Ground》。由于互联网的恩惠,实际听到这张专辑应该在12月末1月初。当时遇到一件足以成为我人生重大转折点的事,又恰巧听到peasant这张专辑中的"we are good",让我一时有一种想飙泪的冲动。"we are good"的开场有股力量闷弱却咄咄逼人的气势,把积藏在心里的郁结突然提至嗓门,难以呼吸,唯有泪流。&&& peasant来自美国PENNSYLVANIA 的DOYLESTOWN,本名Damien DeRose,出身在工人阶级的他经常利用晚上的时间创作,为了实现自己炽热的音乐梦想,Peasant做出了很多的牺牲和努力。peasant收集了很多故事和歌曲来完成《On the Ground》,希望给情绪低落的人默默的支持,也给疲倦的无产阶级者们更多的鼓励和安慰。在这个繁华虚弱的社会背后,peasant仍然能够平静地叙说着自己的故事,在黑暗的天空点亮自己的光明。他的音乐朴实纯净,淡色中不仅有一点苦涩,还有亮色的顽强抚慰着人们往日的创伤,告诉人们——Tomorrow is another day。 (文/橘子郡达人)当前位置: >>>
英文歌曲:给我一针麻醉剂 Jeremy Messersmith - Novocain
I used to be so young
But now I'm oh so beaten down
My friends are nowhere to be found
I find myself alone
I could have been someone
But now my name is a just a ghost
My reputation is a joke
My eyes won't cry
So could you pass me the needle?
I got a brand new
I need a shot of Novocain
Could you pass me the bottle?
Make it something hard
Cause there ain't enough
Novocain to numb my broken heart
I tried to get ahead
But life has always been unjust
It's grinding dreams into the dust and
I've had my fill
Please could you spare a dime
I need to wet my aching throat
So I can say goodbye to hope
It's sure been swell
This scar is from the bite of a dog.这是狗咬后留下的伤疤。
The tragedy left a scar on her mind.这个悲剧给她造成精神上的创伤。
His fingers were numb with cold.他的手冻得发麻。
Numb with cold,we urged the weary horses forward.我们冻得发僵,催着疲惫的马继续往前走。
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新歌推荐:我错过了什么 Peasant - Raise Today
Artist:PeasantSong:Raise Today
what is there missing from me, that i see in you?
what can i say? what can i do for you?
i find myself trying each day, i want to grow up
what do i know? it seems that i can't force feeling
as everything's dancing around
a circle that i cannot see
and all the times slipping away
we try to remember the days
gathering all of the pictures we took together and apart we will die as everything's dancing around just trying to stay on the ground
i find myself reaching tog rab, you away feelings today, don't look away from me and holding our hands out we'll grow, everyday losing the way, no more alone we will stay
as everything's dancing around a circle that i cannot see and all the times slipping away we try to remember the days gathering all of the pictures we took together and apart we will die as everythngs dancing around just trying to stay on the ground.
&&& 日peasant在仅有三个旗下乐队的Paper Garden Record发行了新专辑《On the Ground》。由于互联网的恩惠,实际听到这张专辑应该在12月末1月初。当时遇到一件足以成为我人生重大转折点的事,又恰巧听到peasant这张专辑中的"we are good",让我一时有一种想飙泪的冲动。"we are good"的开场有股力量闷弱却咄咄逼人的气势,把积藏在心里的郁结突然提至嗓门,难以呼吸,唯有泪流。&&& peasant来自美国PENNSYLVANIA 的DOYLESTOWN,本名Damien DeRose,出身在工人阶级的他经常利用晚上的时间创作,为了实现自己炽热的音乐梦想,Peasant做出了很多的牺牲和努力。peasant收集了很多故事和歌曲来完成《On the Ground》,希望给情绪低落的人默默的支持,也给疲倦的无产阶级者们更多的鼓励和安慰。在这个繁华虚弱的社会背后,peasant仍然能够平静地叙说着自己的故事,在黑暗的天空点亮自己的光明。他的音乐朴实纯净,淡色中不仅有一点苦涩,还有亮色的顽强抚慰着人们往日的创伤,告诉人们——Tomorrow is another day。 (文/橘子郡达人)


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