
四大领域之母 ——那些取得非凡成就的女性
  一说到“母亲”,很多人总会立刻想到自己的母亲以及所有那些辛勤抚育儿女、为儿女不惜付出一切的母亲,却鲜有人会想到那些被尊为各自领域之母的杰出女性——而她们以及她们的“孩子”为这个世界做出过不可磨灭的贡献。在母亲节来临之际,就让我们通过下文向这些特殊意义上的母亲致敬吧!   Mothers of Four Fields   Isadora Duncan: The Mother of Modern Dance   (, America)   Isadora Duncan, one of the great innovators in the history of dance, is considered the mother of Modern Dance. Her dance movements were borrowed from Ancient Greece, and she danced in flowing costumes, bare feet, and loose hair—revolutionary at the time. Duncan used music and movement to convey the nature of her innermost being. Although she was criticized for it at the time, Duncan dared to use music of master composers for her dances and her superb musicality was quickly recognized. Her dance technique and choreography1), the extraordinary events that marked her life, and her philosophy and writings on dance and life continue to fascinate dancers and historians. Duncan’s work was not filmed during her lifetime. Primarily what we know of her technique and choreography today has been handed down directly from dancer to dancer.   Florence Nightingale: The Mother of Modern Nursing   (, British)   Florence Nightingale is best known for having founded Modern Nursing and helped improve the care provided by hospitals. During the Crimean War () she sought to improve sanitary2) conditions in the medical facilities. Her proof of the effectiveness of proper hygiene for the recovery from wounds and disease led to a reform of the entire military hospital system. After the war, using money donated from her former patients and the public, she founded the Nightingale Training School and Home for Nurses at St. Thomas’ Hospital. This institution continued to improve what was becoming the nursing profession. Many of the nurses trained at her schools went on to become matrons3) at the leading hospitals in England. Nightingale remained unmarried, and retreated increasingly into the isolation of her home because of ill health. Yet through her writing, she remained an important consultant on health issues. Her extensive use of diagrams4) helped to make her work understandable to professionals and the common person alike. She was honored with the Royal Red Cross in 1883 and was also the first woman elected to the Royal Statistical Society. In 1907, she was the first woman to be granted the British Order of Merit5).   Rachel Carson: The Mother of Environmental Movement   (, America)   Rachel Carson is considered the Mother of the Modern Environmental Movement through her book, Silent Spring, by pushing for environmental policies that would protect human health and the environment.   Few books have altered the course of history—Silent Spring was one of them. The tidal wave of protest that followed its publication in 1962 forced the banning of the pesticide DDT6) and resulted in revolutionary changes in public perception about our air, land, and water. It helped launch the modern environmental movement. Rachel Carson’s passionate plea for restraint, common sense, and stewardship7) resulted in fundamental changes not only in North America, but also throughout the world. So profound was the impact of her book that it has been compared with Uncle Tom’s Cabin, by Harriet Beecher Stowe, and On the Origin of Species, by Charles Darwin. Time magazine has chosen Rachel Carson as one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century.   Emmy Noether: The Mother of Modern Algebra   (, Germany)   Emmy Noether, a German mathematician, was the world leader in the 20th century development of modern “abstract” algebra. Her writing, the students she inspired, and their books wholly changed the form and content of higher algebra throughout the world.   In 1915, Noether worked as an assistant to the world-famous mathematician David Hilbert, giving a course in his name (she was not allowed to lecture at the time on her own account) and applied her knowledge of invariant8) theory to relativity theory in a paper that impressed Einstein. In 1920, she turned her attention to algebra and inspired many excellent students. With the rise of Hitler in 1933, Noether was dismissed from her modest position as non-tenured9) Professor at G?ttingen—she was not only Jewish but a woman and a liberal. The Rockefeller Foundation helped to fund a position for her in the United States at Bryn Mawr College, where there was a long tradition of interest in higher mathematical research. At Bryn Mawr, she helped various young women mathematicians. She advised Marie J. Weiss10) and guided the Ph.D. thesis of Ruth Stauffer (McKee)11).   伊莎多拉·邓肯:现代舞之母   伊莎多拉·邓肯是舞蹈史上最伟大的革新者之一,被公认为现代舞之母。她借鉴了古希腊的舞蹈动作,舞蹈时身着飘逸的舞裙,赤着脚,披散着长发——在当时可谓是一种革新。邓肯用音乐和动作来表达自己心灵最深处的本性。她虽然那时因此受到了批评,但仍然敢于用音乐大师的作品为自己的舞蹈配乐,很快她卓越的音乐才能便得到了认可。她的舞蹈技巧和舞蹈编排设计,成为她人生标志的那些非凡事件,还有她关于舞蹈和生活的思想理念及著作至今仍吸引着许多舞者和历史学家。邓肯的作品在她生前并没有被录下来,从根本上说,我们现在所知的她的舞蹈技巧和舞蹈编排设计都是通过从舞者到舞者、亲身相授流传下来的。   弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔:现代护理学之母   弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔因开创了现代护理学并帮助提高了医院护理水平而最为知名。在克里米亚战争()期间,她曾致力于提高医疗设施的卫生条件。她关于良好的卫生条件有利于伤病恢复的论证,引起了整个军事医院系统的改革。战争结束后,她用自己以前的病人和公众的捐款在圣托马斯医院建立了南丁格尔护士培训学校兼护士之家。这所学校继续改善后来成为护理专业的这项事业。许多在这里受过培训的护士后来都成了英国各大一流医院的护士长。南丁格尔一生未婚,后来由于健康欠佳越来越与世隔绝,隐退在家。但通过她的著作,她还是人们遇到各种健康问题时最想咨询的人。她在书中大量运用图解,让专业人士以及普通人都能读懂她的作品。1883年,南丁格尔被授予皇家红十字勋章,她同时也是第一位入选皇家统计学会的女性。1907年,南丁格尔成为第一位获得英国荣誉勋章的女性。   蕾切尔·卡森:环保运动之母   蕾切尔·卡森因其著作《寂静的春天》催生了保护人类健康和环境的环境政策而被誉为现代环保运动之母。   改变历史进程的书少之又少,而《寂静的春天》就是其中之一。该书于1962年出版后引发的抗议浪潮使杀虫剂DDT被强行取缔,并使公众对于空气、土地和水的认知发生了革命性改变。它帮助发动了现代环保运动。蕾切尔·卡森在书中热诚地恳求人们限制破坏环境的行为、增强环保常识、加强政府监管,该书不仅在北美,而且在全世界都引发了根本性变革。该书影响力如此深远,一直被人们拿来与斯托夫人的《汤姆叔叔的小屋》以及达尔文的《物种起源》相提并论。蕾切尔·卡森还被《时代周刊》评选为20世纪最有影响力的思想家之一。   艾米·诺特:现代代数学之母   德国数学家艾米·诺特引领了20世纪全世界的现代“抽象”代数学的发展。她本人的著作、受她启发的学生以及这些学生的著作完全改变了全世界高等代数的形式和内容。   1915年,诺特作为世界知名数学家希尔伯特的助教以他的名义在大学里教课(当时她不可以以自己的名义开课),她在一篇论文里将自己关于不等式理论的知识应用于相对论,令爱因斯坦十分钦佩。1920年,她将研究重点转向代数学,并启发了许多优秀的学生。1933年希特勒上台之后,诺特从哥廷根大学非终身教授的低微职位上被解雇,因为她不仅是犹太人,还是一位女性、一名自由主义者。后来洛克菲勒基金会帮她在美国的布林茅尔学院找到了一份教职,这所学院有着重视高等数学研究的悠久传统。在布林茅尔学院,她帮助过许多年轻的女数学家。她曾指导过玛丽·J·温丝,还是露丝·斯托弗(麦基)的博士论文导师。   1. choreography n. 舞蹈动作的编排设计;舞蹈艺术   2. sanitary adj. 公共卫生的   3. matron n. 护士长   4. diagram n. 示意图;图解   5. British Order of Merit: 英国荣誉勋章。其于1902年由英皇爱德华七世所创设,以嘉奖在军事、科学、艺术、文学或推广文化方面有显著成就的人。   6. DDT: 一种杀虫剂,对人类的毒性低,曾被广为使用。但人们后来发现它不易降解,积累下来对鱼类和鸟类生存繁殖不利,破坏生态平衡,因此在世界大部分地区已经禁用。   7. stewardship n. 管理工作   8. invariant n. 不变量   9. tenure vt. 授予……终身职位   10. Marie J. Weiss: 玛丽·J·温丝(),美国数学领域的先驱者,曾任杜兰大学纽科姆学院数学教授。   11. Ruth Stauffer (McKee): 露丝·斯托弗(麦基)(),美国数学家,艾米·诺特唯一的美国博士生。   选编 / Maggie   译 / 张晓敏


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