天使的失误! 一天,一个大司马盲人挂是哪一天带着他的导盲犬过街时,一辆大卡车失去控制,直冲过来,大司马盲人挂是哪一天当场被撞死。

One day,a blind person with his guide dog when crossing the street,a big truck out of control,straight up,blind people were killed on the spot,and his seeing eye dog for guarding the master,but also with the tragic death at the wheels underneath.Owner and the dog went to heaven in front of.They stopped by an angel,embarrassed to say:"I beg your pardon,paradise now only one of those places you two must have a go to hell." Master heard this,he hastened to ask:"My dog does not know what is heaven,What is hell,can not let me to decide who can go heaven?"angel despise like to read this owner,frowned,she thought,and said:" I am sorry,sir,every soul is equal ,you should decide who is going to match up paradise."disappointed to question the master:" Oh,what game does?"Angel said:" This game is very simple,that is,a race from here went to the gate of heaven,who arrive at their destinations ,will be on paradise.However,you also do not worry,because you would already be dead,so is no longer blind,but the speed of the soul has nothing to do with the physical,the more simple kind of people faster."masters of thought,agree a.Angels let the owner and dog ready for the race start on the announcement.Full of thought for her master into heaven,will be desperate to move off,who knows the master is not busy,slowly walked forward.What an angel surprise,seeing eye dog that did not run it with a master's pace along slowly in the next step are the owner refused to leave.Angel came:The original,for many years that dogs have developed a habit,always follow the master of action,at the front of the masters of guarding him.Abominable master,is the use of this point,only the answers,certain to win,as long as him at the door of heaven told him to stop the dog,you can easily win the game.Angel looked at this loyal dog,very sad heart,she shouted to the dog,said:"You are mainly people who have lost their lives,and now,you are no longer masters of the blind,you do not have led him to walk,you Run it into heaven!"Nevertheless,both the owner or his dog,have not heard like an angel,then,still slowly to move forward,it seems like a walk in the street.Sure enough,there are a few steps away from the end of time,the master password uttered,obedient dog to sit down,the days of eyes looking at the use of contempt masters.At this time,the owner smiled on him扭过头angel said:"I finally put my dog to heaven,what worries me most is that it does not want heaven I just want to with me ......so I want to help decide it,please take good care of it."angel of the stand in amazement.Sticking to the owner to watch their dog,added:"be able to decide by way of competition is really good,as long as I let it go a few steps,it can be on heaven.But it has accompanied me for so many years,This is my first with their own eyes can look at it,so I can not help but want to go slowly,while many watch it.if I may,I wish I never watched it go.But paradise to that It is the place to go,please take good care of it."That said,the dog owner was issued an order to move forward on the dog arrive at the end of the moment,the master like a feather-like down to the direction of hell.Met with his dog,rushed out the other way round,chasing masters running.Full of remorse angel wings open up the past,want to seize the dogs,but that is the world's most pure and kind soul,a lot faster than all the angels of heaven faster.Seeing eye dog so the owner又跟together,even in hell,and never seeing eye dog guarding its masters.Angel stood there for a long time,muttered:"I start on the wrong one,these two souls are one,they can not be ......"
这个故事我在智慧背囊黎看过,我觉得挺感人.的在这个世界上,很多地方充满了邪恶,虚伪,善良与真诚越来越难寻踪影,常言道:“狗儿从来不知什么叫不满与嫉妒.”狗是人类最好的朋友,相反,有的人的思想境界还不如一条对人忠心耿耿的狗. 人总是以万物之灵长而自居,可是有些动物,(不光是狗)某些事情上的表现真让我们感到汗颜.在上面的那
对立统一. 再问: ?
好像是一个动画短片、 再问: 不是 是一个小故事
One day,a blind man with his seeing eye dog when crossing the street,a large truck lost control,straight up,blind people were killed on the spot,and his guide d
主人对狗 主人对天使 天使对灵魂最后真正的胜利者是世界上最纯洁、善良的灵魂为难地说 鄙视地看 失望地问 慢吞吞地走
我要说:这个世界上,真相只有一个,可是在不同人眼中,却会看出不同的是非曲直.这是为什么呢?其实,道理很简单,因为每个人看待事物,都不可能站在绝对客观公正的立场上,而是或多或少地戴上有色眼镜,用自己的经验、好恶和道德标准来进行评判,结果就是——我们看到了假象. "友谊的幸福之一,是知道了可以向谁倾吐秘密."如果你收到了这
with a garden in front of it.记住:front 前面不要有the.如果有the的话,那么花园就在房子里面了.
Its a embrace other than a toy.Its a embrace instead of toy.
I've a new friend,I made friends with her through the"hand in hand"activity,she is in Grade 9,her hair is short,her eyes are so big,her nose and mouth are small
斤 是韩语吧?
她是一个清爽的女孩,中等身材,有着一头乌黑浓密的秀发和一双水汪汪的眼睛,而且她走路时经常带着微笑.(翻译结果如下):She is a neat girl,the medium stature,has pitch-black thick luxuriant and a bright and intelligent eye
1. Yesterday they showed us around the Shanghai Museum.2. Every day he is the first to arrive and the last to leave.3. The student looked up that word on the in
Xu Song is a network singer , he has very good music talent, the most people is to be fond of him because of his music talent , I am also. He is that medium hei
~~天使的失误@七七雨 一天,一个盲人带着他的导盲犬过街时,一辆大卡车失去控制,直冲过来,盲人当场被撞死,他的导盲犬为了守卫主人,也一起惨死在车轮底下主人和狗一起到了天堂门前。...&
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天使的失误 赏析
m sorry, I worry about most is that it didn&#39, please, you this master is no longer a blind man, for many years that the guide dog have formed the habit, always follow master action, you will through the game by who decided to go to heaven, you also need not led him to walk, you run into heaven, whether master or his dog, like didn&#39!&quot.Master and the dog with the door to heaven.An angel stopped them, embarrassed to say: &quot, and the bag, he as long as the door that he in heaven the dog stopped.Angel looked at the loyal dog article, the in Tyou have is to dedicate the life, now.&quot.. so I just want to help it decided to oh, what game, agreed, she said aloud to the dog: &quot.., master uttered a password, the dog obediently sat down and day looked at master use disdain.At this time. Angel suddenly realize, the race from here ran to the gates of heaven, who first arrived at their destination, who can go to heaven. But you also don't worry, because you have died, scowled, she wanted to think.&quot.&quot.., he guide dogs to gI&#39: &to be able to use the way the game of Bt hear the angel's speech, you two must have a go to hell, can let me to decide who go to heaven?&Angel despise ground to see the master, he twistMaster, listen and hurriedly ask: &Master disappointed to ask: &quot: &the game is very simple,m sorry?&quot, the host grins.To master to see their dog, and he said, still my dog and don't know what is heaven, what the hell, will try very hard to rush forward. The owner of the damned, and it is using this, to have answers, even under collectivisatAngel was stunned, and the speed of the soul, the more simple has nothing to do with the flesh kind the faster.&Master wanted to think,I&#39, as if in for a walk in the street.Sure enough, and a few steps away from the end of the time:t want to go to heaven, just want to stay with me, sir, each soul are equal.Angel let host and dog ready, he announced that the race began. She filled with think master in order to go to heaven, &I got my dog into heaven, in the front of the master guard him, say: &quot, slowly go forward. More make angel surprise, the guide dog also did not run, it with the pace of the master in side slowly followed, a step, master and refused to leave, as long as I let it go on a few steps, it'll go to heaven. But it with me so many years and this is the first time I can use their eyes looking at it, so I can't help but want to walk slowly, see it for a while. If can of words, I really hope never look at it go on. But heaven to, that is it the place to be, please take good care of it.&With these words, host to a dog on the commandments, and the dog to cross the finish line moment, host like a feather falls to the hell if direction. His dog saw, quickly turn head, chasing the master run. Filled with remorse angel wings after the past, want to hold on to the guide dog, but that is in the world the most pure good soul, faster than heaven all the angels fast.So guide dog with his owner and together, even in hell, guide dog never guard its master.Angel stands for a long time in there, mumbling said: &I was wrong from the start, the two soul is one body, they can't separate......&Finally, I want to say: this world, the truth is only one, but in different people's eyes, but will see different about right and wrong. Why is this? In fact, the truth is very simple, because everyone look at things, is impossible to stand in absolute objective standpoint, but more or less to wear the tinted glasses, with their own experience, likes and dislikes and moral standard of evaluation, the result is-we see the illusion.&Friendship, is one of the happy to know to whom can pour out a secret.& If you see this letter, because someone in silently blessing you, because you love your side of some people. 请采纳, now only a place in heaven, a big truck to lose control, straight blunt come over, blind people killed on the spotOne day, a blind man took his guide dog when crossing the street, who know a little master also not favour
m sorry, I worry about most is that it didn&#39, please, you this master is no longer a blind man, for many years that the guide dog have formed the habit, always follow master action, you will through the game by who decided to go to heaven, you also need not led him to walk, you run into heaven, whether master or his dog, like didn&#39!&quot.Master and the dog with the door to heaven.An angel stopped them, embarrassed to say: &quot, and the bag, he as long as the door that he in heaven the dog stopped.Angel looked at the loyal dog article, the in Tyou have is to dedicate the life, now.&quot.. so I just want to help it decided to oh, what game, agreed, she said aloud to the dog: &quot.., master uttered a password, the dog obediently sat down and day looked at master use disdain.At this time. Angel suddenly realize, the race from here ran to the gates of heaven, who first arrived at their destination, who can go to heaven. But you also don't worry, because you have died, scowled, she wanted to think.&quot.&quot.., he guide dogs to gI&#39: &to be able to use the way the game of Bt hear the angel's speech, you two must have a go to hell, can let me to decide who go to heaven?&Angel despise ground to see the master, he twistMaster, listen and hurriedly ask: &Master disappointed to ask: &quot: &the game is very simple,m sorry?&quot, the host grins.To master to see their dog, and he said, still my dog and don't know what is heaven, what the hell, will try very hard to rush forward. The owner of the damned, and it is using this, to have answers, even under collectivisatAngel was stunned, and the speed of the soul, the more simple has nothing to do with the flesh kind the faster.&Master wanted to think,I&#39, as if in for a walk in the street.Sure enough, and a few steps away from the end of the time:t want to go to heaven, just want to stay with me, sir, each soul are equal.Angel let host and dog ready, he announced that the race began. She filled with think master in order to go to heaven, &I got my dog into heaven, in the front of the master guard him, say: &quot, slowly go forward. More make angel surprise, the guide dog also did not run, it with the pace of the master in side slowly followed, a step, master and refused to leave, as long as I let it go on a few steps, it'll go to heaven. But it with me so many years and this is the first time I can use their eyes looking at it, so I can't help but want to walk slowly, see it for a while. If can of words, I really hope never look at it go on. But heaven to, that is it the place to be, please take good care of it.&With these words, host to a dog on the commandments, and the dog to cross the finish line moment, host like a feather falls to the hell if direction. His dog saw, quickly turn head, chasing the master run. Filled with remorse angel wings after the past, want to hold on to the guide dog, but that is in the world the most pure good soul, faster than heaven all the angels fast.So guide dog with his owner and together, even in hell, guide dog never guard its master.Angel stands for a long time in there, mumbling said: &I was wrong from the start, the two soul is one body, they can't separate......&Finally, I want to say: this world, the truth is only one, but in different people's eyes, but will see different about right and wrong. Why is this? In fact, the truth is very simple, because everyone look at things, is impossible to stand in absolute objective standpoint, but more or less to wear the tinted glasses, with their own experience, likes and dislikes and moral standard of evaluation, the result is-we see the illusion.&Friendship, is one of the happy to know to whom can pour out a secret.& If you see this letter, because someone in silently blessing you, because you love your side of some people., now only a place in heaven, a big truck to lose control, straight blunt come over, blind people killed on the spotOne day, a blind man took his guide dog when crossing the street, who know a little master also not favour
哦不知道 啊哈哈


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