
I know many singers, such as Wang li-hong, Zhou jie-lun and Michael Jackson and so on. But I like Michael Jackson best.
I recognized Michael Jackson on occation. There was a poem recitation competition in my class. I had to look for a song about peace. Finally I found &Heal the World&. I liked it at once when I first heard this song.
I thought it was the best song that I had ever heard. Then I found the words of this song. &Heal the world, make it a better place, for you and for me, and the entire human race.& This song was Michael Jackson's famous work.
Since then I began to know more about Michael Jackson. I began to love him. He was named &King of Pop&. He hold a Children Foundationg and wanted to make the world peace through the music. Although he has dead,died hewas still one of the most famous singers in the world. I love him,because he was not only a singer but also a loving person.
内容来自 听力课堂网:用手机学英语,请加听力课堂微信公众号:tingclass123
Jay Zhou, who was born in Taiwanin
, is my favorite singer. He has produced many popular songs loved by lots of teenagers. One of his famous songs, Qing Huaci, is my favorite. I like him because he works very hard, and he never gives in no matter how hard life is. When he was at school, he did not study well. But he never gave up. Instead, he learned his favorite music and at last, he became a well-known singer, also a producer of music, for which he is very popular among the young.
扫描下载二维码高中英语作文:My Favorite Star我最喜欢的明星
  There are many excellent stars in various fields at home and abroad, for
example Zhou Xun in film industry, Mo Yan in literature, and Bolt in the sports
circles.My favorite star is Zhou Xun, who is an outstanding actress.Zhou Xun
watched movies since she was a little girl.Her father worked in a cinema, which
offered her golden opportunity to access to movie. Maybe her talented
performance was developed since then.Over the two decades Zhou Xun performs in
TV or movies, her acting is mature day after day, bringing her lots of
awards.Now she has become one of the iconic actresses in China.Besides, she
advocates herself in philanthropy and environmental protection.Zhou Xun calls on
everyone to live a low-carbon life to keep a green and beautiful planet.I like
her because of her excellent performing as well as her personality.  在国内外各领域中都有杰出的明星,例如电影界的周迅、文学界的莫言和体育界的博尔特。我最喜欢的明星是周迅,她是一位很棒的电影演员。周迅还是个小孩子时,就接触到了电影。她的爸爸在一间电影院工作,这是她接触电影的绝佳机会,也许她的表演天赋就是从那个时候培养起来的。在她踏足电视电影的二十年里,周迅的表演日渐成熟,也给她带来了许多的荣誉。现在,她已经成为了华语影坛最具标志性的女演员之一。此外,她也热衷于慈善事业和环保。周迅号召大家低碳生活,还我们一个绿色、美丽的地球。我喜欢她,不仅因为她出色的表演,也因为她的人格魅力。
内容来自 听力课堂网:用手机学英语,请加听力课堂微信公众号:tingclass123
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时间: 16:32
  &&&&&& 请根据下面英文提示,以&My favorite sports star&为题,写一篇介绍我国乒乓球运动员刘国正的英语短文。 来源:wWw.GxedUW.com
  &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Liu Guozheng
  Born:&&&& May 7, 1980 in Wuhan, Hubei Province
  Height:&& 1.68 m
  Weight:& 66 kg
  Hobbies: listening to music and playing billiards
  More information: started playing chosen to join the National Team in 1994; won s likes working hard and being strict with himself
  注意:1. 词数:100左右; 2. 短文需包括以上所有要点,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
  My favorite sports star
  &&&&& Liu Guozheng is my favorite sports star. He was born in Wuhan, Hubei Province, on May 7, 1980. He is 1.68 meters tall and weighs 66 kilograms. When he was six years old, he started playing table tennis. In 1994, he was chosen to join the National Team. Working hard at his training and being strict with himself,& he has won several championships in both national and world competitions. In his spare time, he likes listening to music and playing billiards. Now he is training harder to win more honors for our country, as well as for himself.&


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