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<font color="#. 爱心小矮人
The most popular GIF clocked in at 300 million views in 2017, after being first uploaded at the end of 2016.
American artist Anna Hrachovec shared the GIF in response to the election results, but people who shared it from there moved way beyond the political.
这张动图是美国艺术家Anna Hrachovec针对美国大选结果发布的,但分享者将它用到了政治以外的更多地方。
<font color="#. 眨眼的白人
In 2013, video game site Giant Bomb uploaded a video in its Unprofessional Fridays series, in which podcaster Drew Scanlon blinks in surprise and disbelief at something another person said.
2013年,电子游戏网站Giant Bomb在其Unprofessional Fridays系列节目中上传了一段视频。视频中,主播德鲁·斯坎伦惊讶的眨着眼睛,对另外一人的话表示难以置信。
Over three years later, someone cut the reaction into a GIF - which is now frequently used on social media to express surprise, disbelief, and incredulousness.
<font color="#. 挥手的哈巴狗
This GIF of a pug waving is from a behind-the-scenes moment making DNCE's Kissing Strangers music video.
这张哈巴狗挥手的动图来自DNCE乐队的《Kissing Strangers》的MV幕后片段。
<font color="#. 跳舞的羊驼
The music video for Fall Out Boy's single The Last Of The Real Ones features two people in llama costumes. An odd GIF of the llamas dancing in front of a purple background went viral.
在闹翻男孩的单曲《The Last Of The Real Ones》MV中,主角是两个身着羊驼服装的人。这个在紫色背景前跳舞的羊驼的奇葩动图在网上走红。
<font color="#. 美国橄榄球大联盟庆祝瞬间
During a game against the New York Giants, Washington Redskins star Junior Gallette celebrated a sack with a happy dance — that perfectly captures a lot of happy feelings.
<font color="#. 早上好
This GIF was used a whopping 175 million times this year to wish people a good morning — with a very happy cup of coffee.
<font color="#. 金州勇士队球迷舞
Golden State Warriors fans dancing in the stands during the playoffs provided a great GIF for celebrating this year.
<font color="#. No no no
GIPHY Studios in-house artist created this GIF, which works for vetoing, telling off, and even shaming someone else.
<font color="#. 布莱恩·科兰斯顿
Actor Bryan Cranston dropped an over-the-top F-bomb in the 2016 film Why Him? but it took a year for the GIF to take off. According to Giphy, it's used mostly within political commentary on Reddit.
<font color="#. 神奇女侠尬舞
There's no real explanation necessary for why people like this GIF of Gal Gadot behind the scenes on the set of Wonder Woman.
<font color="#. 心怀憎恨的人对什么都憎恨
Definitely the oldest GIF on the list, this is picked from a scene in the 1953 educational video Let's Be Good Citizens at School.
<font color="#. 这根香蕉有点污
Swedish Artist Jonas Mosesson has created several food-based GIFs, but this banana flashing its — uh — banana has been especially popular.
瑞典艺术家Jonas Mosesson制作了一些关于食物的动图,但是这张香蕉亮出……额,这张香蕉的动图尤其流行。
<font color="#. 宝宝好伤心
Most people who see this cranky, tired baby from the Lifetime show Little Women LA have the identical thought going through their heads: Same, baby. Same.
大多数人在《Little Women LA》节目中看到这个暴躁、疲惫的宝宝时,脑海中都浮现了相同的想法:“我也一样,宝宝,我也一样。”
<font color="#. 快乐无人机
Domitille Collardey of GIPHY Studios made this GIF of a flying drone with a funny smiley face for April Fool's Day.
GIPHY工作室的艺术家Domitille Collardey在愚人节当天,制作了这张带着有趣笑脸的飞行无人机动图。
<font color="#. 罗伯特·雷德福的微笑
It's likely that many young people sharing this GIF think it shows The Hangover star Zach Galifianakis — but the man is actually Robert Redford.
<font color="#. 《双峰镇》中的卡尔·罗德
This shot of Harry Dean Stanton in Showtime's Twin Peaks: The Return captures all a matter of morose feelings.
<font color="#. 动动脑子
The moment captures Kayode Ewumi in the BBC's #HoodDocumentary.
18. 《怪奇物语》的舞蹈片段
Stranger Things fans loved this moment, in which Nancy Wheeler and Steve Harrington dance at a house party.
19. 霉霉回旋踢
Swifties are big fans of this GIF, ripped from the singer's September AT&T commercial.
<font color="#. 拉菲尔·纳达尔
Nothing says 'victory!' or shows a sense of accomplishment like this GIF of Raphael Nadal celebrating his 3rd US Open championship after coming back from injuries.
喜欢该文的人也喜欢《神奇女侠》gif先睹为快,盖尔·加朵一己之力燃烧了DC宇宙《神奇女侠》gif先睹为快,盖尔·加朵一己之力燃烧了DC宇宙时尚娱乐军百家号这次盖尔·加朵小姐姐真是以一己之力遏制住了DC的颓势,到现在为止网上被好评轰炸。漫威的黑寡妇可要加油了,下一次就是漫威和DC女神之间的决战了。就是要给你们点厉害尝尝,此次画面不再阴暗,明丽美艳和女性主题相得益彰,充满了视觉冲击。她在电影开拍前6个月就开始健身,每天锻炼6个小时,其中举重就2小时,所以她看起来肌肉线条极美,但是穿上裙装又特别显瘦。电影里也有插科打诨,闲庭信步,偶尔的小幽默也不会让观众一直紧张这位获得过以色列小姐的演员不光有美貌,小姐姐的武力值看图就知道这么手到擒来的动作,得益于20岁的盖尔进入了以色列国防部队,担任体育教练。在这两年间,她学会了许多格斗技巧和武器的使用,所以她拿枪的动作有板有眼。话说以色列男女都要服兵役也是人太稀有了,像神奇女侠一样的科班出身呢服完兵役之后,盖尔又回到大学学习,攻读法律。德智体美劳全面发展的女神,上天真是不公平。DC界一颗冉冉升起的新星。因出演《神奇女侠》而人气爆棚的盖尔·加朵,据说非常有可能在《速度与激情9》中作为Gisele复活。恭喜!《神奇女侠》完全抵御住了那些说DC习惯性刷好评的恶语中伤,没有扑街迹象。来看小姐姐,说好了,什么马也难追了。所以明天的票是买好了,还是买好了呢?不过别想太多,人家娃都有了。周末快乐吧。本文仅代表作者观点,不代表百度立场。系作者授权百家号发表,未经许可不得转载。时尚娱乐军百家号最近更新:简介:一个不注意小事情的人,永远不会成功大生意作者最新文章相关文章2017 老外最爱表情包动图,来收图吧!
2017 老外最爱表情包动图,来收图吧!
近日,在线动态图片搜索引擎 Giphy 公布了 2017 年点击量最高的 20 个 GIF 动图,原来老外偏爱的表情包画风也是一言难尽。一起来看看今年外国最流行的表情包和它们背后的故事吧 ~1. 爱心小矮人点击量:3.4 亿次The most popular GIF clocked in at 300 million views in 2017, after being first uploaded at the end of
年人气最高的动图点击量超过 3 亿次,首次上传于 2016 年底。American artist Anna Hrachovec shared the GIF in response to the election results, but people who shared it from there moved way beyond the political. 这张动图是美国艺术家 Anna Hrachovec 针对美国大选结果发布的,但分享者将它用到了政治以外的更多地方。2. 眨眼的白人点击量:2.26 亿次In 2013, video game site Giant Bomb uploaded a video in its Unprofessional Fridays series, in which podcaster Drew Scanlon blinks in surprise and disbelief at something another person said.2013 年,电子游戏网站 Giant Bomb 在其 Unprofessional Fridays 系列节目中上传了一段视频。视频中,主播德鲁o斯坎伦惊讶的眨着眼睛,对另外一人的话表示难以置信。Over three years later, someone cut the reaction into a GIF - which is now frequently used on social media to express surprise, disbelief, and incredulousness. 三年后,有人将他的反应制成动图,现在,人们在社交媒体上经常用这张图片来表达惊讶、怀疑、不信任的心情。3. 挥手的哈巴狗点击量:2.15 亿次This GIF of a pug waving is from a behind-the-scenes moment making DNCE's Kissing Strangers music video. 这张哈巴狗挥手的动图来自 DNCE 乐队的《Kissing Strangers》的 MV 幕后片段。4. 跳舞的羊驼点击量:1.97 亿次The music video for Fall Out Boy's single The Last Of The Real Ones features two people in llama costumes. An odd GIF of the llamas dancing in front of a purple background went viral. 在闹翻男孩的单曲《The Last Of The Real Ones》MV 中,主角是两个身着羊驼服装的人。这个在紫色背景前跳舞的羊驼的奇葩动图在网上走红。5. 美国橄榄球大联盟庆祝瞬间点击量:1.8 亿次During a game against the New York Giants, Washington Redskins star Junior Gallette celebrated a sack with a happy dance — that perfectly captures a lot of happy feelings. 在与纽约巨人队对抗的比赛中,华盛顿红人队明星球员朱尼尔为庆祝一个四分卫擒抱而手舞足蹈,这张动图完美诠释了无比兴奋的心情。6. 早上好点击量:1.75 亿次This GIF was used a whopping 175 million times this year to wish people a good morning — with a very happy cup of coffee. 这张动图今年的使用次数高达 1.75 亿次,人们用一杯 " 愉快的咖啡 " 来互道早安。7. 金州勇士队球迷舞点击量:1.65 亿次Golden State Warriors fans dancing in the stands during the playoffs provided a great GIF for celebrating this year.NBA 季后赛期间,金州勇士队球迷在看台上起舞的瞬间为今年欢庆主题的动图提供了很好的素材。8. No no no点击量:1.54 亿次GIPHY Studios in-house artist created this GIF, which works for vetoing, telling off, and even shaming someone else.GIPHY 工作室的艺术家制作了这张动图,用来否定、责备甚至羞辱他人。9. 布莱恩o科兰斯顿点击量:1.38 亿次Actor Bryan Cranston dropped an over-the-top F-bomb in the 2016 film Why Him? but it took a year for the GIF to take off. According to Giphy, it's used mostly within political commentary on Reddit. 在 2016 年的电影《为什么是他》中,演员布莱恩o科兰斯顿浮夸地飙了一句脏话。不过,一年之后这一幕的动图才火起来。据 Giphy 称,红迪网的政治评论中最常使用这个表情。10. 神奇女侠尬舞点击量:1.35 亿次There's no real explanation necessary for why people like this GIF of Gal Gadot behind the scenes on the set of Wonder Woman. 盖尔o加朵的这张动图来自《神奇女侠》的幕后镜头,无需解释人们为什么喜欢它。11. 心怀憎恨的人对什么都憎恨点击量:1.34 亿次Definitely the oldest GIF on the list, this is picked from a scene in the 1953 educational video Let's Be Good Citizens at School. 这绝对是榜单上最老的动图,截取自 1953 年的教育影像《在学校做个好公民》中的场景。12. 这根香蕉有点污点击量:1.32 亿次Swedish Artist Jonas Mosesson has created several food-based GIFs, but this banana flashing its — uh — banana has been especially popular. 瑞典艺术家 Jonas Mosesson 制作了一些关于食物的动图,但是这张香蕉亮出……额,这张香蕉的动图尤其流行。13. 宝宝好伤心Most people who see this cranky, tired baby from the Lifetime show Little Women LA have the identical thought going through their heads: Same, baby. Same. 大多数人在《Little Women LA》节目中看到这个暴躁、疲惫的宝宝时,脑海中都浮现了相同的想法:" 我也一样,宝宝,我也一样。"14. 快乐无人机点击量:1.26 亿次Domitille Collardey of GIPHY Studios made this GIF of a flying drone with a funny smiley face for April Fool's Day.GIPHY 工作室的艺术家 Domitille Collardey 在愚人节当天,制作了这张带着有趣笑脸的飞行无人机动图。15. 罗伯特o雷德福的微笑点击量:1.21 亿次It's likely that many young people sharing this GIF think it shows The Hangover star Zach Galifianakis — but the man is actually Robert Redford. 很多分享这张图的年轻人可能认为,这是《宿醉》中的主演扎克o加利凡纳基斯,但是他实际上是罗伯特o雷德福(美国著名电影人)。16. 《双峰镇》中的卡尔o罗德点击量:1.19 亿次This shot of Harry Dean Stanton in Showtime's Twin Peaks: The Return captures all a matter of morose feelings.《双峰镇》中哈利o戴恩o斯坦通的这个镜头满满地都是郁闷。17. 动动脑子点击量:1.14 亿次The moment captures Kayode Ewumi in the BBC's #HoodDocumentary. 这个动作出自 BBC 喜剧《#HoodDocumentary》的卡约德o乌米。18. 《怪奇物语》的舞蹈片段Stranger Things fans loved this moment, in which Nancy Wheeler and Steve Harrington dance at a house party.《怪奇物语》中,南茜o惠勒和史蒂夫o哈灵顿在家庭聚会上跳舞的一幕深受剧迷们的喜爱。19. 霉霉回旋踢点击量:1.11 亿次Swifties are big fans of this GIF, ripped from the singer's September AT&T commercial. 这张动图来自霉霉 9 月份为美国电话电报公司拍摄的广告,霉粉们甚是喜欢。20. 拉菲尔o纳达尔点击量:1.09 亿次Nothing says 'victory!' or shows a sense of accomplishment like this GIF of Raphael Nadal celebrating his 3rd US Open championship after coming back from injuries. 这是纳达尔伤愈复出后,庆祝他获得个人第三个美网公开赛冠军的场景,没有什么比这张动图更能体现出如此的成就感。英文来源:每日邮报翻译 & 编辑:董静审校:yaning原网页已经由 ZAKER 转码以便在移动设备上查看


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