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If I got down on my knees and I ed with you,
if I crossed a million oceans just to be with you,
Would you ever let me down?
If I climbed the highest mountain just to hold you tight,
if I said that I would love you every single night,
Would you ever let me down?
比如Radiohead的creep、fake plastic trees、high and dry,the Beatles的and I love her、while my guitar gently weeps等,Bob Dylan的things have changed、make you feel my love等。。以上都是自己特别喜欢专门学过的,就是说明一下自己大概的喜好类型。当然其他的类型只要弹唱很好听的也欢迎来推荐~
five hundred miles杠杠的five hundred miles杠杠的---------------------------------------------------------------------分割线------------------------应要求,放上谱!
Come as you are
wish you were here——Pink Floyd
falling slowly-Glen Hansard
knocking on the heaven's doorG D Am.
G D C无限循环有bigger的当然可以来一首法语的La maladie d'amour 爱情这种病C G Am Em D C D G等等。掌握基本和弦就ok了
找了找自己的弹唱单 来分享一下弹唱效果还不错的 所有歌曲都亲自练过 i'm yours 不说啥了 原味弹唱 绝无添加剂 男巫的转音还是要练一练 才能唱出逼格 you are beautiful 改成吉他后打了个小折扣 但是依然好听 lemon tree 就怕太老 you raise me up 用单吉他配会略显单调 不过合唱效果还是可以的 moon river 你音色有多优美 出来效果就有多优美unchained melody 吉他音色配这个略有奇怪 总体还行 that's why 烂大街的老口水歌 弹唱朗朗上口 逼格不知能否达到题主要求了 take me to your heart 同上一首 啥都好 格不够逼 tears in heaven 个人很喜欢eric claptonautumn leave eric clapton 第二首wonderful tonight 第三首 可惜要弹唱得好听 光一把吉他好难。。smelly cat 老友记里面菲比的弹唱曲目 其实也很有感觉哦 vincent 原汁原味 逼格很高,感觉最切合题意的一首in my life 网上教学版本都有多种 都不错young for you 中国曲子。。也算英文吧 我一直觉得词写的很好 逼格有啊 而且是二逼格哦fly me to the moon 私奔到月球 单吉他唱不出梦境感 但是曲子好听hotel california 一边横按一边吼真是 太难 但是其实不比多吉他差到哪里去哦tips 推荐题主去cifra club上找 好多英文好歌呢 不是英语教学 但是绝对能看懂啊 他们的教学和编配都很好网易云音乐搜索专辑 吉他弹唱 把评论多余200的曲目点开来听
Hotel California 题主不喜欢吗?
卧槽居然不是John Mayer的吗?!???!逼格完爆上面百分之九十九啊!!!!
-------------------------------------------------------------  HEY SOUL SISTER - Train
  Hey-ay, Hey-ay-AY-ay-ay, Hey-ay-AY-ay-ay
  Your lipstick stains
on the front lobe of my left side brains
  I knew I wouldn't for-get you and so I went and let you blow my mind
  Your sweet moonbeam
the smell of you in every single dream I dream
  I knew when we col-lided you're the one I have de-cided who's one of my kind
  Hey soul sister ain't that Mr mister on the radio stereo
  The way you move aint fair you know
  Hey soul sister I don't want to miss a single thing you do
  To-night Hey-ay, Hey-ay-AY-ay-ay, Hey-ay-AY-ay-ay
  Just in ti-i-i-ime I'm so glad you have a one track mind like me
  You gave my love dir-ection a game show love con-nection we can't deny-i-iii
  I'm so obsessed
my heart is bound to beat right outta my untrimmed chest
  I believe in you like a virgin you're Ma-donna and I'm always gonna wanna
  blow your mind
  Hey soul sister ain't that Mr mister on the radio stereo
  The way you move aint fair you know
  Hey soul sister I don't want to miss a single thing you do
  To-night The way you can't cut a rug
  Watching you's the only drug I need
  You're so gangster I'm so thug
  You're the only one I'm dreaming of you see
  I can be myself now final-ly
  In fact there's nothing I can't be
  I want the world to see you be with
  Hey soul sister ain't that Mr mister on the radio stereo
  The way you move aint fair you know
  Hey soul sister I don't want to miss a single thing you do to-night
  Hey soul sister I don't want to miss a single thing you do-oooo
  To-night Hey-ay, Hey-ay-AY-ay-ay, Hey-ay-AY-ay-ay
  To-night Hey-ay, Hey-ay-AY-ay-ay, Hey-ay-AY-ay-ay
节奏型↓↓ ↑↓↑↓ ↓↓ ↑↓↑↓
Led Zeppelin—Stairway to Heaven!啊啊啊!人生挚爱啊!!弹了三四年,每次都很有激情啊!吉他试音我也用这个!分解、扫弦、solo一样都不少啊!高音低音全兼顾啊!还有不少朋友说的“加州招待所”啊!也超牛逼啊!再说几个自己喜欢的吧:大伟吉他老师的爵士版NobodyTears in HeavenCome as you areWhere did you sleep last nightDont CryBaby I'm gonna leave you Bang Bang那啥……好久不弹……咋突然想不起来多少了……以后慢慢更吧……要不题主您先练着?(其实我也不会几首,捂脸逃走,各位见笑)
题主看样子也是个广电总局粉,britpop之流oasis是个不错的选择,像是wonderwall或者live forever都是能用一把木琴就有不错表现效果的曲目。逼格再高一点的话snow patrol的chasing cars、signal fire等等也不错的。技术过关的可以尝试一些U2的歌曲,比如在人群匆匆的街口吼一嗓子i still haven't found what i'm looking for,简直穿越回80年代那个燃烧着激情的年代。最后推荐一款软件叫riffstation,将歌曲拖进去能将和弦解析出来,非常便利。
大总局的exit music (for a film)吉他和唱的部分都很简单,平静后的爆发,配上罗密欧与朱丽叶的故事瞬间逼格飙升
Coldplay的viva la vida,整首曲子吉他只用弹出四个和旋,就是音乐里吉他伴奏,全程四个和旋重复,简单又有逼格。
必须祭出这套书了!Eric Clapton、Jim Croce、Peter Paul & Mary、Rod Stewart、John Lennon……基本上经典的民谣曲目都在里面了。一共一百首曲子,除了Jim Croce的部分和少数几首,其它都是单吉他。难得的是每首曲子都编配得原汁原味,还附带了练习要点和背景简介,相当良心。另之前为了练习方便,做了两张跟谱子对应的精选集:、LZ可以先听听看合不合意:)
love will keep us alive刚找了一下发现巨简单 老鹰乐队哒 逼格满满
浏览了一遍,果然或是竟然没有这首《I'll follow you into the dark》PS:各位,注意题主在问什么好吗???
《oh my love》去年失恋的一个夜晚唱的
Wonderwall…这歌的和弦还能用来唱Boulevard of broken dreams,学一首送一首!妈妈再也不用担心我记不住和弦啦!英语学习你我他--南昌宋老师工作室
上传: 宋焘 &&&&更新时间: 14:45:31
挥着翅膀的女孩英文版《proud of you》 歌词中英对照
love in your eyes 带着眼眸中的爱
sitting silent by my side 默默坐在我身边
going on holding hand 渐渐拉着我的手
walking through the nights 伴我穿过这黑夜
*hold me up hold me tight 抱起我 抱紧我
lift me up to touch the sky 高举我去触碰蓝天
teaching me to love with heart 教给我用心去爱
helping me open my mind 帮助我打开心扉
i can fly 我会飞翔
i&m proud that i can fly 我为那飞翔而骄傲
to give the best of mine 我要展现我的最美
till the end of the time 直到时间的尽头
believe me i can fly 相信我能飞翔
i&m proud that i can fly 我为那飞翔而骄傲
to give the best of mine 我要展现我的全部
the heaven in the sky* 那是天堂in the sky
stars in the sky 那天空中的星辰
wishing once upon a time 希望能像从前一样
give me love make me smile 让我欢笑 给予我爱
till the end of life 直到生命消逝
can&t you believe that you light up my way 你可知道你照亮了我的道路
no matter how that ease my path 所以无论脚下的路有多么轻松
i&ll never lose my faith 我都不会丢掉信念
see me fly 来看着我飞翔
i&m proud to fly up high 飞翔让我如此自豪
show you the best of mine 我要展现我的最美
till the end of the time 直到时间的尽头
believe me i can fly 相信我能飞翔
i&m singing in the sky 我要在空中歌唱
show you the best of mine 献给你我的最美
the heaven in the sky 那是天堂in the sky
nothing can stop me 什么也不能阻止我
spread my wings so wide 展开我的翅膀so wide


更多关于 长相甜美的女明星 的文章

