一首很像we will rock you原唱的歌,节奏感很强,男声。

一首英文歌节奏感很强,歌词不多,中间有个男声有句歌词where will you go where_百度知道
一首英文歌节奏感很强,歌词不多,中间有个男声有句歌词where will you go where
中间有个男声有句歌词where will you go where will you are 什么什么so far是那首英文歌!酷狗里以前听过,手残筛掉了一首英文歌节奏感很强,歌词不多
ve got hopeSo we could use a little use a littleLeave it when you't let go'Cause a little bit a little bit it can go a long wayI've done itAnd i won've done itAnd i won've done itAnd i won'Cause nothing's ever finishedNot unless you walk awayYou see i've done itAnd i won's easier to let go then to hold somebody's ever finishedNot unless i walk awayYou see i's handBut if you do then you might just understand yeahThat it'Cause a little bit a little bit it can go a long long wayOoh oh oh you need hopeOoh oh oh i got hope i got hopeYou see i've got hopeSo we could use a little use a littleLeave it when you't let go't let go's okay to not know where you've got hopeSo we could use a little use a littleLeave it when you'Cause a little bit a little bit go a long wayI've done itAnd i won't let go've got hopeSo we could use a little use a littleLeave it when you've got hopeSo we could use a little use a littleLeave it when you's ever over till i say it's overAnd nothing't let go't when you know you canIt'Cause a little bit a little bit it can go a long long wayHoo-ope hoo-ope hoo-opeI'Cause nothing're gonna end's overAnd nothing's easier to say you can'Cause a little bit a little bit it can go a long long wayHoo-ope hoo-ope hoo-opeI's ever over till you say it't stop your light from shining on&#39Hope - Natasha BedingfieldRemember morning always comesAs night surrenders to the sunNo matter how dark it may becomeDon've got hopeIt&#39
We Will Rock You
&&& 小编精选各国经典的,呈现给大家。今天要带给大家的就是这首摇滚范儿十足、酷劲十足的《We Will Rock You(我们将震撼你)》。这首歌本是皇后乐队的一首经典曲目,著名的依云水把这首歌进行童声演绎,并且放到自己的广告当中,让这首歌曲焕发出不一样的活力与精彩。不管是小朋友还是大人,都在这样的歌曲中释放激情与活力吧。
We Will Rock You 歌词
Buddy, you're a boy 老兄,你是个小孩
Make a big noise playing in the street 大声嚷嚷的在街头
Gonna be a big man someday 如果有一天能成为大人
You got mud on your face 你脸上沾着泥土
You big disgrace 你太丢脸了
Kicking your can all over the place 把铁罐踢来踢去
Singing We will, we will rock you 唱吧,我们将要震撼你
we will, we will rock you 我们将要震撼你
Buddy, you're a young man 老兄,你是个年轻人
Hard man shouting in the street 是一条硬汉,在街头叫嚣
Gonna take on the world someday 总有一天要接管这个世界
You got blood on your face 你脸上流着鲜血
You big disgrace 颜面尽失
Waving your banner all over the place 到处挥舞著旗帜
We will, we will rock you 我们将要震撼你
Singing we will, we will rock you 唱吧,我们将要震撼你
Buddy, you're an old man 老兄,你老了
Poor man pleading with your eyes 穷光蛋一个,眼里祈求著宽恕
Gonna make you some peace someday 总有一天可以使你得到平静
You got mud on your face 你搞得灰头土脸
Big disgrace 狼狈至极
Somebody better put you back into your place 最好有人能把你带回从前
We will, we will rock you 我们将要震撼你
Singing we will, we will rock you 唱吧,我们将要震撼你
Everybody We will, we will rock you 每一个人,我们将要震撼你
We will, we will rock you 我们将要震撼你
&&&& 4399上线也有一段时间了,面对着那么多的儿歌故事,小编恨不得有三头六臂能把所有的好听和精彩和爸爸妈妈、小朋友一起分享,只是不知道现在的这些儿歌故事是不是您和孩子所需要的?您和孩子还想要听到哪些儿歌和故事呢?期待着您的意见和建议!
&&& 一边惴惴不安等待您的讯息,另外小编也忍不住自己的私心想要发一些自己很喜欢的。在此小编特别推荐各国儿歌精选,把小编的祝福用不同的语言与歌声传递给大家!
热门推荐:更多好玩美拍一首英文歌节奏感很强,歌词不多,中间有个男声有句歌词where will you go wher_百度知道
一首英文歌节奏感很强,歌词不多,中间有个男声有句歌词where will you go wher
s okay to not know where you've got hopeSo we could use a little use a littleLeave it when you't let go't let go've done itAnd i won've got hopeSo we could use a little use a littleLeave it when you's ever finishedNot unless you walk awayYou see i's ever over till i say it's handBut if you do then you might just understand yeahThat it's easier to let go then to hold somebody't stop your light from shining on't let go'Cause nothing'Cause a little bit a little bit it can go a long wayI've got hopeSo we could use a little use a littleLeave it when you't let go've done itAnd i won't let go'Cause a little bit a little bit it can go a long long wayOoh oh oh you need hopeOoh oh oh i got hope i got hopeYou see i's overAnd nothing've got hopeSo we could use a little use a littleLeave it when you're gonna end's ever over till you say it'Cause a little bit a little bit go a long wayI't when you know you canIt've got hopeIt'Cause a little bit a little bit it can go a long long wayHoo-ope hoo-ope hoo-opeI've got hopeSo we could use a little use a littleLeave it when you's overAnd nothing&#39Hope - Natasha BedingfieldRemember morning always comesAs night surrenders to the sunNo matter how dark it may becomeDon's easier to say you can'Cause nothing've done itAnd i won's ever finishedNot unless i walk awayYou see i've done itAnd i won'Cause a little bit a little bit it can go a long long wayHoo-ope hoo-ope hoo-opeI've done itAnd i won&#39
出门在外也不愁求一首英文歌,开头小孩子唱的,后面是男歌手唱的比较快,伴奏很像we will rock you_百度宝宝知道


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