
tree stucture of cv guys.
David Marr
-----&Shimon Ullman (Weizmann)
-----&Eric Grimson (MIT)
Huttenlocher (Cornell)
Felzenszwalb (Chicago)
Thomas Binford (Stanford)
-----&David Lowe (UBC)
-----&Jitendra Malik (UC Berkeley)
Perona (Caltech)
Soatto (UCLA)
Li (Princeton)
Shi (UPenn)
Bregler (NYU)
Belongie (UCSD)
Efros (CMU)
Andrew Blake (Microsoft Research Cambridge)
-----&Andrew Zisserman (Oxford)
Fitzgibbon (Microsoft Research Cambridge)
-----&Roberto Cipolla (Cambridge)
-----&Alan Yuille (UCLA)
非常优秀的researcher如Vladimir Kolmogorov虽然不是Andrew Blake的学生,&但是
也属于这个学派. )
Thomas Huang (UIUC)
-----&Yong Rui (Microsoft Research Redmond)
-----&Nebojsa Jojic (Microsoft Research Redmond)
-----&Ying Wu (Northwestern University)
-----&Hai Tao (UCSC)
-----&Yuncai Liu (SJTU)
(Huang这个系的人太多,&而且很怪的是, UIUC的web上信息不全,&在此仅列出我知道的.)
此外,&还有Takeo Kanade等非常有名的大牛,&囿于篇幅,&不一一列举.&从上得知,&加州派
Olivier Faugeras
&&&----Zhengyou Zhang&&&&MSR
Mit AI lab
Torralba&(research scientist)
lifeifei的合作者Rob Fergus
MIT的Brain & Cognitive Science Dept和CSAIL里面聚集了一帮人,有的作low
level有的作mid level to high level的。他们的工作是值得关注的。
当然说视觉还是要从伟大的David Marr开始。Tomaso Poggio, Richard Whitman是Marr的同事,传承了其理念,一直往下走。Poggio最近几年比较重点的工作放在他那个hierarchical
T. Poggio的第一个PhD学生是Christof Koch&(kLab at Caltech)。哦,顺便说一下Koch的另外一个导师是Valentino
Koch比较知名的弟子比如Laurent Itti和Li Feifei。
Richard Whitman&年纪比较大了,个人不是很关注他现在做的东西。不过他所在的Perceptual Science Group,是一个非常有影响力的地方,这个组其他大家比较熟悉的老师有Aude Oliva和EH
image,和Antonio Torrralba一起搞的。这个Hybrid Image&其实80年代就有了,但是最开始从心理学方向上探讨,没有非常有影响力的文章。后来开始靠谱作自然图像统计,得到Gist
Perceptual Science Group出了不少牛人,他们的alumni list可谓超豪华阵容:Yair Weiss, Josh Tenenbaum, Pawan Sinha, Bill Freeman……
Jitendra Malik, UC Berkeley
Pietro Perona, Caltech
Serge Belongie, UCSD加利福尼亚大学圣迭戈分校
Jianbo Shi, UPenn
Fei-Fei Li, Princeton
William Freeman, MIT
Trevor Darrell, MIT
Simon Baker, CMU
Yanxi Liu, CMU
Songchun Zhu, UCLA
Alan Yuille, UCLA
Michael Black, Brown
Carlo Tomasi, Duke
Ramin Zabih, Cornell
Shree Nayar, Columbia
Steve Seitz, University of Washington
(UC Berkeley,Caltech,UCSD,UPenn,MIT,CMU,UCLA,UIUC,Brown,Duke,Cornell,Coiumbia,Marryland,Washington)
Andrew Zisserman, Oxford, UK
Andrew Fitzgibbon, Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK
Roberto Cipolla, Cambridge, UK
Jean Ponce, INRIA, France
Cordelia Schmid, INRIA, France
Bill Triggs, LEAR, France
Yair Weiss, Hebrew University, Israel
Anat Levin, Hebrew University, Israel
Michal Irani, Weizmann, Israel
Luc van Gool, University of Leuven/ETH Zurich, Czechic
Harry Shum, MSRA
Xiaoou Tang, MSRA/CUHK
Jian Sun, MSRA
Steve Lin, MSRA
Yasuyuki Matsushita, MSRA
Zhouchen Lin, MSRA
Long Quan, HKUST
Chi-Keung Tang, HKUST
按研究方向划分, 应该更合理一些。现在计算机视觉, 计算机图形图像, 机器学习开始融合到一起了吧。
J. Malik,Zhu Songchu偏
D. Lowe, S. Ullman, Poggio&偏于从生物视觉的启发来研究视觉;
Zisserman, Schmid, Lowe研究局部特征;
Luc Van Goo,&Long Quanl三维重建;
Perona, Li Feife,&Freeman视觉i学习, 物体分类;
还有运动分析, 视觉跟踪,纹理分析.............
  一大堆fellow和拿了图灵奖的,但做网络方向不多,只知道&&和&&。这里面华人还是很多的。In&,&, Dept of Physics, UCSD, proposes &the index h, defined as the number of papers with citation number higher or equal to h, as a useful index to characterize the scientific output of a&researcher.&
Here is a partial list of computer science researchers who each has an h index of 40 or higher according to&. Several websites provide easy-to-use interfaces for computing an h index, including&&and&. Send comments, corrections, and new entries to&(UCLA). I do maintain the list: mostly, I add people and update numbers upon request and when I happen to notice a high h index. Most of the numbers on this page are the results of counting
efforts by the listed people themselves. I have computed some of the numbers myself by comparing output from&&with other listings of research papers, such as from personal webpages or&.
92&&(UCSD), IEEE Fellow,&
89&&(Stanford), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
87&&(Stanford), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
82&&(Princeton), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
80&&(UCLA), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
79&&(Berkeley), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
77&&(U Mass, Amherst), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
73&&(Argonne National Laboratory & U Chicago)
71&&(Berkeley), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
70&&(Berkeley), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
70&&(UC Santa Cruz)
69&&(U Southampton), Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering
68&&(Berkeley), AAAS Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAAI Fellow
68&&(CMU), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
64&&(UCLA), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the European Academy of Sciences
64&&(EPFL), IEEE Fellow
63&&(U Libre de Bruxelles)
62&&(Google), ACM Fellow
61&&(UCLA), IEEE Fellow
58&&(Microsoft), ACM Fellow
58&&(IBM Almaden), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow, ACM SIGMOD Edgar F. Codd Innovations Award
58&&(Michigan State U), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
58&&(Wright State U), IEEE Fellow
57&&(UC Santa Cruz and Microsoft), ACM Fellow
57&&(George Mason U)
57&&(Microsoft), Member of the National Academy of Engineering
56&&(Stanford), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
56&&(Berkeley), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
56&&(U Maryland)
56&&(Microsoft), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
54&&(U Tennessee), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
54&&(Rice), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
54&&(Weizmann and New York&University),
Turing Award, ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
54&&(CMU), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, Nobel Laureate
54&&(Texas A&M), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
54&&(UIC), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
53&&(ICSI), ACM Fellow
53&&(Rutgers), IEEE Fellow
52&&(Microsoft), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
52&&(UCLA), Member of the National Academy of Sciences
51&&(UIUC), ACM Fellow
51&&(Berkeley), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
50&&(Berkeley), Member of the National Academy of Engineering
50&&(UCLA), ACM Fellow
49&&(U Penn), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
49&&(U Mass, Amherst), ACM Fellow
49&&(U Cambridge), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
49&&(Wisconsin), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
49&&(U College London)
49&&(Stanford), ACM Infosys Foundation Award
49&&(Sapienza Universita di Roma)
49&&(Stanford), Turing Award, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
49&&(MIT), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
48&&(UC Irvine), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
48&&(Princeton), ACM Fellow
48&&(Columbia), ACM Fellow
47&&(TU Eindhoven)
47&&(UCLA), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
47&&(U Mass, Amherst), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
47&&(Georgia Tech), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
47&&(UCLA), IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
47&&(U Maryland), ACM Fellow
46&&(U Penn)
46&&(MIT), ACM Fellow
46&&(The Weizmann Institute of Science), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
46&&(UIUC), IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
46&&(U Edinburgh)
46&&(CMU), ACM Fellow
46&&(Vanderbilt University)
46&&(U Virginia), ACM Fellow
45&&(INRIA), Member of the French Academy of Sciences
45&&(UC Santa Cruz), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
45&&(Microsoft), Turing Award, ACM Fellow
45&&(MIT), ACM Fellow
45&&(U Minnesota), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
45&&(U Mass, Amherst), AAAI Fellow
45&&(U Helsinki)
45&&(Stanford), ACM Fellow
45&&(Yahoo! Research), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
45&&(NYU), IEEE Fellow
45&&(Rice), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
44&&(U Maryland), ACM Fellow
44&&(U Michigan), ACM Fellow
43&&(Berkeley), ACM Fellow
43&&(Microsoft), ACM Fellow
43 Won Kim (Sung Kyun Kwan University), ACM Fellow
43&&(MIT), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
43&&(Portland State U), ACM Fellow
43&&(U Cambridge, UK), Turing Award, ACM Fellow
43&&(ICSI), ACM Fellow
43&&(IIT Bombay), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
43&&(MIT), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
42&&(USC), ACM Fellow
42&&(Stanford), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
42&&(EPFL), ACM Fellow
42&&(Stanford), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
42&&(Academy of Finland)
42&&(Helsinki U of Technology)
42&&(Berkeley), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
42&&(Tel Aviv University), ACM Fellow
42&&(Vrije U, The Netherlands), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
42&&(EPFL), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
41&&(Stanford), ACM Fellow
41&&(Politecnico di Milano)
41&&(CNRS Toulouse)
41&&(U Penn)
41&&(Cornell), ACM Infosys Foundation Award
41&&(Stanford), ACM Fellow
41&&(Aalborg U)
41&&(Berkeley), ACM Fellow
41&&(UT Austin)
41&&(UC Irvine)
41&&(U Wisconsin), ACM Fellow
41&&(USC), AAAI Fellow
41&&(UC Irvine)
41&&(U Edinburgh), ACM Fellow
40&&(Princeton), ACM Fellow
40&&(Rice University), IEEE Fellow
40&&(U Washington)
40&&(CMU), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
40&&(UCLA), ACM Fellow
40&&(U College London), IEEE Fellow
40&&(Duke U)
40&&(University of Calgary), Member of the ACM CHI Academy
40&&(UC Riverside), IEEE Fellow
40&&(Aalborg U), IEEE Fellow
40&&(AT&T Labs), ACM Fellow
40&&(U Minnesota)
40&[url=]&(U Washington), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
40&[/url]&(MIT), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
40&&(Stanford), ACM Fellow
40&&(Nokia-Siemens Networks)
40&&(U Penn)
40&&(Wisconsin), ACM Fellow
40&&(UCSD), ACM Fellow
40&&(U Waikato), ACM Fellow
40&&(University of Oxford)
超牛的Smart Vehicle研究中心与牛人Prof.
Dr. Dariu M. Gavrila ( 09:54:19)转载
Transaction on PAMI上发表了一系列的识别分类的文章,个人感觉已经很成一个理论体系了。很值得学习。
&&&由 此也想到了关于科研人员研究内容与方向的问题,我们的研究究竟需要一个怎么样的定位?究竟是要解决理论问题还是解决与生产、工业以及人们生活相关的问题?
究竟是为了研究而研究还是确实为了解决实际问题而研究?是为了发表几篇论文、或者为了评评职称而研究?个人认为一定要有一个好的方向定位与认真的态度,如 果有研究兴趣与研究热情,我们的研究确实又是前瞻性的,确实能解决一些实际问题,这应当是一件非常开心的事情,按照一个自己感兴趣的方向延续下去,顺便将 研究成果整理一下就有了论文、专利等成果。
* 以上用户言论只代表其个人观点,不代表CSDN网站的观点或立场
排名:千里之外MobiArch 2007
MobiArch 2007
The 2nd ACM International Workshop on
Mobility in the Evolving Internet Architecture
August 27, 2007, Kyoto, Japan
Sponsored by
In Cooperation with
Supported by the EU
project and the US-UK
To be held with ACM
Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 27-31, 2007
Final workshop program,
including papers and all presentations, are available !
Workshop date: Monday, August 27, 2007
due: 17:00 July 18, 2007 / Japan Standard
Time. (GMT+9) - same as SIGCOMM'07 early registration
Camera ready version due: June 12, 2007
June 11, 2007
Notification of
acceptance: May 15, 2007 May 22, 2007
Registration of
authors and paper abstract: March 20, 2007
(extended to) April 3, 2007
deadline: March 27, 2007 (extended to) April 3, 2007 (FIRM!)
University of
Goettingen (Germany)
Bell Labs (USA)
KAIST (Korea)
, Keio University (Japan)
, Universidade de
Aveiro (Portugal)
Ericsson (Finland)
, Nokia Research Center (Finland)
U. Kansas (USA)
, University Pierre & Marie Curie
(Paris 6) (France)
Ivano Guardini, Telecom Italia Lab (IT)
, Yonsei U (Korea)
, Nokia Research Center (USA)
, Swisscom
, Universite Strasbourg (France)
Helsinki U of Techology (Finland)
Nokia Research Center (USA)
, NC State University
Columbia U. (USA)
, NARA Inst. of Sci.
& Tech. (Japan)
, Keio U. (Japan)
Siemens (Germany)
, Ericsson (Hungary)
Kenichi Yamazaki, NTT Docomo (Japan)
Microsoft Research Asia (China)
University of Cambridge (UK)
Microsoft Research (USA),
Are Self Managing
Networks in our Future? &()
, Bell Labs (USA),&
The MobiArch'07 program comprises 2 keynotes speeches
featuring the recent advances in wireless mobile networking, 4
technical paper sessions
which consist of 11 peer-reviewed papers
(out of 46 submissions), and a
panel session debating the hot topic on &Stagnation of deployment of 4G and beyond?&.
The final program can be found
of accepted papers)
The paper format must be the same as the conference proceedings as described at:
, except that in place
of the value 978-1- the copyright information in the style template
must be replaced with 978-1-. I.e., the corresponding part in the
Latex class file should appear:
\conferenceinfo{MobiArch'07,} {August 27--31, 2007, Kyoto, Japan.}
\CopyrightYear{2007} \crdata{978-1-/07/0008}
You can find templates for word and latex at that site. Please note:
The due date for the workshop camera ready is June 11, 2007.
The camera-ready must be submitted in pdf.
You must prepare the paper according to the above requirements and the page
limit is 8.
The camera-ready must be uploaded via EDAS
You must specify a paper presenter and his/her short biography in EDAS.
The author copyright form is available at http://www.acm.org/pubs/copyright_form.html
or/ACM_copyright_form.pdf, and must be emailed to Bill Hogan
at whh@cs.cornell.edu by June 11, 2007.
The document source must be emailed to Bill Hogan at whh@cs.cornell.edu.
CALL FOR PAPERS ( as poster)
With the recent development of technologies in
wireless access and mobile devices, user, terminal, and network mobility has
become an indispensable component of today's Internet vision, and it is likely
to continue in the near future, while affecting the whole architectural design
of the future Internet. Yet, issues like efficient mobility management and
optimization, locator-identifier split, multi-homing, security, and related
operational/deployment concerns are still in their early stages of development.
Moreover, the Internet architecture, its end-to-end principles, and business
models will require rethinking due to the massive penetration of mobility into
the Internet. For instance, an appropriate system that allows communicating with
a mobile host requires addressing several fundamental issues with the Internet
architecture, such as ability to locate the mobile host/service, preserving
ongoing communications upon changes of locations, as well as efficient and
secure handover management. As another example, the emerging wireless
technologies such as WiMax/WiBro and 3G/B3G/4G may pose additional challenges to
the Internet architecture since they introduce design principles different from
the packet-switched Internet.
MobiArch'07 welcomes submissions,
from both researchers and practitioners, in exploration of recent advances in
architectures, protocols, and experiences with emerging technologies on wireless
and mobility over the Internet, with an emphasis on wireless infrastructures
and mobility patterns for mobility support, new mobility protocols, service
discovery, routing and location management, mobile network performance
evaluation and modeling, multi-homing, security, architectural impacts and
deployment considerations. Furthermore, the potential of usability of mobility
services for connecting people and devices in developing regions of the world
into the Internet infrastructure will be also explored.
Topics of MobiArch’07 cover all
aspects of architectural issues and system support for wireless and mobility in the Internet,
including but not limited to:
Impacts of new wireless
technologies/services and mobility patterns on the Internet architecture
Architectures and protocols for
mobility support in the Internet, ranging from approaches in link, network,
transport to session/application layers and cross-layer design
Location management,
positioning and data management systems for wireless and mobility
Routing and addressing (including locator/identifier split)
issues and impacts to the Internet architecture
IP multihoming
including flow distribution and load
sharing for wireless and mobility
Performance evaluation, experimentation and modeling of
mobility in the Internet
Accounting, access control, security and privacy issues and impacts to Internet architecture
Economic, scalability and deployment issues
of mobility infrastructure design
Mechanisms and issues with
connecting developing regions into the Internet
the success of , the MobiArch'07
workshop will be a single-track one-day workshop. Early stages, position papers,
systems and measurement papers will be particularly welcome. All accepted papers will be
presented and discussed. The program is planned to also include a keynote
address and a panel session with world-renowned researchers discussing
state-of-the-art technologies and hot topics in mobility in the evolving
Internet architecture. The proceedings will be published by the ACM and
ACM digital library.
Submissions must be no
greater than 6 pages in length, must be a pdf file, and must follow the
formatting guidelines at
. Submissions that
deviate from these guidelines will be rejected without consideration. Reviews
will be single-blind: authors name and affiliation should be included in the
submission. Papers may be submitted directly at the following URL:
or follow the EDAS instructions as
Create a personal account on EDAS (if the author does
not already have one) and log into EDAS.
Click on the &Submit paper& tab and choose MobiArch'07 from from the
Register the paper (requires a short abstract of up to 150 words).
Upload the paper, again only in pdf format.
For help with EDAS please contact the EDAS Administrator:
For more information,
contact workshop co-chairs at .


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