加什么属性可以catch and shoot and wound

野球场上,大家catch and shoot(接球就投)的能力怎么样?
野球场上,大家catch and shoot(接球就投)的能力怎么样?出手的速度如何?命中率如何?
哎 & & & 和唠嗑一样
1924人参加识货团购399.00元/ ShootAndOtherApplication
Index: OPMUtils.cs
--- OPMUtils.cs (revision 0)
+++ OPMUtils.cs (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+using System.Collections.G
+using System.L
+using System.T
+using System.N
+using System.Net.S
+using System.R
+namespace OmeshNetwork.Tool
public static class OPMUtils
private static log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
public static string getTodayYMD()
return DateTime.Now.ToString(&yyyyMMdd&); ;
Index: ClassExtend.cs
--- ClassExtend.cs (revision 0)
+++ ClassExtend.cs (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,789 @@
+using System.Collections.G
+using System.L
+using System.T
+using System.T
+using System.R
+using System.N
+using System.Net.S
+namespace OmeshNetwork.Tool
public static class ByteArray
private static log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
* 从start位置开始,获取长度为length的子串;
* 若长度start + length超出数组长度,则获取从start开始到数组最后一个元素。
public static byte[] GetSub(this byte[] byteData, int start, int length)
byte[] result = new byte[length];
for (int i = 0; i & length && i & byteData.L i++)
result[i] = byteData[start + i];
* 从start位置开始,用subByteData填充byteData;
public static void MapSubByte(this byte[] byteData, byte[] subByteData, int start)
for (int i = 0; i & subByteData.Length && start + i & byteData.L i++)
byteData[start + i] = subByteData[i];
public static void ReverseMapSubByte(this byte[] byteData, byte[] subByteData, int start)
for (int i = 0; i & subByteData.Length && start + i & byteData.L i++)
byteData[start + i] = subByteData[subByteData.Length - 1 - i];
public static bool ElemEquals(this byte[] a, byte[] b)
if (a.Length != b.Length)
for (int i = 0; i & a.L i++)
if (a[i] != b[i])
// 连接两个byte数组,并返回byte数组
public static byte[] ConcatByte(this byte[] byteData0, byte[] byteData1)
return byteData0.Concat(byteData1).ToArray();
//xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:nnnnn 对于IPPort的文字列按:进行分割
public static string[] IPPortSplit(this string targetString)
return targetString.Split(':');
public static string BindToString(this byte[] inData)
return inData.ToSplitStrX(10, '.');
#region 按照进制来转换byte[]或byte,并以分隔符分隔,串联成String.字节转换后不满2位的左方加填充值
public static string ToFillingStr16(this byte[] byteData)
return byteData.ToFillingStringX(16, '.', '0');
public static string ToFillingStr16(this byte byteData)
byte[] tempBytes = new byte[1];
tempBytes[0] = byteD
return tempBytes.ToFillingStringX(16, '.', '0');
private static string ToFillingStringX(this byte[] byteData, int toBase, char spliter, char filler)
if (byteData == null)
return &&;
string resultStr = &&;
string tempStr = &&;
for (int i = 0; i & byteData.L i++)
tempStr = Convert.ToString(byteData[i], toBase).PadLeft(2, filler);
resultStr = resultStr + tempS
if (i != byteData.Length - 1)
resultStr +=
tempStr = &&;
return resultS
#region 按照进制来转换byte[],并以分隔符分隔,串联成String.
public static string ToSplitStr10(this byte[] byteData)
return byteData.ToSplitStrX(10, '.');
public static string ToSplitStr16(this byte[] byteData)
return byteData.ToSplitStrX(16, '.');
private static string ToSplitStrX(this byte[] byteData, int toBase, char spliter)
if (byteData == null)
return &&;
string resultStr = &&;
string tempStr = &&;
for (int i = 0; i & byteData.L i++)
tempStr = Convert.ToString(byteData[i], toBase);
resultStr = resultStr + tempS
if (i != byteData.Length - 1)
resultStr +=
tempStr = &&;
return resultS
/// &summary&
/// 按照16进制来转换byte[],并以分隔符分隔,一位数在前面补零,串联成String.
/// &/summary&
/// &param name=&byteData&&字节&/param&
/// &param name=&spliter&&分隔符号&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static string ToSplitStr16WithZero(this byte[] byteData, char spliter)
if (byteData == null)
return &&;
string resultStr = &&;
string tempStr = &&;
for (int i = 0; i & byteData.L i++)
tempStr = Convert.ToString(byteData[i], 16);
if (tempStr.Length==1)
tempStr = &0& + tempS
resultStr = resultStr + tempS
if (i != byteData.Length - 1)
resultStr +=
tempStr = &&;
return resultS
#region String按进制转换成byte
public static byte ToByte10(this string strData)
byte result = Convert.ToByte(strData, 10);
public static byte ToByte16(this string strData)
byte result = Convert.ToByte(strData, 16);
private static byte ToByteX(this string strData, int toBase)
if (strData == null)
throw new BLException(&BL1000001E&);
byte result = Convert.ToByte(strData, toBase);
#region byte按进制转换成String
public static string ToString10(this byte byteData)
return byteData.ToStringX(10);
public static string ToString16(this byte byteData)
return byteData.ToStringX(16);
private static string ToStringX(this byte byteData, int toBase)
string resultStr = &&;
resultStr = Convert.ToString(byteData, toBase);
return resultS
#region byte[]按进制转换成String
public static string ToString10(this byte[] byteData)
return byteData.ToStringX(10);
public static string ToString16(this byte[] byteData)
return byteData.ToStringX(16);
private static string ToStringX(this byte[] byteData, int toBase)
if (byteData == null)
return &&;
string resultStr = &&;
string tempStr = &&;
for (int i = 0; i & byteData.L i++)
tempStr = Convert.ToString(byteData[i], toBase);
resultStr = resultStr + tempStr + '.';
return resultS
#region String按分割符进行分割,并按进制转换成byte[]
public static byte[] StrSplitToBytes10(this string targetString)
char spliter = '.';
return targetString.StrXSplitToBytes(spliter, 10);
public static byte[] StrSplitToBytes16(this string targetString)
char spliter = '.';
return targetString.StrXSplitToBytes(spliter, 16);
//xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 将字符串分割成Byte[]
private static byte[] StrXSplitToBytes(this string targetString, char spliter, int toBase)
if (targetString == null)
throw new BLException(&BL1000001E&);
string[] strArray = targetString.Split(spliter);
byte[] resultData = new byte[strArray.Length];
for (int i = 0; i & strArray.L i++)
resultData[i] = strArray[i].ToByteX(toBase);
return resultD
#region byte[],byte同ASCII码string之间的互换
public static string BytesToASCII(this byte[] inData)
if (inData == null)
throw new BLException(&BL1000001E&);
string resultData = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(inData);
return resultD
public static string ByteToASCII(this byte inData)
byte[] temp = new byte[1];
temp[0] = inD
string resultData = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(temp);
return resultD
public static byte[] ToASCIIBytes(this string inData)
if (inData != null && inData != &&)
byte[] resultData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(inData);
return resultD
throw new BLException(&BL1000001E&);
public static byte ToASCIIByte(this string inData)
if (inData != null && inData != &&)
byte[] resultData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(inData);
return resultData[0];
#region byte[]的log出力
public static void BytesDebug(this byte[] inData)
if (inData == null)
string s = &&;
for (int i = 0; i & inData.Count(); i++)
//log.Debug(&Byte[& + i + &] = [& + inData[i].ToString() + &]&);
s += inData[i].ToString16() + & &;
log.Debug(&[& + s + &],Length=[& + inData.Count() + &]&);
Global.SendMessage(&[& + s + &],Length=[& + inData.Count() + &]&);
public static void BytesDebug16(this byte[] inData)
if (inData == null)
string s = string.E
for (int i = 0; i & inData.Count(); i++)
s += Convert.ToString(inData[i], 16) + & &;
log.Debug(&[& + s + &]&);
Global.SendMessage(&[& + s + &]&);
public static void BytesInfo(this byte[] inData)
if (inData == null)
string s = string.E
for (int i = 0; i & inData.Count(); i++)
s += &Byte[& + i + &] = [& + inData[i].ToString16() + &]
public static void BytesError(this byte[] inData)
if (inData == null)
string s = string.E
for (int i = 0; i & inData.Count(); i++)
s += &Byte[& + i + &] = [& + inData[i].ToString16() + &]&;
public static string BytestoString16(this byte[] inData)
if (inData == null)
return &&;
string resultData = &&;
for (int i = 0; i & inData.Count(); i++)
resultData += Convert.ToString(inData[i], 16);
if (i != inData.Count() - 1)
resultData += & &;
return resultD
public static string String10toString16(this string inData)
string resultD
resultData = Convert.ToString(int.Parse(inData), 16);
return resultD
public static string StringtoString16(this string inData)
string resultD
resultData = inData.ToASCIIBytes().BytestoString16();
return resultD
public static byte[] PortToBytes(this string inData)
int port = int.Parse(inData);
byte[] data = new byte[2];
data[0] = (byte)(port / 256);
data[1] = (byte)(port % 256);
public static byte[] IPAddressToBytes(this string inData)
IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(inData);
byte[] data = new byte[17];
if (ipAddress.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
data[0] = 0;
data[0] = 1;
data.MapSubByte(ipAddress.GetAddressBytes(), 1);
public static string ToSplitStr16With0(this byte[] byteData)
if (byteData == null)
return &&;
string spliter = &.&;
string resultStr = &&;
string tempStr = &&;
for (int i = 0; i & byteData.L i++)
tempStr = Convert.ToString(byteData[i], 16);
if (tempStr.Length == 1)
tempStr = &0& + tempS
resultStr = resultStr + tempS
if (i != byteData.Length - 1)
resultStr +=
tempStr = &&;
return resultS
//把string转化为byte, 数据为空时,设0
public static byte StringToByte(this string inData)
if (inData != null && inData != &&)
byte[] resultData = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(inData);
return resultData[0];
public static byte[] StringToBytes(this string inData)
if (inData != null && inData != &&)
byte[] resultData = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(inData);
return resultD
public static string BytesToString(this byte[] inData)
string resultData = Encoding.Default.GetString(inData);
return resultD
public static string ByteToString(this byte inData)
byte[] tempBytes = new byte[1];
tempBytes[0] = inD
string resultData = Encoding.Default.GetString(tempBytes);
return resultD
#region 根据字节数对字符串进行截取
public static String bSubstring(this string s, int length)
byte[] bytes = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(s);
int n = 0;
int i = 0;
for (; i & bytes.GetLength(0) && n & i++)
if (i % 2 == 0)
if (bytes[i] & 0)
if (i % 2 == 1)
if (bytes[i] & 0)
i = i - 1;
i = i + 1;
return System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(bytes, 0, i);
public enum MessageEnum
public static class CommonMethods
public static string MessageBox(string TxtMessage)
str = &&script type='text/javascript'&alert('& + TxtMessage + &');&/script&&;
public static string MessageBox(string TxtMessage, string Url)
str = &&script type='text/javascript'&alert('& + TxtMessage + &');location='& + Url + &'&/script&&;
public static string ConfirmBox(string TxtMessage)
str = &&script type='text/javascript'&confirm('& + TxtMessage + &');&/script&&;
public static string CustomerMessageBox(string TxtMessage, MessageEnum msgEnum)
string type = &1&;
switch (msgEnum)
case MessageEnum.Alarm:
type = &0&;
case MessageEnum.Error:
type = &5&;
case MessageEnum.OK:
type = &1&;
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
str.AppendLine(&&script type='text/javascript'&&);
dialog: { type:& + type + & , msg: \&& + TxtMessage + &\& }&);
dialog: { type:& + type + & , msg: \&& + TxtMessage + &\& }&);
}else{alert(\&& + TxtMessage + &\&)} &);
if (msgEnum == MessageEnum.OK)
str.AppendLine(& if (parent && typeof (parent.load) == \&function\&)&);
return str.ToString();
Index: VerifyData.cs
--- VerifyData.cs (revision 0)
+++ VerifyData.cs (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+using System.Collections.G
+using System.L
+using System.T
+namespace OmeshNetwork.Tool
public static class VerifyData
public static bool crcVerification(byte[] data)
if (data == null || data.Length & 3)
//if (data[2] != (byte)NetworkMngtMessageType.UpgradeCmdResult)
byte[] msgData = data.GetSub(0, data.Length - 2);
byte[] crcData = data.GetSub(data.Length - 2, 2);
return CRC.Crc16Check(msgData, crcData);
catch (Exception)
Index: MathClass.cs
--- MathClass.cs (revision 0)
+++ MathClass.cs (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+using System.Collections.G
+using System.L
+using System.T
+using System.T
+namespace OmeshNetwork.Tool
public class MathClass
public static LockMaxSeq _MAXSEQ = new LockMaxSeq();
public string getUniqueKeyString()
string dateTimeStr = DateTime.Now.ToString(&yyyyMMddHHmmfffffff&);
for (int i = 1; i &= 3; i++)
//string tempStr = getRandomString();
dateTimeStr = dateTimeStr + getRandomString();
return dateTimeS
public string getRandomString(int maxValue, int length)
int randaomValue = new System.Random().Next(maxValue);
string result = randaomValue.ToString().PadLeft(length, '0');
public class LockMaxSeq
private Int64 maxS
public LockMaxSeq()
this.maxSeq = 1000;
public Int64 MaxSeq
return this.maxSeq++;
Index: ConvertHelper.cs
--- ConvertHelper.cs (revision 0)
+++ ConvertHelper.cs (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,762 @@
+/// &summary&
+/// 类说明:Assistant
+/// 编 码 人:苏飞
+/// 联系方式:
+/// 更新网站:/thread-655-1-1.html
+/// &/summary&
+/** 1. 功能:处理数据类型转换,数制转换、编码转换相关的类
2. 作者:周兆坤
3. 创建日期:
4. 最后修改日期:
+using System.T
+using System.Text.RegularE
+namespace OmeshNetwork.Tool
/// &summary&
/// 处理数据类型转换,数制转换、编码转换相关的类
/// &/summary&
public sealed class ConvertHelper
#region 补足位数
/// &summary&
/// 指定字符串的固定长度,如果字符串小于固定长度,
/// 则在字符串的前面补足零,可设置的固定长度最大为9位
/// &/summary&
/// &param name=&text&&原始字符串&/param&
/// &param name=&limitedLength&&字符串的固定长度&/param&
public static string RepairZero(string text, int limitedLength)
string temp = &&;
for (int i = 0; i & limitedLength - text.L i++)
temp += &0&;
#region 各进制数间转换
/// &summary&
/// 实现各进制数间的转换。ConvertBase(&15&,10,16)表示将十进制数15转换为16进制的数。
/// &/summary&
/// &param name=&value&&要转换的值,即原值&/param&
/// &param name=&from&&原值的进制,只能是2,8,10,16四个值。&/param&
/// &param name=&to&&要转换到的目标进制,只能是2,8,10,16四个值。&/param&
public static string ConvertBase(string value, int from, int to)
int intValue = Convert.ToInt32(value, from);
string result = Convert.ToString(intValue, to);
if (to == 2)
int resultLength = result.L
switch (resultLength)
result = &0& +
result = &00& +
result = &000& +
result = &0000& +
result = &00000& +
//LogHelper.WriteTraceLog(TraceLogLevel.Error, ex.Message);
return &0&;
#region 使用指定字符集将string转换成byte[]
/// &summary&
/// 使用指定字符集将string转换成byte[]
/// &/summary&
/// &param name=&text&&要转换的字符串&/param&
/// &param name=&encoding&&字符编码&/param&
public static byte[] StringToBytes(string text, Encoding encoding)
return encoding.GetBytes(text);
#region 使用指定字符集将byte[]转换成string
/// &summary&
/// 使用指定字符集将byte[]转换成string
/// &/summary&
/// &param name=&bytes&&要转换的字节数组&/param&
/// &param name=&encoding&&字符编码&/param&
public static string BytesToString(byte[] bytes, Encoding encoding)
return encoding.GetString(bytes);
#region 将byte[]转换成int
/// &summary&
/// 将byte[]转换成int
/// &/summary&
/// &param name=&data&&需要转换成整数的byte数组&/param&
public static int BytesToInt32(byte[] data)
if (data.Length & 4)
int num = 0;
if (data.Length &= 4)
byte[] tempBuffer = new byte[4];
Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 0, tempBuffer, 0, 4);
num = BitConverter.ToInt32(tempBuffer, 0);
#region 数字转换
/// &summary&判断是否为数字类型,包括[+-]号,小数字
/// 包括(boolean/byte/int16/int32/int64/single/double/decimal)
/// &/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static bool IsNumeric(string str)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
if (str.Length & 18)
return (new Regex(&^[\\+\\-]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+$&)).IsMatch(str);
/// &summary&判断是否为数字类型,包括[+-]号,小数字
/// 包括(boolean/byte/int16/int32/int64/single/double/decimal)
/// &/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static bool IsNumeric(object str)
if (str != null)
return IsNumeric(str.ToString());
/// &summary&判断是否为整型数字(int32),不包括-&/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static bool IsInt(string str)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
if ((str.Length & 10) || (str.Length == 10 && str[0] != '1'))
for (int i = 0; i & str.L i++)
if ((str[i] & '0') || (str[i] & '9'))
/// &summary&判断是否为整型数字,包括(int32)&/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static bool IsInt(object str)
if (str != null)
return IsInt(str.ToString());
/// &summary&判断是否为整型数字,包括(int64)&/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static bool IsLong(string str)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
if (str.Length & 18)
for (int i = 0; i & str.L i++)
if ((str[i] & '0') || (str[i] & '9'))
/// &summary&判断是否为整型数字,包括(int64)&/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static bool IsLong(object str)
if (str != null)
return IsInt(str.ToString());
/// &summary&判断是否为浮点数字,用于货币,数量,包括小数字,但不包[+-]号,最多18位
/// 包括(single/double/decimal)
/// &/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static bool IsFloat(string str)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
if (str.Length & 18)
return (new Regex(&^[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+$&)).IsMatch(str);
/// &summary&判断是否为浮点数字,用于货币,数量,包括小数字,但不包[+-]号
/// 包括(single/double/decimal)
/// &/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static bool IsFloat(object str)
if (str != null)
return IsFloat(str.ToString());
/// &summary&把string 转 int32 ,从左边继位检查转换(不管输入的是小数,还是字母)&/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &param name=&defValue&&&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static int Cint(string str, int defValue = 0)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
return defV
int iLen = str.L
if (iLen & 10)
return defV
string ss = &&;
bool isFlag = (str[0] == '-');
int iStart = isFlag ? 1 : 0;
for (int i = iS i & iL i++)
if ((str[i] & '0') || (str[i] & '9'))
ss += str[i].ToString();
if (ss.Length & 9)
if (isFlag)
ss = &-& +
return ss == && ? defValue : int.Parse(ss);
/// &summary&把string 转 int32 ,从左边继位检查转换(不管输入的是小数,还是字母)&/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static int Cint(object str)
if (str != null)
return Cint(str.ToString());
/// &summary&把string 转 int32,判断是否小于minValue,小于返回minValue&/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &param name=&minValue&&当Value少于该值时,返回该值&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static int CintMinValue(string str, int minValue)
int tmp = Cint(str);
return tmp & minValue ? minValue :
/// &summary&把string 转 int32,判断是否小于minValue,小于返回minValue&/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &param name=&minValue&&当Value少于该值时,返回该值&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static int CintMinValue(object str, int minValue)
if (str != null)
return CintMinValue(str.ToString(), minValue);
return minV
/// &summary&把string 转 int32,小于0返回0,否则返回int值&/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &returns&返回&=0的int型&/returns&
public static int Cint0(string str)
return CintMinValue(str, 0);
/// &summary&把string 转 int32,小于0返回0,否则返回int值&/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &returns&返回&=0的int型&/returns&
public static int Cint0(object str)
return CintMinValue(str, 0);
/// &summary&把string 转 int32,小于1返回1,否则返回int值&/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &returns&返回&=1的int型&/returns&
public static int Cint1(string str)
return CintMinValue(str, 1);
/// &summary&把string 转 int32,小于0返回0,否则返回int值&/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &returns&返回&=1的int型&/returns&
public static int Cint1(object str)
return CintMinValue(str, 1);
/// &summary&不等于&1&,就为&0&,用于审核之类的&/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static byte Ctinyint(string str)
return StringToByte(str, 0);
/// &summary&不等于&1&,就为&0&,用于审核之类的&/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static byte Ctinyint(object str)
if (str != null)
return Ctinyint(str.ToString());
#region Decimal 相关
/// &summary&把string 转 decimal ,从左边继位检查转换(不管输入的是小数,还是字母)&/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &param name=&defValue&&&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static decimal Cdecimal(string str, int defValue = 0)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
return defV
if (str.Length & 18)
return defV
if (IsNumeric(str))
return decimal.Parse(str);
return defV
/// &summary&把string 转 decimal ,从左边继位检查转换(不管输入的是小数,还是字母)&/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &param name=&defValue&&&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static decimal Cdecimal(object str, int defValue = 0)
if (str != null)
return Cdecimal(str.ToString());
return defV
/// &summary&把string 转 decimal ,小于0返回0,否则返回int值&/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &returns&返回&=0的int型&/returns&
public static decimal Cdecimal0(string str)
decimal tmp = Cdecimal(str);
return tmp & 0 ? 0 :
/// &summary&把string 转 decimal ,小于0返回0,否则返回int值&/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &returns&返回&=0的int型&/returns&
public static decimal Cdecimal0(object str)
return Cdecimal0(str + &&);
/// &summary&把string 转 long/int64 ,从左边继位检查转换(不管输入的是小数,还是字母)&/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static long Clng(string str)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
int iLen = str.L
if (iLen & 18)
string ss = &&;
for (int i = 0; i & iL i++)
if ((str[i] & '0') || (str[i] & '9'))
ss += str[i].ToString();
if (ss == &&)
return long.Parse(ss.ToString());
/// &summary&把string 转 long/int64 ,从左边继位检查转换(不管输入的是小数,还是字母)&/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static long Clng(object str)
if (str != null)
return Clng(str.ToString());
/// &summary&把string 转 Double ,从左边继位检查转换(不管输入的是小数,还是字母)&/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static double Cdbl(string str)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
if (str.Length & 18)
if (IsNumeric(str.ToString()))
return double.Parse(str);
/// &summary&把string 转 Double ,从左边继位检查转换(不管输入的是小数,还是字母)&/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static double Cdbl(object str)
if (str != null)
return Cdbl(str.ToString());
/// &summary&把string 转 Double ,小于0返回0,否则返回int值&/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &returns&返回&=0的int型&/returns&
public static double Cdbl0(string str)
double tmp = Cdbl(str);
if (tmp & 0)
/// &summary&把string 转 Double ,小于0返回0,否则返回int值&/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &returns&返回&=0的int型&/returns&
public static double Cdbl0(object str)
return Cdbl0(str.ToString());
/// &summary&限制数值,不得少于 iMin ,比如分页数,不能少于 1&/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &param name=&iMin&&&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static int MinInt(int str, int iMin)
if (str & iMin)
/// &summary&限制数值,不得少于 iMin ,比如分页数,不能少于 1&/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &param name=&iMin&&&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static double MinDbl(double str, double iMin)
if (str & iMin)
/// &summary&限制数值,不得少于 iMin ,比如分页数,不能少于 1&/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &param name=&iMin&&&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static double MinDbl(object str, double iMin)
if (str != null)
return MinDbl(Cdbl(str.ToString()), iMin);
#region byts转换
/// &summary&字符串转为Btye类型
/// &/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&字符串值&/param&
/// &param name=&value&&值,请输入0或1&/param&
/// &returns&byte值&/returns&
public static byte StringToByte(String str, int value = 0)
return byte.Parse(str);
catch (Exception)
return (byte)
/// &summary&将String 转为 byte[] &/summary&
/// &param name=&str&&&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static byte[] StringToByteArray(string str)
//return Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str);
return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str);
/// &summary&将byte[] 转为
/// &param name=&bytes&&&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static string ByteArrayToString(byte[] bytes)
//return .Encoding.Default.GetString(bytes);
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);
/// &summary&将Hex String 转为 byte[] &/summary&
/// &param name=&hexString&&&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static byte[] HexStringToByteArray(string hexString)
byte[] returnBytes = new byte[hexString.Length / 2];
for (int i = 0; i & returnBytes.L i++)
returnBytes[i] = Convert.ToByte(hexString.Substring(i * 2, 2), 16);
return returnB
/// &summary&将byte[] 转为 Hex String&/summary&
/// &param name=&bytes&&&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static string ByteArrayToHexString(byte[] bytes)
char[] c = new char[bytes.Length * 2];
for (int i = 0; i & bytes.L i++)
b = bytes[i] && 4;
c[i * 2] = (char)(55 + b + (((b - 10) && 31) & -7));
b = bytes[i] & 0xF;
c[i * 2 + 1] = (char)(55 + b + (((b - 10) && 31) & -7));
return new string(c);
/// &summary&将byte[] 转为 Hex String(和上面的函数相比这个性能会慢一些,但是它是官方函数)&/summary&
/// &param name=&bytes&&&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static string ByteArrayToHexString2(byte[] bytes)
string hex = BitConverter.ToString(bytes);
return hex.Replace(&-&, &&);
/// &summary&
/// 转换成byte[],高字节在前
/// &/summary&
/// &param name=&seqNum&&&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static byte[] ParseTwoByte(ushort num)
byte[] data = new byte[2];
data[0] = (byte)(num / 256);
data[1] = (byte)(num % 256);
public static byte[] ParseTwoByte(int num)
byte[] data = new byte[2];
data[0] = (byte)(num / 256);
data[1] = (byte)(num % 256);
/// &summary&
/// 转换成ushort,高字节在前
/// &/summary&
public static ushort ParseUInt16(byte hbyte, byte lbyte)
return (ushort)(hbyte * 256 + lbyte);
/// &summary&
/// 转换成ushort,单个字节
/// &/summary&
public static ushort ParseUInt16(byte b)
return (ushort)(b);
Index: Global.cs
--- Global.cs (revision 0)
+++ Global.cs (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+using System.Collections.G
+using System.L
+using System.T
+using OmeshEnvC
+namespace OmeshNetwork.Tool
public class Global
public static string webServiceIp =
public static string webServicePort =
public static string messageSet =
public static string basePath
return System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[&basePath&];
//= @&D:\OPMPicture&;
public const byte Version = 0x01;
public static string PassCode = &;
public static string ServerIP = &;
public static int ServerPort = 0;
public static string OpmMgtServerIP = &;
//网管服务器TCP Port
public static int OpmMgtTcpPort = 20068;
public static string LightNetworkId = &&;
public static string NetworkId = &&;
public static int isLoadConfig = -1;
public static List&SetttingFactory& setting_list = new List&SetttingFactory&();
public static int HeartBeatInterval { }
/// &summary&
/// 消息发送
/// &/summary&
/// &param name=&msg&&&/param&
public static void SendMessage(string msg)
UDPClient client = new UDPClient();
public class
public string isConfig { }
public string passcode { }
public string serverIp { }
public string serverPort { }
public string opmServerIp { }
public string opmServerPort { }
public string lighetNetworkId { }
public string networkId { }
public string basepath { }
public string webServiceIP { }
public string webServicePort { }
public string messageSet { }
Index: PlanNode.cs
--- PlanNode.cs (revision 0)
+++ PlanNode.cs (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+using System.Collections.G
+using System.L
+using System.T
+namespace OmeshNetwork.Tool
class PlanNode
public string networkID
public string nodeId
public string relayId
public PlanNode()
public PlanNode(string networkId, string nodeId,string realyId)
this.networkID = networkId;
this.nodeId = nodeId;
this.relayId = realyId;
public class PlanNodeWithName
public List&PlanNode& planNodeList
public string shotTime
public string planName
public PlanNodeWithName()
planNodeList = new List&PlanNode&();
public PlanNodeWithName(string name)
planName =
planNodeList = new List&PlanNode&();
public PlanNodeWithName(String name, List&PlanNode& pnList)
this.planName =
this.planNodeList = pnL
public PlanNodeWithName(String name, List&PlanNode& pnList,string time)
this.planName =
this.planNodeList = pnL
this.shotTime =
public void AddOnePlanNode(PlanNode pn)
if (planNodeList == null)
planNodeList = new List&PlanNode&();
bool isAdd =
foreach (PlanNode tempNode in planNodeList)
if (tempNode == pn)
if (!isAdd)
Index: ConstValue.cs
--- ConstValue.cs (revision 0)
+++ ConstValue.cs (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+using System.Collections.G
+using System.L
+using System.T
+namespace OmeshNetwork.Tool
public static class ConstValue
public static string SERVER_LISTNER = &ServerListner&;
public static string PROC_PROGRAM = &proc_program&;
public static string PROC_PROGRAM_INIT = &proc_program_init&;
public static string PROC_PROGRAM_MNG = &proc_program_mng&;
public static string DATA_LOCKED = &1&;
public static string NORMAL = &0&;
public static string FORCED_DELETE = &1&;
public static string Network = &Network&;
public static ushort SEQNUM_STARTINDEX = 10000;
public static int SEQNUM_MAXINDEX = 65530;
public static string USERTYPE_ADMIN = &00&;
public static string USERTYPE_NORMAL = &01&;
public static string USERTYPE_QUEUE = &02&;
public static string USERREPITITION = &01&;
public static string DELETEFLAG_NORMAL = &0&;
public static string DELETEFLAG_DELETED = &1&;
public static string MNG_STATUS_EXECUTING = &1&;
public static string MNG_STATUS_FINISHED = &0&;
public static string CONVERSATION_TYPE_WEBCMD = &01&;
public static string CONVERSATION_TYPE_SVRCMD = &02&;
public static string CONVERSATION_TYPE_CMDRESULT = &03&;
public static string LIGHT_CONV_TYPE_WEBCMD = &01&;
public static string LIGHT_CONV_SVRINFO = &02&;
public static string LIGHT_CONV_SVRCMD = &03&;
public static string LIGHT_CONV_RESPONSE = &04&;
public static int LIGHT_LIMIT_VALUE = 30;
public static int LIGHT_LIMIT_VALUE_2 = 25;
public static int LIGHT_LIMIT_VALUE_ABNORMAL = 15;
public static int LIGHT_LIMIT_VALUE_ABNORMAL_2 = 12;
public static string NODETYPE_GATEWAY = &00&;
public static string NODETYPE_NODE = &01&;
public static string NODETYPE_NODEGATEWAY = &01&;
public static string DEVICETYPE_GATEWAY = &00&;
public static string DEVICETYPE_NODE = &01&;
public static string DEVICETYPE_MOBILE = &02&;
public static string REJECT_TYPE = &00&;
public static string GATEWAY_IPPORT_BLANK = &&;
public static string WORKMODE_APPLICATION = &0&;
public static string WORKMODE_WEBMASTER = &1&;
public static string USER_ADMIN = &admin&;
public static int MONITORING_PERIORD = 6;
//public static int MONITORING_PERIORD = 3000;
public static int COMMAND_RESEND_TIMES = 3;
public static string WEBCMD_READ_HARDWARE = &01&;
public static string WEBCMD_UPDATE_HARDWARE = &03&;
public static string WEBCMD_READ_NETWORKDATA = &05&;
public static string WEBCMD_UPGRADE = &07&;
public static string WEBCMD_UPDATE_DATA = &09&;
public static string WEBCMD_COMMUNICATION_TEST = &0a&;
public static string WEBCMD_RSSI_TEST = &10&;
public static string WEBCMD_STOP_TEST = &14&;
public static string WEBCMD_RESET = &f1&;
public static string WEBCMD_CPA = &f2&;
public static string WEBCMD_CLEAR_STASTICS = &f3&;
public static string WEBCMD_CALIBRATE = &f4&;
public static string WEBCMD_READ_CALIBRATION = &17&;
public static string WEBCMD_COMMON_WORD = &Web指令:&;
public static string SVRCMD_COMMON_WORD = &服务器指令:&;
public static string CMDRESULT_COMMON_WORD = &管理指令执行结果:&;
public static string CMDRESULT_SUCCESS = &网络管理指令正常执行结束!&;
public static string CMDRESULT_SUCCESS_RS = &Read stastics success!&;
public static string CMDRESULT_SUCCESS_REST = &OPM15 rest success!&;
public static string CMDRESULT_SUCCESS_CPA = &OPM15 clear previous address success!&;
public static string CMDRESULT_SUCCESS_CS = &OPM15 clear stastics success!&;
public static string CMDRESULT_SUCCESS_C = &OPM15 caliberate success!&;
public static string CMDRESULT_FALIURE = &Sorry:Command on failure!&;
public static string CMDRESULT_NORESULT = &没有在指定时间内接收到执行结果数据!&;
public static string CMDRESULT_PLEASE_CALIBRATE = &Please calibrate first!&;
public static string CMDRESULT_NO_NEARBY_NODE = &附近没有网点存在!&;
public static string CMDRESULT_REUPGRADEDATA = &Warning:request again!&;
public static ushort BatteryValue = 20;
//Calibration 17个0的字节
public static byte[] CALIBRATION_ZERO_17 = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
public static int CommonConfigurationSleepTime = 100;
public static int TRANSFER_LENGTH_LIMIT = 70;
public static int TRANSFER_WAIT_PERIOD = 1000;
public static int TRANSFER_WAIT_PERIOD_FOR_SEGMENT = 100;
public static int PM33F_ROW_SIZE = 64 * 8;
public static int EE30F_ROW_SIZE = 16;
public static byte COMMAND_NACK = 0x00;
public static byte COMMAND_ACK = 0x01;
public static byte COMMAND_READ_PM = 0x02;
public static byte COMMAND_WRITE_PM = 0x03;
public static byte COMMAND_READ_EE = 0x04;
public static byte COMMAND_WRITE_EE = 0x05;
public static byte COMMAND_READ_CM = 0x06;
public static byte COMMAND_WRITE_CM = 0x07;
public static byte COMMAND_RESET = 0x08;
public static byte COMMAND_READ_ID = 0x09;
public static int PM_SIZE = 1536; /* Max: 144KB/3/32=1536 PM rows for 30F. */
public static int EE_SIZE = 128; /* 4KB/2/16=128 EE rows */
public static int CM_SIZE = 8;
public static int LIGHT_MONITORING_PERIORD = 35;
public static string LIGHT_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL = &90&;
public static string LIGHT_DEFAULT_GROUP = &0000&;
public static string ACCESS_TYPE_NORMAL = &00&;
public static string PRO_LIGHT = &LIGHT&;
public static ushort SET_TYPE_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL = 0x01;
public static int LIGHT_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_VALUE = 30;
Index: LoadConfig.cs
--- LoadConfig.cs (revision 0)
+++ LoadConfig.cs (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,694 @@
+using System.Collections.G
+using System.Collections.S
+using System.C
+using System.L
+using System.T
+using System.X
+namespace OmeshNetwork.Tool
public static class LoadConfig
* 计划表的配置包含了4个方法
* 添加一个计划
* 删除一个计划(连同下面的所有节点全部删除掉)
* 返回计划,及计划中所有的节点
* 返回一个计划中所有的点(按照planId查询返回)
* **********/
/// &summary&
/// 删除一个节点
/// &/summary&
/// &param name=&planId&&&/param&
public static void deleteOnePlan(string planId)
XmlDocument xmlD
xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList nodeList = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode(&Settings&).ChildN
XmlNode root = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode(&Settings&);
for (int i = 0; i & nodeList.C i++)
XmlNodeList childNode = nodeList[i].ChildN
XmlElement xe1 = nodeList[i] as XmlE
if (xe1.GetAttribute(&key&) == planId)
/// &summary&
/// 添加一个网管配置方案
/// &/summary&
/// &param name=&planId&&&/param&
public static void addOnePlan(string planId)
XmlDocument xmlD
xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList nodeList = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode(&Settings&).ChildN
XmlNode root = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode(&Settings&);
for (int i = 0; i & nodeList.C i++)
XmlNodeList childNode = nodeList[i].ChildN
XmlElement xe1 = nodeList[i] as XmlE
if (xe1.GetAttribute(&key&) == planId)
XmlElement xe = xmlDocument.CreateElement(&appSettings&);
xe.SetAttribute(&key&, planId);
xmlDocument.Save(&plan.xml&); ;
/// &summary&
/// 返回所有的方案列表
/// &/summary&
/// &returns&所有的方案列表&/returns&
public static List&PlanNodeWithName& getAllPlan()
List&PlanNodeWithName& planNodeListArray = new List&PlanNodeWithName&();
XmlDocument xmlD
xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
List&PlanNode& planNodeList =
PlanNode pn =
XmlNodeList nodeList = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode(&Settings&).ChildN
XmlNode root = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode(&Settings&);
for (int i = 0; i & nodeList.C i++)
XmlNodeList childNode = nodeList[i].ChildN
planNodeList = new List&PlanNode&();
XmlElement xe1 = nodeList[i] as XmlE
foreach (XmlNode xn in childNode)
XmlElement xe = xn as XmlE
//&add networkId=&OPM00001& nodeId=&08.08.01& relayId=&08.08.01& /&
pn = new PlanNode(xe.GetAttribute(&networkId&), xe.GetAttribute(&nodeId&), xe.GetAttribute(&relayId&));
planNodeListArray.Add(new PlanNodeWithName(xe1.GetAttribute(&key&),planNodeList,xe1.GetAttribute(&time&)));
return planNodeListA
/// &summary&
/// 根据Id号获取该分组中所有的NodeList(方便离线加载)
/// &/summary&
/// &param name=&planId&&&/param&
public static List&PlanNode& getSiglePlan(string planId)
List&PlanNode& planNodeList = new List&PlanNode&();
PlanNode pn =
XmlDocument xmlD
xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList nodeList = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode(&Settings&).ChildN
XmlNode root = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode(&Settings&);
for (int i = 0; i & nodeList.C i++)
XmlNodeList childNode = nodeList[i].ChildN
XmlElement xe1 = nodeList[i] as XmlE
if (xe1.GetAttribute(&key&) == planId)
foreach (XmlNode xn in childNode)
XmlElement xe = xn as XmlE
pn = new PlanNode(xe.GetAttribute(&networkId&), xe.GetAttribute(&nodeId&), xe.GetAttribute(&relayId&));
return planNodeL
public static void editPlanTime(PlanNodeWithName pw)
XmlDocument xmlD
xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList nodeList = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode(&Settings&).ChildN
XmlNode root = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode(&Settings&);
for (int i = 0; i & nodeList.C i++)
XmlNodeList childNode = nodeList[i].ChildN
XmlElement xe1 = nodeList[i] as XmlE
if (xe1.GetAttribute(&key&) == pw.planName)
public static void editPlan(PlanNodeWithName pw)
XmlDocument xmlD
xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList nodeList = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode(&Settings&).ChildN
XmlNode root = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode(&Settings&);
for (int i = 0; i & nodeList.C i++)
XmlNodeList childNode = nodeList[i].ChildN
XmlElement xe1 = nodeList[i] as XmlE
if (xe1.GetAttribute(&key&) == pw.planName)
xe1.SetAttribute(&time&, pw.shotTime);
foreach (PlanNode pn in pw.planNodeList)
XmlElement add = xmlDocument.CreateElement(&add&);
add.SetAttribute(&networkId&, pn.networkID);
add.SetAttribute(&nodeId&, pn.nodeId);
#region 网管网络部分配置
/// &summary&
/// 返回单个节点的值
/// &/summary&
/// &param name=&value&&值&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
private static string getSingalConfig(string value)
XmlDocument xmlD
xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode xmlNode = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode(&appSettings&);
XmlNodeList nodeList = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode(&Settings/appSettings&).ChildN
foreach (XmlNode xn in nodeList)
XmlElement xe = xn as XmlE
if (xe.GetAttribute(&key&) == value)
return xe.GetAttribute(&value&);
/// &summary&
/// 配置单个节点xml配置
/// &/summary&
/// &param name=&key&&app.config中key的值&/param&
/// &param name=&value&&app.config中value的值&/param&
private static void setNode(string key, string value)
XmlDocument xmlD
xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList nodeList = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode(&appSettings&).ChildN
foreach (XmlNode xn in nodeList)
XmlElement xe = xn as XmlE
if (xe.GetAttribute(&key&) == key)
xe.SetAttribute(&value&, value);
/// &summary&
/// 获取心跳值
/// &/summary&
public static void getHeartbeatInterval()
XmlDocument xmlD
xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList nodeList = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode(&HeartbeatInterval&).ChildN
XmlElement xe = nodeList[0] as XmlE
Global.HeartBeatInterval = int.Parse(xe.GetAttribute(&value&));
/// &summary&
/// 读取全部配置
/// &/summary&
public static void
XmlDocument xmlD
xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
SetttingFactory sf=// = new SetttingFactory();
XmlNodeList nodeList = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode(&Settings&).ChildN
foreach (XmlNode xn2 in nodeList)
sf = new SetttingFactory();
XmlElement xe=xn2 as XmlE
XmlNodeList xnl = xe.ChildN
sf.isConfig = xe.GetAttribute(&value&);
xe = xnl[1] as XmlE
sf.passcode = xe.GetAttribute(&value&);
xe = xnl[2] as XmlE
sf.serverIp = xe.GetAttribute(&value&);
xe = xnl[3] as XmlE
sf.serverPort = xe.GetAttribute(&value&);
xe = xnl[4] as XmlE
sf.opmServerIp = xe.GetAttribute(&value&);
xe = xnl[5] as XmlE
sf.opmServerPort = xe.GetAttribute(&value&);
xe = xnl[6] as XmlE
sf.lighetNetworkId = xe.GetAttribute(&value&);
xe = xnl[7] as XmlE
sf.networkId = xe.GetAttribute(&value&);
xe = xnl[8] as XmlE
sf.basepath = xe.GetAttribute(&value&);
xe = xnl[9] as XmlE
sf.webServiceIP = xe.GetAttribute(&value&);
xe = xnl[10] as XmlE
sf.webServicePort = xe.GetAttribute(&value&);
xe = xnl[11] as XmlE
sf.messageSet = xe.GetAttribute(&value&);
/// &summary&
/// 删除一个节点配置
/// &/summary&
/// &param name=&NetworkId&&&/param&
/// &param name=&address&&&/param&
/// &returns&&/returns&
public static bool delChildNode(string NetworkId,string address)
XmlDocument xmlD
xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
//首先判断ipAddress 和opmNetwork是否存在于列表中
XmlNodeList nodeList = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode(&Settings&).ChildN
XmlNode root = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode(&Settings&);
int rootIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i & nodeList.C i++)
XmlNodeList childNode = nodeList[i].ChildN
for (int j = 0; j & childNode.C j++)
XmlNode xn = childNode[j];
XmlElement xe1 = xn as XmlE
if (xe1.GetAttribute(&OpmMgtServerIP&) == address && xe1.GetAttribute(&NetworkId&) == NetworkId)
//修改配置 存在则删除配置
rootIndex =
/// &summary&
/// 根据networkId进行删除
/// &/summary&
/// &param name=&networkId&&&/param&
public static void deleteOneNode(string networkId, string opmMgtTcpIP)
XmlDocument xmlD
xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
//首先判断ipAddress 和opmNetwork是否存在于列表中
XmlNodeList nodeList = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode(&Settings&).ChildN
XmlNode root = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode(&Settings&);
int rootIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i & nodeList.C i++)
XmlNodeList childNode = nodeList[i].ChildN
XmlElement xe1 =
childNode.Item(4) as XmlE
XmlElement xe2 = childNode.Item(7) as XmlE
if (xe1.GetAttribute(&value&) == opmMgtTcpIP && xe2.GetAttribute(&value&) == networkId)
//修改配置 存在则删除配置
rootIndex =
/// &summary&
/// 写配置
/// &/summary&
/// &param name=&isConfig&&&/param&
/// &param name=&passcode&&安全识别码&/param&
/// &param name=&serverIp&&&/param&
/// &param name=&serverport&&&/param&
/// &param name=&opmMgtTcpIP&&&/param&
/// &param name=&opmMgtTcpPort&&&/param&
/// &param name=&lightNetworkId&&&/param&
/// &param name=&NetworkId&&&/param&
/// &param name=&basePath&&&/param&
/// &param name=&webserviceIp&&&/param&
/// &param name=&webservicePort&&&/param&
/// &param name=&messageSet&&&/param&
public static void addOrEidtChildNode(string isConfig, string passcode, string serverIp, string serverport, string opmMgtTcpIP, string opmMgtTcpPort, string lightNetworkId, string NetworkId, string basePath, string webserviceIp, string webservicePort, string messageSet)
XmlDocument xmlD
xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
//首先判断ipAddress 和opmNetwork是否存在于列表中
XmlNodeList nodeList = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode(&Settings&).ChildN
XmlNode root = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode(&Settings&);
int rootIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i & nodeList.C i++)
XmlNodeList childNode = nodeList[i].ChildN
XmlElement xe1 = childNode.Item(4) as XmlE
XmlElement xe2 = childNode.Item(7) as XmlE
if (xe1.GetAttribute(&value&) == opmMgtTcpIP && xe2.GetAttribute(&value&) == NetworkId)
//修改配置 存在则删除配置
rootIndex =
// XmlNode root = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode(&Settings&);
XmlElement xe = xmlDocument.CreateElement(&appSettings&);
XmlElement add = xmlDocument.CreateElement(&add&);
add.SetAttribute(&key&, &isConfig&);
add.SetAttribute(&value&, isConfig);
add = xmlDocument.CreateElement(&add&);
add.SetAttribute(&key&, &PassCode&);
add.SetAttribute(&value&, passcode);
add = xmlDocument.CreateElement(&add&);
add.SetAttribute(&key&, &ServerIP&);
add.SetAttribute(&value&, serverIp);
add = xmlDocument.CreateElement(&add&);
add.SetAttribute(&key&, &ServerPort&);
add.SetAttribute(&value&, serverport);
add = xmlDocument.CreateElement(&add&);
add.SetAttribute(&key&, &OpmMgtServerIP&);
add.SetAttribute(&value&, opmMgtTcpIP);
add = xmlDocument.CreateElement(&add&);
add.SetAttribute(&key&, &OpmMgtTcpPort&);
add.SetAttribute(&value&, opmMgtTcpPort);
add = xmlDocument.CreateElement(&add&);
add.SetAttribute(&key&, &LightNetworkId&);
add.SetAttribute(&value&, lightNetworkId);
add = xmlDocument.CreateElement(&add&);
add.SetAttribute(&key&, &NetworkId&);
add.SetAttribute(&value&, NetworkId);
add = xmlDocument.CreateElement(&add&);
add.SetAttribute(&key&, &basePath&);
add.SetAttribute(&value&, basePath);
add = xmlDocument.CreateElement(&add&);
add.SetAttribute(&key&, &webserviceIP&);
add.SetAttribute(&value&, webserviceIp);
add = xmlDocument.CreateElement(&add&);
add.SetAttribute(&key&, &webServicePort&);
add.SetAttribute(&value&, webservicePort);
add = xmlDocument.CreateElement(&add&);
add.SetAttribute(&key&, &messageSet&);
add.SetAttribute(&value&, messageSet);
xmlDocument.Save(&config.xml&); ;
public static string LoadBasePath()
string str1 = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get(&basePath&);
string str1 = getSingalConfig(&basePath&);
if (str1 == && || str1 == null)
return &D:/OPMPicture&;
return str1;
public static void LoadIsConfig()
string str1 = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get(&isConfig&);
string str1 = getSingalConfig(&isConfig&);
int res = -1;
res = Convert.ToInt32(str1);
catch (Exception)
Global.isLoadConfig =//只有当res=1时候才表示配置成功
#region 第一版本的配置 放在app.config中的
/// &summary&
/// 将是否请求webservice标志位置为1
/// &/summary&
public static void SetIsConfig()
setNode(&isConfig&, &1&);
Global.isLoadConfig = 1;
public static void LoadWebServiceConfig()
// string str1 = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get(&webserviceIP&);
string str1 = getSingalConfig(&webserviceIP&);
string str2 = getSingalConfig(&webServicePort&);
string str3 = getSingalConfig(&messageSet&);
string str2 = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get(&webServicePort&);
string str3 = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get(&messageSet&);
if (str1 != null)
Global.webServiceIp = str1;
if (str2 != null)
Global.webServicePort = str2;
if (str3 != null)
Global.messageSet = str3;
/// &summary&
/// 为需要请求的webservice端配置ip,port,messageset
/// &/summary&
/// &param name=&ip&&webservice端的ip&/param&
/// &param name=&port&&webservice端的port&/param&
/// &param name=&messageSet&&需要请求的消息级(如灯控摄像,等等)&/param&
public static void SetWebServiceConfig(string ip, string port, string messageSet)
setNode(&webserviceIP&, ip);
setNode(&webServicePort&, port);
setNode(&messageSet&, messageSet);
Global.webServiceIp =
Global.webServicePort =
Global.messageSet = messageS
/// &summary&
/// 更新配置
配置客户端的基础参数 。包括请求的ip地址,本地服务地址,安全识别码,使用协议等
/// &/summary&
/// &param name=&isLoadConfig&&是否已写配置程序加载时候有用.1表示已配置 其他未配置&/param&
/// &param name=&secureCode&&安全识别码&/param&
/// &param name=&serverIp&&本机ip&/param&
/// &param name=&serverPort&&本机端口&/param&
/// &param name=&remoteServerIp&&远端服务ip&/param&
/// &param name=&remoteServerPort&&远端端口&/param&
/// &param name=&lightNetworkId&&灯控网络好&/param&
/// &param name=&networkId&&OPM网络号&/param&
/// &param name=&messageSet&&数据集&/param&
public static void SetAllConfig(int isLoadConfig, string secureCode, string serverIp, string serverPort, string remoteServerIp, string remoteServerPort, string lightNetworkId, string networkId, string messageSet)
Global.isLoadConfig = 1;
setNode(&isConfig&, isLoadConfig.ToString());
setNode(&PassCode&, secureCode);
setNode(&ServerIP&, serverIp);
setNode(&ServerPort&, serverPort);
setNode(&OpmMgtServerIP&, remoteServerIp);
setNode(&OpmMgtTcpPort&, remoteServerPort);
setNode(&LightNetworkId&, lightNetworkId);
setNode(&NetworkId&, networkId);
setNode(&messageSet&, messageSet);
Global.PassCode = secureC
Global.ServerIP = serverIp;
if (serverPort == null || serverPort == &&)
{ Global.ServerPort = 0; }
Global.ServerPort = Convert.ToInt32(serverPort);
if (remoteServerPort == && || remoteServerPort == null)
{ Global.OpmMgtTcpPort = 0; }
Global.OpmMgtTcpPort = Convert.ToInt32(remoteServerPort);
Global.webServiceIp = remoteServerP
Global.NetworkId = networkId;
Global.LightNetworkId = lightNetworkId;
Global.messageSet = messageS
/// &summary&
/// 加载通用配置项
/// &/summary&
public static void Load()
string str1 = getSingalConfig(&PassCode&);
string str2 = getSingalConfig(&ServerIP&);
string str3 = getSingalConfig(&ServerPort&);
string str4 = getSingalConfig(&OpmMgtServerIP&);
string str5 = getSingalConfig(&OpmMgtTcpPort&);
string str6 = getSingalConfig(&LightNetworkId&);
string str7 = getSingalConfig(&NetworkId&);
string str8 = getSingalConfig(&messageSet&);
if (null != str1)
Global.PassCode = str1;
if (null != str2)
Global.ServerIP = str2;
if (null != str3 && str3 != &&)
Global.ServerPort = int.Parse(str3);
if (null != str4)
Global.OpmMgtServerIP = str4;
if (null != str5 && str5 != &&)
Global.OpmMgtTcpPort = int.Parse(str5);
if (null != str6)
Global.LightNetworkId = str6;
if (null != str7)
Global.NetworkId = str7;
if (str8 != null)
Global.messageSet = str8;
Index: UserDefineDataType.cs
--- UserDefineDataType.cs (revision 0)
+++ UserDefineDataType.cs (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
+using System.Collections.G
+using System.L
+using System.T
+using System.N
+namespace OmeshNetwork.Tool
public class OPMAddRssi
public byte Rssi { }
public byte[] OpmAdd { }
public class MessageToSend
private byte[]
private IPEndPoint targetEP;
private Int16 seqN
public byte[] Data
get { return this. }
set { this.data = }
public Int16 SeqNum
get { return this.seqN }
set { this.seqNum = }
public IPEndPoint TargetEP
get { return this.targetEP; }
set { this.targetEP = }
public enum BaudRate
b_9600 = 0x00,
b_14400 = 0x01,
b_28800 = 0x02,
b_57600 = 0x03,
b_115200 = 0x04,
b_230400 = 0x05,
b_460800 = 0x06,
b_921600 = 0x07
public enum LightNetConvRequestType
CommonConvRequest = 0x01,
CommonAddNetRequest = 0x05,
CommonDelNetRequest = 0x07,
public enum LightNetConvResponseType
CommonConvResponse = 0x02,
CommonLightBeatResponse = 0x04,
CommonAddNetResponse = 0x06,
CommonDelNetResponse = 0x08,
public enum LightNetWebResquestType
OpenGroupLightRequest = 0x01,
OpenMostLightRequest = 0x02,
CloseGroupLightRequest = 0x03,
CloseMostLightRequest = 0x04,
AdjustGroupLightRequest = 0x05,
AdjustMostLightRequest = 0x06,
GetGroupLightRequest = 0x07,
GetMostLightRequest = 0x08,
AddNetworkWebRequest = 0x09,
DeleteNetworkWebRequest = 0x0a,
OpenLightRequest = 0x0b,
CloseLightRequest = 0x0c,
AdjustLightRequest = 0x0d,
GetLightRequest = 0x0e,
LightConfigRequest = 0x0f,
MostLightConfigRequest = 0x10,
GroupLightConfigRequest = 0x11
public enum LightMngRequestMsgType
OpenMostLightRequest = 0x01,
CloseMostLightRequest = 0x03,
AdjustMostLightRequest = 0x05,
GetMostLightRequest = 0x07,
OpenLightRequest = 0x51,
CloseLightRequest = 0x53,
AdjustLightRequest = 0x55,
GetLightRequest = 0x57,
LightConfigRequest = 0x5a,
MostLightConfigRequest = 0x09,
public enum LightMngResponseMsgType
OpenMostLightResponse = 0x02,
CloseMostLightResponse = 0x04,
AdjustMostLightResponse = 0x06,
GetMostLightResponse = 0x08,
OpenLightResponse = 0x52,
CloseLightResponse = 0x54,
AdjustLightResponse = 0x56,
GetLightResponse = 0x58,
LightHeartBeatResponse = 0x59,
LightConfigRequest = 0x5b,
MostLightConfigRequest = 0x0a,
public enum NetworkInitMessageType
GatewayInitiateRequest = 0x01,
FixedDeviceRegisterRequest = 0x09,
OPMAddressConfigRequest = 0x07,
MobileDeviceRegisterRequest = 0x0b,
Heartbeat = 0x0d
public enum NetworkWebCmdMessageType
ReadHardwareConfigWebCmd = 0x01,
UpdateHardwareConfigWebCmd = 0x03,
ReadNetworkDataWebCmd = 0x05,
UpgradeWebCmd = 0x07,
UpdateData = 0x09,
CommunicationCapabilityWebCmd = 0x0a,
RssiTestWebCmd = 0x10,
StopTestWebCmd = 0x14,
ResetWebCmd = 0xf1,
ClearPreviousAddressWebCmd = 0xf2,
ClearStasticsWebCmd = 0xf3,
CalibrateWebCmd = 0xf4,
ReadCalibrationWebCmd = 0x17
public enum NetworkMngtMessageType
ReadHardwareConfigCmdResult = 0x02,
UpdateHardwareConfigCmdResult = 0x04,
ReadNetworkDataCmdResult = 0x06,
UpgradeCmdResult = 0x08,
CommunicationCapabilityCmdResult = 0x0b,
TestReportCmdResult = 0x0e,
RssiTestCmdResult = 0x11,
CommonConfigCmdResult = 0x16,
ReadCalibrationCmdResult = 0x18
public enum CommonConfigurationMessageType
//获取Host OPM参数请求
GetHostOPMParamRequest = 0x01,
//获取Host OPM参数响应
GetHostOPMParamResponse = 0x02,
//获取Target OPM参数请求
GetTargetOPMParamRequest = 0x03,
//获取Target OPM参数响应
GetTargetOPMParamResponse = 0x04,
//设置Host OPM参数请求
SetHostOPMParamRequest = 0x05,
//设置Host OPM参数响应
SetHostOPMParamResponse = 0x06,
//设置Target OPM参数请求
SetTargetOPMParamRequest = 0x0A,
//设置Target OPM参数响应
SetTargetOPMParamResponse = 0x0B,
SearchHostAroundOPMDeviceRequest = 0x0C,
//Host回复PC 查找Host周围OPM设备响应
SearchHostAroundOPMDeviceResponse = 0x0D
public enum MessageSet
NetworkInitiate = 0x00,
NetworkManagement = 0x03,
CommonConfiguration = 0x10,
NetworkWebCmd = 0xff,
LightNetConversation = 0xe1,
LightNetWebRequest = 0xe2,
LightNetManagement = 0x05,
public enum CauseCode
#region 与协议对应
Success = 0x00,
Failure = 0x01,
//UnknowDevice = 0x01,
NoAddressAvailable = 0x02,
ReceiveModeEnableFailed = 0x03,
UpgradeDataSuccess = 0x04,
ReUpgradeData = 0x05,
StopUpgradeData = 0x06,
#region 网络安全Code验证
SecureCodeCheckOK = 0xf0,
SecureCodeCheckNoData = 0xf1,
SecureCodeCheckNG = 0xf2,
SecureCodeCheckAdded = 0xf3,
public enum NodeType
Gateway = 0x00,
Node = 0x01,
NodeGateway = 0x02,
TwoWayMovePoint = 0x03,
SingleMovePoint = 0x04,
DirectMovePoint = 0x05
public enum DeviceType
Gateway = 00,
Node = 01,
Mobile = 09
public enum DeviceState
public enum HeartbeatType
Normal = 0x00
public struct Flag
public byte CTRT { }
public byte BackOff { }
public byte PreviousAddress { }
public byte PowerSave { }
public byte Query { }
public byte Channel { }
public byte Braodcast { }
public class OPMAddressRssiVersion :IComparable
public String OPMAddress { }
public String Rssi { }
public String Version { }
public OPMAddressRssiVersion()
OPMAddress =
#region IComparable 成员
public int CompareTo(object obj)
if (obj is OPMAddressRssiVersion)
OPMAddressRssiVersion tempStudent = obj as OPMAddressRssiV
int iRssi = Convert.ToInt32(this.Rssi);
int iRssi2 = Convert.ToInt32(tempStudent.Rssi);
throw new NotImplementedException(&obj is not a OPMAddressRssiVersion!&);


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